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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!


I feel like if Jeffrey ever analyzed today's basketball (in a live, extended way, not a canned interview with Ahmad Rashad) he would be a condescending doucher that would do nothing to speak positively about today's stars.

He would constantly refer to himself and the 90s.

So basically Chuck before he explicitly stopped drinking before going on air. I'd dig it, would be better than Magic's Lakers schtick every Sunday.


Just turned the game on. What did he say?

1) The Bulls doesn't want to win because they let Asik go.

2) He doesn't believe teams are losing money as much as they claim, citing the dispute between the league and the player union during the lockout negotiations.

No doubt #2 is true.


Lakers bench, including EC6, is gonna get stomped on by OKC/Spurs/Clips.

Without Kobe/Nash they just can't finish. The penetration by the bench guys doesn't scare Noah/Booz. Gonna have to play one or the other with the second unit to generate good offense, meaning 40 mins for nash/kobe. Kobe can take it, but not Nash.
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