They became the LeBron James team because Wade stopped giving a fuck and Bosh...isn't on their level.
I get you want to feel "vindicated" about LeBron because I get that's your thing and has been for 3 years now, but no, this season isn't yours Chosen One. People who were against the Heat probably feel vindicated but LeBron is far from the reason this Heat season is over. He isn't a good closer and his "too-nice" personality leaves some to be desired at times, but as far as I can tell he's done what we expected out of him and some more. I actually appreciate what he's done and I'm good with him and I'll give Bosh a sort-of pass for now, but it's everybody else on the team that let down.
Chalmers is the only guy who's lived up to what we really expect out of him. The rest of the team hasn't lived up to their end of the bargain.
WTF Ph33nix.. Series ain't over yet bro. I agree with your statement on who has let us down though. Chalmers in my opinion has had spurts were he has played beyond what we come to expect from him. Also Shane out side of his 3pnt shooting has played very well. His defense has been solid.
I am still optimistic.. This isn't the Finals last year, I still think we have a chance here..
What needs to happen is the following:
1. Bosh MUST play atleast 30min
2. Wade can't be shooting below 40 freaking percent.
3. No one except Rio, Battier, or Miller should be shooting the 3.
4. Rotation should be Big 3, Rio, Miller, battier, Anthony, Haslem.Everyone else just be cheerleaders.
5. First time KG catches the ball in the paint PUT HIS ASS ON THE FREAKING FLOOR. Don't care if its a flagrant but set the TONE early with that.
6. Stop over playing Lebron, give him a rest in the 4th for the first 3-4min.. then Lineup should be Big 3, Miller and either Haslem or Battier. I want the best defensive Lineup out there.. If bosh is working KG well then go with Miller Battier combo
If we are going to go out, we might as well go out with a bang.
If we do fail, sorry SPO either get Tex Winter as an assitant, or GTFO and bring in Phil for some triangle offense goodness.