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2011 NBA Mar |OT| Now listening to the Stan Van Gundy mixtape

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Gigglepoo said:
Wade's teams have won 50+ games twice in his career.

LeBron's teams have won 60+ games twice in his career.

Wade is too selfish to raise the level of his teammates. He needs lots of help around him to thrive, whereas LeBron can turn shit into sundaes.

Seriously, it's a joke that Wade hasn't been out of the first round since he lucked into that title. It's the Eastern Conference! There have only been a few decent teams of late, and he still couldn't get it done.
i'm still convinced wade ran over your dog.

Wade > LBJ. If you want to win a ring. If all you want to do is win the regular season, get a LBJ.

MIAMI -- Each year the NBA teaches there are no absolutes in the regular season, the "playoffs" sticker affixed to the floor in late April having magical powers to erase so many supposed certainties learned over the first 82 games. It is a fundamental truth, but it can also be a crutch.

Right now the Miami Heat are using the crutch. But that isn't the worst part for the team that owned not just championship hopes, but championship expectations. They know they're clinging to hope and not belief -- and that current reality is going down like bitter medicine.

Calling the Heat's 99-96 loss Thursday to the Orlando Magic -- in which they blew a 24-point lead -- a collapse isn't really accurate. For a collapse, there must be something strong and towering that falls. The Heat, now more than three-quarters of a season into their fascinating experiment, can't honestly say they've ever fit that description this season

Also like this line: The record is still good but the substance isn't there, and everyone on the Heat knows it.

About time

they will win by a BS call against chicago on Sunday and ESPN will slob all over again
Gigglepoo said:
Wade's teams have won 50+ games twice in his career.

LeBron's teams have won 60+ games twice in his career.

Wade is too selfish to raise the level of his teammates. He needs lots of help around him to thrive, whereas LeBron can turn shit into sundaes.

Seriously, it's a joke that Wade hasn't been out of the first round since he lucked into that title. It's the Eastern Conference! There have only been a few decent teams of late, and he still couldn't get it done.

I was just arguing that current Heat team - LBJ + $15 million would win 50 if spent right.


dIEHARD said:
*gifs of Lolbrons shot selections*


Gigglepoo said:
Which is looking more and more like a fluke with each passing year. Since that season, Wade's teams have lost in the first round three times and missed the playoffs once. In the Eastern Conference. Plus, when you consider the bailout calls in the Finals and the Heat only winning 52 games that year (the lowest for a champion since the Rockets, I believe), it just seems like a crazy blip on the radar.
fluke? fluke my ass try jusssst-out-of-his-prime shaq
Gigglepoo said:
Wade is too selfish to raise the level of his teammates. He needs lots of help around him to thrive, whereas LeBron can turn shit into sundaes.

"shit into sundaes?" More like sundaes into shit. Lebron's teammates now are so fucking good this year. Lets break it down:

Dwyane fucking Wade: FMVP, one of the best SGs of all time, dominant in the clutch, top 5 player in the league. 27/7/5 last year. PER of 28.
Chris Bosh: multiple all star appearances, great scoring PF, 24/11 before joining MIA. PER of 25.
Udonis Haslem: star-level role player in the mold of Horry, Kerr. Hustle, rebounding, tough screens, all the dirty work. Consistent jump shot.
Zydrunas Ilgauskas: 7 footer with range. Strong shot blocker. Excellent size; provides defense against slower, stronger players.
Mike Miller: career 41% 3 pt shooter (48% last year. Fantastic rebounder for his position (between 5-7 most of his career). Knows his role and plays within the system. Class guy.

In the playoffs you play 7 or 8 guys. Those 5 plus Lebron make 6. Add in a Mario Chalmers or an Eddie House and you're set.

If he can't win with this set of teammates he can never win. The whole point of him going to MIA was so he could take the easy road to a ring. Yet he still can't do it. Why? Because he sucks.


Wade, Lebron, and Bosh all suck and will never have the heart or class of a guy like Dirk. What David Stern and his crooked league did to rob him of his rightful title is shameful.
i posted this earlier.

2009: Mo Williams + Delonte West + Lebron + Varajeo/Ben Wallace + Big Z = 115 points per 100 possessions

2011: Chalmers + Dwyane Wade + Lebron + Chris Bosh + Big Z = 114 points per 100 possessions

Either we are to believe Wade + Bosh + Chalmers = Mo + West + Varajao/Wallace or Lebron is screwing up the new teammates. It's got to be one. I doubt any of us think the first is right.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
giri said:
I disagree. With out LBJ they could've signed a competent PG and C pairing.

Imagine how decent Miami would look, if they had've traded LBJ for everything NY gave up for melo.... depth, size, decent pg, youth.

Wouldnt be a bad team..

However, they wouldn't be a better team than LBJ and Wade..They are 43-18 now which is a really good record.
Well, the stars for the Heat got what they asked for---they didn't want to be coached, didn't want to play team-strategized basketball, so you breakdown at the end.

And Bosh should've gone to the Magic, dude just loves the perimeter. You are a fucking power forward, not a bitch forward.


So who will be available this offseason that the Jazz can try to get to foul bait or get away with thugging? I'm tired of not having one or both of those guys on our team. I can't remember the last time a home game felt like a home game. We get rammed up the ass in free throw disparity and I'm sick of it. Can we get a Kevin Martin or someone like that? Can we get someone like Nene who can throw elbows all game without consequence? What does it take?


Blackface said:
Fun stat of the day.

Lebron James and Wade have taken just about the same amount of shots each, as Bosh did total last season. Bosh has taken hundreds less.

He is a third option. He isn't going to be scoring over 20 PPG. Get used to it. It doesn't matter who you bring in. There are only so many shots per game.
You act like he didn't get enough shots to get 20 points though.. he shot 15 and only made 5. Don't act like he couldn't get 20 points on 15 shots a game if he had any balls or a post game.
BeautifulMemory said:
Well, the stars for the Heat got what they asked for---they didn't want to be coached, didn't want to play team-strategized basketball, so you breakdown at the end.

Well no team with Lebron could play team ball. He has played this way all his life. He stands on the top of the key, dribbles the air out of the ball, and then passes to his teammate with 4 seconds on the clock expecting them to do something with it. Or on the rare possession where the ball isn't in his hands, he goes to the corner, as far away from the ball as possible, and leans over, holding his knees because he is so tired from all that dribbling. None of these things are recorded on the stat sheet yet he does them more often than he makes good plays. For every spectacular pass, block, or drive he makes, remember all the dumb shit he does that stagnates the offense.

We need to stop blaming Lebron's coaches for running the offenses they are running and start blaming Lebron. You know, the guy demanding they play this way. Spo doesn't run the same offense as Mike Brown, yet the offenses look the same. I wonder why.
Blackace said:
Wouldnt be a bad team..

However, they wouldn't be a better team than LBJ and Wade..They are 43-18 now which is a really good record.

43-18 with one of the easiest schedules so far. I'm curious to see where they are after this 10 game run.

If it's 46-24 or something, meh.
The Crimson Blur said:
Well no team with Lebron could play team ball. He has played this way all his life. He stands on the top of the key, dribbles the air out of the ball, and then passes to his teammate with 4 seconds on the clock expecting them to do something with it. Or on the rare possession where the ball isn't in his hands, he goes to the corner, as far away from the ball as possible, and leans over, holding his knees because he is so tired from all that dribbling. None of these things are recorded on the stat sheet yet he does them more often than he makes good plays. For every spectacular pass, block, or drive he makes, remember all the dumb shit he does that stagnates the offense.

We need to stop blaming Lebron's coaches for running the offenses they are running and start blaming Lebron. You know, the guy demanding they play this way. Spo doesn't run the same offense as Mike Brown, yet they look the same. I wonder why.

B-b-but ESPN tells me the Spurs are boring ball. Lebron SLAMMA JAMMA baby!

I have always hated watching Lebron's team play. It's so boring. Outside of some fast break and great Lebron plays now and then, they are always a boring team to watch for exactly the reasons you mention.


And Wade's crappy style of play exacerbates it. Between the two of them you have two of the least interesting players who play the game the wrong way.


Wonder if Kornheiser will still be going on about LeBron being the MVP tomorrow.

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Today was a great day.
The Crimson Blur said:
Well no team with Lebron could play team ball. He has played this way all his life. He stands on the top of the key, dribbles the air out of the ball, and then passes to his teammate with 4 seconds on the clock expecting them to do something with it. Or on the rare possession where the ball isn't in his hands, he goes to the corner, as far away from the ball as possible, and leans over, holding his knees because he is so tired from all that dribbling. None of these things are recorded on the stat sheet yet he does them more often than he makes good plays. For every spectacular pass, block, or drive he makes, remember all the dumb shit he does that stagnates the offense.

We need to stop blaming Lebron's coaches for running the offenses they are running and start blaming Lebron. You know, the guy demanding they play this way. Spo doesn't run the same offense as Mike Brown, yet the offenses look the same. I wonder why.

Exactly, you said what I wanted to say. Spo tries to coach, and the Heat babies whined and thinking that they would do no less than Pat Riley. So Spo played the politics game and let the players play they demanded.

It disgusts me that we are almost to playoffs and the Heat is absolutely clueless on how to run their offense when a team shows a defensive scheme. I don't like Bosh either. He can make jump shots, sure, but doing so is fucking redundant with the type of the players the Heat already has

- As others have pointed out, the worst part is that he poses on shots that are clear bricks. You'd think he would feel that the shot was off when it left his hands and he would crash the boards. Instead he holds out hope for a lucky bounce so he can get his Sportscenter pose.

Also it was terrible in that final play how he just lazily stood out on the perimeter when Bosh took the three. Maybe he was suppose to stay in that position, but the problem is when Mike Miller got the rebound and threw the pass out, Lebron looked surprised and not quite ready. Lebron basically goes into sleep mode if he doesn't get the ball. Meanwhile, Wade is scratching and clawing for a rebound...


- I think I'm going to side with blackface on this one to an extent. Bosh IS overpaid but he primarily looks like trash right now because he makes for a poor 3rd wheel in the Heat's current system. He's getting less touches and they only seem to run plays for him that involve mid-range jumpshots. Yes that's his strength, but he is being under-utilized. I could see Bosh being a Dirk-styled player with enough development. A finesse PF rather than a power PF.

The bottom-line is that the Heat players just don't compliment each other. They occupy the same areas of the floor. And since Bosh is 3rd in the pecking order, he gets less touches on the floor. I really think the Melo, Amare, and Billups trio have a much higher ceiling over the next two years. Offensively they're much more balanced.

@ Who will be the first to go

- Bosh will obviously be the easiest target and scapegoat. Shooting 1-18 doesn't help his case either. But I think Lebron is the real problem. On the court, he struggles/refuses to run actual offensive sets. Off the court, he's always one tantrum away from forming a mutiny and he poisons the locker-room with unearned swagger.

The Heat have Wade, they don't need Lebron. Put Lebron on the trading block and most teams would trade their starting 5 for him. The Heat could then have a complete team with depth. That's what wins championships. The last three years when the Lakers and Celtics failed to win, it was mostly due to lack of depth from injuries.

But I don't see the Heat having the balls to put Lebron on the trading block unless Lebron does something insubordinate.
The Crimson Blur said:
Well no team with Lebron could play team ball. He has played this way all his life. He stands on the top of the key, dribbles the air out of the ball, and then passes to his teammate with 4 seconds on the clock expecting them to do something with it. Or on the rare possession where the ball isn't in his hands, he goes to the corner, as far away from the ball as possible, and leans over, holding his knees because he is so tired from all that dribbling. None of these things are recorded on the stat sheet yet he does them more often than he makes good plays. For every spectacular pass, block, or drive he makes, remember all the dumb shit he does that stagnates the offense.

We need to stop blaming Lebron's coaches for running the offenses they are running and start blaming Lebron. You know, the guy demanding they play this way. Spo doesn't run the same offense as Mike Brown, yet the offenses look the same. I wonder why.

TCB with that hot fire.


Jeff-DSA said:
The greatest gift Stern ever gave Wade, right there. In fact, that was probably the pic he put inside the thank you card.
I prefer to think of them as a Kobe/Shaq tandem.


@adamrank I don't get BYU. The Cougars hoops team suspended their center for the rest of the season because he penetrated the hole.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Black Mamba said:
43-18 with one of the easiest schedules so far. I'm curious to see where they are after this 10 game run.

If it's 46-24 or something, meh.

Maybe but that doesn't mean a Felton led Heat would be better off
Bosh got a good look and LeBron is getting closer(he hit the front of the rim, not a brick!!!!!).

The guy who looks the worst out of all of this is Wade(was he in the game at the time????).

Jordan and even Derrick Rose would at least start with the ball out of the inbound.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
giri said:
No, but he probably doesn't get completely destroyed on D like bibby either.

It's too bad they seemed to have given up on Mario...
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Bosh got a good look and LeBron is getting closer(he hit the front of the rim, not a brick!!!!!).

The guy who looks the worst out of all of this is Wade(was he in the game at the time????).

Jordan and even Derrick Rose would at least start with the ball out of the inbound.

Dude helped force both rebound ops (first to LeBron, second with time running out to Bibby). It's not his fault LeBron dribbled half the fucking game out on the previous possession.
Pickles the Firecat said:
Dude helped force both rebound ops (first to LeBron, second with time running out to Bibby). It's not his fault LeBron dribbled half the fucking game out on the previous possession.

The point is, he didn't want the ball.

In the first game at Chicago, he was hitting three after three when it counted until he missed the final one.

Wade should demand the ball when it matters most if he is the leader of this team.

What good is creating more opportunities to clowns that everyone knows will miss the shots???

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
uuuh, the last two shots of that LeBron gif are fine. One he pump fakes and shoots an open 3, the other one is a wide open 3 that he misses.

I mean, players miss over half their shots, you know. You guys bitch about everything.
If the Heat can show the type of effort that they did against the Lakers more consistently I could see them as a really tough out.

They had such a great performance in that game and they've never really been able to replicate it. Bosh hit the boards, Bron played off the ball and knocked down outside shots, Wade was the main creator...it was really good stuff.

This shit right here sucks though.
Raging Spaniard said:
I mean, players miss over half their shots, you know. You guys bitch about everything.

a voice of reason!

last night was as embarassing as it gets but i'm not going to go around and start saying dumbass shit like "trade wade/james"

but bosh=overpaid is acceptable

and last night we were steamrolling orlando and people here were yawning. then orlando has an incredible, unusual night from 3 pointer, makes a comeback, and we're garbage again....lol

Dark FaZe said:
If the Heat can show the type of effort that they did against the Lakers more consistently I could see them as a really tough out.

They had such a great performance in that game and they've never really been able to replicate it. Bosh hit the boards, Bron played off the ball and knocked down outside shots, Wade was the main creator...it was really good stuff.

that game doesn't count one iota. none of these do


ph33nix said:

you guys are a bunch of overreacting pansies. is the season over already?
When does the Heat sucking in the clutch become a trend and not an anomoly that people are overreacting to?? What's it gonna take??


ph33nix said:

you guys are a bunch of overreacting pansies. is the season over already?
Raging Spaniard said:
uuuh, the last two shots of that LeBron gif are fine. One he pump fakes and shoots an open 3, the other one is a wide open 3 that he misses.

I mean, players miss over half their shots, you know. You guys bitch about everything.
I sort of agree, but an LBJ 3 isn't exactly what you want in the death, he makes a living bulling his way to the rim, not at the 3pt line.

ph33nix said:
a voice of reason!

last night was as embarassing as it gets but i'm not going to go around and start saying dumbass shit like "trade wade/james"

but bosh=overpaid is acceptable

and last night we were steamrolling orlando and people here were yawning. then orlando has an incredible, unusual night from 3 pointer, makes a comeback, and we're garbage again....lol

that game doesn't count one iota. none of these do

I think the Bosh as a 3rd option thing is sort of true, he is a little over paid as he's performing. He should be taking it much more inside. He has a decent mid range jumper, but in toronto he was at his best facing up and attacking the rim, not shooting 15 jumpers a game. He's being used slightly wrong, due to the fact that neither LBJ nor Wade are great shooters. I would think he would show more urgency for rebounds later in the game though.

Also, i'm not so sure it's unusal for Orlando, thats how they play, they're going to have those nights regularly.

The thing to worry about is constantly giving up huge leads due to an eratic O. If wade and LBJ are hitting jumpers, almost unbeatable, if not.... they have melt downs as seen here.
xnipx said:
When does the Heat sucking in the clutch become a trend and not an anomoly that people are overreacting to?? What's it gonna take??

I never said they didn't suck in the clutch. It IS a trend. But it doesn't mean that our season is over and that we will be terrible in the clutch forever. It might last this year but could be an improvement next year, who knows. But it doesn't mean that the team we forged over the summer is going to be a failure forever which is how people are labeling them.

The same people who were jealous last summer are the same ones firing the dumb shots now. Go figure.

giri said:
I think the Bosh as a 3rd option thing is sort of true, he is a little over paid as he's performing. He should be taking it much more inside. He has a decent mid range jumper, but in toronto he was at his best facing up and attacking the rim, not shooting 15 jumpers a game. He's being used slightly wrong, due to the fact that neither LBJ nor Wade are great shooters. I would think he would show more urgency for rebounds later in the game though.

Also, i'm not so sure it's unusal for Orlando, thats how they play, they're going to have those nights regularly.

The thing to worry about is constantly giving up huge leads due to an eratic O. If wade and LBJ are hitting jumpers, almost unbeatable, if not.... they have melt downs as seen here.

Orlando is going to shoot 55% from three regularly?

And how are we using Bosh wrong? With him you either just let him have isos (Raptors) or use him as a floor spacer which is generally what he's there for. It's his job to know if he should take the open shot or drive. Unfortunately he'd usually rather shoot. Do his stats and shots taken speak max contract? Hell no, but his presence is SUPPOSED to open our offense.

And the whole "Bosh is overpaid you guys shouldn't have gotten him" shtick is retarded, Bosh was basically going to get that money some way or the other. It was either have the Miami Timberwolves without Kevin Love, or have these 3 guys. I think I'll take what we have now over being a lottery team.


ph33nix said:
I never said they didn't suck in the clutch. It IS a trend. But it doesn't mean that our season is over and that we will be terrible in the clutch forever. It might last this year but could be an improvement next year, who knows. But it doesn't mean that the team we forged over the summer is going to be a failure forever which is how people are labeling them.

The same people who were jealous last summer are the same ones firing the dumb shots now. Go figure.
Really? I don't think people were jealous. Personally i was upset that LeBron spurn the Knicks and create a legit rivalry with Miami and decided to join forces with 1.5 and try to form an insta dynasty. I wasn't jealous. Angry, yea.

Miami deserves all the hate it gets, comes with all the good. Bosh being such a bitch was surprising. Bron taking the team away from Wade also is a revelation. Unclutch is something for us fans to laugh about lol



ph33nix said:
I never said they didn't suck in the clutch. It IS a trend. But it doesn't mean that our season is over and that we will be terrible in the clutch forever. It might last this year but could be an improvement next year, who knows. But it doesn't mean that the team we forged over the summer is going to be a failure forever which is how people are labeling them.

The same people who were jealous last summer are the same ones firing the dumb shots now. Go figure.

Orlando is going to shoot 55% from three regularly?

And how are we using Bosh wrong? With him you either just let him have isos (Raptors) or use him as a floor spacer which is generally what he's there for. It's his job to know if he should take the open shot or drive. Unfortunately he'd usually rather shoot. Do his stats and shots taken speak max contract? Hell no, but his presence is SUPPOSED to open our offense.

And the whole "Bosh is overpaid you guys shouldn't have gotten him" shtick is retarded, Bosh was basically going to get that money some way or the other. It was either have the Miami Timberwolves without Kevin Love, or have these 3 guys. I think I'll take what we have now over being a lottery team.
What have you seen to make you believe they will get any better? Is it just hope? Or do you have evidence to back it up?? Because unless wade gets his balls back from lebron, this is brons team and he hasn't shown anything in his career that he can get better in late game situations
ph33nix said:
I never said they didn't suck in the clutch. It IS a trend. But it doesn't mean that our season is over and that we will be terrible in the clutch forever. It might last this year but could be an improvement next year, who knows. But it doesn't mean that the team we forged over the summer is going to be a failure forever which is how people are labeling them.

The same people who were jealous last summer are the same ones firing the dumb shots now. Go figure.

uh...it's time to get ready to panic.

Look, these guys--their egos are far too big to handle sustain losing like this before the shit hits the fan, especially with all they sacrificed in the name of winning chips.

The truth is that these guys probably are never going to be able to play championship basketball together. The Lakers went from meh to the finals immediately after getting Gasol. The Celtics? We know how that ended.

And yet the Heat are failing almost every single test when it comes to determining if this thing is going to work. Can't get PiP, have no big men, lose against good teams constantly...etc.

And maybe the Heat not winning this year would have been fine with the way the league was shaping up at the beginning of the season, but now the talent pool in the East is just getting stronger. They aren't going to be able to just wait until this Boston team retires. They will have to actually evolve, and there is little chance they will be able to make large alterations to their roster under the CURRENT CBA, let alone what's coming.

Trade Bron and get a full roster worth of potential all-stars before this thing goes nuclear...

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
The numbers show that James is good in the clutch, plus if he doesnt take that shot and instead gives it to Eddie House or Mike miller ... and they miss (like they have done many times this season) then you'll bitch about that, too.

We just need to establish a playing-the-resultGAF

Real talk, Bosh has been the best thing about that team so far. Sacrificed the most and is making the most out of the situation.
DCX said:
Really? I don't think people were jealous. Personally i was upset that LeBron spurn the Knicks and create a legit rivalry with Miami and decided to join forces with 1.5 and try to form an insta dynasty. I wasn't jealous. Angry, yea.


Maybe jealous is a strong word. I know there are many who thought this combo of 3 players wouldn't gel, but there are also many people who are saying all this shit now but wished their team pulled off that coup in free agency last summer.

xnipx said:
What have you seen to make you believe they will get any better? Is it just hope? Or do you have evidence to back it up?? Because unless wade gets his balls back from lebron, this is brons team and he hasn't shown anything in his career that he can get better in late game situations

I haven't. I've said this before. Right now I'm going off of the fact that there is still a lot of time left and the playoffs are different. Is this a strong case to make? No, but you also cannot say with certainty that things won't work out. It's like yesterday I was listening to PTI/Around the Horn and all those guys were saying the Magic were going to be a first round out. I wonder how those guys feel today. Get my point?

And guys let's face it. Wade is letting Bosh/James have all their game ending shots before Wade hogs it in the playoffs!

Raging Spaniard said:
The numbers show that James is good in the clutch, plus if he doesnt take that shot and instead gives it to Eddie House or Mike miller ... and they miss (like they have done many times this season) then you'll bitch about that, too.

We just need to establish a playing-the-resultGAF

Real talk, Bosh has been the best thing about that team so far. Sacrificed the most and is making the most out of the situation.

EXACTLY this. I'm pretty sure last week when LeBron was taking shots at the end he was getting ripped for being selfish and not trusting. Then giving the ball at the end means you're a pussy. It's great.
Raging Spaniard said:
plus if he doesnt take that shot and instead gives it to Eddie House or Mike miller ... and they miss (like they have done many times this season) then you'll bitch about that, too.

Isn't Wade still on the team????
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