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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Love Jesus or I'll cut you

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The Stealth Fox said:
These people have nothing to live for other than instant gratification.
I've had patients that come in for infected picc lines and ports and the reason is that they crush up their opiod pills and shoot it up their lines. Fucking turrible.


dream said:
The fuck.

That's kinda nuts.
needlejuice said:
About the cake and the flowers they used - I thought this was genius and again shows the lengths the Royals went to (however insignificant) to include all sections of the UK in the celebrations...

Flowers featured on the cake:

Rose (white) - national symbol of England

Daffodil - national symbol of Wales, new beginnings

Shamrock - national symbol of Ireland

Thistle - national symbol of Scotland

Acorns, oak leaf - strength, endurance

Myrtle - love

Ivy - wedded love, marriage

Lily of the valley - sweetness, humility

Rose (bridal) - happiness, love

Sweet William - grant me one smile

Honeysuckle - the bond of love

Apple blossom - preference, good fortune

White heather - protection, wishes will come true

Jasmine (white) - amiability

Daisy - innocence, beauty, simplicity

Orange blossom - marriage, eternal love, fruitfulness

Lavender - ardent attachment, devotion, success, and luck.


It's GAF I have seen people saying suicide is ok and perfectly normal and acceptable.

Pretty much anything is cool here except religion.

The M.O.B

I just saw that TMac posted that second round virgin picture on his twitter yesterday O_O, lol but props to him for having some humor to laugh at that.


dream said:
What was the consensus?
I think most of the people in the thread liked them and they called the British people that didn't like them socialists or poor people or naive college students that were fucking up their celebration thread. There were people in the thread that cried when watching the wedding and obsessed over the dresses, hats, and cakes.


numble said:
There were people in the thread that cried when watching the wedding and obsessed over the dresses, hats, and cakes.

Did they have pony or Lady Gaga avatars, by any chance?


numble said:
I was watching people argue about whether the royals are good for their country.

Admit it, you just want to see Elton John's latest attire.

giri said:
Such a hater, crickets awesome, especially test match cricket.

I knew I would get a reaction out of you. :p
No BS wedding talk. That shit was embarassing. People celebrating monarchy? I´ll never get that. Guess i´m running low on whatever T-Mac was taking.

Predictions time:

Lakers in 5
Thunder in 6
Bulls in 4
Heat in 6


more money than God
numble said:
I think most of the people in the thread liked them and they called the British people that didn't like them socialists or poor people or naive college students that were fucking up their celebration thread. There were people in the thread that cried when watching the wedding and obsessed over the dresses, hats, and cakes.
Holy shit, that's pathetic.
dat Camillia

I hope the Grizzlies choke , would be funny to see but i got a feeling Marc will go crazy and beast tonight

as for predictions.

Celtics in 6- resurrected Jermaine O'Neal gets his revenge on erika dampier and joel anthony.
Hawks in 7- lol at the nickname BoozIR
Lakers in 7
Thunder in 7 vs the Spurs or Thunder in 5 vs the Grizzlies- dat perk


The Pacers might not resign Bird? That would be crazy. This team has lots of young talent. He should be commended for rebuilding without landing a top draft pick.


Those Grizzlies fans were loud as hell. This game is going to be sick.

Also lol at the wedding talk. I can't believe how big of a deal it was being made out in the states.


I like the one Memphis dude screaming "EVA" at Tony. Like he should be ashamed he smashed a B-lister and moved on.


Remember when Lakers-Age was like but but we need HCA against the spurs HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY DEFEAT TIMMY AND MANU WITHOUT IT


dream said:
Remember when Lakers-Age was like but but we need HCA against the spurs HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY DEFEAT TIMMY AND MANU WITHOUT IT

Who knew the team with dat best record in the league for nearly the entire season would implode in front of our eyes?


So i'm guessing the post game talk last time was " you settled for jump shots the entire first quarter last game, quit it" Memphis doing a good job of being aggressive, though they did just airball a 3....
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