Y2Kevbug11 said:
So read our own forum!
Or maybe it's just indicative of non-game alien demons taking over the earth and controlling it from outerspace.
Yes I do read the forum, and there were plenty here who thought EtM was the bee's knees when it came out, but that's really not the point
and yes this is true non-game alien demons are slowly taking over the earth, I'm one of the high commanders of them and you have totally figured out what we are trying to do
to give you a full explenation of it and give you a chance to free yourself while I monologue like any good Super Evil Vilian what we plan on doing is using these non-games games to take over the entire human race and in time increase your brain output 20 fold so that when we hook up out brain draining devices to power our superly evil but awesome space doo-hickeys we'll get an assload of juice out of them
cause if all you play is GTA and FF your brain is very weak but once we get you hooked on Brain Training and SoduKu well fuck we could power 1 super mega ultra space doo-hickey with just 1 of you instead of them 57.8 it takes now