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2012-13 Dec NBA Season lOT2l It Wasn't Me, It Was Uncle Drew


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Dwyane Wade's agent, Henry Thomas, said on Sunday that he plans to appeal Wade's one-game suspension for the shot to the groin of Ramon Sessions.

Wade was forced to sit out Friday's game and lost in excess of $150,000 for the missed contest.

"We are doing it on the basis that I don't think the suspension was warranted," Thomas said.

"He felt that it wasn't warranted. I saw the play and I just don't think that it was."

Appeal hearings can take months, but Thomas is confident that lost wages will be reclaimed once it is held.

"Absolutely," he said. "The players' association will file the appeal. The money will go in escrow and then when the hearing's held, it's held."
Magic have a brutal schedule coming up and are only 3 games ahead of Detroit

suck azz for Shabazz

With the way we're playing we should definitely be in the running for Noel or Shabazz too. Our coach is still under the delusion that zone defenses can work in the NBA. I guess he thinks he's smarter than all the other coaches who have tried it before him and failed. Our opponents have hit 290 3s against us at 39.2 percent, the only team with a worse percentage is Phoenix.
fell off? he hasn;t ever been particularly good. Last time I saw him look lively was in that one game in the pacers series last night.

He used to be a good player. He was expected to get easy mid range Js all day when Bosh and Bron showed up. Looking at his stats and his per 36 min, it looks like it's mostly due to getting less court time, but he gets less court time cause his D fell off pretty hard too.
I was hoping for Royce's development but damn. If he can't mentally handle the demands of playing the NBA then he needs to let it go and be a family man.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
With the way we're playing we should definitely be in the running for Noel or Shabazz too. Our coach is still under the delusion that zone defenses can work in the NBA. I guess he thinks he's smarter than all the other coaches who have tried it before him and failed. Our opponents have hit 290 3s against us at 39.2 percent, the only team with a worse percentage is Phoenix.

You see this yet?

you can check popcornmachine too. they come in bunches.
I still think Royce could contribute to an NBA team but not till he grows up. I have anxiety. I got medicine and sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't but I wont let it control my life.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Royce White can go fuck himself.

I have major anxiety issues from my shitty health and I take shit for it and don't act like this sob.
With the way we're playing we should definitely be in the running for Noel or Shabazz too. Our coach is still under the delusion that zone defenses can work in the NBA. I guess he thinks he's smarter than all the other coaches who have tried it before him and failed. Our opponents have hit 290 3s against us at 39.2 percent, the only team with a worse percentage is Phoenix.

He has still has scrapped it yet?


What the hell is Royce doing right now anyways, is he just sitting on the couch at home or something

He's spent the last 6 weeks being a mouthy bitch making snide remarks on twitter while regretting being isolated.

Despite that being what he asked for.

And then changing his mind and saying that not giving him a starters role on the team was the rockets discriminating against him for his mental health issues.

Despite the rockets saying they'll pick up the tab for all his medical issues and providing him a doctor on call 24/7.

Some might say the rockets have been harsh in their dealing with Royce. I think they set some very realistic guidelines that, if he really wanted to do all the hard work that goes along with playing in the NBA, he could adhere too quite easily.

Instead, twitter.

The people advising royce are costing him an NBA career. There aren't teams out there that are going to want to go through a PR nightmare like this, on the off chance a late lotto pick who has never seen the court and refuses to work with the team. Who would want that on their doorstep?

I'd rather be wrong than right in my cynicism here, but he hasn't really ever shown that he's committed to the NBA or the rockets.
I dont get it either, sounds like he just got mad being sent to d league. Then made some stupid comments and now won't admit his mistakes so he keeps digging a bigger hole.
I'm really about to be "fuck royce" at this point
I was talking shit about him when his "issues" started poppin up but some were white knighting him and trying to make me seem uncaring.

I think it comes down to this, you chose to go down the path to be a ball player. Something millions of people dream about. By the time you hit your upperclassman years of hs and agents are in your ear, I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what's gonna be required of you. It's either get over your problems or find another day job.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I was talking shit about him when his "issues" started poppin up but some were white knighting him and trying to make me seem uncaring.

I think it comes down to this, you chose to go down the path to be a ball player. Something millions of people dream about. By the time you hit your upperclassman years of hs and agents are in your ear, I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what's gonna be required of you. It's either get over your problems or find another day job.

I had his back at first because anxiety issues fuck with a lot of people. By all accounts, they were severe and at the time it looked like he was more concerned about making things work than anything else. That's not white knighting. There are plenty of players that have issues that go from family to permanent physical ailments to mental disabilities - and by being upfront and on the same page with your organization, things work. Its not an uncommon thing. Guys take time off for family or are allowed to have family travel with them. There are diabetic athletes everywhere. Royce definitely isn't the only guy mental issues. These things get dealt with all the time from college to the pros.

That's not what was happening here. At first it looked like a lack of communication. Then it looked like someone, not really sure who, was in the wrong. Now its almost 100% obvious that Royce doesn't need to be in this situation and every single one of his handlers has failed him completely.


I was talking shit about him when his "issues" started poppin up but some were white knighting him and trying to make me seem uncaring.

I think it comes down to this, you chose to go down the path to be a ball player. Something millions of people dream about. By the time you hit your upperclassman years of hs and agents are in your ear, I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what's gonna be required of you. It's either get over your problems or find another day job.

No, thats... unjust.

I can't blame him for trying to go down the path. For pushing it to see if he can. He deserves the opportunity.

I just have to question the people advising him. He should never have gotten on twitter, not when PR is going to be a big thing for this kid.

When the offer of the D-League came up, it should have been seen as an opportunity for him, from his advisers. Get back into a team environment. Get back into the groove. Prove you want it to the team also.

Some of it is life lessons. A lot of these guys go through HS / College and are afforded every privilege. At the NBA level, he hasn't done anything yet so is told to earn it. Something he has no intent of doing.

He has issues, well documented issues. But he's doing him self the greatest injustice possible by trying to wage a PR war against his own team.
Specifically, two people close to the situation who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation said a trade to the Washington Wizards would be considered ideal for Cousins and Fegan because Cousins could rejoin former Kentucky teammate and fellow [Dan] Fegan client, point guard John Wall. The Wizards, who are known to have expressed recent interest in Cousins, have been told by the Kings that they have no intention of trading him.

I understand about mental issues. I have seen about a dozen people I've had some sort of regular contact with struggle thru PTSD. A family history of diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, people on daily dialysis for a few years till they kicked the bucket, etc. I get it. This aint that though.

This aint diabetes. This isn't someone who's been raped and freaks out about showering in the team showers. Etc. This is someone who's scared to get on a plane, and wants the team to kiss his ass. I'm all for chasing dreams, but there's sacrifice. And this is a pretty meaningless one. It's far from unjust.


I understand about mental issues. I have seen about a dozen people I've had some sort of regular contact with struggle thru PTSD. A family history of diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, people on daily dialysis for a few years till they kicked the bucket, etc. I get it. This aint that though.

This aint diabetes. This isn't someone who's been raped and freaks out about showering in the team showers. Etc. This is someone who's scared to get on a plane, and wants the team to kiss his ass. I'm all for chasing dreams, but there's sacrifice. And this is a pretty meaningless one. It's far from unjust.

You're belittling his condition and pretty much saying that the only answer is for him to toughen up. That's not fair.

But with that said, he has done a terrible job handling the situation. He comes off as an entitled prick who doesn't want to go to the D league... a lot of rookies are in the D league at some point so it's not ridiculous that he should be there too. He's not some sure fire suoer star or something. Just shut up, play, and work the anxiety stuff out privately with the team and go from there.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Royce forming his own team. I'm not jumping on board.

Fucking bs with all his tweeting.

"Good thing for me, truth doesn't need 1 accomplice. Doctors recommended the protocol, it wasn't implemented. Not about ✈'s #AnxietyTroopers"

He needs serious help and needs to walk away already instead of shitting on the Rockets and actually imo making anyone with anxiety issues comes across even worse.



Royce forming his own team. I'm not jumping on board.

Fucking bs with all his tweeting.

"Good thing for me, truth doesn't need 1 accomplice. Doctors recommended the protocol, it wasn't implemented. Not about ✈'s #AnxietyTroopers"

He needs serious help and needs to walk away already instead of shitting on the Rockets and actually imo making anyone with anxiety issues comes across even worse.

Agreed. Not sure why he thinks he's entitled to so much... sucks that all those years of hard work are going to go down the drain over attitude problems and self-entitlement.

No team is going to pick him up, and it's not because of his mental issues.
You're belittling his condition and pretty much saying that the only answer is for him to toughen up. That's not fair.

But with that said, he has done a terrible job handling the situation. He comes off as an entitled prick who doesn't want to go to the D league... a lot of rookies are in the D league at some point so it's not ridiculous that he should be there too. He's not some sure fire suoer star or something. Just shut up, play, and work the anxiety stuff out privately with the team and go from there.
His condition is pretty insignificant. I'm sorry but it is. There are plenty of jobs where refusing to fly somewhere will get you looked over, mine included. It's no different here.

I'm not saying I don't feel sorry for the guy but c'est la vie. NBA aint the only basketball league.
The thing I don't like about Royce is that he keeps complaining that the Rockets haven't been giving him a fair shake in the media... But he refuses to elaborate on what exactly his doctors have been telling the Rockets. If he isn't willing to be forthcoming, stay the fuck off Twitter, it makes him look like a child.

If his doctors' advice amounts to "let Royce start, give him 30 minutes and 20 touches per game, it's good for his anxiety and self-esteem", well, that's just never going to happen at the professional level.
chill lol I thought u guys were playing tonight.

So are they expected to play against Portland?

probably not. amare still has a sore knee but he says he would play if the team needs him to. i think he should wait it out a little longer so hes closer to 100%. melo didnt participate in contact drills today either.

also tyson apparently has a sprained ankle and though he said hed be good for tuesday, he probably wont be 100%
probably not. amare still has a sore knee but he says he would play if the team needs him to. i think he should wait it out a little longer so hes closer to 100%. melo didnt participate in contact drills today either.

also tyson apparently has a sprained ankle and though he said hed be good for tuesday, he probably wont be 100%
ahh, I see. Thanks.
probably not. amare still has a sore knee but he says he would play if the team needs him to. i think he should wait it out a little longer so hes closer to 100%. melo didnt participate in contact drills today either.

also tyson apparently has a sprained ankle and though he said hed be good for tuesday, he probably wont be 100%

He hasn't played in how long? And he's sore form what? Practice?

He won't ever be 100% again.


An official statement from Royce White:

We say there is such an unknown element to mental health in this country, due to the number of people who are not diagnosed. This element also makes it a tough demographic to support.

I agree.

However, it saddens and frightens me to know that in this situation all the decision makers involved have been informed of all the medical dynamics, and yet still refuse to adhere to medical sensibility. In hindsight of the recent tragedies in this country, that had mental illness variables, you would think it would encourage people to act more proactively in that arena. You would think that decision makers who are not well informed about mental health, would take the consultation and recommendation of those who are. You would think we would start to do everything possible to not let the tragic consequences befall us first, before we ask the logical question, "why?", "who knew?" "how could we have helped?. Why not take a proactive approach of "who knows?" "how can we listen?", "how can we support now?"

I do wish to play, but I only intend to do so with the collaboration and recommendation of trained professionals. The purpose of a doctor's confirmation is to ensure that health decisions are made in the sole interest of health and not conflicted with business. My only hope is that decision makers involved realize that doctors are the only logical source to decide action.

There is an admitted lack of knowledge on behalf of the Rockets and the NBA, it becomes transparent as they choose to forego the knowledge of trained professionals and make independent decisions for something as complex as mental health without consulting any doctors. The Rockets have told me in recent conversations that it is their right to decline even their own doctors' recommendations. The concept of not listening to medical consultants in medical situations is alarming. It is also alarming that a player is susceptible to fines for simply adhering to the recommendation of doctors.

It is true that accommodating mental health can be very tough and complex, however, sometimes the only reasonable solution to doing what is right is doing what is tough. To portray that the Rockets have been supportive to me is fundamentally incorrect.

The information that the Houston Rockets have publicly presented about this situation has been extremely misleading and a lot of times totally inaccurate. An image of support has been presented by the Rockets, but the only logical support here would be listening to the recommendation of the medical professionals involved. That has not totally happened here. I have chosen to not play, because the doctors and I believe it to be unsafe for unqualified Rockets front office personnel to make medical decisions, as they are not mental health professionals.

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