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2012 NBA Playoffs |OT2| OKC VS LA: Black on Black Crime

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Flops, whines, is dirty, grabs yours balls on defense, is worthless with the ball in his hands. He's is a goon.[/QUOTE]

I guess he is the type of player every fan wants on their team. I loved him when he was on the Sixers. ALL ENERGY AND HUSTLE.


I don't know why people say this game is boring, there has been some great defensive ball... Grizz did make some stupid mistakes but the hustle play in this one has been above all else. That, plus Gasol just opened up a school in LA
Lakers fans are so salty and insecure.

About what? I don't care if the Clips win or lose. I comment on all the games this way. Was I salty when I said Watson was an idiot for passing to Asik last night, too?

You make no sense. I'm the only Laker fan who even defends Cp3 and Blake, here.

I guess he is the type of player every fan wants on their team. I loved him when he was on the Sixers. ALL ENERGY AND HUSTLE.

I've always been anti-Reggie (said as much when the Clips signed him). Just never got to watch him so much, before.
About what? I don't care if the Clips win or lose. I comment on all the games this way. Was I salty when I said Watson was an idiot for passing to Asik last night, too?

You make no sense. I'm the only Laker fan who even defends Cp3 and Blake, here.
all these guys calling cp3 a flopper wants him on their team.


We are choking early this game. Maybe it works out for us in the end.

Edit: Why does Evans get all the call his way? If that was anyone else in the game for either team if would have been a foul but not for him.
Memphis' offense looks so bad for stretches. Clips looked terrible in the 1st, memphis looks terrible here. yeesh.

Rudy Gay as good as Caron! If this game is close, Cp3 will close it out.

if memphis wins this game, i'll give them the series

And if they lose? :p


My biggest issue with flops is that it's now impossible to take a charge without throwing yourself backwards 20 feet.

Guy lowers his shoulder into you really badly but you are bigger/stronger and have position to stand your ground so they bounce off? Damn right that's a blocking foul 90% of the damn time.

My favorite parts about flopping? The Gifs

And this guy who tried to come into our pickup game twice who would phantom flop like crazy but not call fouls or say anything. Was hilarious when he got legit road burn from the asphalt.





And if they lose? :p

grizz better find some good fishing spots

but yeah if LA doesnt win tonight, I dont think they'll be able to in memphis. unless the whole team performs another choke job. what I liked about the last game was how at the start the offense started with gasol and zandolph. If they do that correctly, they have this series in the bag.
Again Memphis fails to foul on a fast break against shitty FT shooters. So hilarious.

Almost as hilarious as their passing.

I wonder if CP3 is gonna play the entire 4th. I'd do it if I was VDN. Wouldn't let him get cold on the bench with his injury.
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