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//: 2013 StarGAF Open


I don't know guys, I think Shake may have something to say about Protoss being any good at all.

Also where's the confidence flux? You should be bringing the mad trash talk.... You're totally gonna win. Zerg win tournaments like Protoss build pylons.


I have to be the bearer of good/bad news. Me and Streik are going to be playing tommorrow at around this time (slightly earliar).

We were going to play over the weekend but I got wrapped up in Fathers Day and today my connection has been dropping all over the shop and Streik is unable to play on EU due to lag (NA is down). So we'll definately get it out of the way tomorrow.

Sorry for taking so long.


I have to be the bearer of good/bad news. Me and Streik are going to be playing tommorrow at around this time (slightly earliar).

We were going to play over the weekend but I got wrapped up in Fathers Day and today my connection has been dropping all over the shop and Streik is unable to play on EU due to lag (NA is down). So we'll definately get it out of the way tomorrow.

Sorry for taking so long.



I certainly need some more practice and hopefully if another tournament comes around I'll be able to show better games.

wp Streik.

(although I am rather annoyed at myself for the last 2 games since I made really horrible errors and fell apart).



Game 1

Game 2
Game 3

Game 1: outmanevoured like fuck, game 2: luck with first two hellions (never rushed them like that before either) pretty much won the whole game, game3: my thinking is hes really good in the late game and is very defensive early = imma just be greedy as all hell, lucky it worked

GGs man.


Game 3 was a weird one for me. I was still thrown off by the previous game and I knew exactly what you were doing from quite early on, my plan was to just turtle it off and slowly pick away at your bases like I did in the first game but when I noticed you out of position over at my fourth I tried to take the middle.

My vikings clumped too hard and I guess when trying to collect a single one I managed to double click and moved everything the wrong way (should have kamikaze'd into your army) from there it was horrible and I shouted at myself for a few minutes :p

Either way, I've loved playing in the tournament and I got miles further than I thought I would do. My TvT especially has really improved because of it and I got to play some excellent players so thanks for organising it! I'm still somewhat shameful that I lost to FluxWaves when my TvZ at that point was 80% on ladder, but after that loss my TvZ went down to 20% this season before slowly rising again :p

More practice = more skill, laddering for me starts tomorrow again ^^


I knew you knew, but I also knew you weren't going to punish it and raven-heavy skyterran is imba regardless of how game 1 went, just had to have more economy behind and watch out for those damned widow mines (it really caught me offguard game 1).


I knew you knew, but I also knew you weren't going to punish it and raven-heavy skyterran is imba regardless of how game 1 went, just had to have more economy behind and watch out for those damned widow mines (it really caught me offguard game 1).

I take it you didn't see the most recent Flash vs Fantasy in proleague? :p


Soooo, whats the holdup?

Good question!

I guess I should try to be more on top of things, but seriously.... we're only waiting on one match, everyone left in the tournament knows how it works.

C'mon guys.

you can do it.


When you find out who you're opponent is, please PM them, schedule a time to meet up, and post here in the thread so we all know when it's going down.

We're getting so close.



I know the deadlines have been pretty loose, but this is getting a little out of hand, It's been like week or something? I've posted reminders and PM'd the players, but haven't heard anything back.

So: (and it really pains me to do this)

Flux and Striek need to play their game, or at least post here (or PM a tourney mod) about when they're going to play by the end of the day Tuesday June 25th or they're gonna be DQ'd so we can finish the tournament.

Again, I don't want to do this, it's not how it should be, but no response for like a week... what other option do I have?

Guys, it's one game, get it done, so we can finish the tournament please.


Streik's biggest issue, atleast the one he had with me is that he's on Australia time so timezones are very awkward for him I guess.

It's currently 11PM I think for him which is why you might be waiting for a reply.


TBF I did send the message asking you what times you'd be available first, you people are getting too anxious about this.

How about tomorrow 9pm edt?


Striek vs Flux

2-0, Striek

not sure if the replays are gonna go up or not, but I'll spoiler it just in case
go protoss

is there extended series?

Since the tournament is double elim and how the bracket is setup the losers bracket winner should have to beat the winners bracket winner in two "Sets" whereas the winner only has to win one "set". That's how most double elim brackets work.

Also you guys should probably make the finals 3 out of 5.

I think Ketch was gonna make a big deal outta the finals, gonna see what he wants to do.

EDIT: I like that you called me out g1 shakes =D gl in finals buddy.


Yes, it is double elim, and the finals are Bo5. So in order to win shake would have to beat EJ in not one, but two best of 5 series. Not only that but throughout the entire tournament neither one of them has dropped a game except to each other. I am expecting some good fucking games.

I'm going to start working on a thread for the main gaming side. How is Saturday the 6th? 5pm Pacific?

Also need to find out if Hazaro and Son1x still want to cast/live stream. I don't know if they have their own streams, but I do know the the quality on EJ's stream is the best I've ever seen... so maybe we can use that...

I'll post here again once I'm ready to put up the OT.
Yes, it is double elim, and the finals are Bo5. So in order to win shake would have to beat EJ in not one, but two best of 5 series. Not only that but throughout the entire tournament neither one of them has dropped a game except to each other. I am expecting some good fucking games.

I'm going to start working on a thread for the main gaming side. How is Saturday the 6th? 5pm Pacific?

Also need to find out if Hazaro and Son1x still want to cast/live stream. I don't know if they have their own streams, but I do know the the quality on EJ's stream is the best I've ever seen... so maybe we can use that...

I'll post here again once I'm ready to put up the OT.
You don't want a first person stream from me if you're going to cast it.

But that time and date sounds fine to me.


You don't want a first person stream from me if you're going to cast it.

But that time and date sounds fine to me.

Oh yea, I suppose they won't be able to obs from your channel.

Edit: Here's what I'm thinking for the OT on gaming side, what do you guys think?

Over the past few months, the NeoGAF StarCraft 2 community have been battling each other in what will surely go down in history as the greatest community tournament of all time: :// The 2013 StarGAF Open! Players have faced each other in the ultimate test of true video game skill: StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. Resources were harvested, units were micro'd, nerds were killed. And Now, once and for all, we will determine the highest skilled video game player on all of NeoGAF.

Our two remaining players have been the tournament favorites from the start. They are so far above our other competitors that neither one of them have dropped a game the entire tournament, except to each other! In the Winner's Bracket Semi-finals, our Protoss Hero Escaping Jail (who has been quoted calling his Terran opponent "The best player on GAF") narrowly managed to eek out a 2-1 victory against the seemingly unstoppable xmShake. But that wasn't enough to shake the terrible terran, as he easily made short work of his opponents in the Loser's Bracket. xmShake his sauntered out of the mirey depths of defeat to once again face Escaping Jail in what will surely be the ultimate rematch of the century!

Finalist Biographies:

Escaping Jail

Age: 24
Hometown: Willimngton, Delaware


Age: 21
Hometown: San Diego, California

Dates and Time: Saturday, July 6th at 5PM Pacific DST (UTC -7)

Live event/casting:The championship will be live casted by NeoGAF's own Hazaro and Son1x. You can watch it live here:

  • The finals will be Best of 5 format, because xmShake has come back from the Loser's bracket he is required to beat Escaping Jail in not one, but two best of 5 series. Escaping Jail is only required to win one best of 5 series to take the tournament.
  • Switching races is allowed between games/matches.
  • Trash talk is allowed, and even encouraged! but players MUST refrain from personal insults and oblige to GAF ToS.
  • #1 Grand prize is a sick ass NeoGAF tag granted by EviLore himself!

Map Pool:
  • Akilon Wastes
  • Cloud Kingdom
  • Daybreak
  • Bel'Shir Vestige
  • Icarus
  • Neo Planet S
  • Whirlwind

Veto Procedure:
  • Each player will veto one map, Escaping Jail vetoes first.
  • xmShake then gets to choose which one of the remaining maps will be played first.
  • The loser of each game gets to pick the next map.
  • Maps will not be repeated until the series resets.
  • If/when the series resets, the two original map vetoes will remain in effect, and the first map of the new series will be chosen by the loser of the last map of the last series.

Offical StarGAF Ladder Rank:http://www.sc2ranks.com/c/14180/neogaf-2013-hots-tournament

Complete List of Losers:

Tournament Adjutants:

StarGAF Community thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=558298
NeoGAF SC2 Community thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=519039
Official StarGAF Open tournament page: http://challonge.com/StarGAF
Tournament SC2ranks: http://www.sc2ranks.com/c/14180/neogaf-2013-hots-tournament/
Official StarCraft Website: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/

Mostly looking for spelling/grammar mistakes, or formatting issues. Also, I have more stuff for the player bios, but I'm keeping it secret because
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