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2014 NBA Finals |OT| Some dude guarantees they will win it all.

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Wilt was an amazing athlete. That's what separates your typical stiff 7 footers (Thabeet, Oden, Hibbert) from the truly elite ones. Athleticism, quickness, fast reflexes and footwork. At worst, he'd be a rich man's Tyson Chandler type defensive anchor. At best he'd be the absolute best center in the league today.
Different era, most people take Wilt's stats with a grain of salt. He'd ride the bench in today's NBA.

This is totally oblivious. If this man had access to today's preparation and doctors and chemists he'd be a fucking freak. A freak that can actually shoot inside. How and the hell do people come to the conclusion that Wilt would be a bad player?

Age 36 stat line with the lakers, his LAST year in 72-73: 13.2 ppg, .727%, 18.6 rpg, 4.5 apg, 43.2 minutes played per game. I'm not even a huge wilt fan ffs.

Yeah, just awful. What a hack.
Wilt would be a poor mans's D12 but mentally weaker.

Now I know you people know nothing about basketball. D12? You are kidding and this is a fake post?

Literally, one of the most mentally incompetent players out there. I just don't even know what to say. (srry double pst)

Also, what happened to NBA GAF? Was there a fight or something?


The greatness of Kobe is that he doesn't give a crap about efficiency stats and will shoot from anywhere if he feels he can make it. He does whatever it takes to win and that's why even his haters respect him

This is stupid.

of course he is. He's an Eagles fan

Thank you sir.

Sixers fan too but they are in hibernation hopefully to wake up soon.

He's a dirty player with a ton of cheap shots but gets away with it with this innocent good guy front. Crushing them in Miami in the finals was so great. But it doesn't fit the narrative for ESPN so them losing in that finals rarely gets mentioned. Even though lebron perfected the art of disappearing in the 4th quarter.

Go to youtube and search dirty plays and or dirty players in the NBA.

So Lebron perfected the art of disappearing because of those finals but his back to back wins in the finals and great performances don't mean anything? What kind of stupid logic is this? If he does bad then its on him forever. If he wins it all then its nothing?

I also think it's funny that only ONE player felt the effects of the temperature and it was Lebron. Not the aging spurs, or wade and his broken knees. And did they work on it when he came out to try to come back in to a close game? Nope he just sat on the bench. That was strange. No stretching. No going into the locker room. No early IV fluid treatment earlier in the game

Lebron has had cramping issues since HS. He said in his presser that he has been tested by doctors as far back as HS. They never found anything but that he does cramp up from time to time so when he did plus the heat, it affected him the most.

It was also in the fourth quarter. They did work on it. He did come back in. He aggravated it more. Were you even watching? He said he was ready to come back in around the 1 min mark but Spo held him off.

His training staff is always working on it and that's why his regular cramps in regular games don't lead him to missing time. I don't get how his durability is being questioned now when throughout his career he has been known to be super durable. But again with Lebron, any one thing or one time thing is on him forever regardless of whatever good he accomplishes.


Think of all the Heat games where Bosh or Ray or some other guy hit the winner.

Please list them.

How many for Bosh? How many for Ray? Keep in mind Ray only joined them last season.

And why were those guys so open? Who created the shot?

Or should Lebron do a Kobe or Melo and take the final shot no matter what coverage and percentage of shot?

Nope, it sure wasn't.

What does that have to do with LeBron traveling and flopping all over the court?

It has everything to do with LeBron because you only call out certain teams or players for traveling or flopping based on your rooting preference. Your Thunder get just as many ref breaks. Westbrook and Durant also get away with palming and travelling (though I did see Durant finally get called for some).

And please point out where and when Lebron was traveling in that game. Its easy for you to say and keep repeating it but where are the examples?

KD's all star teammate is an angry black hole who withholds the ball from him at crucial moments and his coach runs a skeleton offense with little structure, so there are other, juicier targets of criticism on the Thunder for the time being

Or if we apply the stupid logic Lebron has to deal with to KD, KD is afraid to be the man or to take the last shot so he lets Westbrook take it. He rather not have the pressure on him of the big moment. He defers to Westbrook.

And by Cloudy's Kobe logic, Westbrook > Kobe. He takes all the shots! Thats the greatness of his game!

I don't understand ESPN's mindset. They know the vast majority of their viewers hate Lebron and the Heat and yet they give them nothing but positive coverage.

It would be like if Fox News suddenly started saying great things about Obama all the time.

Its not that you don't understand ESPN's mindset, you don't understand how tv works.

ESPN only cares about ratings. They know what people tune in for. So even though the whole world knew Tebow sucked they talked about him 24/7. Woods, Jordan, Manning, Lebron, and some other figures. They know these names and debates about them get people to watch.
Me, my 3 year old, and my 1 year old... #Lebroning

Its not that you don't understand ESPN's mindset, you don't understand how tv works.

ESPN only cares about ratings. They know what people tune in for. So even though the whole world knew Tebow sucked they talked about him 24/7. Woods, Jordan, Manning, Lebron, and some other figures. They know these names and debates about them get people to watch.

I understand how TV works just fine. Positive coverage is boring. Negative coverage is what people want and ESPN would rather shower him with praise.

I suggest you carefully read what I was saying. I have no issue if they spend 24/7 talking about him but for them to not understand that people don't want to hear everyone but Skip Bayless call him the greatest player ever is not understandable.
I understand how TV works just fine. Positive coverage is boring. Negative coverage is what people want and ESPN would rather shower him with praise.

I suggest you carefully read what I was saying. I have no issue if they spend 24/7 talking about him but for them to not understand that people don't want to hear everyone but Skip Bayless call him the greatest player ever is not understandable.

Its the NBA Finals, he is going for a 3peat. Who else should they talk about?
Wilt was an amazing athlete. That's what separates your typical stiff 7 footers (Thabeet, Oden, Hibbert) from the truly elite ones. Athleticism, quickness, fast reflexes and footwork. At worst, he'd be a rich man's Tyson Chandler type defensive anchor. At best he'd be the absolute best center in the league today.

Oden was definitely not a stiff before his injuries.
Duncan who is playing for his 5th?

Nobody cares about Duncan. He's historically an all time great but nobody has ever cared about him. These networks and radio stations are all about ratings. Talking about LeBron=ratings. People who HATE LeBron would rather talk about him than talk about how much they respect and love Duncan. That's just the way it works. See this thread for an example. Nobody is stopping you or anyone else to talk about the magnificence of Timothy Duncan yet....nothing.
i just watched the 30/30 detroit pistons bad boys documentary and just reminded me how physical the game was back then. i didn't start watching basketball until the early 90's but even the knicks of the 90's were a pretty tough team. i feel like bill laimbeer would be suspended multiple games for some of these hits
i just watched the 30/30 detroit pistons bad boys documentary and just reminded me how physical the game was back then. i didn't start watching basketball until the early 90's but even the knicks of the 90's were a pretty tough team. i feel like bill laimbeer would be suspended multiple games for some of these hits

When I was a little kid watching the Lakers play the Pissed-Ons, I always thought that Laimbeer looked like an Evil Superman.

I hated that guy so much. 1989 Finals introduced me to my earliest sports related trauma. I cried when we got swept.



Damn, that bad boys 30 for 30 was so good.

Mark Aguirre > Adrian Dantley

Rodman and Aguirre's interactions brought those feels.


Sadly, you really think you know what you're talking about. There's a reason Wilt is not on any top 5 list or anybody's Mount Rushmore, despite his sick stats. Go read some Spiderman comic and stay out of NBA threads, fucking comic book nerd.

Lol heat fans



Never has. Probably never will have any lol.

Out of all the gaf communities, nba gaf is definitely where things go bad the most. At least thats what ive noticed in my 2+ years being here.

Nba gaf has been banned before so I wouldn't be laughing.


I'm utterly amazed that the dick riding continues in the Temp forum, even when there are statistics to refute a claim...

As for the Wilt Chamberlain argument, the dude was a monster. Most of the top NBA Players are fucking monsters of Centers and if those guys played today, they would have dominated the league.

Wilt, Kareem, Hakeem the Dream, Bill Russel, Shaq. Hell, Tim Duncan is slated to be one of the best to play the position but he's dwarfed compared to these guys. Duncan may be the Kareem of his generation with his attitude and his quiet demeanor, but he's not in Kareem's league in the slightest.

Even though the game has changed, Centers have always been the pinnacle of greatness.

You see greatness in Shooting guards like Michael Jordan and forwards like Larry Bird and Lebron James, but Centers have consistently been the position where NBA's greatest come from.

Lebron is great, but pitted against those beasts of centers he'd look like prey, shots blocked swatted like a fly.

I acknowledge that Lebron is the best player in the league today, but I can't respect the dude with how he's acted, his hyperbole bullshit, and his underlying demeanor underneath the PR and NBA Posterboy shit. He lacks greatness in other areas. Same goes for Kobe. His Kobe System ads are funny and all but he's a horrid person underneath what makes him great in basketball.

Guys like Lebron and Kobe aren't just hated cause they win, they're hated because of what kind of person they are and the antics they pull off.

J2 Cool

Thing about Wilt is just if you follow the career crossovers its pretty easy to see he could play today at a really really high level. Wilt played Kareem at the end of his career very well. Who played Hakeem pretty well himself in old age (somebody who declined majorly his last years). And it's pretty certain Hakeem would be a freak in today's game. Wilt is probably most comparable to Hakeem in build, athleticism of all the centers only maybe a little stronger. He could have handled Shaq well and thusly anyone. It's silly to think he wouldn't be one of the best players in the game still.

The ones who you very clearly have to doubt are the guard positions which clearly became better athletically all the way around. To the point that an Oscar Robertson who maybe was Lebron before isn't nearly as impressive an athlete in today's game, maybe even undersized. So then you have to depend on his nba skills harnessed in a 1960's league and play calling system. There's a lot they would have to add onto their game and catch onto, but there's no telling really. Only discernible fact is they're great in their time but centers no doubt would have the easiest translation of their skill. 18 rebounds per game is doubtful though nowadays with 6'8" leapers shoulder to shoulder with them. It always made me think Wilt would translate better to today's game over Russell. I'm not sure, but Russell's defense came on guys he could pick on, so his greatest attribute would be reduced while Wilt was a better two way player which is more valuable today in a game where you have to put up points.


Who's more hated? Lebron or Tom Brady?

I hate American football and think it's a shit sport but I'm pretty sure both of them are hated in their own ways.

I've outlined why I dislike
Lebron. Most of the entire Heat team is full of unlikeable people, party the reason why a lot of people hate them. As for Tom Brady, he's a product of athleticism from the Bay Area, that's the only redeeming quality of that scumbag of a person.


Who's more hated? Lebron or Tom Brady?


Outside Murka and Canada, nobody knows who or what a "Tom Brady" is.

Basketball is the second most popular sport on earth, American football is not even top 10. Kobe Bryant is more famous than every MLB and NFL player combined, worldwide.
Is Lebron really hated outside the U.S.?

I see a lot of pro Lebron opinions in my home country of the Philippines and I'm pretth sure they love him in China too


He is more hated relatively compared to NFL or MLB players, because those guys could freely walk the streets of Paris, London or Milan and not a single person would recognize them. There is no hate for them, because in our world they do not even exist. There is some dislike for LeBron, but more because people like the Bulls, Lakers or Celtics, so he is the big rival, a road block for their favorite teams to overcome, rather than him leaving Cleveland, because i doubt anyone could point on a map where Cleveland is even located at.

Compared to other American athletes, James is a fucking saint, Vick, Woods, Armstrong, Kobe and a great deal of others have done far worse things that may warrant actual *hate*.
It has everything to do with LeBron because you only call out certain teams or players for traveling or flopping based on your rooting preference. Your Thunder get just as many ref breaks. Westbrook and Durant also get away with palming and travelling (though I did see Durant finally get called for some).

And please point out where and when Lebron was traveling in that game. Its easy for you to say and keep repeating it but where are the examples?

If you don't think I point out fouls, flops, or traveling on my own team then I don't know what to tell you. You must be new around these parts.

LeBron flopping is a constant in every game. It's easier to point out games where he doesn't, since that's such a rarity. The traveling is like Jordan: an extra euro step here, a swapped pivot there, or brazenly taking an extra step on his way to the rim.
I'm utterly amazed that the dick riding continues in the Temp forum, even when there are statistics to refute a claim...
Idk, I feel that place is a bit more even keeled than this. Coming from the Philippines (what up CWF) I presonally know more Kobe/laker fans and Lebron Haters than Heat fans. And this page was pretty much just like my FB page after game 1 lol. I'm like wtf I didn't even hate on kobe when he was winning chips -_-.

Temp forum? Huh. Is this some super secret neogaf forum?
Here. Some (if not most) of us here are also a member there.

Staging that photo requires at least three fans and a photographer, which we all know Miami doesn't have.

Welcome back, brah.

Those are fairly amusing but I think we need to have an intervention about that status bar. You're reaching grandma-using-Windows XP levels there.

I mean, this is mine right now and I only haven't gotten to that notification because I'm typing this up.

hehe. yeah, good thing you noticed. I have like 3 apps for email, so getting one email will bring up 3 notifications. So I removed the 2 other email apps. Cleaner notif bar. Still have no fuckin clue what the other icons on my notif bar means means. Maybe some app I dont even now I have.

EDIT: I have totally no idea of this years NBA draft prospects so I rely on article like this to enlighten me. Great read.
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