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2013 NBA Playoffs |OT3| Don't believe the pipe


We can move the "mean" goalposts all day from regular season to post season to this series to just points, to points and fg% or whatever else.

But 40 points on 30% shooting is not, in any situation, Indiana's mean for a half.


vag is all of our trolling come to life

I'm just astonished people are clowning on me for "not knowing" what regression to the mean means while they routinely mis define or give examples which aren't regression to the mean.

The fact that I have to defend the fact that 40 points on 30% shooting in a half IS NOT regression to the mean for a team that averages 95-98 points a game (depending on the parameters) on 43% shooting while I'm being accused of not knowing the meaning of the phrase is just...wow.


Question: "LeBron, how'd you get so good with your left hand?" Answer: "Well, I'm left-handed."
I'm laughing more at the fact that any reporter wouldn't know this. He's a lefty who just shoots righty. I only knew this since he joined the Heat, but I assume writers would have more access to who Lebron is now that he's on national tv pretty much the max amount of times. I'm not sure that was the case in Cleveland. PEACE.
Uh, they're averaging over 97 a game this series. It's not stupid because it's consistent with their other averages. 102 (OT), 97 and 96.

You're acting like they're averaging 85-88.

Not to mention it makes sense they'd score more at home on average anyway as teams tend to do that.

Edit: and FG% is irrelevant lol. Ok whatever. When you're discussing regression to the mean in basketball offense, shooting % is definitely part of the issue.

Fg% is irrelevant because it ignores 3s, oreb, and fts.

lol at pointing out the last 2 games as if that would make a real mean. If they played 100 times, I bet Indy would be around 90.

Small samples and all that.

You just hate lebron too much. Realize it. Come to terms with. Once you accept lebron is great, he is clutch, etc you might start enjoying his games and seeing him perform.
I'm just astonished people are clowning on me for "not knowing" what regression to the mean means while they routinely mis define or give examples which aren't regression to the mean.

The fact that I have to defend the fact that 40 points on 30% shooting in a half IS NOT regression to the mean for a team that averages 95-98 points a game (depending on the parameters) on 43% shooting while I'm being accused of not knowing the meaning of the phrase is just...wow.

Regressing to the mean means the next measurement is closer to the average. It does not mean above the average less than last time.

Indy's second half was closer to their average than their first, more so if you only count before the white flag went up.


Reading postgame a lot of people suggesting the Pacers have Hibbert help faster when Bron is in the post. Really? Hibbert is hesitant because the guy he's defending can just pop put for a jumper. Lebron may not get the assist, but he'd get the hockey assist out of the post easily. The whole strategy will be to post him up with Ray, Rio or Bosh as the weakside shooter. I'm not sure people are thinking this through properly. Reminds me of the post game1 talk. People criticizing without thinking about the overall strategy. Vogel said it best, we're just a damn good offensive team. We can hit you from many angles. I don't expect every game to be like tonight, but I'm not sure if doubling the post is gonna be a winning strategy with all our shooters. They won Game2 without doing that, and it's because our shooters missed their shots. I still think that strategy is Indy's best. PEACE.



Are you SMH @ Mahinmi having an extended arm on Wade. That's usually an instant foul when you do it to a ballhandler. There might be flopping penalties after tonight, but I don't expect that to be one of them. No excuses for terrible defense. What exactly was Mahinmi doing to defend there? PEACE.


Are you SMH @ Mahinmi having an extended arm on Wade. That's usually an instant foul when you do it to a ballhandler. There might be flopping penalties after tonight, but I don't expect that to be one of them. No excuses for terrible defense. What exactly was Mahinmi doing to defend there? PEACE.

That far down in the box? No. Thats never an automatic foul.

Out on the 3pt line? sure.

It's honestly getting harder and harder to be a basketball fan. Seriously. The NBA could at least put up a fight, if they had some balls. Instead, they refuse to fine any actual stars.

Compare that, to Tony Allens fine? ugh. Allen acted sure, but he did just take a hard foul.



Pimp please.

Is this the Durant defense? By that, I mean the defense for Durant playing shitty reach-in defense in last year's Finals? I don't know if you can honestly defend guarding a man with an extended arm on him that clearly extends for a push. Wade sold that push better than Dolph Ziggler, but that was just terrible damn defense by Mahinmi. In the post or on the perimeter, that's a foul. There's a reason guys on the block play with arms cupped against their chest, whether on offense or defense. And extended arm is supposed to be a death sentence in this league, which is why Wade flopped.

I'm not gonna deny the flop, but we all know it was in reaction to what is obviously a really, REALLY, shitty effort on defense by Mahinmi. Even in middle school we were taught not to extend the arm. Defend with your feet. Mahinmi's play was to crowd Wade with his length. Worst case, he could force him out to the corner to pass it. PEACE.

EDIT: Was there any reaction to Horny getting the Suns HC job? Congrats to him. I had a strange love/hate relationship with him on the Jazz. Hated the Jazz, but loved White Chocolate retired.


EDIT: Was there any reaction to Horny getting the Suns HC job? Congrats to him. I had a strange love/hate relationship with him on the Jazz. Hated the Jazz, but loved White Chocolate retired.

Most suns fans are moderately happy with it. Given our FO's run over the last 3 years, it's really the best we could've hoped for.


Has this been posted yet? Anyone near my age is absolutely gonna love this:


Will and Jayden Smith, Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro performing together. Jayden does what I assume is his rap song while Will beatboxes, then Will does the Fresh Prince rap with Jazz, then Alfonso comes out to do the Carlton before they close it with a group dance. I marked out like a fiend during this whole thing. Epic shit. PEACE.
Has this been posted yet? Anyone near my age is absolutely gonna love this:


Will and Jayden Smith, Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro performing together. Jayden does what I assume is his rap song while Will beatboxes, then Will does the Fresh Prince rap with Jazz, then Alfonso comes out to do the Carlton before they close it with a group dance. I marked out like a fiend during this whole thing. Epic shit. PEACE.

awesome stuff
Are you SMH @ Mahinmi having an extended arm on Wade. That's usually an instant foul when you do it to a ballhandler. There might be flopping penalties after tonight, but I don't expect that to be one of them. No excuses for terrible defense. What exactly was Mahinmi doing to defend there? PEACE.

You're delusional. That's a typical Wade flopfest. The league gives him a free pass for a senseless flying elbow to the head of an opponent, then gives him a bailout call for flopping like a fish. PEACE.


You're delusional. That's a typical Wade flopfest. The league gives him a free pass for a senseless flying elbow to the head of an opponent, then gives him a bailout call for flopping like a fish. PEACE.
I kinda agree with pimp, if I didnt misunderstand. Basically wade flopped super hard, but mahinmi should be smarter than to leave the window open for a foul call by just having the arm out. It's not like that's never been incorrectly called in the past.


Has this been posted yet? Anyone near my age is absolutely gonna love this:


Will and Jayden Smith, Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro performing together. Jayden does what I assume is his rap song while Will beatboxes, then Will does the Fresh Prince rap with Jazz, then Alfonso comes out to do the Carlton before they close it with a group dance. I marked out like a fiend during this whole thing. Epic shit. PEACE.

WOW! Thanks for this pimp!
You're delusional. That's a typical Wade flopfest. The league gives him a free pass for a senseless flying elbow to the head of an opponent, then gives him a bailout call for flopping like a fish. PEACE.
But the flop didn't get called bro.

Missed that part of the game, but looks like the ref did get the call right. I'm sure Stern was not pleased.

The NBA needs to review Wade's career and fine him half his career earnings to send a message to bitch floppers around the league. He's their idol.
wade or CP3?
Missed that part of the game, but looks like the ref did get the call right. I'm sure Stern was not pleased.

The NBA needs to review Wade's career and fine him half his career earnings to send a message to bitch floppers around the league. He's their idol.
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