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2013 Mar NBA Season lOT| Change This Face, Be Happy, Enjoy it!

The Bobcats will get three cracks at the Heat including the 33rd, Lakers tying game.

Don't disappoint.

Sunday's game is the 2nd of a b2b, the April 5th game at home might be a better bet.

Just looked at ours and Orlando's schedule too. We have a much easier schedule from here on out, we've got a 3 game cushion but it could end up close. Not that it matters though when there's no clear cut best player. All things equal though you always want the higher pick.
If I'm Dwight I think I leave. There's just no chance to win there, and the new CBA and state of the league kind of kills the sort of deals LA was able to make in the past to keep recycling Top 5 players.


Iggy nearly led that team to the conference finals. Bynum hasn't done shit really so I don't see how it was supposed to catapult them into contender status.

If I'm Dwight I think I leave. There's just no chance to win there, and the new CBA and state of the league kind of kills the sort of deals LA was able to make in the past to keep recycling Top 5 players.
I'm sure they already have plans for a Dwight/Love future in 2015.
One of the "few franchise altering big men in the NBA"? He's had one good season ever and he wasn't even that great that season.

It's a shame that most 260 plus big men can't stay healthy anymore. Oden, Bynum, Bogut, Chandler, Yao, etc; the list is pretty damn long. Hell even Dwight and Drummond (as young as he is) are battling injuries. It's insane that we've gone as long as we have without seeing a consistently healthy, dominant big but at this point I'd say it makes more sense to expect bigs to have short careers. Long, lean guys like Horford, Aldridge, Noah, and Bosh are where the league is heading.


One of the "few franchise altering big men in the NBA"? He's had one good season ever and he wasn't even that great that season.

If you say he hasn't played a full season except the lockout shortened season then you'd be right.

Number wise he's been pretty consistent from 08-12. He just played less minutes from 11-12 due to his health. Even with the reduced minutes his numbers were still pretty respectable.

So there's no reason to doubt he can't produce that kind of numbers IF he's healthy, especially in the East. But it's a big if because history shows us he simply can't stay healthy.

In short, the deal breaker is his health and shitty attitude, not basketball ability.
Iggy nearly led that team to the conference finals. Bynum hasn't done shit really so I don't see how it was supposed to catapult them into contender status.

I'm sure they already have plans for a Dwight/Love future in 2015.

whoa whoa whoa.

Lets be hones we were about to get that work if Rose didn't go down...and even then it took Noah's ankle doing to harlem shake for us to beat them in 7.

We had maxed out with Iggy at the helm. The bynum trade failed big time...but I get the idea behind it. Get a Young Big and build with him and Jrue. On paper it sounded awesome..but his knees are made of paper so yeah.

But a common misconception is that we blew up the Jordan Bulls. We blew up the Joe Johnson Hawks...at best.

Unfortunately...that where we are probably headed back to but still.


They have done a great job greatly inflating his value.. trading him would be smart.

Utah sports sucks right now.. at least i'm not a Ute fan, right IWMTB?

that's one reason I'm glad I live in kansas...football and baseball will both be better this year, and college bball is dope (ku, ksu, witchita st) and college football (ksu) was pretty fun too.

still wish the kings would come here, starting a #freejimmer campaign would be amazing.


Miami's next 4 are against bad teams before they play the Bulls. If they win the next 4 they would be at 27 in a row. Somehow I think they lose one of the next 4. Let down games after this big win over Boston last night.

Who else would be interested in signing Bynum besides the Sixers? If they offer him anything for than a 1-2 year deal they would be fools.


at least avery will get better. isn't this only his 2nd year? and I was under the impression that rondo was getting better. or maybe that was just a fluke playoff run or something.
rondo was shooting almost 50% from mid range until the end of january, i dont have the link on my phone though


Sean Smith can't catch anything

I hope you're ready for that

and anthony fasano is the walking definition of mediocrity

I can live with sean smith dropping balls as long as bowe, baldwin, avery, etc can make up for him. plus we got moeaki still, and he's a stud.

not to mention the solid defense, great rb(s), and safe qb...we'll definitely be better than 2-14. do we win the division? I doubt it, not if peyton plays like he did last year. could challenge for it though.
I can live with sean smith dropping balls as long as bowe, baldwin, avery, etc can make up for him. plus we got moeaki still, and he's a stud.

not to mention the solid defense, great rb(s), and safe qb...we'll definitely be better than 2-14. do we win the division? I doubt it, not if peyton plays like he did last year. could challenge for it though.

You'll probably be 10-6 or 9-7. dat 4th place schedule


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This, is amazing:


That last bit — the ability to recognize individual player skills — is crucial for the juiciest bit of what the Raptors have accomplished: those clear circles that sort of follow the Toronto players around and have the same jersey numbers. Those are ghost players, and they are doing what Toronto's coaching staff and analytics team believe the players should have done on this play — and on every other Toronto play the cameras have recorded.3 The system has factored in Toronto's actual scheme and the expected point value of every possession as play evolves.4 The team could use that expected value system to build an "ideal" NBA defense irrespective of the Toronto scheme, but doing so today would be pointless, since part of the team's job is to sell a sometimes skeptical coaching staff on the value of all these new numbers and computer programs, says Alex Rucker, the Raptors' director of analytics.




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
An example: The analytics team is unanimous, and rather emphatic, that every team should shoot more 3s — including the Raptors and even the Rockets, who are on pace to break the NBA record for most 3-point attempts in a season.


Evidently none of those cameras can tell them that they have the worst GM in professional sports.

Ironically enough, Colangelo is the one that instituted this.
If I'm Dwight I think I leave. There's just no chance to win there, and the new CBA and state of the league kind of kills the sort of deals LA was able to make in the past to keep recycling Top 5 players.

Every team is dealing with that issue, not just the Lakers. Are the Mavs with an aging Dirk in any better position? More importantly, Dwifht ain't turning down that extra $20 million the Lakers can offer. At this point I'm not sweating it if he leaves, but I'd like to keep him around. He's clearly not a franchise big in the vein of Shaq, but if worst case he is a younger rich man's Tyson Chandler, that's still a nice building block to keep around for a 2014/15 rebuild.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"You can shoot as many 3s as you'd like," Casey says, "but if you don't make them, that philosophy goes out the window. There's always going to be disagreements. Analytics might give you a number, but you can't live by that number."7

Casey is obviously right that DeRozan is a bad 3-point shooter. But the analytics team argues that even sub–35 percent 3-point shooters should jack more 3s,8 and that coaches should probably spend more time turning below-average 3-point shooters into something close to average ones.

Wut? More threes for Derozan?
For those of you not from the US, how did you get into the NBA and do you root for other sports?

Curious as to how one becomes a fan with no local team.

Canadians need not apply. :p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Damian Lillard plays 39 minutes a game?

what the fuck

Until a few weeks ago, our backup point-guards were Nolan Smith and Ronnie Price. He also plays a lot of off-guard in the second unit because our back-up shooting-guard is Will Barton.
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