Raises hand, my girl has it. Simple solution is we don't do it when she has an outbreak. We've been together a year and I'm herpes free. GTFO with all this retarded shit about not touching someone with an annoying, but otherwise harmless STD. We're not talking about Syphillis or HIV here.
They might be somewhat old, who knows, but they're just kids even then. "Ahah X has got the itch". When big mouthed posters trash talk a sports team, it's all good & fun, but when they have the same attitude towards real life issues/subjects, it's kindergarten shit. Not willing to think about it... even though there is a very real chance they actually have it without knowing it (70% of people with it don't know how they got it), and they won't get tested for it even though they're apparently freaking out about it (it's not an HIV test). The irony...
A good listen/read for kiddos: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-is-not-a-big-deal-dan-savage-love/
But I guess Planned Parenthood is not an organization to be trusted, it's all about google images and laughing with the boys...