My thoughts currently on Knicks,
If I had to target one guy on that team who didn't give a fuck about the team outcome, it would be Melo. "I'm young. Got plenty of years left in me, next year will be better, etc...". Didn't have a great game one and who cares? That was negated in game two. Amare goes down with some foolish injury he obtained from fucking around in the pre-game. Melo could have used the excuse he had nobody else or reverted back to the original mindset I just mentioned, but the guy came out ballin'. Funny enough, that probably best fits Amare.
Carmelo is a little punk, cheap-artist thug. Guy so far this series has been fitting that title. In my opinion though that is exactly what he should be. He doesn't go around parading himself to be some sort of clown like LeBron and Kobe do. Worst thing you can pinpoint on him is he smiles as he takes on the other team head-on.
Summary, I like his style.