Shut it down, let him go home.
Safehouse in Dallas is a go. Wait for pickup. Van labelled purple and gold.
Shut it down, let him go home.
The Spurs are going to be a tough fucking team to beat. They've got a great line up of vets and young players.
Lebron is the wierdest player I've ever seen. More talent than most players that have played the game yet every year he gets less and less confident.
They don't play for the mecca of basketball doe
And shooting a nice 43%
Shumpert and Fields have the be the worst "shooting" guards in the league.
GG Pacers.
But I mostly contribute this loss once again to Heat not being able to rebound or get a hand on some of those loose balls, so many 2nd chance pts for IND.
Please don't tell me melo just got hurt. You cannot be serious.
You're trying way too hard.
Someone has to be able to beat the Rose-less Bulls, right? right?
Miami got whooped???? OH YEAH!
Heat commentators are pretty impartial. That's awesome.
good GOD first row sports and that recurring banner add that has music
Thibs is a mad genius.
I wish the Heat could afford to rest Wade/Lebron and not have to worry about too many losses.
lulz I know right
Lol..It's just fun watching invicible teams loose. I get to watch the fakers
EDIT: And if night holds promise, chicago will loose too.
Bulls should run more plays for Boozer. He's got only 6 shots tonight.
In the west seeds 4-8 are one bad week away from missing the playoffs. Cray.
Looks like the top 2 spots are all but locked up in both conferences with a month to go, barring a major collapse.
Do the links usually have so many viruses? I keep on getting a warning from malwarebytes.
lol. And phoenix is coming.......
im sure they have.
But this new recuuring tv guide banner add is such bullshit. i used to be able to throw the thing on fullscreen on tv and forget about it. not anymore. its like every 5 minutes.
roja directa is better now.
JR Smith doing a great job of D on theyre really not letting novak get open tonight
Rodney Stuckey with a clutch game winner. But do you celebrate a win against the Wizards?
Same record as Chicago since the Allstar break.
Equal best team in the league, confirmed.
They don't freak you out? I've got a fairly expensive laptop and its not mineWhat program do you use?
EDIT: BOSTON WON!!!!!!!! LOL. It's going to be fun watching that eastern confrence come playoff time. lol.