It's a waste because you didn't like the main character.
This episode was great even if you look past Beth.
Gorman was creepy as fuck. It was extremely satisfying seeing him getting munched.
Joe (?) was one of the worst type of tyrants. She had a thought but she didn't make a plan. She was also a hypocrite who tried guilt tripping people constantly. Her regime was oppressive because she didn't want to quantify what was a fair trade. She wasn't interested in reestablishing a republic but a dictatorship with her fellow cops as feudal lords over the serfs in blue.
The doctor was pretty amazing. Just when I think he is a cool guy the showrunners twist the knife and reveal he is just as much of scumbag and a coward.
And it was better with Beth.
It wasn't great at all. It was awful. And I question the judgment of anyone who dares to justify that as a good episode. It had some of the worst wooden acting I have ever seen in a television show. And that's saying quite a lot for the Walking Dead, the king of bad acting. I've seen better acting on reality television. It's like they asked a bunch of their stage hands if they wanted to act and then gave them the job to avoid hiring some actual actors.
The dialogue as I've mentioned before was dreadful. Beth asks the new amputee what the guard had done to her and instead of simply answering the question she responds with some drivel about Satan or something. Just the typical bunch of fucking nonsense and filler crap that's a staple of this show. It's like none one can answer each other on the show straight. Everything has to be in riddles or as vague as possible.
And, what was the point of the Dr bringing Beth down to the zombies in the lower levels? Like telling her they can't leave because there are zombies all over the place wasn't enough? Hey it's that same 'ol zombies-behind-a-blockade-to-show-they're-a-threat scene which we've seen like over a 100 times by now. Yeah, those zombies which many characters can now seemingly dispatch of in droves with a butter knife are totally impossible for a small army of officers with guns to take care off. Yeah, this situation is a total conundrum. And, how pointless was it that he had to get Beth to kill for him when he could have simply done it himself. It's not as if any of those officers had equal medical training so he could have made it look like it wasn't a murder.
Nothing in his episode made any damn sense. And the idea that these guys would just knock her out and kidnap her out of nowhere is equally as confusing. Why were they driving around in the middle of the woods at night? What's the point of rescuing people if you're going to act like assholes and allow people to deplete your resources? At least Terminus made sense since they wanted food.