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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I would bang a hot farmer!
Because we need to know the story of how Rickard Stark and his buddies were trying to dispose of Aerys Targaryen before Robert's Rebellion even started.


Because we need to know the story of how Rickard Stark and his buddies were trying to dispose of Aerys Targaryen before Robert's Rebellion even started.

We did not need 200k additional words for descriptions of their boiled leather, nipples on breastplates and what they ate at their feasts.


More readings, nom, nom.

I'm beginning to worry that the only chapters GRRM has finished for tWoW are the ones he's released as previews...

Naw. A couple of months ago he mentioned it was 1/4 done ( that's like 15-20 chapters right there, depending on how big the book will be ) and has since gone on a record of saying that he was making good progress.


More readings, nom, nom.

Naw. A couple of months ago he mentioned it was 1/4 done ( that's like 15-20 chapters right there, depending on how big the book will be ) and has since gone on a record of saying that he was making good progress.

Another 5 years confirmed!

Seriously though, is there another "franchise" or author that has as many jaded fans as GRRM?


Another 5 years confirmed!

Seriously though, is there another "franchise" or author that has as many jaded fans as GRRM?

Berserk. Miura keeps playing Idolmaster or doing who knows what and well, not taking breaks but occasionally the next chapter will come out "sometime".
It's been 6 years since the crew set sail for Elfheim Elfhell and most of that time has been spent on stuff that doesn't advance their journey :|
I finished the Berserk anime (the first I've ever watched) a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Although the end...yeah. Guess I'll have to read the manga, although I don't see why such a popular franchise can't get another anime that picks up after "that."

On the chapter:
It sounds like Barriston's surprise attack really busted up the Yunkish army's first wave, and Victarion providing the flank will make it even more of a rout. But the ease of things thus far makes me feel like something will happen to turn the tides again. The Volantis fleet is on its way, as is the Quarth army. Barriston doesn't have enough men to face a complete assault by the entire Yunkish army so I'd imagine he'll have to retreat to the city sooner or later. The idea of Barriston, Victarion, and Tyrion arguing over battle plans is just too good, can't wait.

But the wildcard is the horn. What if they burn the Iron Fleet after the horn is blown? Finally...I don't think Dany is going to ride back to save the day at the last minute, although at the same time you'd think she would want to return to the city ASAP. Seems more like she's going to chill with the Dothraki...


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Berserk has gotten to the point that it's every 3 or 4 months I check for a new chapter and sometimes there aren't any.


Berserk. Miura keeps playing Idolmaster or doing who knows what and well, not taking breaks but occasionally the next chapter will come out "sometime".
It's been 6 years since the crew set sail for Elfheim Elfhell and most of that time has been spent on stuff that doesn't advance their journey :|

Well then, glad to hear we're not alone :)
Just finished listening to ADWD today.

Don't know what to do with myself anymore. =( I just realized that I've been reading/listening to this series on and off for about two years now. I took fairly long breaks between books, which is why it took so long.

Such a good series, and now I'm sad that I'm going to have to wait God knows how long until the next one.

ASOS is my favorite (no big surprise). I actually thoroughly enjoyed AFFC as well, probably moreso than ADWD. The pacing and overall feel of it seemed very different from the others.

Interestingly, I think the things I'm most excited for in the next books all have something to do with dead people...Lady Stoneheart, finding out what the hell is up with Coldhands, and the inevitable trial by combat with Robert Strong.
Just finished listening to ADWD today.

Don't know what to do with myself anymore. =( I just realized that I've been reading/listening to this series on and off for about two years now. I took fairly long breaks between books, which is why it took so long.

Such a good series, and now I'm sad that I'm going to have to wait God knows how long until the next one.

well you could always read the dunk and egg short story and read Berserk to pass the time.
well you could always read the dunk and egg short story and read Berserk to pass the time.

I don't know anything about Berserk, except that it inspired a lot of stuff in Dark Souls. Which could only be a good thing in my mind. Why all the talk about it in this thread?

Also, I'll have to take a look at Dunk and Egg.


Berserk is good, but it's been on a downhill slide for a long time.

Retribution arc is basically one of the best fantasy arcs in any medium ever though.
It never crossed my mind to check out the audiobooks for the series, would you recommend them?

I love them! Roy Dotrice does an amazing job.

The only problem is he came back to do AFFC/ADWD quite a few years later. For whatever reason he changed how he did some of the voices in those two. (Melisandre, Arya, Littlefinger, Strong Belwas, etc.) It's kind of jarring at first, but once you get used to it, his performance is as good as ever. Luckily, Tyrion's voice is the same. Gotta love Roy's Welsh Tyrion.

Fun fact: Roy Dotrice was originally going to play Pycelle in the TV series, but was unable to due to health issues. However, he did have a cameo as the Pyromancer Hallyne in the second season. which arguably makes him the actor in GOT that's most well versed in the books.


Just finished listening to ADWD today.

Don't know what to do with myself anymore. =( I just realized that I've been reading/listening to this series on and off for about two years now. I took fairly long breaks between books, which is why it took so long.

Such a good series, and now I'm sad that I'm going to have to wait God knows how long until the next one.

ASOS is my favorite (no big surprise). I actually thoroughly enjoyed AFFC as well, probably moreso than ADWD. The pacing and overall feel of it seemed very different from the others.

Interestingly, I think the things I'm most excited for in the next books all have something to do with dead people...Lady Stoneheart, finding out what the hell is up with Coldhands, and the inevitable trial by combat with Robert Strong.

I finished ADWD, read a bunch online about the fan theories, then started again with book 1. It's like reading a new series.
I finished ADWD, read a bunch online about the fan theories, then started again with book 1. It's like reading a new series.

Yeah I did the same thing. It's pretty crazy all the other things you pick up on. It will be interesting to see how many of these theories turn out to be true. There are two things I'm worried about however; A) GRRM never finishing the series. Or even Winds of Winter for that matter. B) GRRM hearing fan theories and changing things that were set up and "supposed" to happen just to make it surprising for the hardcore fans who've figured a lot of great stuff out.
Yeah I did the same thing. It's pretty crazy all the other things you pick up on. It will be interesting to see how many of these theories turn out to be true. There are two things I'm worried about however;

I generally don't like rereading books, but I may make an exception for ASOIF. It's just so damn good.

A) GRRM never finishing the series. Or even Winds of Winter for that matter. B) GRRM hearing fan theories and changing things that were set up and "supposed" to happen just to make it surprising for the hardcore fans who've figured a lot of great stuff out.

A is definitely a valid worry...personally, I don't feel we should worry about B. From everything I've read from GRRM it doesn't sound like there are any outside forces that would change what his plans are for the books.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I generally don't like rereading books, but I may make an exception for ASOIF. It's just so damn good.

A is definitely a valid worry...personally, I don't feel we should worry about B. From everything I've read from GRRM it doesn't sound like there are any outside forces that would change what his plans are for the books.
GRRM did say the show (actually Natalia Tena) made him rethink Osha and it changed the way he would write her.
Why wouldn't Martin finish TWOW? The last two books were heavily delayed due to two specific issues: Martin initially trying to implement a five year jump in time after ASOS, and the sequencing problems that were caused due to multiple characters traveling to Mereen. He scrapped hundreds of pages of work and virtually started over after the 5 year gap didn't work, and thus was born the Mereenese Knot (who reaches Dany first, who arrives after she leaves, etc). He has said that the fighting pit chapter was at one point Dany's first chapter in Dance, with Quentyn arriving on the same day.

He has solved those issues so I see no reason to think this book will take five years. Everyone except the maester from Old Town has arrived in Mereen. Obviously more issues could arise but nothing that extreme.

Finally, consider his schedule. After a couple November events he doesn't have anything scheduled for six months; Id imagine he'll attend the S4 premier sometime in early April but that's it. He's not writing D&E until TWOW is done, he's finished with World of Ice and Fire (Elio is now waiting on artwork from the artists), and the Westeros history book he's writing is a super long term project. In short it seems like he'll be using that time to wrap up TWOW. I think he may be trying for another summer release after S4 ends. If he misses that could move the book to the fall or winter, or spring 2015 at the latest.
From everything I've read from GRRM it doesn't sound like there are any outside forces that would change what his plans are for the books.

I still worry about it. I've heard him say he hates that people write fan fiction and theories because it's his story to tell, not anyone elses. Makes me worry he's hearing what people are speculating and reacting to it because he's upset that they're figuring things out. I hope you're right though.

I wasn't serious about him never finishing tWoW. I do have slight concerns over him never finishing the entire series though. I know he's told HBO how it ends in broad strokes, but I want him to be the one painting all the fine details.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I still worry about it. I've heard him say he hates that people write fan fiction and theories because it's his story to tell, not anyone elses.

I'm...gonna have to find a tinier violin for you there, George.

"Why can't people just chill and wait a decade, GAWL."

Get this shit in gear and you won't have to worry about anyone outdoing you.

He's gonna spend all his time blogging about it again, isn't he?



I would bang a hot farmer!
He's gonna spend all his time blogging about it again, isn't he?
I'm sure he spends a lot of time on Fantasy Football also. He does no work on ASoIaF from when training camp opens in mid July until the Pro Bowl at the end of January. In reality, he only works on the series for 5 and a half months a year. Take away all the trips and shows he goes to and you're left with a month or two. Take out sleep/eating/bathroom breaks during that time and you're down to 3 weeks tops. It's really amazing he gets as much written during that time as he does.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Do you have a source on that, or is that just your speculation? I'm sure he gets less writing done during football season, but none at all? It's not like watching football is a full-time occupation, geez...

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Yeah, how dare a writer be upset at idiots too uncreative to come up with their own fiction who violate his copyright...

Everything has fan fiction, from the shittiest works that should have been no more than fan fiction themselves to juggernaut franchises like Harry Potter and ASOIAF. In Martin's case I seriously doubt anyone out there is about to steal his thunder.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It's not about "stealing his thunder", it's about an artist wanting full control over his creation.

Well, I wish him luck in that endeavor. Judging by the prevalence of fan fiction I'm going to guess that taking every bored fan that apes your material to court is a pointless waste of time.

I never heard him speak on fan fiction myself so this is pure speculation on my part but I'd assume he doesn't like it because some writers out there are predicting the next turn of events in the story with some degree of accuracy. Which I'm sure is probably annoying but is also to be expected when your readers have this much time to chew on your unfinished works.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
He had a lengthy post on the subject a few years back. He has a number of reasons, but in the end -

I suppose it's one thing if someone out there wants to publish and market A Tune of Hot and Cold but I'd like to think the overwhelming majority of fan fiction out there hardly gets seen, let alone profited from in any way.

And as for wanting to be the only one who writes about Westeros well, like I said, good luck with that.
Martin has acknowledged that people have already figured some stuff out, he's not going to change anything. Everyone knows about R+L=J for instance, and while he added new red herrings in ADWD nothing has changed.

Also interestingly he has refused to confirm Aegon's death since 1999, so that's nothing new either; for the record I don't believe Aegon is real, but the fact that Martin refused to discuss it for 14 years should confirm he was planning on introducing that arc, whether Aegon is real or fake.

NFL football.

One day a week, or two when the Giants/Jets play on MNF. It hasn't hindered him in the past, and won't now.


I'm sure he spends a lot of time on Fantasy Football also. He does no work on ASoIaF from when training camp opens in mid July until the Pro Bowl at the end of January. In reality, he only works on the series for 5 and a half months a year. Take away all the trips and shows he goes to and you're left with a month or two. Take out sleep/eating/bathroom breaks during that time and you're down to 3 weeks tops. It's really amazing he gets as much written during that time as he does.

According to my math, GRRM actually has a strictly negative portion of the year to spend on writing Winds. At his current pace he'll be down to zero pages written by next June.


I would bang a hot farmer!
According to my math, GRRM actually has a strictly negative portion of the year to spend on writing Winds. At his current pace he'll be down to zero pages written by next June.
There's a reason they call it Fuzzy Math. :(


Two or less football games a week isn't going to hinder him . . . the conventions are what kills progress and I think he's cut down on that, not sure.


He's also said he's not considering the fan theories or speculation into consideration at all.

Yup. Two of the biggest reveals in ADWD were "spoiled" for me due to fan theories (3EC = Bloodraven and Aegon). So clearly he isn't going to be changing any of his plot twists just because the fans are predicating them with surprising accuracy.
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