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2nd Child of Pa. Couple Dies After Only Praying (Update: sentenced)

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RIP. Senseless and avoidable deaths.
Did I troll you or did you troll me with my own troll, or were we both just being sarcastic jerks?

i was kinda suspecting you were being sarcastic so yea, i guess we're both sarcastic jerks :p i can't help it with news like this.. i can't formulate an intelligent response when shit is so ridiculous.


They should give them the death penalty. God can then swoop down and perform a miracle to save them and show the world he exists! Wouldn't that be grand.


As a Christian myself, these people are idiots and should be sent directly to jail. I have no clue why there are moron Christians out there who believe like this. I've never met one myself, and I have met some wacko Christians over the years. I don't even see how you can take it from the Bible unless you are a legit moron, seriously. It even teaches that you need "works" along with "faith", not just faith alone. That alone should show them that you can't just pray for things to get better without actually putting forth effort.

Blah, this really pisses me off. Just lock up these two and be done with it.

I really hate when people see things like this and then applies it to all Christians. We are NOT all like this. Really, I promise.
As a Christian why do you care? Isn't heaven better than earth? Your reaction flies directly in the face of your lore does it not? Or are you jealous because you have to toil on this forsaken earth for much longer than these children? I'm honestly struggling to understand why someone of faith would be upset by this.
I thought that there being a good afterlife was one of the pillars of the Christian religion? That's one of the big reasons for people adhere(d) to it right? because of promises/threats about the afterlife?
This reminds me of that one joke. A man is drowning in the middle of the sea. A boat comes along, but the man refuses its help and says, "I'm waiting for God to save me."

Then a helicopter comes. Again, the man says, "Sorry. I'm waiting for God to save me."

Finally, a large number of sharks descends upon him. The man says nothing because they rip him limb from limb. His blood stains the water red. His family falls into depression and prays for him. His son grows up fatherless. His wife later commits suicide.


I don't see the problem. Everything happens for a reason.
Questioning these kids' deaths is implying God is not in control.
Did I troll you or did you troll me with my own troll, or were we both just being sarcastic jerks?
This is the same god who created fake dinosaur fossils to test our faith.
Sorry. I think this thread boils down to the problem of evil and I'm running through it in my head and posting pieces of it. I think the response to what I posted is supposed to be something about free will.

I think this all boils down to what the fuck are you talking about?


I grew up with way too many people who don't believe in medical care for religious reasons...

And reality is, well, it's hard to dislike fundamentally "good" people; they're great neighbors and would give you the shirt off their backs. But in cases like this, when your view of reality is so askew that you're literally willing to take someone's life, the life of your own child, through sheer neglect... my belief is those individuals should be treated for severe mental health issues, not just jailed.

Jail is not going to reform anyone who believes this strongly about their religion. Get them in the mental health system and un-brainwash them. Only solution.


Please don't have any more children.

court order removal of all means of reproducing and banned from adopting children EVER in life.....matter of fact inject them with a virus and let them pray about it and see how quick they try and rush to the hospital STUPID people, and what's worse is their other kids are probably brain washed with this bullshit as well

Camp Lo

court order removal of all means of reproducing and banned from adopting children EVER in life.....matter of fact inject them with a virus and let them pray about it and see how quick they try and rush to the hospital STUPID people, and what's worse is their other kids are probably brain washed with this bullshit as well

Inject them with a virus and let them pray over it? Shut the fuck up


court order removal of all means of reproducing and banned from adopting children EVER in life.....matter of fact inject them with a virus and let them pray about it and see how quick they try and rush to the hospital STUPID people, and what's worse is their other kids are probably brain washed with this bullshit as well
Oh boy.


court order removal of all means of reproducing and banned from adopting children EVER in life.....matter of fact inject them with a virus and let them pray about it and see how quick they try and rush to the hospital STUPID people, and what's worse is their other kids are probably brain washed with this bullshit as well

I get that this story is infuriating, but there's no reason to think that the parent's would go to the hospital to save themselves. Believe it or not, there are a disturbing number of people who genuinely believe what they preach about faith healing and the like.


I think this all boils down to what the fuck are you talking about?

I was joking, realized I had made too many joke posts without clarifying so attempted to make a post that was vague and didn't acknowledge this, then realized I would have to. The posts also make a little more sense in chronological order and not how you quoted them.

As for the problem of evil, I think I was taking the position that there is no actual evil, it's just god doing his thing. The more socially acceptable response to evil existing is to invoke free will. A "sure god is doing his thing but he gave us free will to be dicks" sort of position. But again, I was not being serious and think both of those positions are weak.

The Lamp

The maximizing of health is certainly line with the Scriptures. The Bible is clear that we are to take good care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) as they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. There are many verses that speak of using “medical treatments” such as applying bandages (Isaiah 1:6), oil (James 5:14), oil and wine (Luke 10:34), leaves (Ezekiel 47:12), wine (1 Timothy 5:23), and salves, particularly the “balm of Gilead” (Jeremiah 8:22). Many of these treatments would be considered holistic today, as holistic medicine often shies away from drugs and surgery at least as first treatments. In addition, many Christians have benefitted from principles embodied in holistic medicine.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/holistic-medicine.html#ixzz2RJsH9QPe

Those treatments were as good as it got a couple of thousand years ago. That WAS their state-of-the-art medicine. That doesn't mean that modern medicine is sinful to use or practice.

It encourages participants to seek the answers to life's difficult questions within their own conscience instead of in the Word of God. It also leaves one open to deception from God's enemy, who searches for victims that he can turn away from God (1 Peter 5:8). For the Christian, meditation should center on the Word of God, His attributes, and the beauty of Jesus Christ, the Great Physician.

You can trust in God and focus on the Word of God while still going to the doctor. There are doctors for a reason.

Otherwise, it's like saying if you're drowning in a river and someone throws you a life preserver, you can't use it, you can't trust in it, you're just going to have to drown praying that God saves you from drowning.

Then when you get to Heaven and ask God why he didn't save you from drowning He will be like "Why didn't you use the life preserver that I threw to you?"

Camp Lo

Those treatments were as good as it got a couple of thousand years ago. That WAS their state-of-the-art medicine. That doesn't mean that modern medicine is sinful to use or practice.

I agree, the Bible's effectiveness and relevancy has expired. There should be a drastic update to accommodate modern trends.
I agree, the Bible's effectiveness and relevancy has expired. There should be a drastic update to accommodate modern trends.
It can't be an outdated product of mortal minds of the time, if God is real. The entire faith is based on a book which moderate Christians have to selectively accept. By their own logic their faith is bullshit.
Well.... you know...
It's the same thing with the Quran, though Muslims think that by rattling off a bunch of reinterpretations and other things that they project onto the Quran, they can maintain this illusion that the words of the Quran are something mysterious that can't be pinned down, and thus can't be criticized on their own merits.

Camp Lo

It's the same thing with the Quran, though Muslims think that by rattling off a bunch of reinterpretations and other things that they project onto the Quran, they can maintain this illusion that the words of the Quran are something mysterious that can't be pinned down, and thus can't be criticized on their own merits.

That was kind of my point with the apologists who call these people crazy for being super Christian as if the fanaticism is the problem and not Christianity. But yeah, goes across the board with other religions too.

The Lamp

I agree, the Bible's effectiveness and relevancy has expired. There should be a drastic update to accommodate modern trends.

That's not what I was saying. I'm a Christian. I'm saying just because they used oil and herbs in the Bible doesn't mean we have to use oil and herbs to treat people now...the point was to heal people....that's what they had then, we have better ways to heal people now.

Updating the Bible's "effectiveness" and "relevancy" is something completely separate from what I was trying to say.


formerly sane
Lock them up forever. Seriously. Your children aren't your property. You don't have the right to deny them healthcare because of your religion....well you shouldn't be able to.

Things like these make me wish kids had real rights in this country worth a damn.

Camp Lo

That's not what I was saying. I'm a Christian. I'm saying just because they used oil and herbs in the Bible doesn't mean we have to use oil and herbs to treat people now...the point was to heal people....that's what they had then, we have better ways to heal people now.

Updating the Bible's "effectiveness" and "relevancy" is something completely separate from what I was trying to say.

On page 1 Basically I was posting their church's and a general Christian site that they have and could use to justify not letting their child get medical help. I don't go 100% either way on the religion scale so call me Agnostic.

Balms and salves are drugs. Wine is a drug. Oil put on a wound is a drug.

And? Apparently some people believe this is enough of a medical deterrent.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
On page 1 Basically I was posting their church's and a general Christian site that they have and could use to justify not letting their child get medical help. I don't go 100% either way on the religion scale so call me Agnostic.
It's not justification though, it relies on a modern interpretation of holistic medicine which kinda defeats the point of relying on the bible in the first place.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
And? Apparently some people believe this is enough of a medical deterrent.
And therefore the bible actively promotes the use of drugs to treat illness, making it hard to argue the bible is against using drugs to treat illness.

Camp Lo

And therefore the bible actively promotes the use of drugs to treat illness, making it hard to argue the bible is against using drugs to treat illness.

Again, when you read wine and bandages as written in the bible and you don't take it further than that, you run into a problem.

You're making it as though these people have modern drugs in their equation. One of their kids die from diarrhea and some other weak illness.
That's not what I was saying. I'm a Christian. I'm saying just because they used oil and herbs in the Bible doesn't mean we have to use oil and herbs to treat people now...the point was to heal people....that's what they had then, we have better ways to heal people now.

Updating the Bible's "effectiveness" and "relevancy" is something completely separate from what I was trying to say.
I think the point is that if you have to "update" the Bible when its something so demonstrably wrong like medical advice, it calls into question from where you derive faith in such a book. You're treating it like a historical curiosity in one sense, but then placing irrational trust in it in another sense, with disregard for all logic and reason.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

-Epicurus, 341 BC, Samos – 270 BC, Athens
Bolded that part that applies to these criminals since they believe he is able. He let 2 of your kids die already so that would suggest he's not the nicest of dudes. I hope these 2 get lots of prison time to rethink their prayer strategy.


God how fucking dumb do you have to be to believe this shit after one kid already died.

Sorry, assholes, we allowed you to believe in your dumb shit before it started killing kids; now they should go to prison for the rest of their life and be forced to watch atheist material and have all holy texts remove from their cell until the end of their sentence.
Reminds me of the story of the guy lost at sea.

Short paraphrased version:

Guy is lost as sea, a boat comes by but the guy waves it off. God will save me! A helicopter comes by but he again waves it off. Finally a whale approaches but he clings to his life raft.

He drowns and then asks god why he didn't save him. God says "I sent a boat, a plane and a whale"

I think that joke is based on a true story. There was a family who went lost at sea and drifted towards the arctic in the 80s. One of the people with them was a religious nutjob who threw away all of their supplies thinking that Jesus would save them. I think he died and the family was separated. When they were rescued they had to amputate a lot of their extremities due to frostbite.
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