They're not. Trust me.
As a random aside, why are point guards who can't score effectively considered "pure" if they are great floor generals but centers who are great defensively and can't score effectively get mocked?
It's all the titles they've led teams to.Well, I personally hate the idea that a "pure" PG is somehow better than a scoring one by default.
It's all the titles they've led teams to.
Dude, seriously.
How can you release new hardware that in 2012 that looks worse than hardware released in 2005 TWICE IN THE SAME LIFE CYCLE?!?!
I love Nintendo but come the fuck on guys!
It's all the titles they've led teams to.
There's no way it's actually weaker than the 360. But like with Wii, most developers are just going to give crap effort at making anything that looks decent. Nintendo was really dumb not to show whatever Retro or EAD was working on.
You're telling me (even if it was a lazy port) they couldn't make B:AC look 1:1 with the 360 sku?
Well, apparently they can't. Nintendo made a big mistake not showing one of their A-team titles. All we saw was ports and B-team titles. That's a terrible way to show off your new system. The Zelda tech demo from last year still looks better than any of the games they showed today.
i gotta say i do enjoy how much the celtics seem to genuinely dislike lebron/the heat, basically call them bitches and tell reporters to fwd the message (rondo), literally no respect or fucks are given.
The Heat are mentally weak. Marion got in Lebron's head last year too.
point guards don't "lead" teams to titles unless their teams are fantastic and deep, or they are Magic Johnson.
It's hilarious to me that not only did DeShawn Stevenson chip before LeBron, he got it through LeBron AND he came up more clutch than him in Game 6.
an amazing PG like Magic, Kidd, Stockton.. have led their teams to places they shouldn't have been.. in fact Magic won because his team was deep and full of talent.. as all championship teams are..
i gotta say i do enjoy how much the celtics seem to genuinely dislike lebron/the heat, basically call them bitches and tell reporters to fwd the message (rondo), literally no respect or fucks are given.
Also in the final play where Wade bricked the three pointer, Lebron just stood next to Wade 2 feet away the whole time! He basically caused the double team on Wade because he just stood there. If Lebron had rolled it might have created more space for Wade or at the very least he could have crashed the boards when Wade shot it.
But soooo many times Lebron is just a spectator when he doesn't have the ball in the final moments. At least Wade tries to crash the boards in those situations.
The last ten pages of this thread have been pure ether and vindication. The MVP award and "regular season" Lebron had made a lot of people yet again forget about "playoff Lebron". Lebron can't win the championship as the man, plain and simple. Supposedly this year the Heat became the "Lebron James Team" and they're on the verge of getting scrubbed out in the ECF against the aging Celtics.
Furthermore, Wade is just too far gone from the player he was in '06. Skills-wise he still has it, but his temperament is just way off now. Back then he was the constant competitor and didn't expect things to come easy even if they did. Now he's constantly complaining about calls, yelling at his coach, and walking back on defense when things don't go his way. Lebron has gotten a little bit of maturity of the years but Wade has regressed. I don't think Wade can summon his Killer Instinct with enough regularity anymore to carry Lebron over the finish line.
The Heat can obviously beat the Celtics two times in a row to still win the series. But they look nothing like a dynasty team. This team at most has one championship in them before Wade gets too old and Bosh checks in to rehab for clinical depression.
What's crazy is that the league is in transition right now. The East is a wasteland and there's a power restructuring going on in the West. The Heat should be owning the league right now in theory.
One thing is certain, they need a new coach if they want to have a chance at going to the next level. I doubt Pat will come back, but maybe the Heat could make a play for Phil or Sloan. You never know.
It's pretty much the only thing that resembles a real rivalry these days.
They still got time. Wade only just turned 30 5 months ago and he's rarely injured.
They still got time. Wade only just turned 30 5 months ago and he's rarely injured.
One thing is certain, they need a new coach if they want to have a chance at going to the next level. I doubt Pat will come back, but maybe the Heat could make a play for Phil or Sloan. You never know.
Joke post?
It's not like he has EVER played a full season..
the 2000 draft class was so horrible..
Does a Lebron crap in the fourth?
All joking aside, in order to satisfy the "not, 6 not 7..." nonsense, the Heat would need to win 8 of the next 10 years--and Wade would need to play till he was 40.
Oh LeBron!
He's already declining. He's at the point where they're draining fluid from his knee, no way he can keep hitting the court and flop 10-12 times a game.Wade is going to decline fast. He still doesn't have the consistent jumper necessary to rely upon once he loses his athleticism.
He's already declining. He's at the point where they're draining fluid from his knee, no way he can keep hitting the court and flop 10-12 times a game.
His adjustment is simpler than LeBron's though: become a more consistent jump shooter and work on your form.
Funny note, no one here ever hates on Tony Parker for not being a "pure" point. Not saying anyone should hate on TP, just that it's odd how he is completely lost in the conversation.
Surprised no shots of Wright or Davis.Dorell Wright, a member of the 2006 Heat championship team and now with Golden State, was in attendance. A denim-vested Amare Stoudemire of the New York Knicks -- Miami's first-round playoff foe -- was seated courtside, and former Celtic Glen Davis was near the Boston bench. ...
i gotta say i do enjoy how much the celtics seem to genuinely dislike lebron/the heat, basically call them bitches and tell reporters to fwd the message (rondo), literally no respect or fucks are given.
i gotta say i do enjoy how much the celtics seem to genuinely dislike lebron/the heat, basically call them bitches and tell reporters to fwd the message (rondo), literally no respect or fucks are given.
I had never seen that KG interview before. Exactly why I was hoping the Lakers could pull off the trade for KG before Boston did.
The difference between most of the greats and Lebron can easily be seen there. Losing killed them. True of Russell, West, Magic, Bird, Jordan, Kobe, Duncan, KG, Dirk, Kidd, etc. I'm not actually sure if Lebron cares about winning or losing outside of his public perception. The great winners get upset at losing at rock, paper, scissors. Lebron constantly points out how he did a lot, meanwhile KG in that interview says he isn't doing enough (in a season with insane numbers).
Tonight, Lebron didn't even go to the podium. Two games in a row in losses. Not because he was mad, just because he didn't want to deal with certain questions, most likely. They sent Bosh out there (who always has had more heart than Bron).
Man, Lebron is so frustrating. Dude should easily be the best to have every played but he just doesn't hate losing with a passion. It can't be learned, you're just built that way (as KG said).
When the book is finally written on James' career, he may have a title or two, but it will never be as good as it should have been.
On the plus side, I'm convinced Durant hates losing. Rose, too. I'm glad someone has come along. I hope Davis is like that, as well.
I think a bit of it has to do with the way they carry themselves both on and off the court.
Off the court, you have a bunch of star players that openly fan the flames of trade/free agency rumors in the middle of a fucking season, and trash talking front offices, throwing their weight around in public instead of keeping it inside the locker room/offices. You have three star players in their physical primes opting not to kick each other's asses, but to join together. You welcome the opportunity to play with each other if it happens to fall together. You embrace the opportunity to kick the other guy's ass and prove you're the best.
It's not like KG, Allen, and Pierce decided one day to all team up together in boston. Allen and Garnett and Pierce all happened to be star players without rings that were hungry for one. KG was past his prime and had come to a mutual agreement (IN PRIVATE) with the wolves front office that it was best for bost parties to move on. The wolves so they could rebuild, and KG so he could go get the ring he deserved.
Boston acquired Ray in a trade, and THAT's when Boston became attractive to KG. The idea of joining pierce and Ray, completing the puzzle, and working together. It wasn't that KG and Ray and Pierce decided to team up. Management brought Ray to Boston, both to strengthen the team and to entice KG to join as the final piece. The players never called the shots on where they go or what they do, nor did they opt to do it until they were past their primes and had exhausted other options.
Same kind of throwing your weight around has been occurring in Orlando with Dwight Howard. Guys like Bosh, James, Wade, and Howard who openly air dirty laundry with the front office and leverage the public against them remind me of the assholes like stephon marbuury and christian laettner of yesteryear, who pretty much everyone in the nba regarded as shitty teammates and poison.
Now... on the court...
You have a bunch of guys who embrace a very, VERY physical style of defense AND offense, with a lot of running directly into defenders, poking at the other players while on defense, yet they also complain to the officials any time a call goes against them like they're entitled to the good aspects of physical play while not also needing to accept the whistles.
Worst of all....
Despite embracing this physical style of play, and having some of the most physically gifted players in the league today, or even of all time, guys like Bron and Wade flop (as do other heat players). A lot. You're dwyane fucking wade and lebron james. You're fucking awesome. Have some self-respect and use TALENT to beat the other team, don't feign shit to get calls to go your way. OUTPLAY your opponent. Beat them to a pulp on the court. You have the capability, and if you had any respect for the game or your own talents, or any sense of competitive edge to you, you wouldn't resort to flopping.
I think the heat have the talent to win a title. But I don't want them to win, because, despite all the talent they have, they don't have the professionalism of champions off the court, or the ruthless aggression to completely destroy all challengers that befits a champion on the court.
I don't feel any sense of desperation to the heat, even in an overtime playoff game or in the closing minutes of a game 5 of a 2-2 series.
Do you think someone like this or this would NOT resent losing to an opponent they perceived as caring less about the win than they do?
You're set for life, and you're playing a kid's game. You're physically talented. Everyone knows that. Show some edge to you befitting an nba champion. Only then will you earn respect.
I don't mean disrespect to any of the players below, but people remember Michael Jordan and his 6 rings more than they remember Pippen's 6, Russel's 11, or Duncan's 4, because jordan wanted to beat the living shit out of his opponents with his basketball play every time he stepped out onto the floor, and everyone knew it, because you could see how hungry he was. It's what made him truly dangerous and great. Was he fucking awesome and talented? Yes. Did he want to fuck you up with his awesomeness on the court? Fuck yeah. "Fuck the flu, fuck the fact our team's down 2 with like 1 second left, fuck everything and anything that comes my way, I'm going to take this fucking basketball, I'm going to do my thing, and I will beat you"
That's the attitude of a champion. That's what makes players great. And the heat just don't have that. Even if/when they do get their rings, they won't be true champions.
Tonight, Lebron didn't even go to the podium. Two games in a row in losses. Not because he was mad, just because he didn't want to deal with certain questions, most likely. They sent Bosh out there (who always has had more heart than Bron)
No thread title change?
blab blah blah blah blah gasbagging
"even if/when they get their rings, they won't be true champions...because i just spent my essay trying to qualify what is one"
yeah ok
This is infuriating.No thread title change?
Where is the desperation? Where's the fire?
Why do I remember countless times during the regular season where people mentioned the heat coasting/not being serious? And why is a team centered around three superstars in their physical prime not being serious?
Where is the heart of a champion?
Also in the final play where Wade bricked the three pointer, Lebron just stood next to Wade 2 feet away the whole time! He basically caused the double team on Wade because he just stood there. If Lebron had rolled it might have created more space for Wade or at the very least he could have crashed the boards when Wade shot it.
But soooo many times Lebron is just a spectator when he doesn't have the ball in the final moments. At least Wade tries to crash the boards in those situations.
The last ten pages of this thread have been pure ether and vindication. The MVP award and "regular season" Lebron had made a lot of people yet again forget about "playoff Lebron". Lebron can't win the championship as the man, plain and simple. Supposedly this year the Heat became the "Lebron James Team" and they're on the verge of getting scrubbed out in the ECF against the aging Celtics.
Furthermore, Wade is just too far gone from the player he was in '06. Skills-wise he still has it, but his temperament is just way off now. Back then he was the constant competitor and didn't expect things to come easy even if they did. Now he's constantly complaining about calls, yelling at his coach, and walking back on defense when things don't go his way. Lebron has gotten a little bit of maturity of the years but Wade has regressed. I don't think Wade can summon his Killer Instinct with enough regularity anymore to carry Lebron over the finish line.
The Heat can obviously beat the Celtics two times in a row to still win the series. But they look nothing like a dynasty team. This team at most has one championship in them before Wade gets too old and Bosh checks in to rehab for clinical depression.
What's crazy is that the league is in transition right now. The East is a wasteland and there's a power restructuring going on in the West. The Heat should be owning the league right now in theory.
One thing is certain, they need a new coach if they want to have a chance at going to the next level. I doubt Pat will come back, but maybe the Heat could make a play for Phil or Sloan. You never know.
you have just ensured that it won't happen