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7 page FABLE blowout at IGN!


Unconfirmed Member
Well, my anticipation and interest in Fable had dropped over the years to being almost negligible, but if this preview really is an accurate representation of the finished product, then count me back in. :D


meh, the old battle videos looked pretty bland, and i cant seem to download the new kikizo video, so i dont know if that aspect improved or not.

graphically it looks fine, environments are gorgeous. i dont mind the artstyle either, with the amount of customization they are allowing...it would be too much to expect the typical anime looking smooth characters. i mean, your character ages and gets scarred, he can only look so good! on the other hand, the pink glow? thats pretty fruity.

so, i'll wait and see how the reviews turn out.
IGN said:
My first sight in Albion's largest town was a giant barrel. I'm thinking, "This is an RPG and in RPGs you go around and collect gold from broken barrels." So I smash the barrel. No big, right? Then I enter the pub it was in front of and a woman begins yelling at me about how I've destroyed her property. I have the choice to pay a small fine or tell her to flip off. You know which I chose. Then she calls the guards who begin entering the bar looking to tussle. It's no longer about surrendering or paying a fine, I have to get the hell out of town. But I'm relatively weak and there are a lot of guards. Hell, some of them are launching arrows at me, the bastards.

Then I notice this cool, calm, and collected bloke standing in the corner of the bar, dressed all in black. I go up to him in the midst of the melee and he tells me that he's an assassin for hire. So I pay him (more than the fine for breaking the barrel, mind you) and he begins taking on the guards. Hot damn. My next goal? Rather than run from town I smack the woman who called the fuzz. I begin to take my leave, only to hear the painful death howl of my hired assassin. The guards jump on me and kick my ass. When I wake up, I'm outside town and I've lost half my gold and am no longer welcome in Browerstone for a period of time.


IGN said:
Oh, and you'll find chickens you can kick. Man alive, I can't pass up the opportunity to punt a chicken. Build up your strength and you can punt it further. You can even use magic to assist in your distance kick

Woot! Woot!


Just pre-ordered from ebgames.com - free 3-day shipping and the bonus DVD. :)

Best part is that the stats (which are massive, awesome and to be discussed later in this piece) track how many times you've gotten laid.


You know how crazy the stats get in Spider-Man 2? Same here. How many times have you had sex? You can check that any time. How about the number of people that have fallen in love with you? Yeah, got that too. Surely the game doesn't keep track of your furthest chicken punt. Ah, but it does my friend, it does.

Best. Game. Ever. lol


never did i expect this game to recieve so many glowing impressions. Its like when all the Metriod Prime, KOTOR hands on started appearing. Nothing but praise
That only thing that really sucks about this game is that there's really no way to see what everyone else's characters look like or what kind of stats they got. Yeah, you could take some pics, host them somewhere, and then post them here.

But, what would have been cool is to have a Live feature that lets you go into a menu and look at all the people's stats and characters who are on your firend's list. Or something similar.

"Whoa, siamese! You've gotten laid 4800 times!"


ive been avoiding reading about this game the last couple of months because it seemed like it would never be out, and it didnt sound like it showed all that well at e3, but this article has already convinced me to preorder it... with all the cool games coming out maybe i should take a lighter load at school this winter ;)


golem said:
ive been avoiding reading about this game the last couple of months because it seemed like it would never be out, and it didnt sound like it showed all that well at e3, but this article has already convinced me to preorder it... with all the cool games coming out maybe i should take a lighter load at school this winter ;)

I felt the same way.. I had pretty much been ignoring this game.. so many promises, so many delays, etc, but now people are writing crazy previews like this.. saying it's basically in bug finding mode, and that some of the crazy AI gameplay shit they promised DOES exist. I'm getting excited again! :)
The game sounds pretty good. Though I have been ignoring its previes till now. I hate following games for so long,knowing too much about them,sorta ruins the surprise of a potentially well made game.

I'm more about the games hack and slash battle mechanics and exploration engines,but yes this game looks pretty good so far. Its good to see that the gam is nearing completition. On a side note- the mind can go crazy pondering the crazy updates that may come to this game from Xbox Live.


The question is: Is IGN Xbox telling the truth? If so, best game this generation.

YOu know, IGN Xbox gives 9.4+ to all hyped Xbox games... Even Wreckless got a 9.6, oh my...


bobafett said:
The question is: Is IGN Xbox telling the truth? If so, best game this generation.

Kikizo had similarly glowing impressions. I don't want to get too excited but it seems it's for real.
You can tell when Gamespot likes an XBox game; IE they dont bash it halfway through the preview and sum up the game in somewhat positive terms. The sad thing is Gamespot gave a more glowing preview to Siphon FIlter: The OMega Strain than Fable. :)
Nothing like that has ever been mentioned about this game. KOTOR had a new world, some new weapons, costumes, etc. And they always told us something similar would come via Live.

Multiplayer stuff was canned in this game months ago. I take that as any kind of MP/DL'able stuff.

Believe what you will, but if they were planning to release DL'able content later on, then we would have heard something about that in the gaming media way before a month away from its release.
From the GS article:

The game options will let you create a profile where you can store tweaks to the visuals, control, audio, and Live Aware status of the game.

Interesting. Perhaps there's more to the Live function as I wished in an earlier post?
Well yeah I realize the game is a huge undertaking as its been in the labs forever. But at the same time,if they wanted to,they could give this game extra legs if they added content with Live. Maybe it will be only minor though. What exactly were the updates to Knights of the old republic? Was it just okish stuff,or significant?
Three posts in a row! Wow!

Anyway, GS's preview is so early into the game:

In addition, exploring the grounds will let you find mystic doors that, a la Mario 64, feature requirements to be opened. In Fable's case, you won't need to collect a set number of stars to get in; you just need your good or evil stat to be at the right level.

Why bring in the Mario comparison when you're talking about the first 2 hours of the game. I had to quit reading it because it was so early into the game.

Seriously, I think GS's reviews are usually on the mark, but their "preview" just got OWN3D by IGN.

Why post a preview so utterly uninformed when your competition just wrote 12 pages?


IGN's preview was also based on two hours.

Curtain Call
Phew. That was a hell of a lot of words about a game I've only played for two hours. But from that you can see the depth of Fable.This game has an amazingly deep scope, solid combat, great visuals, fantastic music, and a huge amount of potential. The real question remains: Is this the greatest RPG of all time? Having played so little of the game, I couldn't possibly answer this yet. However, I will say that it very well could be the greatest RPG ever -- I cannot dismiss that possibility.

FIREWORKS. /buys new lawn chair.


Gamespot's previews are usually boring and do nothing but narrate some of what player goes through. Now, this wouldn't be a bad thing if they went in-depth with their comments and were able to explain the working of the different systems in the game, but when they do, it's usually very brief. Most of the times it seems they spent an hour writing the article.

IGN's Fable preview is quite long, but it's very entertaining and just provides what a preview of a game should be like.

Edit: Both previews were based on a 2 hour demo, but you can tell that IGN put some thought into their preview, as opposed to just briefly narrating some of the things they came across through the game.


siamesedreamer said:

IGN was given a 20 hour base to start from. GS, missed out on that preview.

GS = starting out


Both previews were based on a 2 hour demo of the game. Demo might not be the correct word, but they spent 2 hours on it, however they chose to use that time (starting from the very beginning or using a 20 hour save file.)


Junior Member
djtiesto said:
I hope Japanese companies continue on doing what they've been doing... I prefer a more linear, focused story and good art, over this open ended gameplay trend.

Same here, can't wait to play Fable tho...
Demo might not be the correct word, but they spent 2 hours on it, however they chose to use that time (starting from the very beginning or using a 20 hour save file.)

Did you read and compare the two previews?

Its obvious that the first 3-4 hours of game play are similarly sucky.

IGN was allowed to get into it. GS wasn't. End of comparison.


Chili Con Carnage!
The previews have made me even more hyped for this game than i already was, cant wait to start beating people with my trophies ;)

The only thing that sounds off to me is the heros guild missions, they sound like they will end up being pretty much the same after a while (Kill this, protect that, etc), all be it with different enemies and enivorments, reminds me of Spiderman 2, though Fable has the added bonus of an extra 2 years in development and the mile of extra depth outside the standard missions that time has given it.

To be honest though i could care less about the missions, the emergent gameplay is what has me hooked to this game, i cant wait to piss around with the system and see just what is possible in the world.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've not read the article, and I won't...for the simple reason that with previous Lionhead games, they have always talked way too much about what goes on in the game in the press, for you to later realise when playing the game that it really only consists of what they've talked about in previews/interviews, and little more (no novelty, no surprise..the novelty factor was a BIG DEAL in B&W at least, so to have that taken away by fore-knowledge of "all the little cool things", really spoiled the game for me). They talk a great game..but it's no fun when you've already half experienced it through previews. I was burned by B&W, thus I will look forward to Fable in a media blackout :p
This game really does sound awesome. I hope that BBB gets the framerate problems (though, the framerate isn't that big of a problem from what I'm hearing)... Everything else however makes me wish I was already playing the game right now. :)


Seth C said:
I'm sorry, but what pre-order disc?

Pre-order and receive a free exclusive DVD including: • Behind-the-scenes documentary • Interviews with the Fable creators, including Peter Molyneux • Never before seen footage of Fable • Playable demo of Sudeki and other Xbox exclusive titles. Bonus item will ship with purchased product, and is only available while supplies last. If you choose In-Store Pickup for this game, please contact the store for bonus item availability.


Does anyone know if there is a difference between the Blue and Red boxart covers? (outside of color obviously) Why are there two?


siamesedreamer said:
Did you read and compare the two previews?

Its obvious that the first 3-4 hours of game play are similarly sucky.

IGN was allowed to get into it. GS wasn't. End of comparison.

Hil @ IGN said:
I will say this, though. After playing two hours of Sudeki, I knew it wasn't the greatest RPG of all time. Can't say the same about Fable. It could be, I certainly can't rule that out. But after playing 40 hours, it could also turn out to be a boring, broken mess. I doubt that, but no way to know until I play that long -- and I most certainly will.

Man, some of you are really hard headed when it comes to believing facts.
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