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A Fanboy Intervention [Red Steel Reactionary Piece]


Only a gamer can decide how a game "feels". We take control of our characters and decide the jumping distance that *should* be required to clear a pit. We decide how far is sufficient to dodge a fireball. And we decide where to aim missiles so that they end up where the player is going, not where he's been.

Maybe the right hand reminds the player of a light gun game, while the left hand gives the standard action game experience. And combining the two is a new experience entirely. But you can't fault one for associating something familiar with something new. We do it all the time.


If you think about it it, is Red Steel really that different from duck hunt?

The basic gameplay mechanic is still point and shoot. I don't know why everyone is getting so up in arms about that comment, it's not as if Duckhunt was a bad game, and I sure as hell would lov to play a modern day version.
Probationsmack said:
Yes, yes, because other competitors dont give a shit about profit.

Of course they do. The difference between Nintendo and Sony/Microsoft is that two of these at least attempt to invest in something customers want. You don't see Sony or Microsoft attempting to regress the market for the sake of their pocketbooks.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Don't know about you guys, but I'd think a next gen. duckhunt would be pretty rad. :D

And the guy makes some good points, but he's wrong on some counts. Like Nintendo having no desire to be no. 1 again. They only said that shit because rising up to Sony is such a lofty goal, but doesn't mean they don't want to be market leader again.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
_leech_ said:
Of course they do. The difference between Nintendo and Sony/Microsoft is that two of these at least attempt to invest in something customers want. You don't see Sony or Microsoft attempting to regress the market for the sake of their pocketbooks.
:lol so because a company decides to not follow the traditional route of delivering the same thing but with more power... they are evil now?

you do know that because of this gen high development costs lots of small companies will either merge or go under. yeah Nintendo is regressing the market jesus christ.


With proper rumbling, I imagine the Revmote to feel like using the EyeToy with tangible feedback.

Try using the EyeToy with Taiko sticks. I used to do that a lot.

(According to HowardMoon)
Dynasty Warriors = Devil May Cry
Max Payne = Duck Hunt
Mario Kart = Gran Turismo
GRAW = Counter-Strike
MGS3:S = Beyond Good & Evil
_leech_ said:
Of course they do. The difference between Nintendo and Sony/Microsoft is that two of these at least attempt to invest in something customers want. You don't see Sony or Microsoft attempting to regress the market for the sake of their pocketbooks.

What you want != what consumers want

Round and around we go...
_leech_ said:
Of course they do. The difference between Nintendo and Sony/Microsoft is that two of these at least attempt to invest in something customers want. You don't see Sony or Microsoft attempting to regress the market for the sake of their pocketbooks.

So because nintendo is making games that are accessible and simple to learn but difficult to master, they're regressing the market? Advance wars and nintendogs are on both ends of the spectrum made by the same company for the same system. Nintendo cares about hitting all demographics, not just the dedicated set that has been playing since the nes days.
That's the most pretentious piece of webjunk I've read in months. :lol

All these gross generalities are applicable to all three fanboy camps.
Error2k4 said:
:lol so because a company decides to not follow the traditional route of delivering the same thing but with more power... they are evil now?

Not saying they're evil, just saying that there's a very obvious reason why Nintendo's in the position they're in right now, why they're delivering the products they are, and why they don't care about the millions of gamers they've lost.
Probationsmack said:
A mouse perfectly replicates 'pointing' a gun, huh! The revmote can never compete with that!

It still takes a full second to turn around with the Revmote? I can turn around faster than a second in real life.

Mouse isn't just for aiming, it's for moving your character.

Regardless, both mouse and revmote can be equally intuitive to your brain even if one matches the real-life action more. The concept of mouse for pointing ability has become as normal to us as pointing our finger at something.

Again, I'm very interested in the Rev controller, but as a regular old FPS controller, less interested.
1. It's bad to be a fanboy.

2. It's bad to be a fanboy before a product is out.

3. Fanboys love to fight.

4. By the way, Virtual Console sucks.

5. 80s Nintendo business practices sucked.

6. If something attracts a new audience, it must necessarily suck for the old audience.

7. Waggle wand non-game total! Your arms will get tired!

8. You cannot buy PS3 games to use on your Revolution.

9. Inflation shows that $400 and $500 consoles are a good thing. Also, inflation somehow makes 1999's $200 Dreamcast a cheaper launch than 2001's $200 GameCube.

10. Don't buy Revolution until 2008. Let the price drop, even though $400 would be a good deal.

11. Nintendo isn't really trying to be #1. Even though this has been the first fallback statement of the Nintendo apologist crowd for the last several years, I will now teach it to them.

12. Sorry if this article came off condescending, baby.


M3wThr33 said:
(According to HowardMoon)
Dynasty Warriors = Devil May Cry
Max Payne = Duck Hunt
Mario Kart = Gran Turismo
GRAW = Counter-Strike
MGS3:S = Beyond Good & Evil

_leech_ said:
Not saying they're evil, just saying that there's a very obvious reason why Nintendo's in the position they're in right now, why they're delivering the products they are, and why they don't care about the millions of gamers they've lost.

And somehow... this affects you. This is what you will be thinking of the first time you give the old waggle wand a whirl. Regressing the market! They just want profits! yaarr!!!

I like games. Do you?
beermonkey@tehbias said:
It still takes a full second to turn around with the Revmote? I can turn around faster than a second in real life.

You and I havent used the revmote yet, so perhaps your wrong hmmmmmmm?

or I am :[
AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh no, the fanboys are taking offense to a piece that is targeting their own crazy habits!

Yeah, some people like nintendo games and dont understand why people would see it as a character flaw.

Go figure
_leech_ said:
Excellent point, a lot of people either can't remember any of this or have selective memory.

Or, the people pointing that out don't remember that Nintendo was coming off two generations of massive success, was arrogant because it could afford to be (or was previously able to be), and was led by a man who prides himself on never having played a video game. There really isn't anything suggesting they won't learn from that mistake. They're focused on profit, like any other company, but they have clearly observed that if you don't treat your third parties right you lose support. Sony is in a comparable situation now to where Nintendo was, and I've talk to a LOT of developers who really, really hate dealing with that company now. I don't need to hear a thousand counter-examples because I'm sure many devs love working with Sony, but they get more than their share of complaints from that end, believe me.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
_leech_ said:
Not saying they're evil, just saying that there's a very obvious reason why Nintendo's in the position they're in right now, why they're delivering the products they are, and why they don't care about the millions of gamers they've lost.
... man this is business, if your strategy isn't working you change it simple as that Nintendo did exactly this and can you blame them? their direction with the gamecube was totally not working and doing the same thing this gen was not going to work. man wtf is with people now? don't you have common sense?
civilstrife said:
And somehow... this affects you.

It does actually. I used to be a big Nintendo fan, and now i'm not. They've lost me as a customer and they're doing absolutely nothing to get me (and other gamers they've lost) back. I'd love it if Nintendo would be stronger, i think having them at the #2 position would be great for the industry.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
JoshuaJSlone said:
1. It's bad to be a fanboy.

2. It's bad to be a fanboy before a product is out.

3. Fanboys love to fight.

4. By the way, Virtual Console sucks.

5. 80s Nintendo business practices sucked.

6. If something attracts a new audience, it must necessarily suck for the old audience.

7. Waggle wand non-game total! Your arms will get tired!

8. You cannot buy PS3 games to use on your Revolution.

9. Inflation shows that $400 and $500 consoles are a good thing. Also, inflation somehow makes 1999's $200 Dreamcast a cheaper launch than 2001's $200 GameCube.

10. Don't buy Revolution until 2008. Let the price drop, even though $400 would be a good deal.

11. Nintendo isn't really trying to be #1. Even though this has been the first fallback statement of the Nintendo apologist crowd for the last several years, I will now teach it to them.

12. Sorry if this article came off condescending, baby.

Error2k4 said:
... man this is business, if your strategy isn't working you change it simple as that Nintendo did exactly this and can you blame them? their direction with the gamecube was totally not working and doing the same thing this gen was not going to work. man wtf is with people now? don't you have common sense?

Wait, its simple! Nintendo should go third party for his sake!


M3wThr33 said:
So you found out how the Revmote controls the character? Precision, sensitivity and all? WOW!

Huh? Half the games you listed are in no way comparable, and the otehr half i haven't played.

Either way at the end of the day the Revmote still has the ability to be fully functional as a light gun, an ability which every single FPS game that comes out on it will take advantage of. How is the comparrison a bad thing?
HowardMoon said:
Huh? Half the games you listed are in no way comparable, and the otehr half i haven't played.

Either way at the end of the day the Revmote still has the ability to be fully functional as a light gun, an ability which every single FPS game that comes out on it will take advantage of. How is the comparrison a bad thing?

Im certain he wasnt replying to you, but the other guy, beermonkey@tehbias

I think he thought you wrote the article though :lol


The sensitivity comment went to beermonkey. Who, at the time, was the last post, not warranting a quote.
The gamelist is just how ludicrous it is to compare Red Steel to Duck Hunt.
(I'm the same guy that gets pissed off about comparing Viva Pinata to Animal Crossing.)
I'm not as bad as my roommate, who insists that SSB is "a completely different game" from SSBM. Not a sequel, not an improvement, but a whole new game altogether.

Modern day Duck Hunt = Point Blank.


What I really dont understand, is why the self-proclaimed hardcore gamers that are against revolution controller, defend sony and microsofts controllers. If you are trully a hardcore gamer, if you have been playing games for more than 15 years, then Im sure you feel that the controllers doesnt give you any excitement anymore as they are right now. I mean, weve been using the same controllers for 3 generations in a row !! who enjoys that anymore ? that was a reason I began to loose interest in games, because the controller feels the same as it felt 10 years ago. Im in favor of innovation, if it tries to add something to the interface, be it nintendo or not. Any TRUE GAMER should feel this way.

And comparisons of the revolution to a light gun, eyetoy, etc. are either done by people with no knowledge of how each technology works, is blinded by their hate to nintendo, or is really not smart enough to realize that the kind of technology that revolution has is the future, and will be soon used and copied everywhere, at least the motion sensore capabilities.

Dr_Cogent said:
Fanboys are good for one thing, and one thing only:

A laugh

_leech_ said:
It does actually. I used to be a big Nintendo fan, and now i'm not. They've lost me as a customer and they're doing absolutely nothing to get me (and other gamers they've lost) back. I'd love it if Nintendo would be stronger, i think having them at the #2 position would be great for the industry.

In that case, you should go back and read the article, taking everything it has to say to heart.

You want Nintendo to succeed. For what reason? ex-fanboyism? Sorry, but the article is right. Nintendo owes you nothing. You want to like revolution for the sake of owning a Nintendo console again.

Just play games you enjoy. No need to take it personally when Nintendo has an idea you don't like.
M3wThr33 said:
So you found out how the Revmote controls the character? Precision, sensitivity and all? WOW!

The fact that we know that it takes 4x as long to turn your character around as it does with a mouse is very telling.

It's funny how any degree of skepticism about any single aspect or usage of the thing is considered crazy biased behavior, but screams about the absolute superiority of it in all aspects is considered normal, non-fanboy behavior. :lol

From some GAFfers I'd think that the slogan should be 'Everything goes better with Revmote'. We've already got repeated crys of 'xxxxxx + Revmote > xxxxxx + high-definition'.


_leech_ said:
Of course they do. The difference between Nintendo and Sony/Microsoft is that two of these at least attempt to invest in something customers want. You don't see Sony or Microsoft attempting to regress the market for the sake of their pocketbooks.

"what customers want"? Have you done any research on this? I am a multiconsole gamer that has all the systems last gen. But was ready to give it all up this gen as i dont see anything new. Then Nintendo came with the rev. Atleast they are trying to cater to gamers like me who have lost the spark.


When reading this thread, be sure to look at the avatar of the person making each post and look for Nintendo-related images. It ups the fun factor quite a bit!
Monk said:
"what customers want"? Have you done any research on this? I am a multiconsole gamer that has all the systems last gen. But was ready to give it all up this gen as i dont see anything new. Then Nintendo came with the rev. Atleast they are trying to cater to gamers like me who have lost the spark.

Replace 'customers' with 'leech' and you'll understand.
How sad a life must one have to actually take time and write that kind of article. Not to mention not notice all the contradictions...


Monk said:
"what customers want"? Have you done any research on this? I am a multiconsole gamer that has all the systems last gen. But was ready to give it all up this gen as i dont see anything new. Then Nintendo came with the rev. Atleast they are trying to cater to gamers like me who have lost the spark.

exactly the way I feel. this people saying that Nintendo should do what "customers want" know nothing about great ideas.

Imagine if before cars where invented they would have conducted a survey in 1800 asking : "do you want a car, do you think a car will be of great use for a family?" people obviously would have had no idea what they where talking about. This is a lame example but you get the point, great ideas that mark trends come from nowhere, people are stupid, dont ask people what they want because they dont know. they just follow other people.
-jinx- said:
When reading this thread, be sure to look at the avatar of the person making each post and look for Nintendo-related images. It ups the fun factor quite a bit!

I only count four...... unless you count the dancing ds bannana


beermonkey@tehbias said:
The fact that we know that it takes 4x as long to turn your character around as it does with a mouse is very telling.

It's funny how any degree of skepticism about any single aspect or usage of the thing is considered crazy biased behavior, but screams about the absolute superiority of it in all aspects is considered normal, non-fanboy behavior. :lol

From some GAFfers I'd think that the slogan should be 'Everything goes better with Revmote'. We've already got repeated crys of 'xxxxxx + Revmote > xxxxxx + high-definition'.

I can't judge the Revmote until it's out. I can say how I'm excited to see how it turns out and say it could be worth a shot. That's a completely different ballpark from saying it sucks.

No one is saying it's the end-all-be-all. If it sucks, people will admit it very quickly. It's just hard to do without actually using it for any length of time.

I remember questioning the N64 and getting pissed with Super Mario 64, hating the controls. I learned to get used to it.

Don't you remember the first time you used an analog stick? Or are you too young to remember anything else?


beermonkey@tehbias said:
The fact that we know that it takes 4x as long to turn your character around as it does with a mouse is very telling.

Actually if you read the peace you would see that they chose the controls (with the latency) only because the revmote was almost too sensitive.
Probationsmack said:
Replace 'customers' with 'leech' and you'll understand.

Yea, because i bought a 100 million PS2's and 25 million Xbox's. You're right, i'm clearly the only lone gamer who likes where the industry is going.
_leech_ said:
Yea, because i bought a 100 million PS2's and 25 million Xbox's. You're right, i'm clearly the only lone gamer who likes where the industry is going.

Customers definitely wanted the ps2, they could very well want the revolution. Who are you or I to say how successful a gesture centric controller will be in the marketplace? The gamecube was the third wheel last gen, it offered nothing to differentiate itself from its competitors
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