Chalmers is like Metal Gear Solid Touch
Would Westbrook be Metal Gear Acid?
Chalmers is like Metal Gear Solid Touch
Would Westbrook be Metal Gear Acid?
Chalmers massive ego is awesome, if he played on the Jordan Bulls Michael would've bitched him so many times by now. I don't even want to think what Kobe would've done to him if he was a Laker.
rank the top PGs in accordance with Metal Gear Games:
MGS3-Chris Paul
MGS4-Steve Nash
Winback-John Wall
Chalmers may not even be a starter next season, dude needs to take a seat.
cole worldAnd who exactly would start over him?
And who exactly would start over him?
I guess Steve Nash does play defense like one does play MGS4
He would be Twin Snakes, because he's basically a remake of Marbury.
Knicks unveiling their new jerseys this week.
To further troll their fanbase.Why?
Could someone post the leak then? Kind of curious.
Love the colors and simpler design. Not a fan of the less arched city name and the trim not wrapping all the way around the arm holes.
I hate the loss of the NYK. While I am a fan of less black in the uni, don't like removing all of it.
And yeah, no arch sucks.
Learn what you're arguing.This guy.
Second highest +/-, behind KG on the team of course but nah he aint shit.
So, again, I gotta laugh - because I, and another person who was patient enough to type out a response to your "espn told me rondo was good cuz he good" argument, find you right back at where we were less than a page up.Was actually a top 5-6 player this postseason but naw he aint shit.
This PS he averaged 17.3pts(.3 behind CP3 on at about 4 percentage points higher), 11.9 assists(led the league), the next guy closest in total assists was 103 behind), 2.4 steals, 6.8rbs(more than guys like Marc Gasol and Taj Gibson) but naw......
You guys are hilarious. Top 5 in PPG for PGs(while scoring at the second best efficiency of that group) for someone who is supposed to be "the worst offensive player at that position" but still doesn't fit in your standards for an elite PG.
You all underating players is nothing new but sometimes the shit that gets accepted as a consensus here hits you in the face with a ton of bricks sometimes by how nonsensical it is.
Pro-tip: Playing the tough critcic guy doesn't really make you seem more knowledgeable...
I hate the loss of the NYK. While I am a fan of less black in the uni, don't like removing all of it.
And yeah, no arch sucks.
Knicks colors are based on the NY state flag.yea the nyk is nice but the new one is ok. What's wrong with black? It looked nice.
Dy_nasty said:Learn what you're arguing.
Drew Gooden was one of the league leader in +/- at one point. I pointed you in the right direction two times already.
Rondo is the Serge Ibaka of point guards.
Dy_nasty said:So, again, I gotta laugh - because I, and another person who was patient enough to type out a response to your "espn told me rondo was good cuz he good" argument, find you right back at where we were less than a page up.
The fact that teams have to *gasp* guard Steve Nash and that the fact that teams literally double team off of the man with the ball vs Rondo.
Assists =/= Offense. They're a byproduct of good offense.
Its okay to be wrong. I was wrong about Hayward, Kanter, Bayless, Vinny Del Negro, and Webster, etc - but the thing is, it doesn't hurt that much to admit it and look at why I was wrong. Your argument, which has repeated itself twice now, has revolved around those very key things that you've yet to even look up or acknowledge. I'm not about shitting on people like I used to. I'm actually pointing you in the exact direction where you need to go to understand specifically why you're wrong.
If you don't want to look at that and keep fucking chickens though, that's on you. It makes you a stubborn idiot.
DY is right
let it go man
Right about what? Rondo being Ibaka tier? GTFO lol
Deron is great. But after last year... I just don't know. The lockout coupled with the dropping give a fuck from his contract situation made it really hard to say that he's better than a healthy Chris Paul.where does deron williams line up on the point guard list, i think the consensus here is that he's great but when I was watching the olympics this year he wasn't all that great to me. chris paul got more minutes and was playing better.
is he better than rondo or steve nash, also is steve nash considered the best?
one more, what do you guys mean you say +/-?
Saying nothing at all - because you can't look up the definition of offensive efficiency.
People double off of Rondo while he has the ball in every single game he's ever played since college.
Why are pointing at Kobe in 2010 like that was a one time thing? It happens in every single game he plays. Why do you think Rondo sitting just in front of the free throw line, dribbling in place happens?
Its right there for every single spectator to see. Has been for years. The Ibaka of Point Guards makes absolute sense as well. For all the good that Rondo/Ibaka do while on the court, the flaws of their own "strengths" serve to hold them and their team back from being as good as they could be.
Don't even start on the ignorance is bliss thing. You're the one acting like assists = offense while the team you're propping up to support that argument has been the textbook example of assists do not equal offense for the past three seasons. Boston has been THE example of this relationship for the past 2-3 years. But you're not even willing to look at it all. You're just saying that you like Rondo a lot. Cuz stuff. Which is fine. I got favorite players too. But I'm not going to go around saying DJ is a top 10 point guard without presenting something to back it up. And I definitely won't be doing that if the very argument to back that up is in direct conflict with the point that I'm trying to make.
He's in the top tier of PGS...dIEHARD said:saying he is the Ibaka of PG's does not mean he is Ibaka tier... it's a simile
what tier exactly are you saying he is?
they have tried Wade at point and well he is back to SGIf Spoelstra has half a brain he should at least give a:
Line-up a chance.
Rondo is fundamentally flawed. It's not hard to understand. His Jumpshot is 24 hour fitness league bad and that alone will keep him from being a player you want on your team. Too often teams can play 5 on 4 on defense because Rondo shooting a J is the most desirable outcome of a celtics possession and that should never be the case for a guard. That used to be perfect for Ray/Pierce/KG, a pass first PG who not only gets off on getting assists but has little means to actually hit an open shot. With Pierce already devolving from Blastoise to Squirtle, Rayray taking his talents to south beach and KG hanging on to his health for dear life, it's not unreasonable to think, if Rondo doesn't improve his game, we(see:ESPN) will be wondering why we thought he was so good not so long ago.
At least he isn't overpaid.
Nobody compared Rondo to Nash. At all. Like not even onceI love Rondo a ton and think hes generally really underrated and has been his entire career but the Nash comparison is awful.
Nash is one of the best shooters in the league, year in and year out. Rondo is uh not very good at that.
He's in the top tier of PGS...
Also Rondo is a great talent... but when you have zero jump shot, and you are a liability in close games because teams can play hack-a-rondo he is like a career 60% shooter from the line
I can't call top-tier.
I wish he would add to game because he could be totally dominate
I keep going back to OEFF because you don't know what it is. Also, you brought up assists before IWMTB jumped in. It was the first thing you hopped to when I said that Boston's offense has been shit for years now. Since then, I, and others, have laid out reasons, numbers, and resources telling you exactly that. Also, I didn't just bring up OEFF. Feel free to look at the post where I told you specifically that your reasoning around assists was silly and the look at the other stats that I referred to. Even when you obviously neglected the option of looking up those statistics and seeing how they were relevant to the topic (and how they could even possibly help your own argument), you instead reached for another, Pace, and tried to throw it out there as if it didn't go directly back to what I was saying about OEFF and Point Per Possession.Nothing at all because you say absolutely nothing at all. I really don't know what your hard on for OEFF is about and I don't know why you treat it as if it is something more than a stat that can be misleading and skewed to all hell.
The Ibaka comparison is retarded as fuck. Rondo is a top 5 PG, Ibaka........blocks shots.
The whole assists thing was one minor facet of a point I brought up about BOS's offense, with IWMTB. Why you are trying your damnest to focus on that trivial aspect is beyond me. You still ignore every other meaningful thing because you have nothing factual and objective to counter with(Oh I forgot, OEFF).
And um, what argument is in conflict with my point?
He's in the top tier of PGS...
I would say he's not in the highest tier, a decent amount beneath actually, but semantics adn all that.
In no particular order:
Top tier:
2nd tier:
I think Lawson/Kyrie/Rubio have a better chance of entering that top tier than Rondo, Rose could fall down if he can't fully recover from his knee injury and last year may have been the last year Nash could be put into that top tier as well.
LOL. He's above Rose and Parker. Rose barely knows how to run the very basic sets that CHI runs. I would say he's a better player but no he isn't a better PG.
Same with Parker, he's a better scorer but Rondo beats him in alot of other areas. When they played each other this year Rondo outclassed TP in every way imaginable.
LOL. He's above Rose and Parker. Rose barely knows how to run the very basic sets that CHI runs. I would say he's a better player but no he isn't a better PG.
Same with Parker, he's a better scorer but Rondo beats him in alot of other areas. When they played each other this year Rondo outclassed TP in every way imaginable.
lolRondo could've walked the same career path as Tony Parker.
But he was scared to shoot in the offseason too.
Rose has similar deficiencies as Rondo, shakey J and shitty 3 pt shot and unlike Rondo, he is not very good at running an offense, but I'd take him over Rondo. Rondo requires good pieces around him to be any good, at least Rose can get his if nothing else and he can hit his freethrows.
I'd take Parker over Rondo without hesitation.
The reason Boston is terrible offensively is because they don't offensive rebound, but even if they did go after O rebounds, they'd still be pretty below average which shouldn't happen for teams with "elite" PGs. Boston is average in shooting percentage and free throw attempts and one of the worst in the NBA at turning the ball over (which has a lot to do with the fact that there's so much congestion due to Rondo hurting floor spacing). The only major argument Rondo has over guys like Kyle Lowry or Ty Lawson or Ricky Rubio is that he's won more, but how the Celtics win has almost nothing to do with Rondo. The Celtics win with defense and their defense has been better with Rondo injured than with him healthy.