He doesn't seem to care about coming off the bench. He'll make 90% of the money he would as a starter, win multiple sixth-man awards, make all-star teams, and compete for championships year-in year-out.
If Bynum weren't a stupid piece of shit I might consider trading Harden for him. Even then it's a stretch.
Besides, OKC will extend Harden before he becomes a RFA.
Don't argue Laker rumors with logic, OKC FO isn't dumb enough to even give Harden a chance to leave.
But be warned NBA, Mitch is gonna fleece some GM, just hope it isn't yours.
Brooklyn must shit themselves when Mitch's name comes up on the caller-ID, Morey probably has his number blocked and Orlando better unhook their phone line or deal Dwight away before it's too late and they get Mitched.