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10 Good Games That Flopped in Sales How do you feel about this list?


Psychonauts games ?

For me : Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, Xbox consumers just don't give a fuck about JRPGs and it hurts. :'(
VtMB, Prey, Wonderful 101, System Shock 2, and Earthbound are all incredible games that deserved more commercial success. So overall I think the list makes sense even if not every game on there appeals to me


Seen the entire video now. Prey is one of the best games I have played. Especially on Series at 60fps and no significant input lag. Level design is perfect, and while I hated the respawning enemies at first, you can be come so OP it doesn't matter. Besides, they leave materials. Downsides of Prey are the enemy designs which are kind of boring.

Evil Within 2 I didn't like much. It lacked the soul of the original. Gameplay felt like a bad knockoff of Last of Us. The best part was the boss with the TEW 1 throwbacks, it shows the first game had much better enemy design.

Enslaved was fun actually. Another janky Ninja Theory game but I liked it and beat it.

Blur was fun as hell online. It deserved better.

And this is a hot take, but I didn't like Gravity Rush 2. The first wasn't too big, and I had a good time completing it. The second game felt bloated and the first x amount of hours were rather terrible with nothing happening. I didn't like those stealth missions too. They should've trimmed the game down and kept expanding on what made the first game fun.
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What time is it?
Blur is probably my favorite on the list. One of the best non-Mario Kart Racers out there. It's too bad it has licensed products and will most likely never see the light of day again. Vampire the Masquerade didn't launch in the best of shape. It's great that it has reached cult status.

On the flipside, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a boring ass game and feels like an off brand version of what Sony Studio's has popularized and found so much success with. Sunset Overdrive is completely ruined by sophomoric writing and attempts at humor.


I can only comment on the three I played.

Enslaved: I played it for a brief time, maybe an hour or two, and then dropped it. Just wasn't my cup of tea.

Gravity Rush 2: I loved the original, but this one was a disappointment to me. I felt like the pacing dragged, and some of the new 'improvements' detracted from its appeal. I enjoyed some of it, but I petered out two-thirds of the way through and didn't finish.

Sunset Overdrive: felt too ADHD, cram-it-full-of-constant-action for me. Not a bad game; just not for me.


Evil Within 2 is so much better than first one. I finished it good 3 times. It's one of my favs. It's FANTASTIC.
Prey is incredible too. Runs out of steam near the end but it's a great game.
Enslaved is very good too. Finished it only once.

Vampire the Masquarade is famously good.
never played Gravity Rush games. Maybe I should get it

I’d have thought you’d be pushing for Forspoken to be on this list 😀


Blur is the best power-up based arcade racing game out there.

Sunset Overdrive was amazing too, just a bunch of fun with great humour. Glad Insomniac used that to build their Spider-Man games so at least there’s some consolation in that.


Blur is the best power-up based arcade racing game out there.

Sunset Overdrive was amazing too, just a bunch of fun with great humour. Glad Insomniac used that to build their Spider-Man games so at least there’s some consolation in that.
Pure was also a fun game.
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Time for a Hot Take, Prepare the Laughing emote boys
10. Blur (50/50, I kinda like it but I get why it flopped)
9. The Evil Within 2 (I loved the first, skipped the second, something about open world doesn't sit well with me)
8. Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope (we got Xcom at home)
7. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire (Deserved, I disliked both PoE games)
6. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (I love it but deserved, game's clunky as fuck even for the time it released)
5. Gravity Rush 2 (Shame, I like it but I get why it flopped, it being on the vita also contributes to this)
4. Sunset Overdrive (Biggest shame of the list, an absolute gem that flopped because it was stuck on the Xbone)
3. Vampire the Masquerade (Deserved. Fully)
2. The Wonderful 101 (Deserved. Fully)
1. Prey (Deserved. Fully. I'm still salty we never got the original Prey 2)


Reverse groomer.
I am an idiot - I confused Castle of Illusion with Disney Illusion Island for Switch only - https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/disney-illusion-island-switch/
oh lmao. I remember seeing that game on the Eshop.

Giving it a second look here, it looks fine. I perfer the look of Castle of Illusion though, seems like a more fun and simple time IMO.
I got Earthbound when it first came out. My dad thought the large box was cool, so we bought it. I learned how to read playing it. Quickly became one of my favorite games.

I was the only one who played or talked about it until 1999 when Smash came out. And then I had to deal with all of my friends saying it sucked because it has kiddy graphics and Ness fought with a baseball bat instead of guns.

So it feels good knowing now it's consider it good.
Earthbound and Mother in general was just a slow burn of a franchise. Once we got more mature and were better able to understand games for what they were Earthbound quickly became a cult classic.

Astral Dog

10. Blur never hear of it
9. The Evil Within 2
I bought it day 1, it has some problems,and i thought the original was more innovative/interesting ,this sequel just feels a little bland,uninspired ,but still ok game .it had promise, im a little sad that a sequel hasn't been announced
8. Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
They released this title in a busy season i think,and most people play Mario for the platforming,also people are interested but the first game dropped price like a rock, despite not meeting expectations i don't believe it bombed and a sequel may happen one day
7. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire 🤷🏻‍♂️
6. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
only watched videos ,art looks interesting,main characters ugly af,this was before NT got revamped with DmC so i imagine it didn't had good gameplay :^S
5. Gravity Rush 2
I never played this game
4. Sunset Overdrive
didn't played it but looks fun
3. Vampire the Masquerade
not sure
2. The Wonderful 101
I bought day 1, shame sales were a drop,it is a very ambitious action game with interesting ideas but i was not a big fan of the controls or the artsyle,i don't think Wonderful 101 needs a sequel tbh, its just fine as a standalone project(now available on multiple platforms),im glad to hear other collaborations such as Bayonetta and Astral Chain fared better for Platinum/Nintendo, and apparently Kamiya is working on a 'succesor' anyways
1. Prey 🤷🏻‍♂️

I will add Alice Madness Returns to this list,interesting platformer that could have that third game to complete the trilogy
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Gold Member
Time for a Hot Take, Prepare the Laughing emote boys
10. Blur (50/50, I kinda like it but I get why it flopped)
9. The Evil Within 2 (I loved the first, skipped the second, something about open world doesn't sit well with me)
8. Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope (we got Xcom at home)
7. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire (Deserved, I disliked both PoE games)
6. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (I love it but deserved, game's clunky as fuck even for the time it released)
5. Gravity Rush 2 (Shame, I like it but I get why it flopped, it being on the vita also contributes to this)
4. Sunset Overdrive (Biggest shame of the list, an absolute gem that flopped because it was stuck on the Xbone)
3. Vampire the Masquerade (Deserved. Fully)
2. The Wonderful 101 (Deserved. Fully)
1. Prey (Deserved. Fully. I'm still salty we never got the original Prey 2)
Gravity Rush 2 was a Ps4 game.
I would argue that 4 of those 10 games aren’t good, at least with my personal game tastes and opinions. The replies on this thread I think are exactly why the games didn’t do phenomenal numbers…the games are just too up to matter of opinion as far as being good or not.


Missing some high profile ones like Beyond Good and Evil. I'd say there are also big budget commercial failures like the last Tomb Raider trilogy and Shenmue games, but neither were that particularly great, just very big and impressive in terms of budget.
No no.... The blondie tiny girl no!!
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I bought many of them, not all. For what I can say Prey and GR2 deserved better

I bought Enslaved during launch window and quickly threw it out of the window...
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, was phenomenal.

I can only hope BG3 permits a CRPG resurgeance and more players give it a chance. It's nearly as good as BG3 IMO.
Yea man. MS seems more concerned with big AAA RPGs like Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 but doing something BG3 even smaller scope would be great!


I have so much love for Enslaved and it's sad we will never get that sequel they had planned.

It had Ninja Theory developing with Alex Garland as co-writer and Andy Serkis motion capture performance. Incredible game
I say it's sad we got Enslaved because Heavenly Sword did poorly. I wanted the trilogy that was originally planned.


I’ve played most of them and pretty much every game is very good even though some didn’t click with me, like Sunset Overdrive or GR2. But I can also kind of see why they flopped - most of them are either too niche or too complicated, weird, etc for the mainstream. Or maybe just didn’t come out at the right time.


10. Blur - Bizarre Creations' (RIP) Mario Kart without the appeal of Mario Kart and with a weird currency system that tried to combine the "Kudos" stuff from PGR with some sort of progression system for their unncessary attempt at a meta game. The racing itself was competent. I think what hurt the game is just how they tried to mix elements without making them fit together nicely.

9. The Evil Within 2 - It was just... mediocre. There's nothing there that stands out as remarkable and nothing there that stands out as particularly bad.

8. Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - Dunno what happened there, I liked the game. But I guess a lack of marketing and maybe a general tiredness of the Rabbids shit.

7. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - It made improvements on the gameplay and writing but was just misdirected in terms of it's story, pacing and setting. And it didn't help that the first PoE was kinda mid, and a fucking lore dump monster.

6. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - I don't really remember anything about it which already tells you everything you need to know.

5. Gravity Rush 2 - Also a tragedy but this was largely fueled by how incompetent Sony were at handling the Vita.

4. Sunset Overdrive - I mean, it was a new IP on a console that had one of the worst marketing pushes in history of console gaming, so much so that Sony didn't have to do anything to sell the PS4.

3. Vampire the Masquerade - This is a tragedy but the game was fucked up on release which caused reviewers to give it lower scores.

2. The Wonderful 101 - It was on the Wii U.

1. Prey - Eh, it was alright but I can understand why it flopped. It's an immersive sim that didn't really get any marketing. It's a good spiritual successor to System Shock, imho.
Days Gone, not sure if it's a real sales flop but I think it was enough of one to stop any plans for a sequel.

I still think about this game regularly now a couple of years after finishing it.


Sunset Overdrive is the only one I disagree with. It's mechanically well-made, but structurally boring.
Yeah its incredibly boring, played it again about a month ago and it just feels like it should of been made on ps2 or og xbox


King Snowflake
It's funny how Earthbound has jumped so much in popularity and basically become a genre defining classic in the modern day when back in its original release nobody cared and thought it was weird.

Sunset Overdrive as well, it's just amazing in terms of combat and movement. We need more fast paced games like it with a style and art direction that sticks with you.
Earthbound came in a giant box with a book. It looked like it was something weird and not a typical SNES game. Looked like it came with a lame accessory. SNES games also varied in price based on ROM size. The game was 70 bucks.
Played Enslaved and Gravity Rush and both games were mediocre. Don't care at all about the rest of the games on the list.

Other games I do care about and wish had a sequel include: The Order 1886, StarHawk (it's really WarHawk that I want to continue), and the Resistance series.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I may be in the minority but I’d add Ryse: Son of Rome. Some epic moments. It could have become a great franchise.
Not while being an Xbox One title during the Kinect craze.
Devs were being forced to integrate Kinect bullshit into games......If Crytek get another investment maybe they can do a sequel thats a pure beat em up.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is one of the best games ever made, so sad it didn't take off.
It also was so disappointing to see Binary Domain sell like crap, when its one of the best 3rd person shooters ever made and the less said about Outrun 2006 or JSRF the better; all amazing games that sold like crap.
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