2011 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Love Jesus or I'll cut you

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Told you guys the Grizz blew this series when they blew that 18 point lead at home. You can't afford to do that and win a series, especially if you are the lower seed.


Whats that small fish that digs a hole into you and slowly eats you alive....?

Thats what's OKC is doing, creating holes in the Grizz lineup....

Slowly murdering the Grizz...

End this shit already, I can't watch anymore....
Chris Broussard's top 11 players of all time:

1. MJ
2. Magic
3. KAJ
4. Wilt
5. Bird
6. Kobe
7. Shaq
8. Russell
9. Big O
10. Hakeem
11. Duncan

lmfao, Kobe over Russell, Shaq, Duncan, and Hakeem.


LeBron James on leaving Cleveland: "I apologize for the way that it happened, but I knew that this opportunity was once in a lifetime."
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Chris Broussard's top 11 players of all time:

1. MJ
2. Magic
3. KAJ
4. Wilt
5. Bird
6. Kobe
7. Shaq
8. Russell
9. Big O
10. Hakeem
11. Duncan

lmfao, Kobe over Russell, Shaq, Duncan, and Hakeem.
I have no problem with anything there.

There really isn't any wrong order for 5-10. They were all scary-dominant in their prime.


Duki said:
lebron currently the greatest of all time y/n?

those daggers omg


Tom Penny

ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Chris Broussard's top 11 players of all time:

1. MJ
2. Magic
3. KAJ
4. Wilt
5. Bird
6. Kobe
7. Shaq
8. Russell
9. Big O
10. Hakeem
11. Duncan

lmfao, Kobe over Russell, Shaq, Duncan, and Hakeem.

Shaq won because of Kobe, Russell just happen to be on great Celtics teams and basically lucked into 11 rings. Kobe won with less than Hakeem. Duncan I'd probably give you.
weekend_warrior said:
Sweet, someone added me to Knicks-age. Sanjuro didn't even add me to to the Yankee-age graphic in the MLB thread, fucking cock.
There are so many alt accounts/troll accounts up there you might as well scrap it.
MLB age is overrated.
True, MLB-GAF never gets the amount of trollers and LIFELONGS NBA-GAF gets.




ugh grizz playing so shit... first boring game of this series =(

at least the bawwwwston game was fun. good lord lebron went off
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