ryutaro's mama said:Chris Mullen looks like an older Randy Orton.
Dont be talking about Dream's favorite wrestler..Him and Cena...LOL
ryutaro's mama said:Chris Mullen looks like an older Randy Orton.
sf2fanatic said:Dont be talking about Dream's favorite wrestler..Him and Cena...LOL
ryutaro's mama said:Chris Mullen looks like an older Randy Orton.
reilo said:Portland was 15-20FG in the fourth, and 18-0 in points in the paint.
dream said:wtf
You're thinking of Lunchbox you racist
To be honest, LaMarcus has had the toughest time against the Mavs with Haywood on him. Haywood is just really strong and big and LaMarcus struggles posting him up. On the other hand, LaMarcus has made Chandler look like the scrub he is.Boombloxer said:Yep, the Mavs' commitment to defense makes them a different and dangerous team this year.
Cuban is a douche but how is it his fault? He spends a shit load of money on that team. They just have a shit coach and a team of chokers.CherryWoodFuton said:As long as Cuban is the owner the Mavs aint winning shit
Pkaz01 said:Cuban is a douche but how is it his fault? He spends a shit load of money on that team. They just have a shit coach and a team of chokers.
Pkaz01 said:Cuban is a douche but how is it his fault? He spends a shit load of money on that team. They just have a shit coach and a team of chokers.
Pkaz01 said:I don't see how Cuban is a bad owner he pays for the talent to sign, he accommodates all his players with what they need. The mavs just choke he cant go make clutch plays for them.
there are some bad owners in this league cuban isn't one of them.
He'd be fine in baseball where you can just throw money away without problems. In basketball, where you have to be smart about it, not so much.Black Mamba said:no doubt. With MLB taking over the Dodgers, I'd welcome Cuban as the owner with open arms. Cuban is a great owner, the team just has some flaws.
edit: man, spurs just look slow.
Just read Brandi's meltdowns. Almost as good.FantasticMrFoxdie said:Fuuuuuuuuck Blazers came back from 23 points
Sounds like I missed a hell of a game
Branduil said:He'd be fine in baseball where you can just throw money away without problems. In basketball, where you have to be smart about it, not so much.
The_Inquisitor said:Are you sure it isn't the other way around? You have a lot of teams toward the bottom of total salary dominating the late play-off games. (ie my Rangers last year)
he is fatPkaz01 said:Randolph is a tank just rams his way in there.
Pkaz01 said:Randolph is a tank just rams his way in there.
Sho_Nuff82 said:The Yankees and Red Sox are favorites every year.
The_Inquisitor said:Have you followed baseball this season? Red Sox had a HORRIBLE start. Granted it is still April, but clearly they didn't have the fantastic start everyone predicted. Yankees hasn't been to the WS since '09.
My point is that chemistry and luck are just as much a part of baseball as it is basketball. I see superstar players get traded in the NBA and make dramatic changes versus some moves I have seen in the MLB.
I think the grizz motivate him with a piece of bacon everytime he battles in the paint.TheGreatMightyPoo said:When playing the Bulls, the Bulls announcer brought up a great point that Randolph thrives off of contact and that is his rhythm.
The Spurs shouldn't touch him, maybe he'll be confused.
literally looks like an avatar brandi would actually haveBlack Mamba said:As funny as the Lakers logo for Brandi is, I think this is more fitting.
edit: Fans cheering Manu's elbow being hurt on that play. smh.
Sho_Nuff82 said:I should clarify, they are pre-season favorites every year.
It was good while it lasted Grizzlies.Cloudy said:Even if the Spurs somehow win this series, they ain't beating OKC
AShep said:Late but don't worry Bulls fans, Rose had more assists than rebounds which is the most important thing, or something...