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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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What was the original title? And what could A Dream of Spring imply if not the end of Winter?

To me, it implies that spring is so distant that it's merely a dream. Which paints a pretty bleak picture for most everyone in the series, though slightly less so for the Starks.
A Dream of Spring fits perfectly with what GRRM has always said, that the ending will be bittersweet.

A Time for Wolves was better though, he should bring that back when he has to extend the series again.


To me, it implies that spring is so distant that it's merely a dream. Which paints a pretty bleak picture for most everyone in the series, though slightly less so for the Starks.

Hmm that's another way of looking at it. Makes me feel slightly depressed :/ I wonder how he will tie the threat from the Others to the political games down south.

Wh0 N0se

A Time for Wolves implies the Stark kids come full circle and are together in the end
*hopes for cliche happy ending*

I don't even hope for that, I'd just like a couple of meaningful scenes where a couple of the Stark kids are re-united, whatever happens after that doesn't bother me too much, I'd just like a nice scene after everything they've gone through.

To me, it implies that spring is so distant that it's merely a dream. Which paints a pretty bleak picture for most everyone in the series, though slightly less so for the Starks.

You've put a real downer on that title now!! :p
I think it's just thematically, like defeating the Walkers. In terms of actual physical season, I don't think we see the end of winter in the books (unless the last two books cover a lot more time then the rest of the books do). We've been building to what is supposed to be this epic winter for 5 books, and it would just be weak if then that winter is actually not that long.

The original title was A Time for Wolves.

Yeah, I loved that title. There was some hope for the Starks. I think he's finally just decided that they're too stupid to live.
Sigh nevermind....
I don't understand GRRM's motivation to take forever in finishing the story.

It's not intentional. He's old and writes slower, he had to make major structural changes mid series that set him back most of a decade, and he's become a compulsive rewriter who scraps and rewrites material all the time.


It's not intentional. He's old and writes slower, he had to make major structural changes mid series that set him back most of a decade, and he's become a compulsive rewriter who scraps and rewrites material all the time.

Do you guys think he knows how he wants it to end?
I wish he didn't spend so much time on characters that have not relevance to the main story.
Well I guess main story characters in my mind.


Do you guys think he knows how he wants it to end?

I think he has the broad outline down, and we've been told he's told D&D how he wants the series to end and what should happen to the main characters in case he dies before the show ends, but I don't think he knows how to get there.


I think he has the broad outline down, and we've been told he's told D&D how he wants the series to end and what should happen to the main characters in case he dies before the show ends, but I don't think he knows how to get there.

Well kudos to him, he certainly has my interest, I am far more excited about the books than I am the show. Which is ironic since I started the show before the books.
Do you guys think he knows how he wants it to end?
I wish he didn't spend so much time on characters that have not relevance to the main story.
Well I guess main story characters in my mind.

He says he knows the end, but the journey to get there is only known in broad strokes. He's not a heavy outliner, and is discovery writing most of the series, so very little is probably written in stone.


Well kudos to him, he certainly has my interest, I am far more excited about the books than I am the show. Which is ironic since I started the show before the books.

Well the books are better than the show so there's no surprise there. But honestly, at the very least we'll at least see the story end in some fashion which is better than nothing, I guess.
Well the books are better than the show so there's no surprise there. But honestly, at the very least we'll at least see the story end in some fashion which is better than nothing, I guess.

Gotta be honest, I don't think GoT is going to get a complete run on HBO. I wo uldn't be surprised to see the show "finish" in season 5 or 6. For this show to do each book justice theyll need at least 8 seasons. How many premium cable serialized TV shows actually last beyond 5 seasons? HBO has True Blood... Showtime has Dexter... what else is there? I just hope that should the ratings begin to fall flat around seasons 5 or 6 and they end the show, they don't "jump" to GRRMs projected ending for a series finale. Hopefully they just end on a happy note from the books... (as difficult as that would be to find :()

I don't want to know how it ends before reading the books.

Wh0 N0se

How strange would that be? Having to tell someone the rest of your book because people think that you might die before it is finished!
If that doesn't cause you to write quicker I don't know what will!


Gotta be honest, I don't think GoT is going to get a complete run on HBO. I wo uldn't be surprised to see the show "finish" in season 5 or 6. For this show to do each book justice theyll need at least 8 seasons. How many premium cable serialized TV shows actually last beyond 5 seasons? HBO has True Blood... Showtime has Dexter... what else is there?

While this is true, GoT's ratings on HBO and their DBD/Blu-Ray sales just keep going up. So we have a pretty decent chance.


I knew it. Rickon is going to become king.

He could make a jump of 5 or 10 years or so. Didn't he plan that for AFFC/ADWD in the beginning? That's the reason why those books took so long, he changed the whole thing midway.

Robb is ressurected and regains power, The Wolf in the North!

To me, it implies that spring is so distant that it's merely a dream. Which paints a pretty bleak picture for most everyone in the series, though slightly less so for the Starks.

I agree about the title, I always took it it would be in the worst period of the winter, everyone doomed, spring being nothing more than hope.
Gotta be honest, I don't think GoT is going to get a complete run on HBO to be honest. I wo uldn't be surprised to see the show "finish" in season 5 or 6. For this show to do each book justice theyll need at least 8 seasons. How many premium cable serialized TV shows actually last beyond 5 seasons? HBO has True Blood... Showtime has Dexter... what else is there?

The Sopranos went 6 seasons, and the 6th was divided into two parts, so almost 7 seasons.

As of right now I'd be surprised if it didn't make it to 7 or 8 seasons. GoT's is pretty popular and unless viewership takes a dive and HBO quits making money, it'll probably make it to the end.
The Sopranos went 6 seasons, and the 6th was divided into two parts, so almost 7 seasons.

As of right now I'd be surprised if it didn't make it to 7 or 8 seasons. GoT's is pretty popular and unless viewership takes a dive and HBO quits making money, it'll probably make it to the end.

Well so long as I get my book ending first I don't care what happens :p


Do you guys think he knows how he wants it to end?
I wish he didn't spend so much time on characters that have not relevance to the main story.
Well I guess main story characters in my mind.

Gurm gives no fucks about ASoIaF. But if you want to buy some water damaged copies of his favorite series Wild Cards, I'm sure he can find some in his garage.
And if you don't get the book ending b/c he dies, then we'll either get someone like Sanderson to finish the series or just have to rely on the show :jnc

I would assume it would be one of the Expanse saga writers that takes over since they seem buddy buddy with each other. But still, ive heard mixed things about Sanderson's Wheel of Time stuff, like he fixed some wrongs done with the later books but its still not Jordan in his prime. Not sure how i would feel about him taking over.


I would assume it would be one of the Expanse saga writers that takes over since they seem buddy buddy with each other. But still, ive heard mixed things about Sanderson's Wheel of Time stuff, like he fixed some wrongs done with the later books but its still not Jordan in his prime. Not sure how i would feel about him taking over.

Well I didn't mean Sanderson specifically (although I do like him) I just meant we'll get some other author to finish the series up. If we're lucky.

If we're really lucky GRRM will write the damn books himself before he dies.
Any particular reason why not? Or just a hunch?

I believe that he's pretty much said in the past that if he dies, we're fucked. Then again, he could have a deathbed change of mind like Jordan did, but I don't think it's likely based on how he views this. And does he even have the notes and materials to pass onto another writer, or is it mostly just in his head?


Yeah, I'm pretty certain I've read that Martin doesn't intend on anyone replacing him at the helm. The show would be your last, best chance of seeing how the series ends.


I'd assume he'd write/record a deathbed outline of sorts for the next writer. That in combination with the people working on the encyclopedia with him would be sufficient.

And yeah, I don't see it being anyone but Abraham were this to happen.


I believe that he's pretty much said in the past that if he dies, we're fucked. Then again, he could have a deathbed change of mind like Jordan did, but I don't think it's likely based on how he views this. And does he even have the notes and materials to pass onto another writer, or is it mostly just in his head?

Yeah, I'm pretty certain I've read that Martin doesn't intend on anyone replacing him at the helm. The show would be your last, best chance of seeing how the series ends.


Damn it Martin, get your shit together and write.

Do we have any new news about TWoW?


Hasn't GRRM stated that he won't allow other authors to finish the books if he dies? He was fine with HBO coming up with an ending, though. It's a given that season 5 will happen, but I wonder if it will get prematurely cancelled since that season will be based on books 4 and 5, where not very much happens and we get more needless characters, aka Robert Jordan syndrome. If given enough freedom, maybe HBO can greatly improve on those books, at the very least we won't have to watch all the traveling that occurs in dance of dragons...
I kind of wish the Others didn't exist, or that they weren't such an existential threat. I'm far more interested in other northern plots (Stannis, whether Rickon will return with Davos, battle of Winterfell, Robb's heir, etc), although the Others stuff on the Wall is certainly interesting. It's hard to imagine a scenario that doesn't boil down to Dany arriving and killing the Others, who have broken the North and are marching towards the Trident. And if that's the case, all the political bickering in the south (which I like) has little relevance. Say "Aegon" takes the thrown only to have the Others break the Wall. Eh...
Well I didn't mean Sanderson specifically (although I do like him) I just meant we'll get some other author to finish the series up. If we're lucky.

If we're really lucky GRRM will write the damn books himself before he dies.

Yeah, this would be my preference!


Seriously, what's with all the fear of GRRM dying? Dude is only 64, it's 2013, and he's rich as fuck. He doesn't have a history of heart trouble, cancer, and doesn't drink or smoke (I think). Sure, he might suffer a massive stroke out of the blue, but so could damn near anyone. It's silly to worry about it.


Seriously, what's with all the fear of GRRM dying? Dude is only 64, it's 2013, and he's rich as fuck. He doesn't have a history of heart trouble, cancer, and doesn't drink or smoke (I think). Sure, he might suffer a massive stroke out of the blue, but so could damn near anyone. It's silly to worry about it.

He's fat, and fat (over 40-50) = unhealthy and prone to heart attack in paranoid fans minds


So i just finished a Dance of Dragons............


Jonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn noooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
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