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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I think Loras is dead but Davos is not... not sure why I think that way now but at the time, that's how I felt.


jon bones said:
I think Loras is dead but Davos is not... not sure why I think that way now but at the time, that's how I felt.

I think Davos is alive for sure. No way GRRM just kills off a major character by spending two sentences mentioning how Manderly beheaded him. I think Loras will probably live, but he'll be crippled and disfigured from the burns.


It'd be hilarious if Loras's disfigurement was a lie and he was actually sent to go hook up with Dany by his grandmother.
Dresden said:
It'd be hilarious if Loras's disfigurement was a lie and he was actually sent to go hook up with Dany by his grandmother.

The Tyrell's position is dependent on Tommen being king, why would they go to Dany?
KingK said:
I think Davos is alive for sure. No way GRRM just kills off a major character by spending two sentences mentioning how Manderly beheaded him. I think Loras will probably live, but he'll be crippled and disfigured from the burns.
That's what I was thinking, too.

Basileus777 said:
The Tyrell's position is dependent on Tommen being king, why would they go to Dany?
Peer pressure because everyone else is doing it. ;)


Neo Member
So who do we think will die in DwD? I'm hoping one will be Shireen. Not that I hate her, it's just where I want the story to go.
I think everyone dies except rickon, who marries samwell and becomes king beyond and within the wall.

for realz, I think loras and davos are both alive, and going to be fine. I think a lot we saw from cersei was misinformation.


KingK said:
I think Davos is alive for sure. No way GRRM just kills off a major character by spending two sentences mentioning how Manderly beheaded him.

I agree, I actually think that will be a cool storyline because there must be some interesting politics going on to fake his death like that.
Basileus777 said:
I've been rereading AFFC, and I forgot how much of a bore Victarion is. I hope Dany feeds him to Drogon.
He's one of the best ass kicker in the books though. I actually warmed to him a bit, because he's really a good honest guy, who won't kill his brother because he believes in his drowned god's admonitions about kinslaying, and believes in duty. He actually makes sense to me now, and he is what he is - a badass warrior, a simple believer, and a good brother.
elrechazao said:
He's one of the best ass kicker in the books though. I actually warmed to him a bit, because he's really a good honest guy, who won't kill his brother because he believes in his drowned god's admonitions about kinslaying, and believes in duty. He actually makes sense to me now, and he is what he is - a badass warrior, a simple believer, and a good brother.

It's tough to feel sympathy for him considering he beat his pregnant wife to death.
Basileus777 said:
It's tough to feel sympathy for him considering he beat his pregnant wife to death.
Oh I agree, but that all falls into what I was saying about his very simple (but warped) belief system.
elrechazao said:
Oh I agree, but that all falls into what I was saying about his very simple (but warped) belief system.

There are some interesting things about him in theory, but the way he speaks and thinks...it's so very plain that I find it difficult to become engrossed in his chapters. Plus I can't shake off how I think he's an idiotic and a bastard. He's a useful way to show Euron I guess, since a Crow's-Eye POV would probably be too revealing.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
jon bones said:
I think Loras is dead but Davos is not... not sure why I think that way now but at the time, that's how I felt.

Well the first half of Dance is covering the same time period as Feast, it's entirely possible that we'll have some Davos POV's that flesh out how exactly he died (if in fact he did).
Something is going to happen in the North that Davos will be involved in. There's too many POVs around there for nothing to happen, Asha, Davos, Jon,
Theon, Melisandre.

Stannis, the Boltons, and the Ironborn will be in conflict and I suspect Davos is in White Harbor for a reason.


Pokielhl said:
So who do we think will die in DwD? I'm hoping one will be Shireen. Not that I hate her, it's just where I want the story to go.

I'm hoping he kills off a couple POV characters. There's just way too many at this point (like 15 in Dance) and when you combine that with the characters in Feast, he has to kill some off to make the next book work.

I'm hoping Victarion, Damphair, and Theon die (at least some of them), leaving Asha as the de facto ironborn POV character. Though I don't see Victarion dying, since it seems he'll be our insight into Euron, who will probably play a big role in the future. I mean, 4 POVs for the Greyjoys is too excessive. It's more than the Lannisters and the Starks (if you don't count Jon as a Stark). I also think it might be time for Cersei to die soon.

I also think that Roose Bolton and/or his bastard will die (possibly at the hands of Theon?).


elrechazao said:
osha rickon and shaggydog are somewhere up there too
True but I doubt we hear anything big about them in this book.

Also, Loras is probably going to make a good recovery and come to his sisters rescue...hopefully.

Also loved the secret marriage contract between Arianne and Viserys.
I hope GRRM doesn't need to kill off a POV character when they cease to be needed. It'd get a bit ridiculous if he started kill them all off, he could always just stop writing chapters for them while leaving them alive.

Though I do lament how Martin has seemingly lost his ability to tell stuff without having a POV character in every location. If he were writing AGOT now, we'd have a POV on Dragonstone telling us how Melisandre arrives and how Stannis is building ships.


Basileus777 said:
I hope GRRM doesn't need to kill off a POV character when they cease to be needed. It'd get a bit ridiculous if he started kill them all off, he could always just stop writing chapters for them while leaving them alive.

Though I do lament how Martin has seemingly lost his ability to tell stuff without having a POV character in every location. If he were writing AGOT now, we'd have a POV on Dragonstone telling use how Melisandre arrives and how Stannis is building ships.
It's cause he's getting old.


I'm pretty sure Davos, Brienne, and Loras are all alive.

Loras may die in King's Landing after returning however.

My god, he's going to be out of characters from the first three books at this rate though.
bengraven said:
My god, he's going to be out of characters from the first three books at this rate though.
I think only ten of the eighteen first billed cast members in the first season of GoT are alive by the end of AFFC. (Confirmed, that is. I'm not counting Cat or the possibility that The Hound is still alive.) Quite a few of them are in bad shape, too.


I'm going to have a vote here for the future of this thread:

A. Keep this with NO "Dance with Dragons" spoilers

B. Keep this thread the same with marked Dance with Dragons spoilers

C. Allow unmarked spoilers for A Dance with Dragons...because it is an unmarked thread afterall.

I vote C...just don't come in here until after you've read the book.

What say y'all?

Voting is open until the day before the book is released.


May contain jokes =>
I guess it depends on whether there will be a ADWD-specific thread made upon release. If so, I think that should be marked and this should be all books unmarked. If not, this should be marked for a reasonable amount of time and then unmarked.
I vote this thread be spoilerific, and someone make a spoiler tag filled thread for people wanting to ask questions and just discuss the book when it releases.


Emerson said:
I guess it depends on whether there will be a ADWD-specific thread made upon release. If so, I think that should be marked and this should be all books unmarked. If not, this should be marked for a reasonable amount of time and then unmarked.
I was planning on starting a spoiler thread for ADWD when it came out if the majority of people wanted to keep this one with marked spoilers.


May contain jokes =>
That really doesn't make any sense. The whole point of this thread's creation was to create a place to openly discuss ASOIAF without spoiler tags. If another thread will be made for ADWD then that should be marked spoilers and this should remain totally unmarked.
Emerson said:
That really doesn't make any sense. The whole point of this thread's creation was to create a place to openly discuss ASOIAF without spoiler tags. If another thread will be made for ADWD then that should be marked spoilers and this should remain totally unmarked.
that's C - high five ;)


Emerson said:
That really doesn't make any sense. The whole point of this thread's creation was to create a place to openly discuss ASOIAF without spoiler tags. If another thread will be made for ADWD then that should be marked spoilers and this should remain totally unmarked.

You have a point, but when we start reading ADWD everyone is going to be at a different spot. Someone gets farther ahead than everyone else and suddenly comes in here with "wtf, Dany killed Drogon?!".

Another person comes in to say "oh wow, Jon fucked Melis---whhhhhhaaaat? Fucking spoilers..."
bengraven said:
You have a point, but when we start reading ADWD everyone is going to be at a different spot. Someone gets farther ahead than everyone else and suddenly comes in here with "wtf, Dany killed Drogon?!".

Another person comes in to say "oh wow, Jon fucked Melis---whhhhhhaaaat? Fucking spoilers..."

To be honest, the only thing that will prevent that sort of thing is to not read anything until you finish the book. Reading a spoiler thread part of the way through a book is kind of asking for trouble.
Basileus777 said:
To be honest, the only thing that will prevent that sort of thing is to not read anything until you finish the book. Reading a spoiler thread part of the way through a book is kind of asking for trouble.
We'll all be helpless soon like the poor saps in the non book spoiler thread !

I'm so pissed at myself that I will be reading dwd too fast. All this time, I need to try to savor it.


Telosfortelos said:
I'd like to see a new thread for Dance where spoilers are marked by page number.

Eh, I really think that is asking for too much. I bet like half of the people would follow that, and the rest wouldnt since they didnt read the OP

I am going to avoid ADWD threads completely until I finish the book, and then start discussing it. Pretty much the only safe way to do it


I'm not touching any GAF ASOIAF threads (or maybe even the Internet) until I turn the last page of Dance.


I say keep this thread full of unmarked spoilers. Just don't come in here until after you finish reading the book.

However, if someone gets a copy before the day of release somehow, obviously any Dance discussion should be spoiler tagged until the day of release.


Has problems recognising girls
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I'll be avoiding all things Ice and Fire until I've finished the book. Starting with a few days before release.
This is going to be my stance. The greatest thing about reading through the novels at a later stage compared to the majority of fans was that I miraculously managed to miss all the big spoilers like Ned's death and the Red Wedding. A lot of that luck stemmed from the fact that I didn't go anywhere near a website containing ASOIAF content. I don't want moments like those to have their impact destroyed because I glanced at something before I finished A Dance with Dragons.


This thread should stay unmarked. I don't wanna see black boxes everywhere! Just finish reading all the books first before you wander in here.


suzu said:
This thread should stay unmarked. I don't wanna see black boxes everywhere! Just finish reading all the books first before you wander in here.
Totally agree with this. Maybe we could get a mod to change the thread title to something like "A Song of Ice and Fire **Unmarked spoilers for ALL books including ADWD**" so that it's clear to people that don't frequent this thread as well, though.

Sotha Sil

Yeah, I'd vote for no marked spoilers in this thread. Even if it will taunt me for days in my subscriptions folder, as I wait for my hometown's tiny English bookstore to get the book. Ugh.

So I'm not really reading through this thread so much yet because I'm not quite finished with Book 4, i'm 3/4 of the way through so far so almost there... dammit I just want to get them all done so I can go back to my normal life dammit.

It's amazing how this has consumed my life completely since I started reading, basically everything else in my life has come second since I started, it's going to feel like there is a giant big fat hole in my life once I finish.

Anyway, I wanted to say something about the Cat of The Canals chapter ending... if Arya is truly Blind forever... well that just pisses me off, I'm all for a grievance on the story and for hardships happening to the Stark family, but GOD DAMN does everyone one of the Stark Children have to get some sort of deformity or does every one of my favourite characters have to be broken or hurt and damaged so badly that they'll never be the same again?

I hope it is no permanent... I see there are no more chapters about her in the book so there is no way to know what is going on, but fucking fuck me... god dammit.

I must also say that this book is my least favorite in the series so far by far. Although I must say I have really enjoyed looking at things from Cersei's perspective, I find myself constantly laughing at her stupidity, she think's she's so smart and she's so arrogant but she keeps digging herself into a bigger and bigger hold "see father, I'm the heir you never had" haha, lets see what happens to you you arrogant mole, you're fucked... I know you are, just you wait.

Anyway... I don't know what to think any more, just got no idea... who or what is this story supposed to be about? Maybe the others and the wights are the main characters of the story... there are two books left, however A Dance of Dragons is just the 'Meanwhile Back at the Wall' stuff right and that will cover Jon, Bran, Dany, Davos, Rickon (?) and any other characters that George feels like using as chapters for that book I'm sure... but then the sixth book... if that's the finale, what is going to happen? Sam's only just going to make it to Old Town by the end of this book, so I really have no concept of what is actually going to happen - though I suppose there is some massive war happening up at the wall that we don't really get any concept of from the South during Feast for Crows...

I'll finish the book in the next couple of days and come back for some more serious discussion...


i don't think arya is going to be permanently blinded, i think it's probably the next phase of the FM training.

but marking spoilers in this thread would kind of defeat its purpose. why would you enter into a clearly marked spoiler thread before you finished ADwD? that's like asking for trouble. show some restraint man.
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