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3rd person Halo Infinite this November

Codes 208

Im intrigued, hopefully its implemented better than just a simple perspective change. Games that are designed for one perspective often feel clunky or awkward when played any other way.


To me, it always felt like H: Infinite was supposed to be microsofts "fortnite" but they just never responded quick enough in a way that mattered & forge being weird and all that. Still too little too late 🫠

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
ryan reynolds hd GIF
My very first thought.


I assume they are trying to appeal to Fortnite fans. Which, is actually understandable. Definitely easier to sell skins when people can see their own skins. And it’s kind of refreshing to see them try to expand their audience in a common sense, give them what they like kind of way.

The old guy in me, who played the original Halo, definitely did a double take at this headline. But I think it’s worth a shot. Makes sense and could be cool.
Actually, third person mode feels amazing from the few clips I watched on X.

It will be probably even a test to check how this performs in terms of audiende and decide about its future implementation in Halo 6.


I assume they are trying to appeal to Fortnite fans. Which, is actually understandable. Definitely easier to sell skins when people can see their own skins. And it’s kind of refreshing to see them try to expand their audience in a common sense, give them what they like kind of way.

The old guy in me, who played the original Halo, definitely did a double take at this headline. But I think it’s worth a shot. Makes sense and could be cool.

I don't see how Fortnite comes into it. There's a group of players who are always going to prefer 3rd person to 1st, surely it's to appeal to them.


Did Microsoft kick your kid or something?

A mode is releasing on an older game on a platform you clearly don't care about.

And this qualifies to a "please Microsoft die" post.

I love Halo, so yes, they did kick my kid, and my other kid Spyro and my other kid Crash and my other kid Conker and my favorite child Banjo Kazooie. They have been kicking them for awhile...
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