Dolan plsAt first I thought Nets cause of the hashtag, then I thought Knicks since 'new' arena but now I don't know.
It's so poorly crafted Dolan probably made it himself.
Dolan plsAt first I thought Nets cause of the hashtag, then I thought Knicks since 'new' arena but now I don't know.
It's so poorly crafted Dolan probably made it himself.
Yes, their last product got laughed out of stores, so they're not repeating their mistakes. You know, actually working on making a good game, and not just making a cash grab.
They supposedly started completely from scratch again with an entirely new code base.
That's literally a shit ton of code, theory, bug testing, graphics everything, for hundreds of unique players, models, and moves.
They should be embarrassed they want to get that right rather than release a piece of shit?
Ya right.
Some times people have the most warped view of time scales and standards.
IIRC, they didn't even start on the next one till 8 months later or even more. They had completely shut the team down for an extended period saying they were getting out of it.
hey remember when they were going to start going to give techs to flops?
gotta be suspensions handed down after multipe fines for it to have any teeth.
gotta be suspensions handed down after multipe fines for it to have any teeth.
Jayz has had a big influence on the finishing touches, for sure, and done really well too (the Nets brand is really re-building well). But Proks the one actually putting money up, and lots of it.
Plenty of teams have rich owners who aren't willing to splash the cash.
Who ever decided on the rusty building though was a moron.
Jazz going to get no flopping fines this year other than maybe Mo.
Isn't Bell still technically on The Jazz?
Jay Z is putting money up to. And he has alot less than Prok. The brand at this point is mostly if not all JayZ at this point. And the brand is probably the most important thing. There are plenty of owners that wouldn't mind paying up to win. NYK was ready. So was LAC. So was CHI(for a minute anyway). So was CLE. Etc.
You have to have a club that people want to come to and Jay Z is at the front molding that. Every thing from the location, to the color, from the motto to the logo is JayZ. He even had Dwight bitching to come over.
Like I said Proky is fronting some dough but that means shit by itself.
I agree with Stephen A Smith when it comes to Dirk. The fact that he ranked number 11 on ESPN's ranking is pretty damn insulting. The guy was just a Finals MVP two years ago, he's one of the best shooters in the league, and even though they got swept by the Thunder last year it certainly wasn't because of him (I think he averaged something like 26 points a game).
I agree with Stephen A Smith when it comes to Dirk. The fact that he ranked number 11 on ESPN's ranking is pretty damn insulting. The guy was just a Finals MVP two years ago, he's one of the best shooters in the league, and even though they got swept by the Thunder last year it certainly wasn't because of him (I think he averaged something like 26 points a game).
I agree with Stephen A Smith when it comes to Dirk. The fact that he ranked number 11 on ESPN's ranking is pretty damn insulting. The guy was just a Finals MVP two years ago, he's one of the best shooters in the league, and even though they got swept by the Thunder last year it certainly wasn't because of him (I think he averaged something like 26 points a game).
If you thought the ESPN list would be anything other than a comedy shitfest of popularity you're kidding your self.
At way worse efficiency
Dirk is declining, it's fair to say he's no longer Top 10.
Not really. To get Dirk out of the top ten you have to start putting guys who have bad efficiency compared to Dirk and have even more injury issues (like Rose, Kobe, and Deron) ahead of him.
Dirk is a top 5 player.
Saying Dirk isn't Top 10 and then putting Melo, Wade, and Deron (2010-12 lloool) ahead of him reeks of stupidity.
Hell, the fact that Bynum and Gasol are in the Top 15 alone is an insult because it suggests that they are only a hair worse than Dirk.
Melo was 17th. Rose and Kobe being ahead of Dirk is pretty insane though.
My friend thinks I'm crazy, but I think Dirk can play until he's 40 as long as he keeps his conditioning up. He probably won't be a top tier player, but he'll be the best second option in the NBA.
K I forgot about who was ranked ahead, Dirk is better than scrubs like Kobe but I still think he's not near as good as he was in 2011.
That's pretty insane. Can't say I see it happening.
My friend thinks I'm crazy, but I think Dirk can play until he's 40 as long as he keeps his conditioning up. He probably won't be a top tier player, but he'll be the best second option in the NBA.
Tomorrow is the official media day for the Miami Heat, also known as The 2012 World Champion NBA Champions of the World. Nothing major happens on that day, but it marks the official start of the repeat campaign. Championships are kind of like breasts. One is never enough. This coming season, them boys from Miami are gonna lay a double-D sized ass-whoopin' on the league as we take what's rightfully immortality. Lebron ton roulet. PEACE.
Melo was 17th. Rose and Kobe being ahead of Dirk is pretty insane though.
Carroll None
Diop None
Biyombo Eraser
Mullens None
Taylor None
Williams None
Haywood Brick Wall
Henderson None
Thomas Eraser
Sessions Dimer
Gordon Microwave
MKG Scrapper
Kemba Acrobat, Shot Creator
Novak Corner Specialist, Spot Up Shooter
Thomas Brick Wall
Camby Defensive Anchor
Felton Alley Ooper
Brewer Lockdown Defender, Scrapper, Active Hands
Jr Smith Microwave
Chandler Eraser, Hustle Points, Defensive Anchor
Shumpert Active Hands, Pick Pocket
Kidd Pick Pocket, Floor General, Dimer, Alley Ooper
Stoudemire Hustle Points, Posterizer, Finisher
Anthony Deadeye, Finisher, Shot Creator, Closer
Lee Post Proficiency, Finisher, Post Playmaker, Hustle Points
Curry Spot Up Shooter, Pick Pocket, Heat Retention, Shot Creator
Jack Floor General
Bogut Hustle Points, Defensive Anchor, Charge Card
Landry Hustle Ponts, Finisher, Post Proficiency
Barnes Spot Up Shooter
Jefferson Corner Specialist, Spot Up Shooter
Thompson Spot Up Shooter, Deadeye
Rush Spot Up Shooter, Chasedown Artist, Corner Specialist
Jenkins None
Tyler None
Biedrins None
Ezeli None
Tomorrow is the official media day for the Miami Heat, also known as The 2012 World Champion NBA Champions of the World. Nothing major happens on that day, but it marks the official start of the repeat campaign. Championships are kind of like breasts. One is never enough. This coming season, them boys from Miami are gonna lay a double-D sized ass-whoopin' on the league as we take what's rightfully immortality. Lebron ton roulet. PEACE.
lol it's gonna be hilarious when the Heat fail again because they have to play in a real season.Tomorrow is the official media day for the Miami Heat, also known as The 2012 World Champion NBA Champions of the World. Nothing major happens on that day, but it marks the official start of the repeat campaign. Championships are kind of like breasts. One is never enough. This coming season, them boys from Miami are gonna lay a double-D sized ass-whoopin' on the league as we take what's rightfully immortality. Lebron ton roulet. PEACE.
Championships are kind of like breast? lol
Did you wake and bake?
Championships are kind of like breast? lol
Did you wake and bake?
"You know when you like grab a Larry O'Brien Trophy and it's... you feel it and it feels like a bag of sand, when you're touching it?"
"Bag of sand?"
"You know what I mean, why don't we just play."
"have you ever felt a Larry O'Brien Trophy before?"
When melo gets his ring, it will be glorious!
Not to troll.. But do you really think the Knicks are anywhere close to being able to get a ring?
I think they can make the ECF.
All 2k13 signature skills
I think they're the only team with one player with multiple skills, and most other teams have at least one player with three skills.
Only team with everyone having a skill, YOUR NEW YORK KNICKS
look at all dem Spot Up Shooters