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A Dance with Dragons |OT| - Read the rules or Melisandre casts magic missile


siddhu33 said:
How much better is this book, than A Feast For Crows? That book was boring as hell.

If you didn't like AFFC, you won't like roughly 2/3 of the book. The latter part of the book is a lot more action packed.


Tacitus_ said:
If you didn't like AFFC, you won't like roughly 2/3 of the book. The latter part of the book is a lot more action packed.

I'd disagree, i'd say he would probably enjoy 2/3 of the book and might find the other 1/3 objectionable. Everything in the North is ACE.


yacobod said:
I'd disagree, i'd say he would probably enjoy 2/3 of the book and might find the other 1/3 objectionable. Everything in the North is ACE.

Yea but Mereen makes up a good chunk.


scosher said:
Tyrion's arc is meaningless in the sense that he accomplishes nothing (besides convincing Young Griff to sail to Westeros) throughout the book, despite having a considerable amount of pages devoted to his journey. His arc is contrived because his journey is consistently waylaid by some random plot event thrown in by the author. In the past, Tyrion was a character who took the reins in the direction of his life, but now he's just riding along the current and going wherever the plot conveniently takes him. I'm sure that's supposed to denote the change in his character since he killed his father, but the only purpose of his chapters seem to be to give us a first-hand PoV of all of Essos.

I think part (a lot) of my frustration also comes from my expectations that Tyrion would meet up with Dany in this book and we'd finally get some meaningful interaction between two major characters. Especially when Dany acts incredibly stupid in this book and needs a dwarf to smack her upside the head.

Totally false. Tyrion is pretty much catatonic at the beginning of the book, just completely, seriously depressed. This is partially why he cannot do as much now, and why he's just being lead through events. Secondly, he no longer has the resources once available to him. Throughout the entire series, when someone asked him why he was worth saving or working for, the answer was his coin. Simply put, there is not much he can possibly do at this point. He meets Penny, who helps him through this depressed state. Lastly, through this series of events, he meets up with the Second Son's and joins them in order to win back Casterly Rock.

A lot happened in Tyrion's journey that was. Very little of the book is as meaningless as people like to pretend The only problem is that it's not what people expected. I too wanted him to
meet Dany and have a conversation, perhaps get his own dragon
, but that doesn't mean that what we got was filler.


yacobod said:
at least Barristan's POV is good, not good enough to redeem everything that proceeded it though.

Griff's few PoV chapters were good too. IMO, the Golden Company's efforts are the only interesting story arc in the entirety of the East (including Tyrion's early chapters).


Davos IV
Holy shit this chapter was all kinds of awesome. The North remembers, fuckers. The North remembers!


scosher said:
Griff's few PoV chapters were good too. IMO, the Golden Company's efforts are the only interesting story arc in the entirety of the East (including Tyrion's early chapters).

ya actually i enjoyed Connington's POV. He got shit done. And I loved his realization in regards to his past failure in the battle of the bells, he's like what would tywin lannister have done?
burn all the houses, ask questions later.


yacobod said:
ya actually i enjoyed
Connington's POV.
He got shit done. And I loved his realization in regards to his past failure in
the battle of the bells
, he's like what would tywin lannister have done?
burn all the houses, ask questions later.

Are you just trying to see how much shit you can spoil before you get banned?

edit: you stealth edited.... *shakes fist*


CrankyJay said:
Are you just trying to see how much shit you can spoil before you get banned?

edit: you stealth edited.... *shakes fist*

backseat mod much? i'm pretty sure the battle of the bells was referenced in ASOS and AFFC. either way I'm out.


yacobod said:
backseat mod much? i'm pretty sure the battle of the bells was referenced in ASOS and AFFC. either way I'm out.

I'm trying to make sure you stop fucking up the experience for everyone. Amir0x can mod this thread however he wants, and it was multiple posts today that I'm referencing, including the post you made at 11ish this morning and edited about 20 minutes ago.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
yacobod said:
backseat mod much? i'm pretty sure the battle of the bells was referenced in ASOS and AFFC. either way I'm out.

Did you read the OP by chance?

First thing's first. This is going to be a SPOILER TAG topic. That is to say, no matter how long this book is out for, in this topic we will use spoiler tags. For anything, no matter how small you think it is.


No exceptions. If you cannot follow this it will be a 3 day ban; successive failures will be longer. ALSO: Any case of intentional spoilering, as in SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE, will result in ban that is six months or longer depending on my discretion. And if you're a long time offender, I'll just skip ahead to perm.

I mean, how hard is it to spoiler stuff and mention the page number/percent in?

I'm 70% in and you just spoiled me on a certain character having a POV. That's the kind of shit that is annoying. That stuff is meant to be a surprise. You probably spoiled people on much bigger things, too, but I was lucky enough to come in after you edited your posts. If you're done with the book, why not head to the big no-spoiler tag discussion thread?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

"Words are wind"
"You and yours" (and other variants)
"Mine own"

Has anyone noticed any other expressions/words that GRRM adopted heavily (and overused) in this book? I noticed he doesn't use "Mummer's farce" nearly as much, and I think I've only seen "nuncle" twice, thankfully.


cubicle47b said:
I'll start to worry when Dany starts tugging on her braid to show she's pissed off (all the time) and Jon turns into Superman but only when fighting the Great Other.
Instead of smoothing skirts, feeling insecure with women, or tugging braids we get a lot of discussion about cocks and cunts. Same shit just different styles.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I quit trying. Too many of them and her chapters all sucked anyway.

I'm only 60% done but my god it's rough. every-time i come to one i just take a break from reading.

At this point
chapters are my favorite. I'm really looking for
to find redemption and peace.
Zefah said:

"Words are wind"
"You and yours" (and other variants)
"Mine own"

Has anyone noticed any other expressions/words that GRRM adopted heavily (and overused) in this book? I noticed he doesn't use "Mummer's farce" nearly as much, and I think I've only seen "nuncle" twice, thankfully.
What I've found more entertaining about people pointing this out is that people over on SA have been like, pissed, that GRRM is using archaic or underutilized words in his vocabulary. "Jape" is a real word, as is "shavepate", and "serjeant" is an old way of saying "sergeant".
Zefah said:

"Words are wind"
"You and yours" (and other variants)
"Mine own"

Has anyone noticed any other expressions/words that GRRM adopted heavily (and overused) in this book? I noticed he doesn't use "Mummer's farce" nearly as much, and I think I've only seen "nuncle" twice, thankfully.

"It was all he/she could do..." is the one that always gets me.
Zefah said:

"Words are wind"
"You and yours" (and other variants)
"Mine own"

Has anyone noticed any other expressions/words that GRRM adopted heavily (and overused) in this book? I noticed he doesn't use "Mummer's farce" nearly as much, and I think I've only seen "nuncle" twice, thankfully.

would that I could

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
MrCompletely said:
would that I could

Those have been around since the first book and "fortnight" is pretty common outside of the US. Besides, "would that I could" is barely used in the book. I'm looking for new words/phrases that he didn't use before ADWD.

ZephyrFate said:
What I've found more entertaining about people pointing this out is that people over on SA have been like, pissed, that GRRM is using archaic or underutilized words in his vocabulary. "Jape" is a real word, as is "shavepate", and "serjeant" is an old way of saying "sergeant".

Haha. I don't understand the getting angry part, although "nuncle" does annoy me for some reason.


Does anyone else kind of hate GRRM, when he does things like (entire book spoilers incoming)
kill or otherwise horribly maim Jon Snow. I was angry enough when they killed Eddard, but "at least Robb and Jon are still alive. They're the hero's now!" Then they killed Robb, and it was "At least Jon is still alive. He's the hero now!
I know it's really lazy of me, but I'd love for him to pick a hero, and stick with him or her.

Also, when your books take five or six years to write, you are not allowed to have cliffhangers.

I love that Vary's little birds are actually small (orphan?) children.

I'm just trying to think of what wrench GRRM will throw into the mix to make the whole Dorne/Aegon + Golden Company alliance go to hell. Something to do with Littlefinger, I'm sure.

Oh, and yeah, more
Bran, Rickon, Arya, Sansa, or Catelyn chapters
would have been nice. When the entire series is done, GRRM is going to say to himself "Wow, I should have spent less pages on the Maid of Tarth".

Oh, and... nipples on a breastplate. Useless, apparently, according to everyone in all the realms of man.


ZephyrFate said:
I would, honestly, prefer there to be no heroes.

I mean "hero" more in the...mm....protagonist sense. As the reader, if you pick a favorite character, chances are he or she will be
sooner or later. It's constantly frustrating over the course of many years, to have to go "Okay...who was Quentyn again...."
not that it matters now
when there were already plenty of characters that didn't get nearly enough time.

I don't need GRRM to beat me over the head with an obvious "hero" in the Beowulf/Odysseus/etc sense, but...damnit GRRM...
stop killing or maiming my favorite characters like they're on a soap opera


there is joy in sucking dick
Definitely not happy with the book overall.
Some PoVs were enjoyable throughout but I found that Jon's and Danny's chapters were huge snores. Tyrion's was interesting at first then Martin felt the need to keep him away from any spectacular meetings. On the whole everything felt like a whole bunch of shuffling but nothing really happened. I mean the whole fucking book they talk about the battle for Mereen and at the end of nearly 1000 FUCKING PAGES is when the battle actually starts. What.the.fuck. This truly felt like the second half of AFFC in the worst way possible. I had a feeling the overlapping scenarios with the PoVs we missed in AFFC would really slow the book down but not this much.

Also Martin's attention to detail now mixed with even more lore is absolutely cloying in parts of the book. It was the first time I felt the need to skim whole paragraphs (sometimes half a page!) to get to the point in any book.

Duki said:


fuck u grrm

I'm convinced that's a big fuck you to the fans. Has to be. The only PoVs that were the most intriguing got the least play in this book. Instead we got the snorefests that are Jon and Danny. I actually like Jon's PoV in the past books but man. Absolutely awful in ADWD.

And Danny is absolutely insufferable in ADWD. Hopefully he kills her off in Winds of Winter. Would be both a shock due to a major character dying and it would rid the rest of the series of her awful personality.

And I actually place AFFC way above ADWD. Each PoV in AFFC felt much leaner and just read better.

Finally the epilogue was laughable.
It pretty much told us all what we already knew with some Varys fanservice.

Oh, oh, oh one more thing
how hilarious was it, near the end of Danny's final chapter, having to suffer reading through her bout of wet shits? Mereen is about to enter full on war with Yunkai, lots of people will die, the Prince Quenten was burned to a crisp and Danny is fretting about Darrio, her shitty free children and how she got some really foul shits from gorging herself on berries. You could read into all that being due to her naivety (God knows Martin has really made this a point) but fuck. FUCK.


there is joy in sucking dick
Stolen from SomethingAwful...

BlueTsunami said:
Definitely not happy with the book overall.
Some PoVs were enjoyable throughout but I found that Jon's and Danny's chapters were huge snores. Tyrion's was interesting at first then Martin felt the need to keep him away from any spectacular meetings. On the whole everything felt like a whole bunch of shuffling but nothing really happened. I mean the whole fucking book they talk about the battle for Mereen and at the end of nearly 1000 FUCKING PAGES is when the battle actually starts. What.the.fuck. This truly felt like the second half of AFFC in the worst way possible. I had a feeling the overlapping scenarios with the PoVs we missed in AFFC would really slow the book down but not this much.

Also Martin's attention to detail now mixed with even more lore is absolutely cloying in parts of the book. It was the first time I felt the need to skim whole paragraphs (sometimes half a page!) to get to the point in any book.

I'm convinced that's a big fuck you to the fans. Has to be. The only PoVs that were the most intriguing got the least play in this book. Instead we got the snorefests that are Jon and Danny. I actually like Jon's PoV in the past books but man. Absolutely awful in ADWD.

And Danny is absolutely insufferable in ADWD. Hopefully he kills her off in Winds of Winter. Would be both a shock due to a major character dying and it would rid the rest of the series of her awful personality.

And I actually place AFFC way above ADWD. Each PoV in AFFC felt much leaner and just read better.

Finally the epilogue was laughable.
It pretty much told us all what we already knew with some Varys fanservice.

Oh, oh, oh one more thing
how hilarious was it, near the end of Danny's final chapter, having to suffer reading through her bout of wet shits? Mereen is about to enter full on war with Yunkai, lots of people will die, the Prince Quenten was burned to a crisp and Danny is fretting about Darrio, her shitty free children and how she got some really foul shits from gorging herself on berries. You could read into all that being due to her naivety (God knows Martin has really made this a point) but fuck. FUCK.

I think you missed the point of Dany's last chapter.
That was not 'wet shits'.


Finished! The worst thing about the book is that the more entertaining moments happened at the very end and it's going to be forever before we get another book.

if they cut out detailed descriptions of every food that was eaten this series would be over by now Xo


ZephyrFate said:
I think you missed the point of Dany's last chapter.
That was not 'wet shits'.

The more she drank, the more she shat. The more she shat, the more she drank.

but ya...
either she's having her period at the end of ADWD or a miscarriage.
I also felt Dany's last chapter was horrible; also imo it seemed more apt to be her first chapter in TWOW. Really didn't like the way she magically realized how to control Drogon at the end. I didn't get the prophetic implications of the bleeding (and Quentyn's death) until I read that on Westeros' forums.

Also, in terms of girl-age...a barren women will still menstruate right?



eh, really disappointing overall. Like someone else I thought I had close to a 100 pages left in which some epic battle was supposed to occur(or so I heard). :(

chapters were jarringly disturbing and felt out of place. But somehow were my favorite. Worst was

Next book is going to be mind blowing...


Looking for meaning in GAF
Page 700ish.

I don't know what to think of Dany
finally taming her dragon and riding away in it. Half of me is like FUCK YEAH for her finally doing something badass, and the other half thinks it was quite an ass pull, considering how wild her dragons had been acting and how random Drogon's appearance was. Dany fucked up royally for months, avoids her dragons the entire time, is reduced to watching everything she stood for thrown in her face, and then she screams while cracking her whip a few times and all is better?

No complaints about Jon's chapters so far though. Quite solid, though I hope
nothing bad happens to him personally. His decisions will either save the realm or all blow up in his face.
All of his chapters have that feel to them.
The thing that annoys me is that Martin seems to now be writing the books for himself rather than its readers. Otherwise he would respect the fact that when you leave so many open questions, unresolved plot-lines, and cliffhangers in the books you're going to disappoint people. He got so hung up on expanding the lore and developing the characters/plot he forgot to give the readers what they came for - payoff. Instead he and his retarded editor decided that ADWD had more than enough payoff to satisfy readers. Yeah, thanks for ending the book without resolving the battles which the entire book was leading up to.
LegendofJoe said:
The thing that annoys me is that Martin seems to now be writing the books for himself rather than its readers. Otherwise he would respect the fact that when you leave so many open questions, unresolved plot-lines, and cliffhangers in the books you're going to disappoint people. He got so hung up on expanding the lore and developing the characters/plot he forgot to give the readers what they came for - payoff. Instead he and his retarded editor decided that ADWD had more than enough payoff to satisfy readers. Yeah, thanks for ending the book without resolving the battles which the entire book was leading up to.
A good rule of thumb as a writer is to write for yourself first. If you write for the world, you're apt to catch pneumonia.
LegendofJoe said:
The thing that annoys me is that Martin seems to now be writing the books for himself rather than its readers. Otherwise he would respect the fact that when you leave so many open questions, unresolved plot-lines, and cliffhangers in the books you're going to disappoint people. He got so hung up on expanding the lore and developing the characters/plot he forgot to give the readers what they came for - payoff. Instead he and his retarded editor decided that ADWD had more than enough payoff to satisfy readers. Yeah, thanks for ending the book without resolving the battles which the entire book was leading up to.

To be fair, his editor pushed for one particularly "huge" event to be kept in ADWD instead of being moved to early TWOW; there were also two other big events that were moved similarly.

spoiler speculation, based on the end of TWOW:
I think the Stannis/Bolton battle was moved.
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