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2012 NBA Mar |OT2| The Manhattan Project Part II: Blow It All Up, Again

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If you were writing a comedy about an idiot NBA player you couldn't come up with a better name than Javale McGee...I mean....come on, it's not even fair.
You do not "get" your name changed on GAF. It happens if it is meant to. And I have no idea if any of the really old regular posters came from someplace else or not, but I got started just lurking the nba threads here.

I got my name changed. You just have to ask a mod/admin.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Is Mike Brown losing this team? There is no way Bynum would every try that with Phil coaching..

didn't he rupture Wallace's lung when Phil was coaching

edit: you meant shooting the 3s


This Lakers fan meltdown is hilarious.

Yes Kobe is not in his prime anymore...it happens

Yes he's shooting 43% which is a whopping (sarcasm) 2 made FG's less per 100 shots than his normal production. He's doing this because of:

1) Playing with a fucked up wrist on his shooting hand for 25 games

2) Shooting 5 Threes a Game

a) We now have two bigs and neither of them can appropriately space the floor like Lamar could

b) No one else on our team gets respect from opposing teams as a floor spacer so unless Kobe stays out there...Gasol and Bynum get doubled hard every play

c) He's older, slower, and doesn't finish at the rim as well anymore

Oh btw - He's kind of having his personal life torn apart...that might have an effect

We're not winning a chip this year...that's been obvious...Mike Brown is not good enough of a coach to coach a team to a chip if they aren't head and shoulders better than everyone else...and LAL is clearly not.

I was never on the Fisher hate bandwagon, and I'm not on this "Fuck Kobe" bandwagon either...you can't appropriately be fans of a franchise if you have no appreciation for the past.

If we don't win this year...blindside trading Fish would have been a horrible move for simple "wow what a shitty move by a supposedly loyal franchise"...if we don't win in the Mike Brown era...firing Phil's assistants and all the people who worked for and with him like an asshole inconsiderate franchise won't be worth it either.

Would you rather have Brian Shaw as a coach and Fisher retiring as a Laker or Fisher traded to save some money and Mike Brown if we don't win a chip? When I look back at everything that happened this season and the Lakers don't end up winning...I know I would have much preferred option A



So you've resorted to using sports journalists to back you up, really? The validity of his basketball mind aside, the fact that there are dozens of people covering the team means you can always find somebody who agree with whatever crazy idea that you believe in.

Oh since you agree so much with the "guys who get paid to cover the team" thing, here's one right back at you:

The Lakers traded Derek Fisher, and it feels so wrong, it feels so cheap, and I don't care if he was aging, and slowing, and sliding toward the end of the bench.

He was still Derek Fisher. He was still the guy who could turn final seconds into lasting memories. He was still the coolest guy on the floor and the smartest guy in the room.

He wasn't just the Lakers point guard, he was their conscience, the only guy who ever stole a sideline huddle from Phil Jackson, the only player who others respected enough to treat like a coach.


Enough? I can always find more. :)

Yes he's shooting 43% which is a whopping (sarcasm) 2 made FG's less per 100 shots than his normal production. He's doing this because of:

1) Playing with a fucked up wrist on his shooting hand for 25 games

2) Shooting 5 Threes a Game

I agree with the rest of your post, but not this.

Kobe was shooting 45.5% and 5 threes with his fucked up wrist in Dec and Jan. It's only after that his shooting started to get worse. He's not been shooting 43% for a long time. He shot 40% in Feb and 41% in March.

1) He's tired

2) He's sniffing that scoring title and he wants it. So he's forcing a lot of stuff even though he should be shooting less and get rested up for the playoffs.
This Lakers fan meltdown is hilarious.

Yes Kobe is not in his prime anymore...it happens

Yes he's shooting 43% which is a whopping (sarcasm) 2 made FG's less per 100 shots than his normal production. He's doing this because of:

1) Playing with a fucked up wrist on his shooting hand for 25 games

2) Shooting 5 Threes a Game

a) We now have two bigs and neither of them can appropriately space the floor like Lamar could

b) No one else on our team gets respect from opposing teams as a floor spacer so unless Kobe stays out there...Gasol and Bynum get doubled hard every play

c) He's older, slower, and doesn't finish at the rim as well anymore

Oh btw - He's kind of having his personal life torn apart...that might have an effect

We're not winning a chip this year...that's been obvious...Mike Brown is not good enough of a coach to coach a team to a chip if they aren't head and shoulders better than everyone else...and LAL is clearly not.

I was never on the Fisher hate bandwagon, and I'm not on this "Fuck Kobe" bandwagon either...you can't appropriately be fans of a franchise if you have no appreciation for the past.

If we don't win this year...blindside trading Fish would have been a horrible move for simple "wow what a shitty move by a supposedly loyal franchise"...if we don't win in the Mike Brown era...firing Phil's assistants and all the people who worked for and with him like an asshole inconsiderate franchise won't be worth it either.

Would you rather have Brian Shaw as a coach and Fisher retiring as a Laker or Fisher traded to save some money and Mike Brown if we don't win a chip? When I look back at everything that happened this season and the Lakers don't end up winning...I know I would have much preferred option A

Kobe's shooting percentages are down the last month because he's taking some really horrible shots.

Tonight he went 2/4 down the stretch but it should have been 0/4. All 4 of those shots were fucking terrible. long contested 3, and 3 long contested 2s (one a fade double covered early in the clock...).

He made 1 good play, the one for Pau. The others were shit. With time on the clock, I don't want to see him holding the ball. Either attack the rim or pass.

Kobe is chucking so much right now. I've watched him his entire career and the past 4-6 weeks is the most selfish least team-oriented I've ever seen him play besides the '04 finals. Kobe was averaging a near career high in assists for the first 2 months. He's averaging 25% less assists the last 6 weeks and shooting worse. What sense does this make?

He's taking nearly 2 more long 2s per game than he ever has in the Pau era. The worst shot in basketball, mind you. These 2 shots per game are costing the team.

Kobe went from playing team ball the first half of the year to chuck ball the last 6 weeks. And I'm going to call his ass out on it.

And why the hell has Kobe not set a PnR for Ramon? How is that play not potentially devastating?


Kobe's shooting percentages are down the last month because he's taking some really horrible shots.

Tonight he went 2/4 down the stretch but it should have been 0/4. All 4 of those shots were fucking terrible. long contested 3, and 3 long contested 2s (one a fade double covered early in the clock...).

He made 1 good play, the one for Pau. The others were shit. With time on the clock, I don't want to see him holding the ball. Either attack the rim or pass.

Kobe is chucking so much right now. I've watched him his entire career and the past 4-6 weeks is the most selfish least team-oriented I've ever seen him play besides the '04 finals. Kobe was averaging a near career high in assists for the first 2 months. He's averaging 25% less assists the last 6 weeks and shooting worse. What sense does this make?

He's taking nearly 2 more long 2s per game than he ever has in the Pau era. The worst shot in basketball, mind you. These 2 shots per game are costing the team.

Kobe went from playing team ball the first half of the year to chuck ball the last 6 weeks. And I'm going to call his ass out on it.

And why the hell has Kobe not set a PnR for Ramon? How is that play not potentially devastating?

There are games where I mind Kobe's shot selection. Detroit / Washington / Denver roadies all examples. I don't mind Kobe going to the baseline for a rise up jumper like the two shots he hit. 80-90% of Kobe's clutch made baskets are jumpers...I'm ok with that.

People here act as if "contested jumper" isn't what Kobe's made a living off of. He's a great mid range jump shooter...he's almost never open...particularly late in the game situations...that equals contested jump shots. Hitting tough contested shots over double teams and the like is what got us the championships. There are bad shots he takes...like non-heat check 3's in the final couple minutes of a close game (like the one he did today) with a lot of time on the clock.

My issue with this stat approach is basketball is not a computer simulator you can just draw up "the most efficient" play and expect it to work all the time. The most creative play design coaches in basketball often times give the ball to their superstar and clear out and ask him to go make a play...it's been like that FOREVER for a reason. I don't think Kobe's selfish and I don't think he's chucking...he's had more horrible individual chucking games like the ones I mentioned...but it's not across the board...he shot 7/15 against Memphis and people were complaining then too.

I see Kobe almost never in the post...rarely in a pick and roll with gasol and the floor spaced. Those are his best offensive sets...and Brown doesn't run them because he'd rather post up the bigs or do PnR with Ramon. Also...offensively...we've been fine overall man. Kobe, Artest, Blake, Fisher, Pau were all below their normal FG% this season but the overall offense has definitely gotten better the past month or two. It's the defense that's been slippin like crazy the past month or so...I'm not happy with Kobe's %...but I see the difference in shots he's getting versus earlier in the year and the triangle. He's shooting more long 2's because he's shooting more shots...and he's getting less post up situations.

I just feel like Kobe is becoming the new Fisher around here...and I wasn't chalking up the Lakers losses to Fisher and I'm not about to do it to Kobe either. This team isn't as talented as our championship years...our coach isn't as good Phil...OKC / SA / Chicago / Miami are all better than in recent years and legitimately better than us...and we're 5th in the league or whatever...we're overachieving compared to most early season expectations...everything is ok. No reason to go meltdown mode like Lakers-Age was doing during this game.



What this likely means is that he just did some damage to another level of his back, but it wasn't to the point where the previous damage and this new disc issue would compound. The epidural should help with the pain, but rehab isn't going to do much for an athlete in his kind of shape. The key here is rest to bring down all the inflammation. I

I'm cautiously optimistic that he can come back and contribute.

Edit: Lin out for tonight.

Via Howard Beck on twitter:
More Knicks updates: Carmelo is probable for tonight's game. Lin is out.
Funny, people were calling me crazy just 2 days ago for saying the Lakers should have kept Fisher. He may not be great on the court these days, but the Lakers just don't have enough stability internally to afford to lose him.


What this likely means is that he just did some damage to another level of his back, but it wasn't to the point where the previous damage and this new disc issue would compound. The epidural should help with the pain, but rehab isn't going to do much for an athlete in his kind of shape. The key here is rest to bring down all the inflammation. I

I'm cautiously optimistic that he can come back and contribute.

Edit: Lin out for tonight.

Via Howard Beck on twitter:

I was really hoping Lin would be back tonight. :|

Tyson needs to stay out of foul trouble and be on the court every minute that Dwight is. Play when Dwight plays, sit when Dwight sits.

Hopefully we get Novakane plenty of shots tonight. He'll need them to keep up with Anderson.

Also: Douglas > Bibby?


Funny, people were calling me crazy just 2 days ago for saying the Lakers should have kept Fisher. He may not be great on the court these days, but the Lakers just don't have enough stability internally to afford to lose him.

I don't get it either. Why keep blake and trade fisher?

EDIT: Here is an article about his signing last year. He has been utter cowdung since he got here. No improvement whatsoever. He has had a string of two or 3 games where he played nicely but been useless for a higher number of them.
Also I just found this on RealGM



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Funny, people were calling me crazy just 2 days ago for saying the Lakers should have kept Fisher. He may not be great on the court these days, but the Lakers just don't have enough stability internally to afford to lose him.

I doubt not having Fisher magically turned AB into the tool he has always been since coming into the NBA


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
What this likely means is that he just did some damage to another level of his back, but it wasn't to the point where the previous damage and this new disc issue would compound. The epidural should help with the pain, but rehab isn't going to do much for an athlete in his kind of shape. The key here is rest to bring down all the inflammation. I

I'm cautiously optimistic that he can come back and contribute.

Just got into another huge argument at the office with my friends. They claim Amare's arrival to the Knicks is what helped them make into the playoffs, acquire players like Melo and Tyson and that all I do is talk shit about Amare even when he was playing well last few weeks (I have IM logs disproving them and they refused to make a $500 bet with me - yeah they were pissing me off, I was getting extreme).

I wanted to make another bet saying he wasn't going to contribute shit, that his back is done. He'll be dead weight next season and his contract will hang over our heads. At this point, arguing over this moron has pissed me off to the point where I want him to fail out of spite just to rub it in everyone's face.


Just got into another huge argument at the office with my friends. They claim Amare's arrival to the Knicks is what helped them make into the playoffs, acquire players like Melo and Tyson and that all I do is talk shit about Amare even when he was playing well last few weeks (I have IM logs disproving them and they refused to make a $500 bet with me - yeah they were pissing me off, I was getting extreme).

I wanted to make another bet saying he wasn't going to contribute shit, that his back is done. He'll be dead weight next season and his contract will hang over our heads. At this point, arguing over this moron has pissed me off to the point where I want him to fail out of spite just to rub it in everyone's face.

Uhm, this is true for last year. And he has been playing pretty good for the last few games.
I doubt not having Fisher magically turned AB into the tool he has always been since coming into the NBA
Its just too bad he has to be a dumbass. He could really be a dominant player (he is sometimes) but he's got to quit shit like this. At least he hasn't made any bush league fouls this year.
Amare is out 2-4 weeks.

Best case scenario he misses 7 games and comes back April 10th to play the remaining 9 games.

Worst case he misses 15 games and comes back April 25th to play the last game of the season against the bobcats.

Knicks case scenario we find out 3-4 weeks from now that surgery is the only viable option after pushing it off and Amare misses the rest of the season/playoffs and maybe some of next year's training camp recovering from back surgery.


Funny, people were calling me crazy just 2 days ago for saying the Lakers should have kept Fisher. He may not be great on the court these days, but the Lakers just don't have enough stability internally to afford to lose him.

As a player Fisher is a total net negative. As a positive locker room influence? Sure, but the Lakers is a veteran team and they are fucked regardless if they need an old guy in the roster just to keep everybody in check.

Bynum has always been a punk, and that's why the sensible fans want him traded while his perceived value is high, and his stock has never been higher before this season.


Amare is out 2-4 weeks.

Best case scenario he misses 7 games and comes back April 10th to play the remaining 9 games.

Worst case he misses 15 games and comes back April 25th to play the last game of the season against the bobcats.

Knicks case scenario we find out 3-4 weeks from now that surgery is the only viable option after pushing it off and Amare misses the rest of the season/playoffs and maybe some of next year's training camp recovering from back surgery.

As a player Fisher is a total net negative. As a positive locker room influence? Sure, but the Lakers is a veteran team and they are fucked regardless if they need an old guy in the roster just to keep everybody in check.

Bynum has always been a punk, and that's why the sensible fans want him traded while his perceived value is high, and his stock has never been higher before this season.

That's the main reason why some people were saying letting go of Fisher was a bad idea. Then again, he would've created the whole PG dilemma on who would start and who would be back up. If he stayed, there would've certainly been some conflict.

Kobe seemed to be pretty amused about Bynum though. He said that he saw a little of himself in him... Hopefully that's a good thing.
As a player Fisher is a total net negative. As a positive locker room influence? Sure, but the Lakers is a veteran team and they are fucked regardless if they need an old guy in the roster just to keep everybody in check.

Bynum has always been a punk, and that's why the sensible fans want him traded while his perceived value is high, and his stock has never been higher before this season.
I'm not a Laker fan, but dude, his play in the last month or two has been just awesome....Made me forget his punkness.


Yeah, you could definitely get some moderately-priced pieces for Bynum, and that's what they should try to do.

Get some quality role-players, maybe a couple of draft picks, and prepare for the next free agency period.

D-Will, Kobe, Gasol, Sessions, McBobs, and some young role-players surely wouldn't be any worse than what they have now.

Maybe trade him to the Nets for Brook Lopez and Kris Humphries?
Yeah, you could definitely get some moderately-priced pieces for Bynum, and that's what they should try to do.

Get some quality role-players, maybe a couple of draft picks, and prepare for the next free agency period.

D-Will, Kobe, Gasol, Sessions, McBobs, and some young role-players surely wouldn't be any worse than what they have now.

Maybe trade him to the Nets for Brook Lopez and Kris Humphries?


Isn't it pretty well accepted that he's going to the Mavs?


Dear Lakers,

Don't try and sign Deron.



Is Ray Allen out tonight for the Celtics? If so, there's literally not one dude on the court for the Celtics that I deem likable. Ray Allen is like a beacon of hope in a wasteland of douchebaggery.


Dear Lakers,

Don't try and sign Deron.



Is Ray Allen out tonight for the Celtics? If so, there's literally not one dude on the court for the Celtics that I deem likable. Ray Allen is like a beacon of hope in a wasteland of douchebaggery.

Just following the Lakers tradition of signing Jazz greats like Derek Fisher and Byron Russell. It's inevitable.
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