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2013 NBA Playoffs |OT3| Don't believe the pipe

Somebody needs to either drain Wade's knee or have Tom Crean fly with him to Miami

Or maybe we should just literally insert Mike Miller in his spot and tell LeBron to go 1 in 4 out and just do his thing


finals Battier > regular Battier

Ray will hit some i guess, i'd rather have steroid lewis though

Yeah I hope so. But I'm not holding my breath at this point.

Although to my recollection, he didn't shoot especially well in any other playoff series last year either until the Thunder.

So who knows.


All this HEAT-Gaf salt is so incredible. It's like they have no idea how to act when they get screwed with the officiating!

It's such a foreign concept to them they never thought it might be a possibility one time in a 7 game series

Except Heat fans aren't complaining about the refs or claiming that is the reason they lost. They lost simply because they again were murdered on the boards, LeBron had a so-so game, Wade, Bosh, Battier, and the bench were largely garbage.

And it isn't 1 time in the series or any conspiracy at all. Talking and crying about the refs is mostly the job of people rooting for the Heat to lose. Pacers have shot just as many free throws this whole series.



paint your face clown

this shit is the worst


Wow, Miami shot under 40% and got murdered on the glass. Heat should feel good cos this game should not have been cloose

Defense doesn't miss shots. OTOH, Battier gave away far more buckets than he made. Ray Allen too. We can win with them missing, but not if Bron isn't gonna post or Bosh isn't gonna make his shots.

I believe tonight might actually be the perfect storm of a worst game for us, and it was still winnable. I think we grab the next two. I wish we hadn't dropped this one. Another case of us being up 2 possessions late in the game. We gotta push that lead out. Fucking foul trouble.

We were better off last game, letting them score at will in the first half, and saving the fouls for the 2nd half. PEACE.


On the phone so not gonna go quote hunting but all that "Wade didn't travel" "Lebron 6th foul WTFF!!!" And PI salt qualifies
Spurs problem is they have no one to defend LeBron

Leonard probably will get that honor and I imagine Pop is going to make Lebron run through screens all game in the hopes of tiring him out by the 4th. I don't think it'll work though. I wonder if they are planning on doubling Lebron every possession kind of like they did to Zbo or are willing to let him go off for like 40 points a game in single coverage and hope the other 4 players can't do anything
Except Heat fans aren't complaining about the refs or claiming that is the reason they lost. They lost simply because they again were murdered on the boards, LeBron had a so-so game, Wade, Bosh, Battier, and the bench were largely garbage.

And it isn't 1 time in the series or any conspiracy at all. Talking and crying about the refs is mostly the job of people rooting for the Heat to lose. Pacers have shot just as many free throws this whole series.

Game 1: Indy 32, Miami 25
Game 2: Indy 32, Miami 26
Game 3: Indy 44, Miami 28
Game 4: Indy 33, Miami 27

Like we tell people, teams that attack the paint and play more in there get more FTs. Wade and James aren't attacking as much and won't draw FTs. But hey, Konex says the refs will make sure Miami wins game 5!

Tom Penny

You guys sure love your conspiracies. The reason LeBron doesn't foul out more often is because he isn't trying to help so much in the low post all the time.

Why does LeBron have to foul out anyway? Most guards/forwards don't. Hell most players don't. These guys have been in foul trouble all series and Pacers have shot as many if not more FTs all series. So please enough with the conspiracy BS about the refs.

This is obviously not preferential treatment...

LeBron James’ insane no-foul six-game streak has finally come to an end after 27 quarters of basketball.


Lebron is hardly ever called for fouls at all, which is insane considering the minutes he plays... He always gets the benefit of the doubt. How can you deny that?

Deny what? A conspiracy? Why wouldn't I?

Because I am not a clown cry baby always bitching about the refs. All superstars get the benefit of the doubt and guys like LeBron, Kobe, and other superstars rarely get called for their own aggressive play. Even then LeBron is actually a smart defender who isn't out there just hacking and throwing guys down on D. He usually can stay in front of his man, block shots, and get steals.


Free Throws in the ECF

Game 1


Game 2


Game 3



Game 4


I really don't want to hear about Stern called in or any other bullshit in this thread again.


What I don't understand about Wade is that he had an amazingly efficient regular season shooting above 50% and then in the Playoffs he regresses to JR Smith levels of bad.

I really want to know what's going on.

3 things. He is not getting his usual fts lately and he is a guy who drives a lot for the sole purpose of getting fouled. When the refs don't call that crap, it just looks bad.

His lack of a jumper is also exposed vs. a team that wants to grind it out in the half-court. However, the biggest issue with Wade is that he needs a screen to get by pretty much everyone these days. Pacers have done a good job disrupting those plays for the most part..


I wonder if they are planning on doubling Lebron every possession kind of like they did to Zbo or are willing to let him go off for like 40 points a game in single coverage and hope the other 4 players can't do anything

You can't do that with a team that actually has shooters


On the phone so not gonna go quote hunting but all that "Wade didn't travel" "Lebron 6th foul WTFF!!!" And PI salt qualifies

Yes those were questionable calls but again no one rooting for the Heat claimed that was the reason, or that the refs had it in for Miami. That is what people rooting against the Heat do.

I like how Heat fans insist it was just a bad game from Wade, LeBron, Bosh, etc., and not the Pacers' stifling defense. They'll never give credit.

Who where? Are you imagining things and people?

LeBron has played pretty consistently great even against Indy's D. Bosh and Haslem just had great games. This was a bad game for Wade and Bosh especially. Battier and Ray Allen haven't been themselves since the last series.

Indy does play great D or else even despite poor play from LeBron and the guys they would have won.
I wonder if they are planning on doubling Lebron every possession kind of like they did to Zbo or are willing to let him go off for like 40 points a game in single coverage and hope the other 4 players can't do anything

I'm pretty sure Pop is getting off to the game 4 highlights of every Heat player looking and shooting like fucking ass


Game 1: Indy 32, Miami 25
Game 2: Indy 32, Miami 26
Game 3: Indy 44, Miami 28
Game 4: Indy 33, Miami 27

Like we tell people, teams that attack the paint and play more in there get more FTs. Wade and James aren't attacking as much and won't draw FTs. But hey, Konex says the refs will make sure Miami wins game 5!

Buubbbubbbbbuuut the refs and stern and the big market and the conspiracy!

They lost because Indiana made adjustments on D and shut their flopping ass down.

What were those adjustments?
They lost because their placers missed shots... Many shots that were wide open. If Ray hits a couple more wide open threes they win...

I swear this is the dumbest logic. If JR Smith and the rest of the Knicks hit some wide open shots we wouldn't even be here. Who gives a fuck about hypotheticals.

Edit: If people hit wide open shots/free throws at the clip they're expected to the playoffs would be completely different.


Yes those were questionable calls but again no one rooting for the Heat claimed that was the reason, or that the refs had it in for Miami. That is what people rooting against the Heat do.

Who where? Are you imagining things and people?

LeBron has played pretty consistently great even against Indy's D. Bosh and Haslem just had great games. This was a bad game for Wade and Bosh especially. Battier and Ray Allen haven't been themselves since the last series.

Indy does play great D or else even despite poor play from LeBron and the guys they would have won.

Wtf is this. I didnt know ALL Heat fans are superior human beings who don't dabble in the same kind of frivolous and petty complaints as Heat Haters. Who's your HEAT fan messiah imposing such strict moral superiority?

Vestal still going on about the travel lol


They lost because their placers missed shots... Many shots that were wide open. If Ray hits a couple more wide open threes they win...

At least Ray Allen looked to be into the game.

Battier was complete ass. I know he has a tough defensive assignment but he isn't drawing his usual charges, can't hit a shot, and even when he has a open lane or shot underneath the 3 point line he passes it up.

Spo needs to pull him if that is all he will get from him.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Deny what? A conspiracy? Why wouldn't I?

Because I am not a clown cry baby always bitching about the refs. All superstars get the benefit of the doubt and guys like LeBron, Kobe, and other superstars rarely get called for their own aggressive play. Even then LeBron is actually a smart defender who isn't out there just hacking and throwing guys down on D. He usually can stay in front of his man, block shots, and get steals.

man pleez stop throwing out insults. It doesn't change the reality that Lebron has his whole career (except the finals against the mavs) enjoyed the ref's swallowing the whistle no matter what he does (on O or D).

He just gave a single interview drawing attention to the fact (while supporting flopping) and boom 6 fouls in the ECF. Also you can't call it a conspiracy if you admit all stars get the benefit of the doubt and yet refuse to see how that "benefit" might become more apparent with the biggest star in the league.


Wtf is this. I didnt know ALL Heat fans are superior human beings who don't dabble in the same kind of frivolous and petty complaints as Heat Haters. Who's your HEAT fan messiah imposing such strict moral superiority?

Vestal still going on about the travel lol

dude u gotta relax man
Game 1: Indy 32, Miami 25
Game 2: Indy 32, Miami 26
Game 3: Indy 44, Miami 28
Game 4: Indy 33, Miami 27

Like we tell people, teams that attack the paint and play more in there get more FTs. Wade and James aren't attacking as much and won't draw FTs. But hey, Konex says the refs will make sure Miami wins game 5!
Wade is like 3fts per game in the playoffs. ouch.


Oh HAI guys, remember when i said the heat would start breaking down after this third run to the finals? Heat-age laughed but don't look now...bosh hobbling, wade knee, chalmers bruised.....last man standing is lebron.
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