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2011 NBA Mar |OT| Now listening to the Stan Van Gundy mixtape

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CherryWoodFuton said:
And that right there is the reason why I love Wade as a player. Say what you will about his flaws (lol Gigglepoo) but Wade won't lose because of lack of trying
Too bad he defers to LeBron.


CherryWoodFuton said:
And that right there is the reason why I love Wade as a player. Say what you will about his flaws (lol Gigglepoo) but Wade won't lose because of lack of trying

The Chosen One just wrote about how Wade crashes the boards on final shots, but he doesn't do this during the normal flow the game. Wade's biggest flaw is that he doesn't contribute when his shot isn't falling. He disappears during long stretches of games because he isn't involved on the offensive end and is only taking up space on the other side of the court.

I don't consider Wade elite because he doesn't make his teammates better and is a very limited player. He's not likely to get a triple double or shut down the other team's best defender. He's a scorer, and that's it, but he's not even confident enough in his own abilities to demand the final shot.

When you consider how awful the Heat have been down the stretch, and how many of those plays have gone through LeBron, it's shocking that Wade hasn't taken over. What kind of superstar continually defers to a loser?

If you think Wade is trying his damnest, well, that doesn't say much for him. He's far more talented than his actions show.
I like to crap on the heat players with the best of em, but Wade isn't elite? I hope your list is really short.

Who are the elite players in the NBA, in your opinion?


Black Mamba said:
I like to crap on the heat players with the best of em, but Wade isn't elite? I hope your list is really short.

Who are the elite players in the NBA, in your opinion?
Giggles is just a jilted ex lover of wades. He's not even angry about the herp he got, just the lack of a ring.

Sorry Giggles, i've just come to accept we have different opinions on wade




giri said:
Giggles is just a jilted ex lover of wades. He's not even angry about the herp he got, just the lack of a ring.

Sorry Giggles, i've just come to accept we have different opinions on wade

What part of what I wrote do you disagree with specifically?

That he only contributes by scoring?
That he disappears when he isn't scoring?
That's he's not a shut down defender?
That he defers to LeBron/Bosh/Whoever in big moments?


The Frankman said:
Look at the 2:50 mark in that vid, the fans are literally all over the exitway to try and get to the Pacers, disgraceful. As much as I killed Tinsley at the 3:00 minute mark, I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. The only beef I have with what Artest did is he attacked the wrong guy. The funny thing is in terms of fan involvement another big fight could've ended up the same way...

Knicks-Nuggets brawl

This had more agitators tan the Detroit brawl but the key was even though the fight spilled into the front row, fans didn't act stupid and throw stuff/storm the court. I think it's funny how Carmelo Anthony, Eduardo Najera and JR Smith didn't want any other Jared "Stick Figure" Jeffries, "Charmin" Channing Frye and Nate "Anklebiter" Robinson.
He didn't attack the wrong guy though. He just yoked him up. Looks like he was asking who did it actually. Then Jax came through with the falcon punch...
Gigglepoo said:
What part of what I wrote do you disagree with specifically?

That he only contributes by scoring?
That he disappears when he isn't scoring?
That's he's not a shut down defender?
That he defers to LeBron/Bosh/Whoever in big moments?

got that elite list?
Gigglepoo said:
What part of what I wrote do you disagree with specifically?

That he only contributes by scoring?
That he disappears when he isn't scoring?
That's he's not a shut down defender?
That he defers to LeBron/Bosh/Whoever in big moments?

Can't really disagree with any of those. Though he was more of a playmaker earlier in his career it's in recent years (after the injury) that he became more of a pure scorer.

That said, Wade's God mode alone puts him in the elite class. When Wade is in Killer Instinct mode, he can kill you from just about anywhere in the half-court. It's not just a guy getting hot, he literally becomes untouchable like only a few elite players can.

Wade isn't a complete player and he seems to have some bizarre penis envy with Lebron, but it's just silly to pretend Wade isn't an elite player. You could say almost all the same things you said in your list about Iverson or any other pure/volume scorer.


The Chosen One said:
When Wade is in Killer Instinct mode, he can kill you from just about anywhere in the half-court. It's not just a guy getting hot, he literally becomes untouchable like only a few elite players can.

I totally agree. He made some incredible plays against the Bulls that made me yelp. Seriously, I yelped. But how often does he enter God Mode? And how often does he take over games in the fourth quarter? He's often a highlight real in the first half and disappears as the game wears on. It's sure fun to watch but you're not winning many big games like that.

The Chosen One said:
Wade isn't a complete player and he seems to have some bizarre penis envy with Lebron, but it's just silly to pretend Wade isn't a complete player. You could say almost all the same things you said in your list about Iverson or any other pure/volume scorer.

Wade hasn't been a complete player since he won the title. That's why the Heat continually lose in the first round or miss the playoffs entirely. And that's why LeBron is the best player in Miami. I think that when people argue Wade's merits they're remembering who he used to be, but that player is long gone.

Iverson is a good comparison. Great scorer who was at its best with lesser players, struggled contributing in ways other than scoring, and with a relatively short prime due to the wear and tear his small frame took. Iverson was the MVP of the league though and dragged a team with Eric Snow starting to the Finals. Team him up with Shaq and he could have won a ring, too, and probably wouldn't have lost in the first round immediately after.
Gigglepoo said:
List wars are boring. I'm trying to have a discussion about Wade here. I provided arguments and then people are supposed to shoot them down if they disagree.

1. He is more than a scorer. he does facilitate when he's allowed to do so (pre-Lebron). You don't win 40 games with the garbage he had if you can't the previous to seasons.

2. I wouldn't say he disappears (until this year). Like I said, he can facilitate. He's not a bad defender, but not elite.

3. There pretty much are almost no shut down defenders and none with great offensive games because of the rules. That said, he's a solid help defender (throw in with point 2) and while he often gets beat by his own man, he has decent recovery.

4. I don't think he defers to Bosh. I think they always call for Lebron to have the ball and Lebron defers. This one is tough to argue, but I don't know how Wade/Lebron figure this out without stepping on each other toes.

In LA, Kobe will tell Pau to go to work, but Pau works from the mid-post to the low bloc in these spots. It's not the same as with Lebron/Wade who do the same thing. Or TD can tell Manu to go to work. Same deal.

I don't think Wade is actively avoiding big moments, I think he's afraid of stepping on toes. Who knows. They're both retarded.

Wade has risen in big moments. Let's be honest, here.

I'm no Wade fan, but he is elite. And as LS said, when he's on, very few can reach that level. You're right in that he isn't in the same all-around category as MJ and Kobe and Bird for perimeter dudes, but he's shorter and weaker. He's not going to post up or rebound in the same manner. He has pretty good footwork, draws contact, and scores efficiently.

edit: The losing in the 1st round stuff is bogus. Kobe did. KG made it out once, and he was about as complete a player as we'll ever see in the NBA. You can't go far with pure trash on the roster. I don't blame Wade for that. What other wing player besides Kobe and Bron would have gotten those 2 Miami teams near 40 wins?
Woj has been sitting back waiting to drop the ether on Bron for a while.

Well, he just did it.

It’s March, the playoffs aren’t that far away, and the Heat are still regressing. New York survives two shots out of James in the final seconds. Orlando makes a wild comeback to beat them. San Antonio blows them out. Chicago makes James miss a wild, driving shot in the final seconds. Four straight losses, and the gulf between James and Wade widens with every embarrassment.

“I’m used to coming down in the fourth, having the ball, making mistakes, getting a chance to make up for them, etc., “ Wade told reporters Sunday. “You try to do your best. That’s all you can do. That was one of the things we got to understand when we all decided to come together. That there were going to be sacrifices that have to be made. And you live with the consequences.”

Yes, you live with the consequences. Wade has started to say publicly what he’s been saying privately for a long time: Why don’t I get the ball when it matters? Miami’s no longer his town, and the Heat no longer his team. Didn’t you hear James? It isn’t our team. It isn’t D-Wade’s team.

My team.


Salty. Love it.

He isn’t blaming his teammates.

Not yet, anyway.

Maybe James is fighting some war, but Wade lost his own when he let LeBron into his life. He was warned. He didn’t listen. Now, he ought to take his own advice and “live with the consequences.” Mostly, he should stop feeling sorry for himself. LeBron James apologized to his team on Sunday, not Dwyane Wade’s.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
CoffeeJanitor said:
"Making your teammates better" is a stupid term.

Yeah, Stockton, Magic, Nash, Kidd never make or made their teammates better..


Black Mamba said:
edit: The losing in the 1st round stuff is bogus. Kobe did. KG made it out once, and he was about as complete a player as we'll ever see in the NBA. You can't go far with pure trash on the roster. I don't blame Wade for that. What other wing player besides Kobe and Bron would have gotten those 2 Miami teams near 40 wins?

That's my point. Wade isn't on the same level as Kobe and LeBron. Do you really think LeBron would have gotten knocked out in the first round 3 of the last 4 years? And missed the playoffs entirely in the fourth? Do you really think Wade would have had back-to-back 60-win, MVP seasons in Cleveland?

Sure, Wade can be elite depending on how many players you include, but his perennial playoff failures show that he's not someone who's going to carry a team to success. Remember, Kobe and KG played in the much tougher Western conference where every playoff team won at least 45 games. That the Heat couldn't get out of the first round in the lowly East, with only a handful of good teams, is embarrassing.

If you just started watching basketball three seasons ago, would you still say Wade is an elite player? His prime is long gone.


Gigglepoo said:
What part of what I wrote do you disagree with specifically?

That he only contributes by scoring?
That he disappears when he isn't scoring?
That's he's not a shut down defender?
That he defers to LeBron/Bosh/Whoever in big moments?
He contributes more, and he's had as many games of "complete lock down defense" as just about any other primary scorer has had for their teams. He hustles a hell of a lot, you watch him and he really has been hustling his ass off lately, trying to grab Offensive bords ALL game, not just late.

He disappears on THIS miami team when he's not scoring, because that usually means LBJ has kept the ball and is trying too himself, which could be remedied if Wade had a better jump shot. But he doesn't.

I'm not going to argue that Wade is a complete player, he's not, far from it. And to some extent, i almost feel like he's sitting back and watching LBJ try to take over the team, and is letting him fail, so next year he can with out contention from LBJ, put LBJ in his place and force him to play the role wade wants him to. I almost get the exact same feeling from Spo to an extent. After LBJ's hysterics earlier in the season they've let LBJ try to be the franchise, and while they're trying, they're also semi happy it's failing, so that they can dictate next year unequivocally.

Thats just a feeling/vibe i get from this a bit.

But that list could be said about a lot of players that aren't feeling it on Offense. A HELL of a lot of players. Amare, Bosh, LBJ, nene, Melo, Grainger, Durant, Dumbrook, Boozer, .... the list goes on.

Gigglepoo said:
That's my point. Wade isn't on the same level as Kobe and LeBron. Do you really think LeBron would have gotten knocked out in the first round 3 of the last 4 years? And missed the playoffs entirely in the fourth? Do you really think Wade would have had back-to-back 60-win, MVP seasons in Cleveland?

Sure, Wade can be elite depending on how many players you include, but his perennial playoff failures show that he's not someone who's going to carry a team to success. Remember, Kobe and KG played in the much tougher Western conference where every playoff team won at least 45 games. That the Heat couldn't get out of the first round in the lowly East, with only a handful of good teams, is embarrassing.

If you just started watching basketball three seasons ago, would you still say Wade is an elite player? His prime is long gone.

If you think the talent level when you compare last years miami roster (out side of wade) is close to that of the cavs (outside of LBJ) you're just making up by-lines like ESPN.
Lebron would have gotten them by Atlanta, sure. And I agree, Kobe and Bron are better.

But Kobe missed out on the 2nd round for 3 years.

KG, who imo in his prime was better than Bron, made it out of the 1st round once in Minnesota. Teammates matter.

And Wade's last 2 season were excellent from any statistical standpoint. He was playing alongside scrubs and mediocre players for the most part.

I'd be a hypocrite if I gave Kobe a pass for playing with Smush and Cook and not Wade for QRich and PF Beasley and broken JO.

There are only a few current NBA players who really enhance their team by just showing up. Kobe, Dwight, Dirk, Bron, CP3, and Wade. These are the NBA elite (with 2 on their way out, griffin on his way in). Timmy and KG no longer on this list.

edit: I'll disagree on Cavs roster being the same talent-wise. Varajeo impacts the game more than anyone on last year's Heat team, sans Wade. Mo Williams as well. And their role players of Hickson/Jamison, Parker, Moon, Delonte, Shaq, Z, Powe were collectively better than Miami's 3-12.

Cleve was built for Lebron's skillset (not optimally, mind you) and they shot well and defended well. Miami defended well, but struggled scoring because the complimentary players were worse.

Lebron can pull 50-53 wins out of that Miami team, not 60.


Black Mamba said:
Lebron would have gotten them by Atlanta, sure. And I agree, Kobe and Bron are better.

But Kobe missed out on the 2nd round for 3 years.

KG, who imo in his prime was better than Bron, made it out of the 1st round once in Minnesota. Teammates matter.

And Wade's last 2 season were excellent from any statistical standpoint. He was playing alongside scrubs and mediocre players for the most part.

I'd be a hypocrite if I gave Kobe a pass for playing with Smush and Cook and not Wade for QRich and PF Beasley and broken JO.

There are only a few current NBA players who really enhance their team by just showing up. Kobe, Dwight, Dirk, Bron, CP3, and Wade. These are the NBA elite (with 2 on their way out, griffin on his way in). Timmy and KG no longer on this list.

edit: I'll disagree on Cavs roster being the same talent-wise. Varajeo impacts the game more than anyone on last year's Heat team, sans Wade. Mo Williams as well. And their role players of Hickson/Jamison, Parker, Moon, Delonte, Shaq, Z, Powe were collectively better than Miami's 3-12.

Cleve was built for Lebron's skillset (not optimally, mind you) and they shot well and defended well. Miami defended well, but struggled scoring because the complimentary players were worse.

Lebron can pull 50-53 wins out of that Miami team, not 60.

PFFT, LBJ can get any team to a .500 record, he doesn't make his team mates better though. Not the guys that are good role players. Reilo can rattle off a million stat lines for you for players that saw every part of their game degrade playing alongside him. It's a fallacy. And if you mention court vision in your retort you should get banned. Court vision is only useful if you A) use it B)Use it in an offensive system. Rondo's court vision is better than LBJ's

(Sorry to wake you diehard).


pilonv1 said:
Woj is getting more brutal as the season goes on. This is great
Yeah a whole bunch of "writers" jumped off the bandwagon today. Adande in particular jumped overboard.


ph33nix said:
Damage control already

It's ok

At least we won't lose to the Cavs this season
We never promised 1,2,3,4,5,6,7...championships. We promised playoffs. Knicks 1, Heat 0



Man i missed a lot when i went to bed, i have 3 games i wanna watch when i have the time today. Im so happy dallas lost though. Getting that 2nd seed is still possible.
giri said:
PFFT, LBJ can get any team to a .500 record, he doesn't make his team mates better though. Not the guys that are good role players. Reilo can rattle off a million stat lines for you for players that saw every part of their game degrade playing alongside him. It's a fallacy. And if you mention court vision in your retort you should get banned. Court vision is only useful if you A) use it B)Use it in an offensive system. Rondo's court vision is better than LBJ's

(Sorry to wake you diehard).

As I mentioned in another post, I think LBJ could be a strange case of a player who raises the games of some role players and limits the games of all-star quality players. The problem with a lot of the stats Relio has (I've seen him post it) is that it's with old players who decline. If I have crappy players, I want Bron. If I have a solid supporting cast, I want Kobe, Wade, Cp3, (soon) Rose first.

As for court vision, I agree. I've always thought Lebron's passing was overrated. He rarely makes interior passes the matter and a lot of his assists are simply off of teams collapsing and him throwing it out to the open man for 3. He has the occasional behind the back pass, but rarely do I see the crisp bounce pass in traffic or interior handoff or fake shot in the air slice pass for a layup, etc.

That Rondo has better court vision isn't even up for debate.
Gigglepoo said:
I totally agree. He made some incredible plays against the Bulls that made me yelp. Seriously, I yelped. But how often does he enter God Mode?
not as often as he could or should. then again, when you have to nurse along 2 other premadonnas and worry about their fragile egos, your game is going to suffer as a consequence.

none of these 3 will be as good as they were apart.
Black Mamba said:
As I mentioned in another post, I think LBJ could be a strange case of a player who raises the games of some role players and limits the games of all-star quality players. The problem with a lot of the stats Relio has (I've seen him post it) is that it's with old players who decline. If I have crappy players, I want Bron. If I have a solid supporting cast, I want Kobe, Wade, Cp3, (soon) Rose first.

As for court vision, I agree. I've always thought Lebron's passing was overrated. He rarely makes interior passes the matter and a lot of his assists are simply off of teams collapsing and him throwing it out to the open man for 3. He has the occasional behind the back pass, but rarely do I see the crisp bounce pass in traffic or interior handoff or fake shot in the air slice pass for a layup, etc.

That Rondo has better court vision isn't even up for debate.
His first couple of years he was a fantastic passer. He just didn't have guys who could finish.
I'm just going to go to sleep every night hoping Wade gets his balls back.

And one thing that will always give me hope is that there is the power of in-series adjustments in the playoffs. Not that I'm sure that is an advantage for us though...
Really, Wade's better than LeBron? Back to this? Wade is the Poor Man's LeBron James, they're the same except Wade is significantly worse and flopped his way to a ring in one of the weakest years of basketball ever. Wade has a TS% of less than 50% against elite teams this year, Wade has more turnovers than assists in those games. The team got way better yesterday when it went from Wade dominating the ball to LeBron dominating it.

I don't get why Wade has been romanticized. He choked in the biggest moment of his career, he's been burned badly defensively more publicly than almost every elite player in the league, he's a flopper who's even less skilled than LeBron, he can't even make it out of the first-round in the East, he's arguably the least watchable player in the NBA by a wide margin, why is he romanticized?
ph33nix said:
I'm just going to go to sleep every night hoping Wade gets his balls back.

And one thing that will always give me hope is that there is the power of in-series adjustments in the playoffs. Not that I'm sure that is an advantage for us though...

Bron isn't ready to hand them back yet.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Really, Wade's better than LeBron? Back to this? Wade is the Poor Man's LeBron James, they're the same except Wade is significantly worse and flopped his way to a ring in one of the weakest years of basketball ever. Wade has a TS% of less than 50% against elite teams this year, Wade has more turnovers than assists in those games. The team got way better yesterday when it went from Wade dominating the ball to LeBron dominating it.

I don't get why Wade has been romanticized. He choked in the biggest moment of his career, he's been burned badly defensively more publicly than almost every elite player in the league, he's a flopper who's even less skilled than LeBron, he can't even make it out of the first-round in the East, he's arguably the least watchable player in the NBA by a wide margin, why is he romanticized?

Wade wouldn't have missed that layup over Noah

by THAT much


As a fan of the Cavs and the Knicks it still irks the fuck out of me how things changed in under a year. The basketball gods would only allow me one above .500 team.

captmcblack said:

Spectacular title change.

How did this happen?

Ninja Scooter said:
lol at the story coming up on SportsCenter


Ninja Scooter said:
Shaq is such an attention whore I don't doubt he called up ESPN himself and was like "Hey i have a story for you, can I be on TV?" Pretty soon he'll be talking about how he could have prevented 9/11 but missed his flight that day.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
This Heat team will never win, unless Dwayne Wade steps up and takes over as the sole leader. This team plays exactly like the Cavs teams of old, which would never bounce back from hardship, because their leader didn't get in their asses, and tell them to keep their heads up.

The way Dwayne and Bron behave in close games is disgraceful. Look at the Spurs game. The Heat cut the lead to 12 early... but examine the body language of the MIA leaders. Never did Wade or LeBron raise their voices, to let the team know they were still in it. And so the rest of the players just gave up, before halftime hit. They sit on the bench with heads in hands, and teammates follow suit. It pisses me off to see this, just as a fan of basketball. Just like I saw the two previous seasons, Bron puts up his stats, but he never says anything on the court, to let the team know that he has their backs.

Look at the behavior Kobe, Duncan, Nash, and other leaders. Constantly in communication with their teammates, clapping, yelling.... meanwhile Bron/Wade/Bosh behave like the rest of the team doesn't exist. Hell, even on last year's Cavs, guys like Mo and Varejao would be barking at the other role players, giving advice and keeping each other hype. But then their was Boston, Game 6. LeBron gave up early, and the team's demeanor nosedived because of this.

The "Big 3" treats their team as if they're insignificant, and as a result, that's exactly how they play.
Okur, Elson, Fes out. Millsap and AK probably out. Which means Derrick Favors and Gordon Hayward starting with Jeremy Evans getting huge minutes off of the bench, wouldn't miss this too much even though I wish Millsap was healthy.


K.Jack said:
This Heat team will never win, unless Dwayne Wade steps up and takes over as the sole leader. This team plays exactly like the Cavs teams of old, which would never bounce back from hardship, because their leader didn't get in their asses, and tell them to keep their heads up.

The way Dwayne and Bron behave in close games is disgraceful. Look at the Spurs game. The Heat cut the lead to 12 early... but examine the body language of the MIA leaders. Never did Wade or LeBron raise their voices, to let the team know they were still in it. And so the rest of the players just gave up, before halftime hit. They sit on the bench with heads in hands, and teammates follow suit. It pisses me off to see this, just as a fan of basketball. Just like I saw the two previous seasons, Bron puts up his stats, but he never says anything on the court, to let the team know that he has their backs.

Look at the behavior Kobe, Duncan, Nash, and other leaders. Constantly in communication with their teammates, clapping, yelling.... meanwhile Bron/Wade/Bosh behave like the rest of the team doesn't exist. Hell, even on last year's Cavs, guys like Mo and Varejao would be barking at the other role players, giving advice and keeping each other hype. But then their was Boston, Game 6. LeBron gave up early, and the team's demeanor nosedived because of this.

The "Big 3" treats their team as if they're insignificant, and as a result, that's exactly how they play.
The whole leadership angle is overblown. While I agree that Wade and LeBron need to step it up, they have to do it on the court. What happens off the court is vastly overrated and is what hacks write about after losses and wins.

Just going by the guys you listed, I mean Kobe will rape his teammates if they don't do their jobs (not the classic definition of leadership) and Duncan is incapable of showing any emotion (just think how crappy that movie would be).

Leadership isn't going to help the Heat make it to the NBA Finals to lose to the Lakers, what Bron and Wade need to do is figure out how to play with each other. Otherwise they are always going to fail in the 4th quarter of close games because right now neither one has any idea what to do without the ball in his hands.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
bionic77 said:
what Bron and Wade need to do is figure out how to play with each other.
For them to coexist, LeBron would have to move to the post area. That won't happen.

As long as LeBron demands the ball on at the three line, Wade has no place.
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