cloving how many times can you recycle the same facts that really mean nothing
They show bitchmadewade to be the player I have said he is for years. The Heat fans will defend him regardless but he is who he is
cloving how many times can you recycle the same facts that really mean nothing
Moris guess who might play next week!
They show bitchmadewade to be the player I have said he is for years. The Heat fans will defend him regardless but he is who he is
I bet Jimmer is going to get 30 pts tonight vs knicks.
I bet Jimmer is going to get 30 pts tonight vs knicks.
So jelly of my #swagswagClovingBitchMade.
You guys should watch some Cavs games, if only to see what the real issues are. This team would have 12 to 15 wins with better coaching.
The offense Byron Scott runs is detrimental.
Fuck Dwyane Wade. It was honestly my dislike of him that kept me from joining Heat-AGE.
Hey, they really wanted me to join. Lakers-AGE seemed happy to have me. The party we had when you left for Knicks-AGE was tremendous.I am sure that Heat-Age is cryingtearsof joy.
Fuck Dwyane Wade. It was honestly my dislike of him that kept me from joining Heat-AGE.
Hey, they really wanted me to join. Lakers-AGE seemed happy to have me. The party we had when you left for Knicks-AGE was tremendous.
I never believed he would come to Chicago, so I never thought about it, honestly. I don't know how I would have felt about him coming to the Bulls a few years ago.yea right,you probably wanted him in chicago lol. you should have join heat age,LeBron is going to 4peat.
yea right,you probably wanted him in chicago lol. you should have join heat age,LeBron is going to 4peat.
Yeah, we assumed you would be back after Knicks-AGE inevitably rejected you. It was in the back of our minds at the "ClovingGONE" party, and it sort of hampered things.Well...
in the 9 minutes Keith Smart will give him?
Imagine if he applied himself like Michael.
Yep. The one year that he REALLY took care of himself was in 93 when he won MVP and almost won the chip. He was so amazing as is, had he took care of his body I don't even know. Poor eating habits, poor workout regiment (if he had one), not too much off season workouts. Dude was just beastly though and such a joy to watch. My favorite athlete ever.
Yep. He was one of those athletes where you were always going to get your moneys worth as a fan.The best thin about barkley was after a bucket, he usually just ran back on D.
not leisurely strolled.
I've never heard an arena so quiet....
We are making Andre Drummond look like Wilt
Andre Drummond looks like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.
idk. pistons hitting shots heat not giving a fuck....They went back to lazy defense?
bosh getting a tech?
ref thought bosh was gonna eat what did he do?