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"24" *Season Finale* - 5am-6am/6am-7am

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2-hour season finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God dammit I can't wait! :D :D :D

Rules: Spoiler-tag anything that hasn't aired yet (such as the events in the previews). Once it has aired, everything's a-go.

And to eliminate spoiler confusion, could you label what you are spoiler-tagging? For instance, say that you're spoiler-tagging the preview, future episodes, or sheer-speculation (if you so choose to spoiler-tag your speculation).

And was that Michelle freaking out? OMG!! One would speculate that something critical happens to Tony. Hopefully, he won't be killed. :(

Finale preview


MIMIC said:
And was that Michelle freaking out? OMG!! One would speculate that something critical happens to Tony. Hopefully, he won't be killed. :(

Although you never know with 24, I'd say there's a good chance of it resolving happily so that the season can have at least somewhat of a happy ending considering Jack's situation.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Episode 23 Spoilers:

- Mandy calls Michelle and tells her that she has Tony and that if Michelle doesn't move the CTU agents she will kill Tony (so now Michelle is put in the exact same situation as Tony in season 3). Michelle moves the agents but later lets Bill Buchanan know about her conversation with Mandy.

- Mandy holds a couple up at gunpoint and orders them to switch clothes with her and Tony. After changing clothes the couple is ordered to get inside of a Jaguar. By now it has started to rain outside. While the couple walks toward the car Mandy tells Michelle that she and Tony are getting inside of a Jaguar (but they are really inside the apartment). The couple (who everyone thinks is Tony and Mandy) get into the car and it explodes. Everyone at CTU thinks that Tony is dead. Michelle totally loses it and Bill asks her to go home because she is unstable.

- Jack watches the video of the explosion and listens to the phone call and he notices that when Mandy was talking he could not hear any rain falling which means she was not outside when she was talking on the phone and that she and Tony are probably still alive.

- Jack starts looking for Mandy, some stuff happens, and Jack and Curtis manage to rescue Tony and take Mandy into custody!!! (yes, after 4 seasons they finally got the bitch!!!)

- Cut to San Francisco. The agent that the Chinese caught on film arrives in the city and is captured by the Chinese. He is interrogated and he tells the Chinese that Jack lead the attack on the Consulate.


I finally watched this week’s entire episode just now. I missed 30 minutes of it on Monday because I was sleeping and then while I watched the rest I couldn't concentrate on it too much because of e3. I just wanted to know... when Jack says that Castle is down at the end, does that mean Castle is dead? It's doesn't necessarily mean that right? Great episode although it's kind of dumb to see Jack send Marwan away with a bunch of no name agents again. Mandy is cute... :p



NOOOOOO!!!!! CASTLE!!!!! :( R.I.P.


Only one guy can replace him... please make it happen FOX...


The successor to Jack Baur.



Giants of the video game industry eh?

I'd like to see them put that on their game packages in this day and age.... hehehe


works for Gamestop (lol)
i don't remember Castle in the other seasons either. but when he first appeared in this season, he said something like, "Glad to have you back, Bauer" or something similiar. so I guess he was in the past seasons

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Ok, as some of you might know the producers taped two different 24th episodes. The first half hours are the same for both but the last half hour is different for each one.

I received info on the first ending a couple of weeks ago from a reliable source (I've gotten spoilers for pretty much the entire season from this guy) and I posted it because I heard rumors about the other ending and I honestly thought they were going to go with what I posted. It seems I was wrong. I liked this ending much better than the one they ended up going with.

In version 1 of the ending (that is not being used so its not a spoiler) the missle hits Washington DC and kills President Palmer along with a million other people and Jack gets handed over to the Chinese.

That's not how the season ends. In the alternate version (the one they are apparently going with).... MAJOR FREAKING SPOILERS....

the nuke is instead headed toward Los Angeles and gets shot down. President Logan is confronted by the Chinese government about Jack and he agrees to hand Jack over to them. Logan then orders the secret service to kill Jack instead of taking him alive because he might give the Chinese information about the administration. Palmer learns of the plot and warns Jack. When the secret service agents arrive at CTU they chase Jack into a back room and there is a shootout. Jack gets killed in the gun fight....or so it would seem. When everyone leaves the room Tony and Michelle inject Jack with a substance that revives him. Jack's death was actually an elaborate plot staged by Chloe, Tony, Michelle, and Palmer. Jack is quietly taken away from CTU and dropped off somewhere. He speaks with Palmer on the phone and thanks him. Palmer tells Jack to leave the country and disappear. The season ends with Jack Bauer as a ghost.

Btw, Mandy tells CTU where Marwan is in exchange for a full pardon early in the episode and Marwan is killed.


In version 1 of the ending (that is not being used so its not a spoiler) the missle hits Washington DC and kills President Palmer along with a million other people and Jack gets handed over to the Chinese.

DAYUM! I wonder how Season 5 would have ended up like...


JC10001 said:
In version 1 of the ending (that is not being used so its not a spoiler) the missle hits Washington DC and kills President Palmer along with a million other people and Jack gets handed over to the Chinese.
I certainly hope you're right, but in quoting your post, I accidently spoiled myself further. Arrrgh!
For what it is worth, I think that the 'unused' ending should still be spoiler tagged as it would fall under the speculation/previews terminology if you ask me. But no one did, so I'll just go back to waiting for the ep to air.


Red Mercury said:
For what it is worth, I think that the 'unused' ending should still be spoiler tagged as it would fall under the speculation/previews terminology if you ask me. But no one did, so I'll just go back to waiting for the ep to air.

You're right; I agree (since it was taped and could potentially leak to the Internet/appear in the season 4 DVD).

Now I'm kind of irked that I read it....
Its not an unused ending, that was never even filmed. It was just a rumor going around the net that a certain few people here decided to pass on as real to seem cool.


Chili Con Carnage!
Kuroyume said:

NOOOOOO!!!!! CASTLE!!!!! :( R.I.P.


Dont mourn that loser, he fucked up every single field op he was on this season, including his last one. He's personally responisble for CTU not catching Marwan at the night club. Theres a list of his fuck ups as long as my arm.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Its not an unused ending, that was never even filmed. It was just a rumor going around the net that a certain few people here decided to pass on as real to seem cool.

Well that's good to know.

It DOES seem pretty over-the-top.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Its not an unused ending, that was never even filmed. It was just a rumor going around the net that a certain few people here decided to pass on as real to seem cool.

Uh, yes it was. They ALWAYS film at least two endings for 24 and have done so since the first season.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
DarkAngelYuna said:
Its not an unused ending, that was never even filmed. It was just a rumor going around the net that a certain few people here decided to pass on as real to seem cool.

Wrong. I've heard from two different places that they filmed the scene that alludes to Palmer's death. In it, Palmer leaves Logan and gets in the back seat of a black car that drives down the road. He gets on the phone to call someone and while he's talking the car is abruptly shaken and there is a bright flash. The camera cuts to Palmer's face. He looks like a deer staring into headlights as the shockwave approaches him. The scene ends and the clock comes up to tick away the final seconds of the hour (with no ticking sound effect) and the season ends.

One of the people who told me this was the same person who told me that a terrorist last seen in season 2 (Mandy) would return along with a bunch of other stuff weeks if not months before it was ever widely known.

In the past they have always filmed alternate endings. In the first season Jack's wife lived, in the second season Palmer was okay, and in season 3 Palmer doesn't drop out of the race and a sample of the virus gets smuggled out of the country. People started to catch on to the endings because while they weren't the same...they were similar enough so that's why starting with this season they began filming 2 radically different endings to prevent people from guessing.

I'm actually shocked that they are going with the ending that they are going with
because the "Jack dies" ending was rumored/leaked since week 1. Everyone started asking the producers about it and I really thought they would go with something different. Guess not.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
JC10001 said:
Ok, as some of you might know the producers taped two different 24th episodes. The first half hours are the same for both but the last half hour is different for each one.

I received info on the first ending a couple of weeks ago from a reliable source (I've gotten spoilers for pretty much the entire season from this guy) and I posted it because I heard rumors about the other ending and I honestly thought they were going to go with what I posted. It seems I was wrong. I liked this ending much better than the one they ended up going with.

In version 1 of the ending (that is not being used so its not a spoiler) the missle hits Washington DC and kills President Palmer along with a million other people and Jack gets handed over to the Chinese.

That's not how the season ends. In the alternate version (the one they are apparently going with).... MAJOR FREAKING SPOILERS....

the nuke is instead headed toward Los Angeles and gets shot down. President Logan is confronted by the Chinese government about Jack and he agrees to hand Jack over to them. Logan then orders the secret service to kill Jack instead of taking him alive because he might give the Chinese information about the administration. Palmer learns of the plot and warns Jack. When the secret service agents arrive at CTU they chase Jack into a back room and there is a shootout. Jack gets killed in the gun fight....or so it would seem. When everyone leaves the room Tony and Michelle inject Jack with a substance that revives him. Jack's death was actually an elaborate plot staged by Chloe, Tony, Michelle, and Palmer. Jack is quietly taken away from CTU and dropped off somewhere. He speaks with Palmer on the phone and thanks him. Palmer tells Jack to leave the country and disappear. The season ends with Jack Bauer as a ghost.

Btw, Mandy tells CTU where Marwan is in exchange for a full pardon early in the episode and Marwan is killed.

What the fuck is going to happen in Season 5!?


works for Gamestop (lol)
i remember the other ending for season 3 had the suspicious motorcycle dude go to the hospital and kill kim and chase in the last episode. lol. or maybe it was just kim, but the idea of it was hilarious


What do you know. Someone types out the fucking spoilers. I swear you should be banned and shit. I don't care if its an alternate ending or not, some people might have wanted to buy the DVD for that, or maybe they decided to use it. Plus another person puts a fucking frown face next to the spoilers, so lemme guess, something bad will happen? Idiots.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
bye bye hollywood

See people, spoilers aren't that hard!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Hollywood said:
What do you know. Someone types out the fucking spoilers. I swear you should be banned and shit. I don't care if its an alternate ending or not, some people might have wanted to buy the DVD for that, or maybe they decided to use it. Plus another person puts a fucking frown face next to the spoilers, so lemme guess, something bad will happen? Idiots.

Its not a spoiler if it doesn't happen. And as far as the DVD is concerned the alternate endings are always preceded by some kind of director's commentary that tells you what they are ahead of time anyway.


works for Gamestop (lol)
oh shit, i forgot it starts at 8 tonight



Drunky McMurder
JC10001 said:
Its not a spoiler if it doesn't happen. And as far as the DVD is concerned the alternate endings are always preceded by some kind of director's commentary that tells you what they are ahead of time anyway.

I haven't read it, but it can be a spoiler if we know something isn't going to happen.



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ugh this is so obvious I hope they figure this fake out, out quickly.


So we can all agree that the people in the car bomb were not Mandy and Tony right? Also... Theres something that makes me believe that that wasn't regular lipstick.


Anyone want to bitch slap the President...the one o 24 not the real one, if the Secret Service might be watching. He brought Palmer in cause he couldn't do the job, then gets pissed when shit doesn't work out. Had Palmer's plan gone right I bet his ass wouldn't have give a second thought to Palmer as he took credit for everything.
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