giri said:
You're right, when you give up 3 starters (all 3 are role players) for 2 upgrades (i think chauncy is better, but you coud probably argue he's about even with feton) and one of them the best scorer in the game? You gotta turn it down. I know there's no way I'd do that trade. Nuh uh. Only an idiot would do that trade.
So everyone that wasn't on the Team USA roster in Beijing is a 'role player'?
i bet u if a coach gave Chandler the same usage rate as Anthony, there wouldn't be much difference in production. In fact I bet u it would be better. Dude blocked 6 shots playing SG.
Any yeh, i'd take Chandler/Gallo/felton over anthony/billups/jeffries any day, in fact i've been whining about it since the trade went down.
oh, yeh, you forgot to mention the Knicks also have VERY limited flexibilty to add anything without renoucning chauncy/fields because of this trade. But yeh, they got Balkman for the next couple years.