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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

jacobs34 said:
Wow. Amazing post. Where to start.

I've really had my eye on the HD650's because they tend to scale nicely and will still sound good if I ever want to upgrade my rig.

The Dennon's sound great, and I may end up getting a pair as well if I can find a good deal on an amp/Dac combo.

As far as what I've been looking at as far as amps are concerned, the first thing someone suggested to me was the NuForce Icon HDP. I've also heard good things about the iBasso D12. I'm wondering if the E9 has enough juice to power the HD650's? Perhaps you could help me out on this. Because if it can I would be open to pairing the 650's with the E7/E9.

I still plan on using my AD700's for gaming and movies, they are really excellent for gaming and I would suggest them to anyone looking for a pair of starter cans. This is why I'm leaning for the 650's over the D2000's.

My budget for a rig is around $1,000. I really want a good setup as I listen to music for 6-8 hours every day. I don't mind spending the cash because I recently stopped drinking, and I want to reward myself with a nice audio setup Thanks again for the help.
650 + E7/E9 = good.

650 + HDP = megawin.

I've had all of those combinations and am a very happy HDP owner. The HDP soundly beats the E7/E9, though the E7/E9 offer great value for the money. If you're going to go 650 and want a reasonably small dac/amp, go NuForce if you can afford it.

If I might make a recommendation:

1.) Buy the Icon HDP because you'll be keeping that no matter which set of cans you buy.

2.) Buy BOTH the D2000s and the HD650s from someplace like JR.com or Amazon. Both places have no-questions-asked return policies, so you can take a full month to evaluate both and decide which you want to keep in the end. They're both very different sounding cans. The 650's being laid back, smoother, and perhaps somewhat sleepy...the D2000s being a bit more detailed and energetic at the top and bottom, but with a little less mid range. I preferred the 650's low-end punch for live music, but the Denons for most of my other music...but ymmv. Trying them both at the very same time is the only way to know you got the best cans for your needs for your money.

Protip: if you decide to go with JR.com, they do haggle. You can call in and negotiate the prices lower if you push. If yous see the price at Amazon or somewhere else online lower, let them know. Hell, one time they asked me how much I wanted to pay for some cans after a few minutes of sounding disappointed with the quoted price. LOL!
swoon said:
if the budget is $1000 get that burson and call it a day.
sounds like he's saying $1k for the amp and cans. but yes, if he's willing to up his budget to ~$1,400.00, the Burson could be his first and last DAC/Amp purchase.


So after a couple of days with my TMA-1's I have to say that they are amazing and that I love them. However, my only complaint is not about the headphones themselves, but I don't really like the cable that comes stock with the TMA-1's... I don't know, it just doesn't seem to be a very sturdy/well made cable. The non coiled part of it is oddly stiff and the actual coiled part is somewhat awkward for when I'm walking around with my headphones on.

I was wondering, are there any well made cables that you guys could suggest so I can just replace it? It's not that big of an issue, but I have no qualms forking out 20 bucks or w/e to have a nicer cable for my headphones. I'd prefer the cable to not be really long btw, I don't really like stuffing the excess cable in my back pocket. Should I just head over to the local best buy and check out what they have for sale?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Dipindots said:
So after a couple of days with my TMA-1's I have to say that they are amazing and that I love them. However, my only complaint is not about the headphones themselves, but I don't really like the cable that comes stock with the TMA-1's... I don't know, it just doesn't seem to be a very sturdy/well made cable. The non coiled part of it is oddly stiff and the actual coiled part is somewhat awkward for when I'm walking around with my headphones on.

I was wondering, are there any well made cables that you guys could suggest so I can just replace it? It's not that big of an issue, but I have no qualms forking out 20 bucks or w/e to have a nicer cable for my headphones. I'd prefer the cable to not be really long btw, I don't really like stuffing the excess cable in my back pocket. Should I just head over to the local best buy and check out what they have for sale?
I bought the official AIAIAI TMA-1 Cable - Rubber Straight. It's perfect.

The coiled cable is definitely too cumbersome, for my tastes.


swoon said:
yea i'm thinking about picking up a lcd-2, throwing off my stax and speaker plans. why can't stax ever become fotm so i can pick up people's used stuff cheap.

Awww, don't throw off speakers! As much as I love headphones, I must say that I cannot wait until I get my speaker set up finished.


Neo Member
Anyone have experience pairing a USB DAC with a Sony MDR-F1? I'd like to jump in to using a DAC, and preferably one I can use to on my desktop speakers as well as my cans. Would I be good going with a recommendation in the OP, or does someone have anything specific they can recommend?


swoon said:
if the budget is $1000 get that burson and call it a day.

Are you referring to the Burson 160D? That may be a little bit overkill for me right now, ha ha. I'm not sure how my GF would react to me spending $500 dollars over the budget we agreed upon. It is a beautiful peace of equipment however.

Visions - I hear you on buying both to try them out. This is what irks me about not having any quality music stores in my area. Hopefully when I move to the Quad Cities there will be some places I can go to for trying rigs out. I'm wondering - how often do you listen to different headphones? If I can squeeze both pairs in with say an E7/E9 combo is it worth it? I listen to a lot of Rock and Blues music, which I think will work great with the HD650s, but I also listen to a lot of Electronic music i.e. Daft Punk, Justice, LCD Soundsystem, etc. which I would think would better fit for the Dennons. Or is the difference between the Icon and the E7/E9 great enough that I should just go with the Icon/HD650 for now and wait until I can afford to get the D7000's in a separate rig?


Alucrid said:
Awww, don't throw off speakers! As much as I love headphones, I must say that I cannot wait until I get my speaker set up finished.

i mean i have some okay b&w speakers in the main room, but where my headphones are, and where i listen to the most of my music the speakers are going to be in a weird area and i have to wait on my wife to finish building my equipment racks anyway.

speakers are pretty cool, but it's such a pain to place them.
By the way, what do people here think of the high end headphone cables. I see those twisted chainmail cables for the LCD-2 and it sounds like bullshit to me. Not to mention they cost almost half of what the headphones do.


Wormdundee said:
By the way, what do people here think of the high end headphone cables. I see those twisted chainmail cables for the LCD-2 and it sounds like bullshit to me. Not to mention they cost almost half of what the headphones do.
Got it!

Side note: Funny how software engy GAF and Head-Fi GAF cross over so nicely


poweld said:
Depends on which Senn's. If you're talking about the 5XX/6XX, yes, very long. 6' or so.
Yep, talking about the 555s. Might be a silly question, but what do you guys do with all that excess cord when you're using your headphones with a portable device? I guess the obvious answer would be to get a shorter cable...


cnizzle06 said:
Yep, talking about the 555s. Might be a silly question, but what do you guys do with all that excess cord when you're using your headphones with a portable device? I guess the obvious answer would be to get a shorter cable...
I wouldn't use those with a portable device...I'd rather get a pair of good, affordable in-ears or a more portable set of cans.
I have around $120 to spend on new headphones.

I was looking at the Audio Technica ATH M50, would you guys recommend those? or are there better options in the same price range?


EraldoCoil said:
I have around $120 to spend on new headphones.

I was looking at the Audio Technica ATH M50, would you guys recommend those? or are there better options in the same price range?
What type of music do you listen to? Do you want some isolation?


cnizzle06 said:
Yep, talking about the 555s. Might be a silly question, but what do you guys do with all that excess cord when you're using your headphones with a portable device? I guess the obvious answer would be to get a shorter cable...
Not that silly, actually. I used to use a rubber band to take up some of the excess slack, but recently got a bunch of Belkin velcro cable ties for the same purpose, since they're easier to put on and take off, and put less stress on the cable itself.
poweld said:
Not that silly, actually. I used to use a rubber band to take up some of the excess slack, but recently got a bunch of Belkin velcro cable ties for the same purpose, since they're easier to put on and take off, and put less stress on the cable itself.
Hey I just ordered some smartwraps off amazon for my K81DJs (see above). Would you suggest the velcro cable ties over those?
Could someone recommend me a set of Earbuds with volume control for use with my iPhone? I know that IEM gives better sound quality, but I use my iPhone a lot when running / jogging / cycling and IEM's don't go to well with physical excercise!

I've heard great things about the Yuin PK3's, but they do not have volume control. Is there anything similar to those but with volume control that could someone could recommend?


CoffeeJanitor said:
Hey I just ordered some smartwraps off amazon for my K81DJs (see above). Would you suggest the velcro cable ties over those?
I don't even know what those are, but I'm sure it's fine.



...At least if you're paying a $200 premium you're getting your moneys worth in terms of looks.


HiResDes said:

...At least if you're paying a $200 premium you're getting your moneys worth in terms of looks.[/QUOTE]

It's just trying way to hard to be all futuristic and Tron like. If I see anyone wearing them I'll just laugh, they look way too gaudy.


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
They'd probably look pretty cool in black carbon fibre and orange like the Clu/Rinzler suit.

All black with the glowing parts orange? Yeah that would be pretty nice. Although I still feel like I'll slice my jugular open on the ear cups.
So just as I was about to purchase the Sennheiser HD555's, I read this in one of the reviews:

The plug-in is a quarter inch, and it comes with a gigantic quarter-to-eighth-inch adapter. This is simply retarded. The other way around (1/8" to 1/4") is always a nice feature, but this isn't the case with these headphones. When you plug into the adapter, you've got about three inches of garbage hanging out from whatever you're plugging into. So if you have an iPod in your back pocket, you might as well have a satellite sticking out. The other thing about the stupid eighth-inch adapter is that the actual gold plated plug sticks out of a really huge piece of plastic, so unless the input you're plugging into is out in the open, you can't plug in all the way. So if you have an extremely popular silicone iPod cover, for your extremely popular iPod, you're going to have to take it off before using these headphones, defeating the purpose of buying that cover. That adapter is also a hassle when plugging into my laptop. It just doesn't go in and stay in. Either it pops out, or it isn't secure enough to stay in place, and this causes sound to go in and out of the right phone while making the left one crackle and pop.

The bottom line is that these aren't really for portable audio. And according to reviews I read after the fact, these headphones are pretty much designed for stereo receivers and either watching DVD's or gaming. I can't even see them for computer gaming considering they don't properly connect to the eighth inch headphone input PCs have. I would say that if you're prepared to make a few sacrifices and get some dirty looks when you take these out into public, the Pros will outweigh the Cons. And if all you're doing is plugging into a quarter inch stereo receiver to watch DVD's... you're set for life, girl... 'cause these are insanely comfortable and rugged."

Can anybody comment on this? I was basically just going to be using these for my iPod/laptop, and they seemed like the best bet for my price range (under $100), but now I'm not so sure.

EDIT: Also a lot of reviews seem to be mentioning that the bass on these isn't so great, which sounds like it might not be the best for me since I primarily listen to metal. Still, I can't find any alternatives that seem as good of quality with my budget

EDIT 2: How risky is it doing the mod to these to turn them into 595's? From what I've read it seems pretty easy, but is there any chance of doing something wrong and ruining them? Turning them into the 595's seems like it would totally alleviate my bass concerns
My ME-Electronics M25s just started not working... left side pops in and out all the time.

Any thoughts? Might just be time for new ones, but I got these 'round Christmas, disappointed.
I don't know why anyone would want to use the 555s with a portable. I mean nevermind the fact that they're huge, but they are either 120 or 50 ohms, which is hardly efficient, and as they are meant to be driven by an amp or receiver, they have the 1/4 inch plug. If you listen to metal, or rock in general you'd probably be better off with a pair of Grados for the price.
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
I don't know why anyone would want to use the 555s with a portable. I mean nevermind the fact that they're huge, but they are either 120 or 50 ohms, which is hardly efficient, and as they are meant to be driven by an amp or receiver, they have the 1/4 inch plug. If you listen to metal, or rock in general you'd probably be better off with a pair of Grados for the price.
I'm not up to speed on all of the audiophile jargon, so I'm not sure how that inefficiency would translate to sound performance. Does that mean they won't sound right unless being used through an amp?

I've never heard of the Grados brand before, but I'll check into them. Thanks


Dreams-Visions said:
Protip: if you decide to go with JR.com, they do haggle. You can call in and negotiate the prices lower if you push. If yous see the price at Amazon or somewhere else online lower, let them know. Hell, one time they asked me how much I wanted to pay for some cans after a few minutes of sounding disappointed with the quoted price. LOL!

I must ask how much lower you got them to lower the price by. If it's a decent amount, I might just do this method
Mr. Paer said:
I'm not up to speed on all of the audiophile jargon, so I'm not sure how that inefficiency would translate to sound performance. Does that mean they won't sound right unless being used through an amp?

I've never heard of the Grados brand before, but I'll check into them. Thanks
Efficiency translates into how well your phones can be properly driven. Higher impedance phones need more juice and dedicated components to properly drive them. If not, you will have to crank the sound very high to get them to sound loud, and beyond that, they will generally not be driven to their full potential, and will generally sound distant, congested and hollow. Properly driving a pair of phones will do several things which may include opening up the soundstage, filling in the midrange and bass and improving detail retrieval. As for Grado, they are pretty much the defacto go to brand for rock fans. They aren't neutral by any means, but they are tuned to lend an exciting, live feel to music, which suits a lot of rock music. They have a retro design and are open though, so they will leak a lot of sound. Do keep that in mind.
Just bought the Klipsch Image One's on the vanns.com deal a bit ago for $89 shipped. I thought it was a good deal considering the amazon price.

I own the Shure SRH 440s, and they are a bit TOO flat for me I found. I thought I wanted studio monitors, but I realized quickly that I wanted a somewhat balanced but bass-favored headphone. These look good. Anyone else own these or tried these?

Chris R

Is there such a thing as DECENT wireless headphones? Range would be ~10 feet tops. I ask because my SR80s finally bit the dust, and like every other headphone I've EVER owned, the problem was the wire at the Y eventually separating/causing static/ect I'm going to try to do a solder job on it tomorrow but I have little faith that I will get them back to full working order :(

I figure wireless = no wire to break at the Y = happy me. I know the sound quality will be shit, but whatever, my SR80s weren't high end to being with anyways. I just want something decent for under $100 that will last.


Major Williams said:
Just bought the Klipsch Image One's on the vanns.com deal a bit ago for $89 shipped. I thought it was a good deal considering the amazon price.

I own the Shure SRH 440s, and they are a bit TOO flat for me I found. I thought I wanted studio monitors, but I realized quickly that I wanted a somewhat balanced but bass-favored headphone. These look good. Anyone else own these or tried these?
They are apparently bass monsters, pretty much resembling the sound signature of a pair of Sony XB500's...If you like bass above all else you will love them, if not, you may have to equalize the shit out of them.


Got a question for you all bout my M50's. I've been rocking them around campus, all over the place, and being a student at UF, I sweat often. Is a bit of moisture going to hurt the phones at all?


Mordeccai said:
Got a question for you all bout my M50's. I've been rocking them around campus, all over the place, and being a student at UF, I sweat often. Is a bit of moisture going to hurt the phones at all?

Not sure where moisture would get into the headphones, but no, I don't think sweat will hurt it.


Well after a week of deliberation I decided to pull the trigger on the HD650's and a Icon HDP amp/dac. Should arrive in about a week. I'm extremely excited to break them in. I've even got motivated to finish ripping my music collection to Lossless. Now to figure out which album to listen to first. Is Dark Side Of The Moon a no brainer here?


jacobs34 said:
Well after a week of deliberation I decided to pull the trigger on the HD650's and a Icon HDP amp/dac. Should arrive in about a week. I'm extremely excited to break them in. I've even got motivated to finish ripping my music collection to Lossless. Now to figure out which album to listen to first. Is Dark Side Of The Moon a no brainer here?
Sure if that's your bag. I think Mezzanine is usually the first album I play with new headphones.


Ashhong said:
Not sure where moisture would get into the headphones, but no, I don't think sweat will hurt it.

Ear sweat, disgusting as it sounds. Long hair doesn't help either. Damn heat will make you sweat in places you've never imagined lol
jacobs34 said:
Well after a week of deliberation I decided to pull the trigger on the HD650's and a Icon HDP amp/dac. Should arrive in about a week. I'm extremely excited to break them in. I've even got motivated to finish ripping my music collection to Lossless. Now to figure out which album to listen to first. Is Dark Side Of The Moon a no brainer here?
I'd go for Aja, if only for the amazing mix...


Hey guys, I'm hoping audiophile gaf can help me out on this one. I don't really know what to look for in a set of good quality earphones. I'm not after audiophile level quality, I doubt I'd be able to tell the difference, just a good set to listen to while walking home from work. Currently I'm still using the standard earphones that came with my iPhone and want to get something a bit better.

I was looking at these as I heard Sennheiser were a good brand? I'm mainly looking around the £50 price mark and having a remote on the cord is an absolute must so the Sennheisers fit the bill, I just don't want to jump into something I know so little about.
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