You all realize that if the Heat somehow beat the Spurs in the Finals it'll be all your fault, right?
where the fuck is your avatar from. I keep seeing it everywhere.
He never said they're beyond saving though.... He said it's a shame with even a deal like that the attendance will be lackluster.
where the fuck is your avatar from. I keep seeing it everywhere.
You all realize that if the Heat somehow beat the Spurs in the Finals it'll be all your fault, right?
Most fucked up thing anyone has every said about Japan.Society's armpit.
I prefer my tickets to come with a meal:
Is this a trap?
I think reilo's statement proves that despite having the worst product in the NBA, Charlotte fans haven't entirely deserted the franchise.
And they probably should have.
So it's not really on the fans, it's on the organisation for putting out such a bad product year after year.
So it's not really a shame that attendance will still be low, it's shameful that the product is so bad.
Even knowing why it's so bad.
no, it's the fucking face. when I see it, I just want to punch my screen. I think it's the mouth that irritates me.
I prefer my tickets to come with a meal:
Society's armpit. an excellent question.
funny picture:
good night everyone
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Ya, I can respect that. Have they done any drastic changes to the team to get it jumpstarted or they've been somewhat content?
You're all racist for assuming he meant japan.
He just meant anime-gaf.
pfft, like sports-gaf isn't secretly anime-gaf already.
You're all racist for assuming he meant japan.
He just meant anime-gaf.
what the fuck is going on in here?
ah, creepy anime-gaf. Well I'll be out then.
what the fuck is going on in here?
ah, creepy anime-gaf. Well I'll be out then.
I meant to ask last night but I forgot..
what game is this from?
I can't be outed for something I'm not a part of.One of these days Frankman you'll be outed and it will be glorious.
lol Did Lil Wayne really get denied entrance to the game tonight? hahahahhaha
Someone musta heard that terrible "diss" track he put Did Lil Wayne really get denied entrance to the game tonight? hahahahhaha
Don't watch anything unless it aired somewhere in the US (Funimation Channel/[adult swim]/etc.)
you look hella uncultured and unsophisticated right now
The amount of sophistication a person attains should be inversely proportional to the amount of anime they watch, not directly proportional.
I haven't said anything abou the good ones. I just don't watch bad ones.I mean...
Theres a ton of good anime out there.
Its not all moe desu desu shit.
Takes a pretty closeminded person to not be able to see that tbh.
So like, this one time, my friend was all like, "hey Jeff, I brought over this anime DVD, do you want to watch it?"
I said, "no, because it's anime."
That's where the story ends.
I haven't said anything abou the good ones. I just don't watch bad ones.
That's a pretty closeminded comment by you, to automatically think I meant all anime is bad.
Just like an anime fan to say that.
So insular.
If lebron were an anime character could he beat goku? read my fanfic to find out htto://
.I watched a lot of DBZ recently.
It was still good.
Just waiting for the game to start!this is a basketball thread, right?
er, no. The implication is I'll watch it if it gets licensed. Via airing on TV or streaming on Hulu/various anime sites.Uh
You pretty clearly stated that you'll only watch shows which air in the U.S.
The implication being that the only worthwhile anime are the ones that are deemed "American" enough for you to watch
this is a basketball thread, right?
Just waiting for the game to start!
er, no. The implication is I'll watch it if it gets licensed. Via airing on TV or streaming on Hulu/various anime sites.
But let's talk about your anti-American stance.
Why do you hate America so much?
You pretty clearly stated that you'll only watch shows which air in the U.S.
The implication being that the only worthwhile anime are the ones that are deemed "American" enough for you to watch
ahahaha I'm loving this shit. So this is the kick people get out of trolling!You are clearly taking this way too seriously.
But Dragonball and Dragonball Z is on Hulu doe.Wait, what? So if the best show of all de time wasn't on Hulu you wouldn't watch it?
Capitalist pig.
ahahaha I'm loving this shit. So this is the kick people get out of trolling!
It's awesome, right?
It's just any show that has more than one of the following is not for me:
- Extended inner dialog
- Sweat droplets on foreheads for no real reason
- Arm waving of any kind
- Character frozen with shock as the camera pans
- Discussions of power levels
- Sword usage after the invention and proliferation of gunpowder
- Cat ears
- Overly dramatic finger pointing
- Eyes closing during conversation
- Accidental groping
- When heroes/villains only fight with 1/10th of their power to start but keep restarting their fights, each time adding 1/10 to their actual power
- Unnecessary gasping
- Chit chat during intense fights
So yeah, they all have at least two.
Like saying you won't watch Seinfeld cause of the laugh track.
And I guess all comic books and comic book related media is out of the window if power levels aren't your thing.