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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


I went to Bestbuy and tested out the Bose Quietcomfort 15 and I fell in love with it. The only thing I didn't like was the $300 price tag. Are there any other headphones equivalent to the Bose Quietcomfort 15 but not as expensive?
Alucrid said:
To be fair on the audiophile spectrum the WA6 is 'low end' too.

Reporting for duty. I would say if you can, go for it. It certainly helps refine the sound in terms of soundstage and imaging. Plus, it looks fucking awesome. Listen the WA6 with the stock tubes for a bit, switch in the Sophia, then head back after a few days of listening and you'll definitely notice the difference.

Are you asking for a DAC/amp all in one? Separate DAC and amp?

Well, I had thought I'd like a DAC/amp combo.. then I read that some folks were pairing an E7 and an E9 for the extra power boost that some of the higher-end cans need..

I carry my notebook to work every day (macbook pro) and I was thinking I'd like to be able to throw something like an E7 into the bag with my notebook and use it as a DAC for my klipsch IEMs and plug it in to an E9 at home to use with my PC and notebook at the house.

At home is where I'd be planning to use the new cans, since I can't afford to have audio leakage at the office (I've been thinking about open cans..) and that's a whole setup I don't really want to be lugging around.

Does that sound like a workable plan?


Alucrid said:
Reporting for duty. I would say if you can, go for it. It certainly helps refine the sound in terms of soundstage and imaging. Plus, it looks fucking awesome. Listen the WA6 with the stock tubes for a bit, switch in the Sophia, then head back after a few days of listening and you'll definitely notice the difference.
What DAC do you use?


Got my E11 in today! Maybe I am a bass crackhead, because while I really like the bass it produces, it's still not as much as my stereo amp on my PC and I would like more. Definitely a small step up from the E7, if not very similar imo, but the cheaper price is worth it. I'm very satisfied with it.

Should I be using the Gain setting on low or high with my M50?
ok, guys.. I've narrowed down my headphone choices..

At the moment I'm considering the Denon A-HD2000 and the Shure SRH940..

I've been reading that both of these headphones do fine without an amp, but can still benefit from one..

The Denons look like they would be more comfortable, but I'm hearing a lot of good stuff about the Shures, too.

I'll probably get a DAC/Amp later down the road.. but spacing out multi-hundred dollar purchases sounds like a better idea to me than going all-in right now.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the Shure SRH940..


hmm, Grado just announced a new headphone. the PS500 for 600 bucks. looks just like the limited edition HF2 on the outside and sits in the same “professional line” as the amazing PS1000. wooden inner shells and metal outer cups but these use the smaller bowls like the RS and SR series.

I’m very curious to read how these compare to the other high end Grados.

HiResDes said:
Don't, you should be leaning towards the Denons, especially for home usage.

What makes the denon's better for home usage?

Not that I don't trust your advice, I'm just curious. I keep reading about that screw that falls out of the Denons and that you have to send them back for a repair.. and that they haven't fixed it yet..


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Ashhong said:
Got my E11 in today! Maybe I am a bass crackhead, because while I really like the bass it produces, it's still not as much as my stereo amp on my PC and I would like more. Definitely a small step up from the E7, if not very similar imo, but the cheaper price is worth it. I'm very satisfied with it.

Should I be using the Gain setting on low or high with my M50?
It's settled. Your M50s are malfunctioning. High gain + EQ2 should blow the doors off of even the most bass deficient headphones.
Robobandit said:
What makes the denon's better for home usage?

Not that I don't trust your advice, I'm just curious. I keep reading about that screw that falls out of the Denons and that you have to send them back for a repair.. and that they haven't fixed it yet..
TBH, they're just better cans.

I found the 940's to be somewhat hollow and shrill (sharp) by direct comparison.

You'll find the Denons tend to offer better treble and bass. Mids aren't as strong, though. Also, the Denon's are god-like for watching movies. They're extremely versatile in that regard. Amazing performance for closed cans.


K.Jack said:
You can buy yourself a brand-new Tritton AX Pro for less than $100.

Paying $150 for a used pair of the rebranded version seems silly.
Can you give me a link to one of the headphones with the about the same specs as the one I've linked to?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Le-mo said:
Can you give me a link to one of the headphones with the about the same specs as the one I've linked to?
The CoD set is the same exact set as this. The only differences are color, branding, and that the CoD's cable is braided, while the AX Pro has a standard rubber cable.

Controls, physical dimensions, and sound quality are completely identical.
LCfiner said:
hmm, Grado just announced a new headphone. the PS500 for 600 bucks. looks just like the limited edition HF2 on the outside and sits in the same “professional line” as the amazing PS1000. wooden inner shells and metal outer cups but these use the smaller bowls like the RS and SR series.

I’m very curious to read how these compare to the other high end Grados.

Those look classy as hell, but I'm a sucker for the Grado look and sound. I've been considering upgrading from my 80i's to the 325i's for a while now, but damn if those don't make me want to save up a bit more...

mmmm dat button-less screen


K.Jack said:
The CoD set is the same exact set as this. The only differences are color, branding, and that the CoD's cable is braided, while the AX Pro has a standard rubber cable.

Controls, physical dimensions, and sound quality are completely identical.
Thanks. Would you recommend it at that price or are there better headphones for around the same price?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
When I'm looking through this thread and see people mentioning that they need to use an AMP with their iPhone in order to try and get their headphones loud, I'm wondering how much you guys are fucking up your ears. An amp in a headphone I thought was for making the sound clear and unfucked up when raising the volume.


Robobandit said:
What makes the denon's better for home usage?

Not that I don't trust your advice, I'm just curious. I keep reading about that screw that falls out of the Denons and that you have to send them back for a repair.. and that they haven't fixed it yet..

I've owned the D2000's. They're currently in a drawer of my desk because the screws broke on both sides of them, so the cups are no longer attachable. However, this was my own damn fault because I didn't have a headphone stand and kept dropping them on the ground. They're not super durable and only have the one screw holding them together - so they're not ideal for traveling or, well, clumsy people.

If I had been more delicate with them, like I have my D7000's, they'd still be in one piece now. Both are great headphones, though, and I highly recommend you pick up the D2000's. They really feel great on your head and you can't go wrong with them.


Trojita said:
When I'm looking through this thread and see people mentioning that they need to use an AMP with their iPhone in order to try and get their headphones loud, I'm wondering how much you guys are fucking up your ears. An amp in a headphone I thought was for making the sound clear and unfucked up when raising the volume.

I was surprised how little volume I could get from my iPhone when I hooked up some decent headphones to it. not even really inefficient headphones but decently easy ones to drive like the denon d5000 and a range of higher end grado headphones (RS2, HF2).

So I can see why someone who had even more difficult headphones (like, say, the K701) would need an amp for volume just as much as the improvements in detail, soundstage, etc...
Trojita said:
When I'm looking through this thread and see people mentioning that they need to use an AMP with their iPhone in order to try and get their headphones loud, I'm wondering how much you guys are fucking up your ears. An amp in a headphone I thought was for making the sound clear and unfucked up when raising the volume.
Amps have pretty much nothing to do with making the audio louder and more with allowing headphones to reach their full range. Many times you can actually listen at a lower volume with an amp and still get the same dynamic range as with just the source alone.

Also, there are many headphones that simply require more power to be driven properly. Even my ATH-A700s (which are fairly efficient) are only about 75% of the volume of something like apple earbuds at the same volume setting.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Trojita said:
When I'm looking through this thread and see people mentioning that they need to use an AMP with their iPhone in order to try and get their headphones loud, I'm wondering how much you guys are fucking up your ears. An amp in a headphone I thought was for making the sound clear and unfucked up when raising the volume.
What set do you own?
sharkmuncher said:
Amps have pretty much nothing to do with making the audio louder and more with allowing headphones to reach their full range. Many times you can actually listen at a lower volume with an amp and still get the same dynamic range as with just the source alone.
Given the trends in loudness, one might argue that current songs/sources don't have as much dynamic range to begin with. This is why I try to buy older CDs and rip them myself to lossless instead of going to iTunes if I can help it. I've noticed that lossless versions from older CDs are encoded in the 700-800s kbps range while newer, remastered versions are encoded in the 900-1000s kbps range. With a good DAC and amplifier I don't need "help" from remastered versions to get the most from songs and it's a shame.

sharkmuncher said:
Those look classy as hell, but I'm a sucker for the Grado look and sound. I've been considering upgrading from my 80i's to the 325i's for a while now, but damn if those don't make me want to save up a bit more...
I myself have been saving up for an RS1, but lately I've been thinking, "fuck it," and going straight ahead to the GS1000. I've been thoroughly enjoying the 325is; highly recommended.


hockeypuck said:
Given the trends in loudness, one might argue that current songs/sources don't have as much dynamic range to begin with. This is why I try to buy older CDs and rip them myself to lossless instead of going to iTunes if I can help it. I've noticed that lossless versions from older CDs are encoded in the 700-800s kbps range while newer, remastered versions are encoded in the 900-1000s kbps range. With a good DAC and amplifier I don't need "help" from remastered versions to get the most from songs and it's a shame.

I myself have been saving up for an RS1, but lately I've been thinking, "fuck it," and going straight ahead to the GS1000.
I've been thoroughly enjoying the 325is; highly recommended.

careful, the GS1000 don’t share the same grado sound signature. mids are sucked out a bit and there’s way more soundstage than in other grados (which might be a good thing but it removes that fun sense of urgency that grados all have).

I guess you may already know this (or may have auditioned the GS1000) but I figure it’s worth repeating just in case you didn’t know. the GS1000 is very much a different type of headphone compared to the typical grado.


Trojita said:
When I'm looking through this thread and see people mentioning that they need to use an AMP with their iPhone in order to try and get their headphones loud, I'm wondering how much you guys are fucking up your ears. An amp in a headphone I thought was for making the sound clear and unfucked up when raising the volume.

Amps also 'drive' the headphones. A headphone straight out of an iPod might not sound nearly as good as it could with an amp. The lows might by muddy, the highs too bright, they might sound veiled, etc. etc. I generally don't like using amps with iPods for various other reasons though.

Izayoi said:
What DAC do you use?

TubeMagic D1 or Dacmagic.
LCfiner said:
I guess you may already know this (or may have auditioned the GS1000) but I figure it’s worth repeating just in case you didn’t know. the GS1000 is very much a different type of headphone compared to the typical grado.
I've read about criticisms about the 325is, that it's the most aggressive Grado headphone and that alone can be a deviation from the signature house sound. Probably the brightest sounding Grado ever, everyone says. I still enjoy them. I look at the frequency graphs on Headroom's website and can't help but think that the 325is and RS1i graphs look too similar (albeit graphs are not the end-all-be-all of what is mostly a subjective-based hobby).

I'm rather curious as to the new soundstage offerings from the GS1000 as Grados have been the only audiophile headphones I've ever used. I personally don't understand what "urgency" means in regards to headphones since the source remains the same. If the distance of the drivers to the ears is what matters to reproduce the signature sound, should I want it, then I can replace the stock ear pads with L-cush ones.


hockeypuck said:
I've read about criticisms about the 325is, that it's the most aggressive Grado headphone and that alone can be a deviation from the signature house sound. Probably the brightest sounding Grado ever, everyone says. I still enjoy them. I look at the frequency graphs on Headroom's website and can't help but think that the 325is and RS1i graphs look too similar (albeit graphs are not the end-all-be-all of what is mostly a subjective-based hobby).

I'm rather curious as to the new soundstage offerings from the GS1000 as Grados have been the only audiophile headphones I've ever used. I personally don't understand what "urgency" means in regards to headphones since the source remains the same. If the distance of the drivers to the ears is what matters to reproduce the signature sound, should I want it, then I can replace the stock ear pads with L-cush ones.

I’d say it’s pretty unanimous that the 325 sound represents the “house sound” very well. some say it’s a little too peaky with the treble but it’s still very much a grado sound.

what I meant by urgency (bad word choice, sorry!) was the collapsed soundstage that makes you feel like you’re on stage with the musicians. nothing sounds far away. that’s a big part of the grado sound.

the GS1000, by all accounts, gets rid of that.

and be careful about replacing the bowls between the large ones and small ones. drivers are tuned to sound a certain way when placed a specific distance from the ear. if you replace the GS bowls with smaller ones, it might make the bass bloated since the drivers are now pushed up against the ear and were not designed for this.

I can speak from experience by switching around small and large bowls between the HF2 and PS1000. the HF2 works well with the large bowls but the PS1000 does not work well with the small ones.

The only reason why I bring all this up is because you said were thinking of moving past the RS1 and going straight to the GS1000 and I just wanted to point out that it’s not a clear, simple upgrade like from SR60 to SR325. it’s more of a side grade and for some people who love the traditional grado sound, the GS1000 could even be considered a downgrade - and it’s an expensive move to make if you haven't heard them yet.
So running the Fiio E6 on my ATH-M50's via iPhone right now.

Holy fucking shit. The difference is fucking apparent on stock. Haven't really messed with the EQ settings, but god freaking damn....

The bass, treble.... fucking everything feels fuller.

It is also now apparent how fucking bad my x-240's have been, even with a discrete soundcard in my computer. I can't wait to hook my A5's in tomorrow.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So last month or so I was asking for advice for a pair of headphones that were mid-sized, I guess they would be called on-ear headphones, for a macbook air that I was thinking about getting. You guys were mentioning the Grado's. I ended up getting a mac mini instead. Anyways I come here because I was thinking about getting a set of phones, I would like the possibility of using them with a laptop that I take with me and possibly using them in public to listen to an iPod or play a portable game with. I have a pair of ATH-AD700, which really aren't for taking into public. I was looking at the Sennheiser HD598, and they look nice. Unless my eyes deceive me they look stylish and don't seem AS gargantuan as the ATH-AD700's. Anyone know how are they are? I was also thinking about getting the ATH-ES7's instead, but they seem sold out at most places.

Also I was just wondering, the material that is used on most of the Grado's for the cushioning, is that the same material that is used in most headphones? I don't know what you call it but in other headphones they'd make my ears itch.


Grado uses open cell foam which is not used on any other headphone ear cushion that I’ve ever seen. i’d say it’s very rare.


K.Jack said:
It's settled. Your M50s are malfunctioning. High gain + EQ2 should blow the doors off of even the most bass deficient headphones.

Could this actually be true? I have a squaretrade warranty on it + the manufacturers warranty still probably, so getting a replacement is an option I think.
Trojita said:
So last month or so I was asking for advice for a pair of headphones that were mid-sized, I guess they would be called on-ear headphones, for a macbook air that I was thinking about getting. You guys were mentioning the Grado's. I ended up getting a mac mini instead. Anyways I come here because I was thinking about getting a set of phones, I would like the possibility of using them with a laptop that I take with me and possibly using them in public to listen to an iPod or play a portable game with. I have a pair of ATH-AD700, which really aren't for taking into public. I was looking at the Sennheiser HD598, and they look nice. Unless my eyes deceive me they look stylish and don't seem AS gargantuan as the ATH-AD700's. Anyone know how are they are? I was also thinking about getting the ATH-ES7's instead, but they seem sold out at most places.

Also I was just wondering, the material that is used on most of the Grado's for the cushioning, is that the same material that is used in most headphones? I don't know what you call it but in other headphones they'd make my ears itch.

LCfiner said:
Grado uses open cell foam which is not used on any other headphone ear cushion that I’ve ever seen. i’d say it’s very rare.

I replaced the foam pads on my SR-80s almost immediately with Sennheiser HD414 pads which are quite a bit denser and at least for me quite a bit less itchy than the stock Grado pads. Just a warning about the Grados as portable headphones, they aren't that great for it. That being said, I use mine at work all the time which is in a lab so I am constantly moving around from room to room and its not a huge issue. I just thought I would point out a few things. 1. They are a lot larger than they look in pictures. Not quite ATH-AD700 size, but they still stick of your head a good inch and a half. 2. The cable is a nice heavy duty cable, which is great, however, the 1/8" connector is not so great. Mine blew out after a year because it couldn't support the weight of the rest of the cable when I had my ipod clipped onto my pocket. It was quite easy for me to re-terminate the cable, but I need to fix the connection every 6 months or so because of this problem. I don't want to discourage you from getting Grados, because as far as sound goes, I absolutely love them, just thought I'd give you a heads up onto what you might be getting into.
Hi. I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 595 headphones and I'm currently trying to put a pc together. Is it worth it to get a internal soundcard, or is the 595 too low end for it to make any difference?


Sucks at poetry
Unknown Soldier said:
I never knew there were so many Animu-Gaffers in Headphone-GAF.

Hi guyz~

What can we say. We need to listen to our Animu through headphones so the person in the next room doesn't have to hear "uguu~"

*actually uses headphones to listen to Jóhann Jóhannsson instead*


So I dropped my Hd555's one too many times and the left ear snapped off.

So now I'm looking for a new set. The primary use is for gaming hooked up to my Creative SB Xfi Xtreme Gamer via 3.5mm audio jack.

Overall I was pretty happy with them, but now I am wondering if there are better options available in the price range. Right now they are $110 which is a bit more than I paid for them two years ago. The thing that I was really impressed with was how well they worked with the XFi CMSS-3D of my soundcard to create a surround sound. Obviously it doesn't even approach an actual surround sound setup, but I still really appreciated it.

So reading the OP it looks like this was because they have a good sound stage since they were open. Is this correct?

$100 is really my budget comfort zone, and if it can be cheaper I'd be happy with that. I don't consider myself much of an audiophile, although now I using my RP-HT722s since they're only other pair of true headphones I own and I am definitely noticing the inferior sound quality.

the only other important thing to mention is I have a pretty big head, like I can't normally find hats that will fit my head in stores. I never had a problem with the HD555's though.

So from the list of suggestions in the OP it looks my best options are the...



I guess right now I'm torn between wanting the AD700's because they are slightly cheaper and wanting the HD555's because I know them, and I'm also just now learning about modding them. Plus I have an old broken pair to practice the mod on.

So questions boil down to...
1. The ability to create positional audio in the HD555 is due to their openness/soundstage?
2. If 1 is correct, thoughts on HD555 vs SR80i vs AD700s?


Junior Member
Alucrid said:
To be fair on the audiophile spectrum the WA6 is 'low end' too.

Late but really? Only if watched from the high end but certainly not from total performance. Of course, from what I gathered.

Fun thing, so far I have heard the AD500 and the AD900 but not the 700. The 900 is pretty bass shy (not sure if properly burned in) but much more resolved than the 500 which actually do have a nice bottom. I wonder where the 700 is at. Soundstaging on those is huge and wear comfort is second to none. I only have a slight gripe with the highs, a bit much treble energy. But many people don't mind that.


Permanent Junior Member
I figured this would be a good place to ask with all the audiophiles in here:

I recently bought a pair of Bose Companion 20 speakers for my PC, but I'm not a huge fan of Bose or the sound these generate. I was eyeing the Audioengine 5s bamboo speakers, but they're $200 more. Would I notice $200 worth of sound improvement, keeping in mind I have an integrated PC sound card and no external driver? Thanks for any help.


FoxSpirit said:
Late but really? Only if watched from the high end but certainly not from total performance. Of course, from what I gathered.

Fun thing, so far I have heard the AD500 and the AD900 but not the 700. The 900 is pretty bass shy (not sure if properly burned in) but much more resolved than the 500 which actually do have a nice bottom. I wonder where the 700 is at. Soundstaging on those is huge and wear comfort is second to none. I only have a slight gripe with the highs, a bit much treble energy. But many people don't mind that.

Not really, no. The WA6 is not low end, imo. the Fiio E9 amp at 130 is low-end but still works great

it’s true that there are some crazy 5K amps out there but they make up such a tiny percentage of sales that I think it’s fair to say the WA6 is high end. (perhaps mid-fi level, based on price alone)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'd love to mix things up by getting some Denon AH-7000s but.... yeah...


Posted on head-fi, and read numerous posts there and here. So I'm looking for some input from you gaf as well

Awhile back I wanted to buy a closed over-ear headphone, that has good bass and is clear as well. I do a lot of commuting so my priority was having a product that doesn't leak sound AS WELL block sound. I ended up buying the Sennheiser Hd448...when It arrived I was so happy but I tested it out right after and it freaking sucked. It didn't block sound at all, and it leaked..

I was so pissed, I went to a retail store (Futureshop, I know worse place to buy good electronics) and I was browsing through the headphones and ended up buying the Shure SRH240M+
Again, it freaking sucked. It was slightly better than the Sennheiser's, but it still leaked sound. I was so angry that day, that I had to give into my temptations and succumb to testing out the Solo Beats....and it was what I was looking for. They didn't leak sound, and they blocked sound. And I can see a clear difference in song quality. I have a friend that works at best-buy so I got them for $110 CAD

I've been using them for about 6 months now, and I like it..but I know there are better ones. And honestly, I don't like wearing these name brands, cause I know true headphone fans will laugh at me for buying them.

So basically, I'm looking for Closed Headphones
- That blocks sound (as much as it can)
- Doesn't leak sound (as much as it can)
- Good sound quality
- Good bass
- Price $100 - $300 CAD
Well, my gaming headset just broke this morning..

so I did some poking around locally.. and ended up at Guitar Center checking out a pair of SRH840s.

Somehow they ended up coming home with me..

If they don't prove to be uncomfortable, I'll probably end up keeping them and then save up some money for a decent-to-good desktop amp that will open up more headphone choices.
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