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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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She still has that badass moment when she took the Slave Army and used them to kill the slave owners. Probably the peak of her bad-assness.

She'll also go around conquering cities one by one.

The most you'll see is Belwas vs. Knight and maybe the sewer crawl. They can't afford anything else.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
In the TV series? Yeah, just like Robb went around winning all those battles in S2.

To be fair, it's not like those were depicted in any detail in the books either.

But yeah, I'm really curious just how much they'll cut from the Slaver's Bay scenes. Way too expensive to do it any justice, so it'd just look cheap.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I find the show has a serious lack of manhoods glistening wet and blue beards. And golden teeth, but that goes without saying.
To be fair, it's not like those were depicted in any detail in the books either.

But yeah, I'm really curious just how much they'll cut from the Slaver's Bay scenes. Way too expensive to do it any justice, so it'd just look cheap.

I think they can easily do her getting her army and killing the slave masters. The going through the cities and killing people will be hard. You can do large groups of people with cg/multiple takes of groups of people.
Did anyone else think the Other's skin in tonight's finale looked like white tree bark?


Joking aside, nice catch man. Seriously.


I always imagined the Others to look like Nazgul from LOTR with blue eyes.

Didn't think much of the yeti tree-man look in S1, but it is growing on me a bit.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I got the impression that the Others were beautiful, in an ethereal sort of way. Especially from the story about the Night's King marrying what was supposedly an Other.

But had they made them beautiful on the show they would have looked too much like albino elves, so it's a good change.


I imagined the Others as human like, but with really bright blue eyes and white hair. Didn't really see the whole tree-bark skin. But they look cool still, just that they will forever fuck up my awesome mental image of them :(


I presume this would be a safe place to say that I can't wait for next season of the tv show so I can follow the non book thread when that episode lands. It's going to be bonkers. I expect at least half an OT out of it, possibly a 503 error.
Im betting the writers off Joffrey next season, after the Red Wedding to give viewers some kind of emotional satisfaction. You cant end the season on a note as ugly as the Red Wedding. If they're smart, they'll end it with Lady Stoneheart on a path of vengeance and Joff good and dead.


I presume this would be a safe place to say that I can't wait for next season of the tv show so I can follow the non book thread when that episode lands. It's going to be bonkers. I expect at least half an OT out of it, possibly a 503 error.

HBO will not let the Red Wedding happen, it will alienate too many viewers.


will gain confidence one day
HBO will not let the Red Wedding happen, it will alienate too many viewers.

Well, considering the RW is what inspired the show creators to make the show in the first place, I doubt that. They're itching to film it.

And HBO has a history of non-interference with its shows. They aren't like, say, NBC(/Sony), who fires showrunners off of niche comedies.


RW must be in.

About Others, I've thought they were supposed to be much like John Dunbar said. These tall, slender, beautiful creatures with nearly icy-like skin. Well, too bad.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
HBO will not let the Red Wedding happen, it will alienate too many viewers.

This doesn't even make sense... it's a vital part of the story and they're already telegraphing it.

I found it interesting that there was snow outside the destroyed throne room and that Dany refused to touch the throne.

snow? looked like ash from the dragonfire to me.


HBO will not let the Red Wedding happen, it will alienate too many viewers.

Whaaat. There's no way they wouldn't put it in.

I can already taste the tears.


I thought it was snow, because the throne looked covered in a bit frost imo.
Bets on who think they'll end the episode with Catelyn scratching her face off then having her throat slit?

That would be probably one of the most visually shocking ends to an episode ever possibly.
Yeah, I think that he's played his part really well.

Yesterday when he was with Maester Luwin and the horn was pissing him off made me lol

That scene had the feeling of a really well done scene from a stage play. Nothing going on but the two of them talking with some crew-member blowing a horn behind the curtains. I really, really loved that scene.

Bets on who think they'll end the episode with Catelyn scratching her face off then having her throat slit?

That would be probably one of the most visually shocking ends to an episode ever possibly.
Better: Not my hair, Ned loves my hair.

Tears forever


Eh? In ASOS she pretty much goes on a conquering path doing badass, hero-worthy shit. I imagine we'll see a great deal changed for ADWD though.

The mantra for 5 books has been "return to Westeros and fuck shit up" and after 5 books she's still not there.

HBO will not let the Red Wedding happen, it will alienate too many viewers.

I think they'll totally do the Red Wedding. What I think they'll bitch out on is Shae's brutal turn against Tyrion followed by her banging Tywin.

They might also back off on killing Catelyn Stark and rather just make her insane or something.

But if HBO sacks up and delivers the full ASOS experience then people will be talking about that season (or seasons) for a loooong time.


At least the show can ignore Dany. Better than reading about her fantasies.

Who the fuck doesn't like day-dreaming about men with forked purple beards and gold teeth?

Ah, the children of Summer.

I think they'll totally do the Red Wedding. What I think they'll bitch out on is Shae's brutal turn against Tyrion followed by her banging Tywin.
I would be soooo pissed if they did this. Especially after how "sweet" she was to Tyrion in the finale. That woman has ice water in her veins.


Bets on who think they'll end the episode with Catelyn scratching her face off then having her throat slit?

That would be probably one of the most visually shocking ends to an episode ever possibly.

I had hoped that they would end it with Rob(with Greywinds head) sitting at the table with countless bodies surrounding him.
This image captures the kind of darkness I wish the episode will end with:

Also, does anyone else think that they will kill Talisa(sp?) too in the show? They have no reason to spare her as far as I can see, unless the "Jeyne got pregnant and escaped from Riverrun with the Blackfish" theory turns out to be true.
If we don't get a POV chapter from Greywater watch in the next book I'm going to pissed. I want to know who Robb named as successor and want to see Howland Reed, and find out what he knows about the Tower of Joy.




I had hoped that they would end it with Rob(with Greywinds head) sitting at the table with countless bodies surrounding him.
This image captures the kind of darkness I wish the episode will end with:

Although I like that picture it is not what I imagine. This man is bound, but he is supposed to hold a lambs leg as a scepter. I am also missing a crown.

And weren't the wolves eyes following Dany? Or am I imagining shit? ;)

Edit; Oh wait you are talking about the RW... I thought House of the Undying.

If it is a LS situation, then how is r+l equals J confirmed? I honestly don't understand. Or, they are referencing the hiding the newborns part and not the I am your father part?

Hiding newborns with family while the real father is an 'evil' Targaryen. At least I think that is what he meant.
Im almost finished Dance. Holy shit, Cersei's walk of shame is just about the best thing Ive read so far.

And suddenly the hag was there, standing in the crowd with her pendulous teats and her warty greenish skin, leering with the rest, with malice shining from her crusty yellow eyes. “Queen you shall be,” she hissed, “until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold most dear.”
And then there was no stopping the tears. They burned down the queen’s cheeks like acid.
Cersei gave a sharp cry, covered her nipples with one arm, slid her other hand down to hide her slit, and began to run, shoving her way past the line of Poor Fellows, crouching as she scrambled crab-legged up the hill. Partway up she stumbled and fell, rose, then fell again ten yards farther on. The next thing she knew she was crawling, scrambling uphill on all fours like a dog as the good folks of King’s Landing made way for her, laughing and jeering and applauding her.


I wonder how the show audience is going to feel about Dany when she's still dicking around doing the same shit after two or three more seasons.

The non book readers I know are already confused as fuck why she was in qarth the whole season and wonder what the point was beyond screaming aabout her dragons.


I dont think GRRM would be on board this show if he felt they would neuter his story so as to not "alienate viewers"

He already let Catelyn/Robb do their absurdly dumb shit without the grief of Bran/Rickon (the ONLY thing that made releasing jaime/breaking the Frey marriage pact even 1% defensible).

After that and Tyrions battle in season one played for laughs I'm confident HBO could change basically anything if they choose.


May contain jokes =>
He already let Catelyn/Robb do their absurdly dumb shit without the grief of Bran/Rickon (the ONLY thing that made releasing jaime/breaking the Frey marriage pact even 1% defensible).

After that and Tyrions battle in season one played for laughs I'm confident HBO could change basically anything if they choose.

Neither of those are even remotely the same as leaving out the Red Wedding would be. Come on now.
The wolf's head isn't even shown in the book, of course it won't be in the show. There might be a mention of it by Joffery though.

Given some of the disappointment I sense from new viewers of S2, I really wonder how they'll handle the RW. Seems like many people are also rather down on Robb compared to S1, but I'm sure they're still ultimately rooting for his cause. Once the RW happens...there aren't many people to root for. I'm going to assume the show will continue to handle Dany poorly, but Jon's arc should get better. Then there's Tyrion, but he gets fucked in ASOS too obviously. I think the show is going to run out of likable characters for people and interest will decline.


Neither of those are even remotely the same as leaving out the Red Wedding would be. Come on now.

I think it turns Robb/cat from characters who did dumb things out of grief for their family to simply two dumbasses who deserve to get fucked over (not as bad as they will though.)

Honestly without doing something absurd like making Robb survive the red wedding, or make Strong Belwas warg into a dragon I'm not sure a change could be much larger. It fundamentally changes the motivations/intelligence levels of two of the biggest characters in the season/series.
There's absolutely no way they actually show Robb with Grey Wind's head sown on.

Half of the shock factor, for me anyway, with the Red Wedding isn't just the betrayal but just how brutal it is. With the Rains of Castamere and then Cat pleading with Frey for Robb's life and her finally snapping and killing Jinglebell. Thats all bad enough, but then how they desecrate Robb and Cat's bodies takes it to another level.

I don't know that they'd show it...in the books, we never see Robb with Grey Wind's head first hand, do we? Besides the House of the Undying, that is- we just hear about it second hand, right? And then they dump Cat's body into the river, but doesn't Arya warging into Nymeria see it?

The non book readers I know are already confused as fuck why she was in qarth the whole season and wonder what the point was beyond screaming aabout her dragons.

I think the show often loses sight of the big picture as to why certain people are doing certain things or where they are. Like Robb's military campaign- I've had many non book reader friends confused where he is or why he hasn't taken Casterly Rock since Tywin is down in King's Landing now.
The wolf's head isn't even shown in the book, of course it won't be in the show. There might be a mention of it by Joffery though.

Given some of the disappointment I sense from new viewers of S2, I really wonder how they'll handle the RW. Seems like many people are also rather down on Robb compared to S1, but I'm sure they're still ultimately rooting for his cause. Once the RW happens...there aren't many people to root for. I'm going to assume the show will continue to handle Dany poorly, but Jon's arc should get better. Then there's Tyrion, but he gets fucked in ASOS too obviously. I think the show is going to run out of likable characters for people and interest will decline.

Yeah, If they actually invest time in Jon and make him less stupid and somewhat capable, as he needs to be, then he'll be the main one to root for with the defense of the Wall and all. Of course then there's the end of ADWD. heh
There's absolutely no way they actually show Robb with Grey Wind's head sown on.

The wolf's head isn't even shown in the book, of course it won't be in the show. There might be a mention of it by Joffery though.

Are you guys watching the same show I am? The one that took that throw-away line from Tyrion in the book about giving Joffrey some whores to calm him down a bit and making a whole scene of it? Cuz I'd bet there's no way they DON'T show this.


The wolf's head isn't even shown in the book, of course it won't be in the show. There might be a mention of it by Joffery though.

It was seen by Dany in the Undying scene ;)

Anyways, such a cruel fate for a 15-16 year old boy... getting his head chopped off and replaced with his beloved Dire Wolf... Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is wrong with Martin.


It was seen by Dany in the Undying scene ;)

Anyways, such a cruel fate for a 15-16 year old boy... getting his head chopped off and replaced with his beloved Dire Wolf... Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is wrong with Martin.
ASOIAF is based off of the War of the Roses. To a degree, what happened to Robb mimics what happened the the Duke of York (IIRC, which is probably wrong).
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