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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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It was an Arianne chapter. There's also a Theon one. It's all summarized at the Westeros forums.

Mind fucking blown. I thought I was keeping up to date on every little bit he was releasing, but apparently I was lax. Going to Westeros right now.

I lived for those chapter summaries when Dance was still a year away.
Wow, wait, what? I knew we had a Victarion chapter and part of Tyrion's chapter, but I didn't know there was an Aegon chapter?

But yes, we need shocking moments because I can already tell that Winds will likely have a cliffhanger.

It's an Arrianne chapter. Doran sends her with some younger cousins to treat with Aegon quietly. I forgot where they go first, but some Golden Company folks tell her Aegon has taken Storm's Landing, and they can escort her to him.

Considering how long Storm's End had been held in the past, many people assume Connington must have used some type of ruse to enter the gates
I just read the last hundred pages or so of ASoS again. It's just so good. Mind-blowingly good. Not just as genre fiction, but on a literary level as well.

I get such chills imagining Maisie Williams killing The Tickler, Sophie Turner building Winterfell out of snow, Aidan Gillen pushing Lysa out the Moon Door, Peter Dinklage twisting the necklace into Shae's throat and then firing the crossbow to kill his father.

It could possibly be the greatest season of television in history if they pull it off, right up there with The Wire Season 4 and The Shield Season 7.

Funnily enough, the image that sticks with me after my recent re-read of ASoS is this moment:


Such a beautifully described moment. I hope they nail it in the show.


It's an Arrianne chapter. Doran sends her with some younger cousins to treat with Aegon quietly. I forgot where they go first, but some Golden Company folks tell her Aegon has taken Storm's Landing, and they can escort her to him.

Considering how long Storm's End had been held in the past, many people assume Connington must have used some type of ruse to enter the gates

Oh, the "landing" tripped me up. Yeah, he took Storm's End in Dance already.

Still need to find that chapter.


Funnily enough, the image that sticks with me after my recent re-read of ASoS is this moment:


Such a beautifully described moment. I hope they nail it in the show.

The 2 saddest moments in ASOS for me were: Arya screaming for her mother outside the Twins and Sansa building that snowcastle knowing that Winterfell and most of the Starks are gone :(

Of course Littlefinger pedo-ed it up afterwards. Fuck that guy.


The 2 saddest moments in ASOS for me were: Arya screaming for her mother outside the Twins and Sansa building that snowcastle knowing that Winterfell and most of the Starks are gone :(

Of course Littlefinger pedo-ed it up afterwards. Fuck that guy.

fo sho :(

I loved that Sansa moment, I wish the book had ended with her building Snow-Winterfell, completely alone in the night. It would've been sad as fuck.
Wow, wait, what? I knew we had a Victarion chapter and part of Tyrion's chapter, but I didn't know there was an Aegon chapter?

But yes, we need shocking moments because I can already tell that Winds will likely have a cliffhanger.
Wait where is all this? All I've read was [WoW spoiler]



Was on the Wiki entry on Marwyn:

A Game of Thrones
Mirri Maz Duur mentions that she was taught about human anatomy by a maester named Marwyn.

A Storm of Swords
In conversation with Jaime Lannister Qyburn explains how he came to believe in the possibility of ghosts and mentions that of all the archmaesters only Marwyn gives the matter any thought.[7]

A Feast for Crows
Leo Tyrell tells the group of novices and acolytes assembled at the Quill and Tankard that Marwyn believes the tales of dragons are true.[4] At Marwyn's request, Alleras brings Samwell Tarly to meet with Marwyn after talking to him at the Seneschal's Court. Marwyn listens to Samwell's story and then declares that he is off to meet Daenerys Targaryen. He orders Samwell to finish his studies and then get back to the Wall as fast as possible before leaving to catch the Cinnamon Wind.[1]

There's also hints that the maesters poisoned the dragons because they're trying to do away with magic and make the world one based on science and reason (good luck fixing the seasons then assholes).

So if Marwyn shows up and may be up to no good and then Dany remembers that he once taught Maz...

Is there anywhere I can read/listen to the Tyrion chapter released last week?

We haven't got a decent recording yet, but the summaries are up at Westeros.org. Bas linked them right above your post.


It's from a reading at a convention, you aren't going to get the whole chapter anywhere.

In fairness, we were supposed to get a livestream of him reading one or both of Victarion and Tyrion's chapters. So there's gotta be a recording of it somewhere.

The Arianne chapter, no, because apparently George was adamant that no one record it, so we'll have to do with a summary.


I have a feeling that after living off the land for a few days, fighting off rapist Dothrakis and taming her gigantic dragon that the Dani we see return to Mereen is going to be a much much different, much better Dani. The Dani we've basically had hinted at.

One who comes with fire and blood.

And let's also be clear of one thing - don't fuck with her:

She's on her period.
I have a feeling that after living off the land for a few days, fighting off rapist Dothrakis and taming her gigantic dragon that the Dani we see return to Mereen is going to be a much much different, much better Dani. The Dani we've basically had hinted at.

One who comes with fire and blood.

And let's also be clear of one thing - don't fuck with her:

She's on her period.
Diarrhea Dany is going to terrorize the world. It is known.


Honestly, I feel weird looking at my copy of ADWD and its magnificent cover and knowing that it contains the phrase "The more she drank, the more she shat."

I also feel weird recommending the series to people knowing that they'll encounter those words eventually.


Westeros has some awesome posters with psycho, but really great theories.

For example, Bittersteel, the founder of the Gold Company, really wanted to put a Blackfyre Targ on the throne. So there's a theory that Aegon is in fact "fake" but only because he's from the bastard line, not the true line. He's not THAT Aegon, but instead his distant cousin from the black sheep family.

Another: Bloodraven at one point had a dragon's egg according to The Mystery Knight short story.

There's some Winds chapter spoilers, so I won't get into them, but needless to say, they have a good way of hatching a dragon egg with Bran's help. Edit: (WINDS spoiler)
Stannis is at Winterfell. Bran has "spoken" to Theon from the heart tree. Asha wants Theon to go to the heart tree? apparently. Stannis wants to burn Theon. And to be honest, this is my theory, but he will probably want to burn the heart tree, too, since it's not "his" gods. So maybe burning Theon will be hot enough to crack open a dragon egg? And maybe Bloodraven's egg is at Winterfell, since the next Dunk and Egg short story will be in the north and will be apparently important to Winds. If not, another thing I just forgot until now is that Egg mentions that there are dragon's eggs on Dragonstone...maybe Stannis had one with him.

So maybe this is the dragon that's said to have risen over Winterfell in that prophecy?

Oh shit, and what if Bran warged into it?!?!?



Hm, maybe not. Someone else said they believed Dany actually had the three last Targ eggs.

The 3 eggs Dany has are the same 3 from Dunk and Egg stories.

Danny's eggs

1). Deep green, with burnished bronze fleck that came and went depending how you turn it.
2). Pale cream streaked with gold.
3). Black, as black as a MIDNIGHT sea, yet alive with scarlet ripples an swirls.

Aerion Targaryens egg is gold and silver with veins of fire

Aegon Targaryens egg is white and green, all swirly

Lord Butterwalls egg is said to have fine red scales covering its surface, shining bright as jewels by the of lamps and candles... The scales were smooth and deep, rich red seemed to shimmer as its turned. BLOOD and FIRE with gold flecks and whirls of MIDNIGHT BLACK

So basically Drogon may be Bloodraven's dragon?
Bloodraven retrieved the egg in the Dunk and Egg story, but I'm not sure how that makes Drogon "his." He had nothing to do with hatching it. And all his magical powers seem related to the Children of the Forest and the Weirwoods, not dragons.


Bloodraven retrieved the egg in the Dunk and Egg story, but I'm not sure how that makes Drogon "his." He had nothing to do with hatching it. And all his magical powers seem related to the Children of the Forest and the Weirwoods, not dragons.

Just wild, random theories going about. I'm just having fun reading and theorizing.

For the record, the discussion I was reading was this: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/54421-adwd-mk-spoilers-where-are-the-dragon-eggs/

Another good theory is that the three eggs were the girls' who were locked in the Maidenvault so that Baelor the Blessed, their brother, didn't fuck them.

Each Targ in those days was given an egg in their nursery. I can see that if Varys is protecting the Targaryan line, he might have gotten those eggs, and passed them to Illyrio to give to Dany.
I believe Varys is a Blackfyre as well. It's just too weird that a Targ loyalist would contribute to Aerys' paranoia over Rhaegar, ultimately leading to the destruction of the entire Targ house/kingdom....only to scheme to put Rhaegar's son on the throne 17 years later.
I believe Varys is a Blackfyre as well. It's just too weird that a Targ loyalist would contribute to Aerys' paranoia over Rhaegar, ultimately leading to the destruction of the entire Targ house/kingdom....only to scheme to put Rhaegar's son on the throne 17 years later.

It might explain Varys' actions. The idea that he "serves the realm" is laughable after all he's done.


Going to go and read them all again now...

I need to take notes, really. I don't know how you guys work up these theories. When I read the books I'm just all caught up in the moment, and don't think, so much as sink into the world.


Going to go and read them all again now...

I need to take notes, really. I don't know how you guys work up these theories. When I read the books I'm just all caught up in the moment, and don't think, so much as sink into the world.

Most of it comes from Westeros.org I think.
The weird thing about Varys/Aegon is still his conversation with Illyrio in King's Landing. If he was planning on revealing a Blackfyre all along, while plan to have Viserys bring Drogo's khalasar to Westeros as if that was the main plan? It makes it seem as if Aegon is a new addition to the plot, which we know to be false considering he's prophesied in ACOK/House Of The Undying. Still, it's weird. Perhaps the plan was for Viserys and Dany to bring the Khalasar to Aegon; the dragon has three heads after all.


Aegon could very well have been Varys' backup plan. It wouldn't have been hard to con Connington into taking care of him and then just abandon the whole group if the original Viserys plan went though.

When Viserys hosed up, that was when the Aegon plan went from plan B to plan A.
Despite his insanity, Viserys was in a way more useful because his legitimacy isn't really in doubt. Aegon only really has a chance because of how fucked up Westeros is and how many other contenders have died.


I'm not sure how I feel about Varys being a Blackfyre, I guess whatever the secret motivations and identity I just want it to feel meaningful.


I sometimes get the feeling that ASOIAF would be infinitely more interesting if everything below the Reach and the Iron Islands would just disappear.

So North -> Highgarden would make for a more compact story with less crappy characters clogging up pages.


Hey hey, I have a question. So Craster leaves his sons for the Others, but what do the Others do with them? Turn them into Wights? Or more Others?

I can't recall if this was made clear in the books.
Hey hey, I have a question. So Craster leaves his sons for the Others, but what do the Others do with them? Turn them into Wights? Or more Others?

I can't recall if this was made clear in the books.

I don't think we have anything other than speculation on this.


I sometimes get the feeling that ASOIAF would be infinitely more interesting if everything below the Reach and the Iron Islands would just disappear.

So North -> Highgarden would make for a more compact story with less crappy characters clogging up pages.

The Red Viper was pretty dope though.
Hey hey, I have a question. So Craster leaves his sons for the Others, but what do the Others do with them? Turn them into Wights? Or more Others?

I can't recall if this was made clear in the books.

When the Night's Watch is attacked by the White Walkers on the Fist of the First Men, doesn't someone make mention of "Craster's Sons" are coming or something to that effect?

I guess that wouldn't really answer if they were Others or Wights though. So I dunno.
Hey hey, I have a question. So Craster leaves his sons for the Others, but what do the Others do with them? Turn them into Wights? Or more Others?

I can't recall if this was made clear in the books.

Dunno. But it certainly is another sign that the Others are somewhat complex. They seem capable of emotion (they laugh while they kill Royce) and seem to have agreed to some pact with Craster - perhaps with any human who offers sacrifices. Who knows what they do with the sacrifices though.

I wonder who will give us more insight into them? Perhaps Sam in the Citadel? Or maybe Benjen Stark has been traveling deep into their territory, scouting stuff (seems like of ridiculous he could survive in the wild so long though)
Dunno. But it certainly is another sign that the Others are somewhat complex. They seem capable of emotion (they laugh while they kill Royce) and seem to have agreed to some pact with Craster - perhaps with any human who offers sacrifices. Who knows what they do with the sacrifices though.

I wonder who will give us more insight into them? Perhaps Sam in the Citadel? Or maybe Benjen Stark has been traveling deep into their territory, scouting stuff (seems like of ridiculous he could survive in the wild so long though)

This is probably where Blood Raven and exposition device Bran come into play.


I'm guessing the babies don't turn into Wights, assuming Wights do not age. What good would a baby Wight be? Fucking useless, that's what.


Everything so far implies that the Others are as sentient as any regular human being. If you wanna make sense of their nature, just imagine they hibernate in the north pole, frozen in ice. When there's a long summer, enough ice melts in the north to free them, and they are able to march far south thanks to the following long winter.


The stangest thing to me is how many people think Jon will take the throne. Lets assume he is the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, so what? He still has his vows and has to spend the last two books saving the Wall. Even if he does beat the Others and manages to survive this whole ordeal will there be enough time in the seventh book for him to make a claim for the throne? He has no army and no proof of who he is, why would anyone care?
5 books in and we know nothing about the Others. It will be interesting to see if GRRM can actually manage to make them compelling villains in the "two" remaining books.
Dunno. But it certainly is another sign that the Others are somewhat complex. They seem capable of emotion (they laugh while they kill Royce) and seem to have agreed to some pact with Craster - perhaps with any human who offers sacrifices. Who knows what they do with the sacrifices though.

I wonder who will give us more insight into them? Perhaps Sam in the Citadel? Or maybe Benjen Stark has been traveling deep into their territory, scouting stuff (seems like of ridiculous he could survive in the wild so long though)

Bejen's story has to be something significant. It would be pretty weak if he's been missing this long and there is no significance to what happened to him.

The stangest thing to me is how many people think Jon will take the throne. Lets assume he is the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, so what? He still has his vows and has to spend the last two books saving the Wall. Even if he does beat the Others and manages to survive this whole ordeal will there be enough time in the seventh book for him to make a claim for the throne? He has no army and no proof of who he is, why would anyone care?

Well if he technically 'dies', wouldn't that fulfill his vows with the Night's Watch? I'm guessing that his time serving the Night's Watch is over.
Bejen's story has to be something significant. It would be pretty weak if he's been missing this long and there is no significance to what happened to him.

Why must there be significance? He was a mid-tier character that disappear/died in book 1, there are plenty of those already in the books. Benjen might end up being important, but there's nothing in the story that requires it. If he just died out ranging that would be fine. His only real importance in this story was as a mentor to Jon.


Why must there be significance? He was a mid-tier character that disappear/died in book 1, there are plenty of those already in the books. Benjen might end up being important, but there's nothing in the story that requires it. If he just died out ranging that would be fine. His only real importance in this story was as a mentor to Jon.

If he is dead I would like it if they explained his death somehow. At first I thought Coldhands might be Benjen, but he clearly isn't.
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