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2011 NBA Mar |OT| Now listening to the Stan Van Gundy mixtape

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Duki said:
celtics won 11 championships in 13 seasons

dont be silly bro

In an 8 team league with only 2 rounds in the playoffs. Only 10 of those 13 were 50 win. 14>10 last I checked.

Jeff-DSA said:
No, he chose BYU because he's a lifelong BYU fan and he's LDS. Obviously he got caught in a moment of weakness and screwed up. I'm sure he doesn't feel good about it, as it goes contrary to his personal ethics/beliefs.

This stuff happens regularly at BYU. The players know the honor code before they come to the school, and the vast majority of them have no issues living it. A few get into trouble, but many sit out a year and come back. Lots of our non-Mormon players say that they like the honor code, and boy do their parents sure like it.

As a fan of the school, it's tough seeing one of your guys dismissed for honor code issues, but BYU wouldn't be BYU without it. If you believe in what the school is trying to do as far as putting development of character ahead of athletic development, it's not so ridiculous.

Remember, BYU lost their best football player right before this last season to an honor code violation, so he ended up with the Bears in the NFL instead.

Hm, i didn't realize he was hardcore like that. I made an assumption.

But sure, its understandable considering the type of school they are. Very costly mistake for the kid, one that he will regret for the rest of his life. I feel really bad for him.


The Crimson Blur said:
In an 8 team league with only 2 rounds in the playoffs. Only 10 of those 13 were 50 win. 14>10 last I checked.

Hm, i didn't realize he was hardcore like that. I made an assumption.

But sure, its understandable considering the type of school they are. Very costly mistake for the kid, one that he will regret for the rest of his life. I feel really bad for him.

11 > 4 sry

literally math

and dont underrate the strength of the league in the 1960s imo

thats ignant


Duki said:
hahaha it reads like an artest quote but it isnt son

I just Google'd it.


I know it's not Melo, but these ridiculous quotes that players probably stole from somewhere are getting ridiculous
Jeff-DSA said:
No, he chose BYU because he's a lifelong BYU fan and he's LDS. Obviously he got caught in a moment of weakness and screwed up. I'm sure he doesn't feel good about it, as it goes contrary to his personal ethics/beliefs.

This stuff happens regularly at BYU. The players know the honor code before they come to the school, and the vast majority of them have no issues living it. A few get into trouble, but many sit out a year and come back. Lots of our non-Mormon players say that they like the honor code, and boy do their parents sure like it.

As a fan of the school, it's tough seeing one of your guys dismissed for honor code issues, but BYU wouldn't be BYU without it. If you believe in what the school is trying to do as far as putting development of character ahead of athletic development, it's not so ridiculous.

Remember, BYU lost their best football player right before this last season to an honor code violation, so he ended up with the Bears in the NFL instead.

it's cute that you believe this


The argument for BYU is silly. Sure, I don't agree with it ideally...BUT BUT BUT. When you attend a private school, which is IN Utah, which is also Christian, and then you do something like that...




captmcblack said:
This BYU thing...would they do the same to Jimmer Fredette if it was him that had sex/knocked up his girlfriend?

They suspended Unga, who was just as big of a deal for the football team as Jimmer is for the basketball team. So yeah, he'd be gone.

It's a mystery how Jim McMahon made it 4 years...


dschalter said:
fucking disingenuous comparisons especially with durant. media is always ballwashing him.

Give it a couple years. You can only rave about a perennial first round loser for so long. Well, unless he plays for the Heat.
dschalter said:
fucking disingenuous comparisons especially with durant. media is always ballwashing him.
I said it was interesting, not good.

Here's one tidbit though:
Perhaps the most intriguing part of the outcome to many teams and agents was that Durant did not want an option at the end of the deal to get out early. These options are virtually standard for any player getting more than a three-year deal. Durant could have requested, and almost certainly received, a chance to opt out of the new deal after four years.

James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh secured options after the fourth and fifth years of their six-year deals. Stoudemire and Anthony, both of whom were thrilled to get long-term security in a place where they wanted to play, still got opt-outs at the end of their new contracts.

But not Durant, even though he was playing in one of the league's smallest markets with teammates who were still mostly unproven. He even said he would have signed a 10-year extension if it was currently permitted under league rules.

It was a complete and total commitment in a time of unprecedented movement from the league's stars. So much that Durant's move established its own precedent.


Barrage said:
The owner I trust most in America is Vince McMahon.
Given that all the sports are roughly equivalent in their indifference to PEDs, sure. At least he's up front about his product being rigged.


dream said:
I just read somewhere that the BYU honor code doesn't allow students to drink tea...
I read that it doesn't allow them to spend more than 10 minutes looking in the mirror!

Jeff-DSA said:
Running on your heels? That's messed up.
YuriLowell said:
Who runs on their heels? That has to be a bad picture of D-Wade.
Hes not that stupid.

You'd be surprised. By design, you're meant to land with a minor roll, starting from your heal, and going through to the ball of your foot, that is for jogging/distance running. You don't want to start with an overly pronounced roll, as that will cause too much pressure on your hips to roll also, and is generally considered bad.

I think what they're talking about is slightly different though, more about explosive running and change of direction.


BYU Honor Code said:

A clean and well-cared-for appearance should be maintained. Clothing is inappropriate when it is sleeveless, strapless, backless, or revealing; has slits above the knee; or is form fitting. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be knee-length or longer. Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extremes in styles or colors. Excessive ear piercing (more than one per ear) and all other body piercing are not acceptable. Shoes should be worn in all public campus areas.

I bet there hasn't been a single case of rape or sexual assault in the university's history!

Good to see they're not raising sluts, whores, or skanks over there.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
SamuraiX- said:
I bet there hasn't been a single case of rape or sexual assault in the university's history!

Good to see they're not raising sluts, whores, or skanks over there.
I'm struggling to find a single thing in that paragraph that is about maintaining "honor" or keeping good "morals" and "values". I'm really, really struggling to identify a single thing in that, that is anything but borderline fascism.

I also wonder how Utah was ever able to embrace Karl Malone.
Jimmer Fredette to the Kings, mark it down. Most popular player they could grab out of this class to help their financial situation, great complement to Tyreke, fits NBA-ready and toughness things that the Kings want for some reason, mark it down. Jazz won't be the team massively reaching for this sure fire bust.

I hope Irving, Sullinger, and Barnes declare...But they won't :(


reilo said:
I'm struggling to find a single thing in that paragraph that is about maintaining "honor" or keeping good "morals" and "values". I'm really, really struggling to identify a single thing in that, that is anything but borderline fascism.

I also wonder how Utah was ever able to embrace Karl Malone.

You do realize that BYU =/= Utah, right? In fact, many of the BYU honor code rules are more strict than general LDS rules. And no, BYU girls aren't walking around in baggy shirts and pajama pants. The enforcement is a bit more loose than it's actually written.


reilo said:
I'm struggling to find a single thing in that paragraph that is about maintaining "honor" or keeping good "morals" and "values". I'm really, really struggling to identify a single thing in that, that is anything but borderline fascism.

I also wonder how Utah was ever able to embrace Karl Malone.
I think they should redefine the Honor Code to what Reilo thinks it should be.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jeff-DSA said:
You do realize that BYU =/= Utah, right? In fact, many of the BYU honor code rules are more strict than general LDS rules. And no, BYU girls aren't walking around in baggy shirts and pajama pants. The enforcement is a bit more loose than it's actually written.
Well, you're in here defending the honor code, so I just took a stab in the dark and figured most of Utah is okay with it. Would love to see some actual polling done.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Jimmer Fredette to the Kings, mark it down. Most popular player they could grab out of this class to help their financial situation, great complement to Tyreke, fits NBA-ready and toughness things that the Kings want for some reason, mark it down. Jazz won't be the team massively reaching for this sure fire bust.

I hope Irving, Sullinger, and Barnes declare...But they won't :(

Man why do you keep saying that no-body is going to declare?

Draft happens before CBA...rookie pay scale won't be any different. They still get paid.

Irving would be an IDIOT to stay another year. He gains nothing. He'll go number 1 overall and he's played like 5 games this year...

Sullinger? Top 3 pick.

Barnes? It's possible he stays I d guess, but honestly the only thing thats creating hype for him right now is his high school status. Everyone is going to forget about that after a year and it's going to kill his draft status.


Wiz to get Sullinger/Barnes.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Jimmer Fredette to the Kings, mark it down. Most popular player they could grab out of this class to help their financial situation, great complement to Tyreke, fits NBA-ready and toughness things that the Kings want for some reason, mark it down. Jazz won't be the team massively reaching for this sure fire bust.

I hope Irving, Sullinger, and Barnes declare...But they won't :(
You don't get to start using phrases like NBA ready until draft time. Other wise all the upside that people see in those beautiful black bodies will have wained away before people get to see them use their High BBIQ in the the NCAA tourney.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Is Jimmer even having as good of a season as Redick did? Isn't he also two inches shorter than Redick?


dIEHARD said:
David Lighty? you want to take a projected 2nd rounder with the 4th pick? lol

His stats don't tell shit. And NBA scouts can suck a fat one.

Watch him for a few games. His decision making and overall BBIQ stands out more than anything.

I'm keeping a close eye on him and he's my dark horse for the 2nd round.

I couldn't give less of a shit who we take Top 10.

They better get the fuck out of my town if they take Jimmerette
Dark FaZe said:
Man why do you keep saying that no-body is going to declare?

Draft happens before CBA...rookie pay scale won't be any different. They still get paid.

Irving would be an IDIOT to stay another year. He gains nothing. He'll go number 1 overall and he's played like 5 games this year...

Sullinger? Top 3 pick.

Barnes? It's possible he stays I d guess, but honestly the only thing thats creating hype for him right now is his high school status. Everyone is going to forget about that after a year and it's going to kill his draft status.


Wiz to get Sullinger/Barnes.

Why should those three declare though if they're not going to get paid for an extremely long time due to the lockout and might miss a season that they could spend in college potentially winning championships and developing their game further?

Is Jimmer even having as good of a season as Redick did? Isn't he also two inches shorter than Redick?

Jimmer's four inches shorter and isn't having as good of a season, but doesn't have the character concerns Reddick had and Reddick still went lotto in a better (Though still weak) draft.


reilo said:
Well, you're in here defending the honor code, so I just took a stab in the dark and figured most of Utah is okay with it. Would love to see some actual polling done.

Ute fans like to make fun of it, but BYU fans are fine with it. It's stricter than we all live in our daily lives, but we understand that it's a private school and they can choose to impose a set of higher standards on their students. The one point of contention with LDS people who aren't BYU fans is that the honor code is more strict than general LDS guidelines, and they sometimes feel it makes them look more akin to the town from Footloose than we really are.

I personally don't care what people think too much, I'm happy with how I choose to live and BYU isn't tricking people into signing with them.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Jimmer's four inches shorter and isn't having as good of a season, but doesn't have the character concerns Reddick had and Reddick still went lotto in a better (Though still weak) draft.
No Jimmer is listed at 2 inches shorter and 5 lbs more. He isn't nearly as explosive as Jimmer either.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Why should those three declare though if they're not going to get paid for an extremely long time due to the lockout and might miss a season that they could spend in college potentially winning championships and developing their game further?

Jimmer's four inches shorter and isn't having as good of a season, but doesn't have the character concerns Reddick had and Reddick still went lotto in a better (Though still weak) draft.
He'll look you in the eye, shake your hand, and call you sir.

This is how you draft jonny flynn people.


If you guys think regulating premarital sex is fascist I can't wait for you to find out about the rule that got Julie kicked out of BYU when she was on Real World: New Orleans. #neverforget #teamjulie


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Karakand said:
If you guys think regulating premarital sex is fascist I can't wait for you to find out about the rule that got Julie kicked out of BYU when she was on Real World: New Orleans. #neverforget #teamjulie
Don't cocktease, spill it!


Karakand said:
If you guys think regulating premarital sex is fascist I can't wait for you to find out about the rule that got Julie kicked out of BYU when she was on Real World: New Orleans. #neverforget #teamjulie
Ugh that bitch so was dumb.


Karakand said:
If you guys think regulating premarital sex is fascist I can't wait for you to find out about the rule that got Julie kicked out of BYU when she was on Real World: New Orleans. #neverforget #teamjulie

There was more to it than what MTV and Julie said. Wasn't the reason given why Julie was kicked out of school was because she had male roommates?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
giri said:
I'd rather have DMC & evans than Jonny Flynn and Love. (i really like love, but just saying).
If the wolves had picked curry instead of flynn they'd be so much better now it's not even funny
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