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A few new Duke Nukem Forever tidbits


8 gigs. We still haven't trimmed some bloat from it, but we're also not done yet.

6-8 gigs Like I said...we have stuff to trim, but we're not done. So it'll be in that range. There is a *lot* of art and that takes up tremendous space.

I think they likely misunderstood some casual comments in the hallway, between Prey showings.

I'm not going to comment too much on where we are or where we are going, but I've said in the past that a lot of the enemies are done and in, and all of the guns are in (most to beta levels). But there's more to a game than 10 guns and 20 bad guys. We're working on some of those parts now.

About 2.5 years since we threw everything out content wise and went forward with a new engine and plan.

Forget everything prior to 2003. It's lost gone, and doesn't even count.

Pretty much had a new renderer by Nov 2002. The content redirection coincided with the tech change and we went forward once we knew things were stable and going to work on the tech end. So accounting for end of year slow down and Xmas vacations, you can assume a pretty much fresh start from 2003 forward.

We hired another level designer a day or so ago as well.

We may hire others in the future as we look at our needs and what needs to be done. We may hire for other positions.

Hiring people is generally a good thing.

I think there are two levels we haven't started yet. And some others are in pretty advanced states, so it mostly balances out. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


What are the odds on it ever being released?
I suspect if they ever do, it'll set off a chain reaction of knee-cappings in the bookie underworld. "Hey, don't blame me 'cos it was a million to one, I put on a a g" "But sir...." (Thud) "Look at you now, all bleeding and shit"
neonglow said:
Max Payne

Max Payne was done by Remedy, wasn't it?

But I heard rumors that we should expect Duke Nukem Forever to launch in late 2006 and that development is progressing nicely the last months.
Reilly said:

I couldn't agree more than this person.

On a side note, I enjoy looking at your avatar dicklaurent ,while I eat my dinner.Keep up the good work.

Edit: tnx for 'cleaning' it up. :)


Also I believe that the employees are paid dirt but that they will get returns on sales or something like that.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn! Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.


8 gigs wouldn't even fit on the hdd of my old computer from whence I first read of this game.

Sadly I fear, even if this is the best game in the world, it will never live up to the expectations of the 5 people still waiting for it.

That said...I can't wait, just better not be Daikatana II :lol


I'm looking forward to the release, but for the wrong reasons.

I really want to read a 10 page postmortem on that thing, as I suspect alot of people/developers do. Perhaps if only to make sure they don't make any of the supid mistakes 3D Realms has.

I used to love the games these guys put out in the days of shareware, but this ? This is something totally fucking else in the history of videogames.


Burger said:
I'm looking forward to the release, but for the wrong reasons.

I really want to read a 10 page postmortem on that thing, .

only 10 pages? lol they will make a bible sized book with that


3DRealms is like the anti-EA. EA releases games after 8-9 months of development (sometimes regardless of quality) and 3DRealms hasn't released Duke Nukem Forever in close to 8 or 9 years!
Wow way to go George. Did these guys ever miss the boat, or what! Their going to have their opus FPS game done just in time to witness PC Gaming crashing and burning, with stores carrying an all-time low volume of PC games. SOMEONE should have got the feature creep under control for this project; we should have played this a LONG time ago, and be seeing previews for the X360 exclusive of Duke Nukem Eternity right now.

Trojan X

This has been in production since 1994... That's 11 years AGO! At least it's living up to its subname... Duke Nukem Forever is taking... Forever.

*sigh... Can't be bothered with it now.


Uncle Dukey said:
How has 3D Realms been able to sustain itself for so long?

Licensing the Duke franchise

Max Payne

other shit

Probably mostly licensing Duke out.

DNF stands for Did Not Finish in races.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Trojan X said:
This has been in production since 1994... That's 11 years AGO! At least it's living up to its subname... Duke Nukem Forever is taking... Forever.

*sigh... Can't be bothered with it now.

1994?! You sure about that? Duke 3D didn't even release until 1996. You think they were already working on the sequel (using the, at the time, unreleased Quake engine) before they even completed DN3D?

Doesn't change the fact that they've been at this for a VERY long time, though...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Tim the Wiz said:
Half-Life 3 will be pretty sweet when this comes out!

Don't say that, that'll mean that the DNF team will delay the game another few years while they upgrade the engine to Source version 2 (or whatever the Half Life 3 engine will be called) =P

I have no hope of this game being anything but a disaster. At least the postmortem will be a very interesting read.


open_mouth_ said:
3DRealms is like the anti-EA. EA releases games after 8-9 months of development (sometimes regardless of quality) and 3DRealms hasn't released Duke Nukem Forever in close to 8 or 9 years!
Regardless of quality.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gaijin To Ronin said:
What would you say if the game comes and rocks?

Just for curiosity...

I'd play and enjoy it. Realistically, this could still be the case.

However, even if the game were truly AAA, there is absolutely no way anyone could say that the development period was actually "worthwhile". Nobody would be willing to invest in them either due to their track record.


Gaijin To Ronin said:
What would you say if the game comes and rocks?

Just for curiosity...
I'd say 'well how 'bout that' and get back to gaming on my PS7, my Xbox 1080, and whatever the hell Nintendo is naming their system in 2020.


I think there are two levels we haven't started yet. And some others are in pretty advanced states, so it mostly balances out. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Oh, they don't have to worry about anyone worrying over this game. This game has run its course with the gamer community. From "WTF is going on" to being the butt of all jokes back to "wtf is going on". Now really I haven't met many people that still actively paid attention to this game besides the occasional post like this. It's going to release to obscurity and people will pass by it and go "oh, finally came out huh" and most will probably just pass it.


Dr_Cogent said:
DNF stands for Did Not Finish in races.
We should petition the olympics/F1 to change it to Duke Nukem Forever. "Well Schumaker had a good run but because of engine trouble he Duke Nukem Forever'd"


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

This game is gonna rock, yo.
Trojan X said:
This has been in production since 1994... That's 11 years AGO! At least it's living up to its subname... Duke Nukem Forever is taking... Forever.

*sigh... Can't be bothered with it now.

*sigh... Apparently, you can't be bothered with the facts right now, either.

Duke Nukem 3D didn't come out until 1996, and the first mention of DNF wasn't until 1997 or 1998. So yeah, it's been in development for a long ass time. Longer than any game before it probably, and certainly longer than any game should ever be in development.

But not 11 years, dewd.


They're going to have to re-write the bible to include DNF being released as one of the signs of the apocalypse.
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