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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I hate this attitude of everything being foreshadowing. Why can't that line just be a line made up by the Freys so that the northern lords can't outright attack even if they know it is most likely a lie?

They killed his wolf. Wargs get a second life, usually in the first animal they skinchanged with. Did Robb even get to the point where he skinchanged in his sleep? Even if he did get his second life why would he now come back as some unrelated never before seen Direwolf or shitty little regular wolf?

What attitude? I barely even post in this thread, wtf are you on about? How about you fuck off?
Just an attitude I've seen from fan theory sites when I started googling around. Why you so mad though?

I thought you were coming at me just to argue or some shit. If not then excuse me.

As far as the theory goes, its just something I threw out there. I'm not a guy that pretends to know how George thinks, most every big event has caught me off guard.

I just remember how everybody from Arya, to Tywin to the Lannister captives seem to parrot this line that seemingly comes from nothing.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
It's been so long since I have finished these books. Can someone please type up an extremely detailed synopsis of the plot and all of the character motivations and actions for all of the books please. Thanks
Just an attitude I've seen from fan theory sites when I started googling around. Why you so mad though?

Have an example? Obviously the thing about Robb isn't foreshadowing, although it's ironic considering Robb actually did use his warg abilities during the war, but the novels are indeed full of a lot of foreshadowing.

One of the more recent examples is the septon's story about the Inn sign in AFFC, and how it likely points to Aegon being a Blackfyre. To me that's a strong, very likely case of foreshadowing given the other hints about him not being legitimate.

I think the depth and layers of Martin's writing are one of the best things about the series, and makes the wait between books more entertaining than it would be otherwise. Book based speculation like the Grand Northern Conspiracy, Red Wedding 2.0, and theories on which horn Victarion actually has make me think about the series a lot more than I normally would.
It's been so long since I have finished these books. Can someone please type up an extremely detailed synopsis of the plot and all of the character motivations and actions for all of the books please. Thanks

LOL. It's been done, go to wikipedia.

I love this page. I don't try to pretend to know what's going to happen b/c I have no idea and everything I think of is probably wrong, but I do like reading theories.
Have an example? Obviously the thing about Robb isn't foreshadowing, although it's ironic considering Robb actually did use his warg abilities during the war, but the novels are indeed full of a lot of foreshadowing.

One of the more recent examples is the septon's story about the Inn sign in AFFC, and how it likely points to Aegon being a Blackfyre. To me that's a strong, very likely case of foreshadowing given the other hints about him not being legitimate.

I think the depth and layers of Martin's writing are one of the best things about the series, and makes the wait between books more entertaining than it would be otherwise. Book based speculation like the Grand Northern Conspiracy, Red Wedding 2.0, and theories on which horn Victarion actually has make me think about the series a lot more than I normally would.

What's the Grand Northern Conspiracy?

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
LOL. It's been done, go to wikipedia.

I love this page. I don't try to pretend to know what's going to happen b/c I have no idea and everything I think of is probably wrong, but I do like reading theories.

I could to to tower or the hand or wikipedia, but I want one of my brothers or sisters on Gaf to do it. Please
What's the Grand Northern Conspiracy?

It's a theory that has been festering on Westeros.org since early 2012. The idea is that multiple Northern houses are actively plotting against the Boltons, may already know Jon was (allegedly) named Robb's heir, and are poised to seize Winterfell. It also speculates about the Pink Letter and why clan leaders showed up on the Wall for the marriage in ADWD; the idea is that they may have been there to take measure of Jon. Also the idea that a large northern host (the Glover force) is near Winterfell.

In ADWD we learn Manderly has already begun killing (well...cooking lol) Freys, and has offered to support Stannis if Davos delivers Rickon (who he calls his liege lord, not his king btw). The idea is that he'll attack the Frey army during the upcoming battle.


And for further down the rabbit hole on the Hooded Man in Winterfell, who wrote the Pink Letter, why Dustin entered the crypts, etc...
It's a theory that has been festering on Westeros.org since early 2012. The idea is that multiple Northern houses are actively plotting against the Boltons, may already know Jon was (allegedly) named Robb's heir, and are poised to seize Winterfell. It also speculates about the Pink Letter and why clan leaders showed up on the Wall for the marriage in ADWD; the idea is that they may have been there to take measure of Jon. Also the idea that a large northern host (the Glover force) is near Winterfell.

In ADWD we learn Manderly has already begun killing (well...cooking lol) Freys, and has offered to support Stannis if Davos delivers Rickon (who he calls his liege lord, not his king btw). The idea is that he'll attack the Frey army during the upcoming battle.


And for further down the rabbit hole on the Hooded Man in Winterfell, who wrote the Pink Letter, why Dustin entered the crypts, etc...

Ok, I like this a lot so it probably won't happen. Hopefully it will though or something along the lines of it to get the Starks 'back'.
I thought you were coming at me just to argue or some shit. If not then excuse me.

As far as the theory goes, its just something I threw out there. I'm not a guy that pretends to know how George thinks, most every big event has caught me off guard.

I just remember how everybody from Arya, to Tywin to the Lannister captives seem to parrot this line that seemingly comes from nothing.

What chapter does Arya parrot the "Robb became a wolf and slaughtered the freys" line? I don't recall that at all.
What chapter does Arya parrot the "Robb became a wolf and slaughtered the freys" line? I don't recall that at all.
I don't know where you got Freys from, I clearly said enemies. Freys were "allies" at the time anyway. I think I've mistaken the show for the book though. She told tywin(on the show) when he asked her what the Notherners say of Robb. I don't remember if she told Weese that.
I don't know where you got Freys from, I clearly said enemies. Freys were "allies" at the time anyway. I think I've mistaken the show for the book though. She told tywin(on the show) when he asked her what the Notherners say of Robb. I don't remember if she told Weese that.

I thought we were talking about the red wedding and lie that was spread after by the freys...
it's ironic considering Robb actually did use his warg abilities during the war, but the novels are indeed full of a lot of foreshadowing.

Wait when was this confirmed? I thought this was an unproved rumor. People thought Jon was a warg because Ghost fought close to him, but they were tecnically wrong because Jon was not actively warging. I assume the whole Robb = warg thing got started because of his closeness with his wolf, rather than active warging.
It's been so long since I have finished these books. Can someone please type up an extremely detailed synopsis of the plot and all of the character motivations and actions for all of the books please. Thanks

The story begins with Tyrion pushing Joffrey out of the window in Winterfell. He dies instantly, and everyone is much relieved.

King Robert takes Eddard to King's Landing to be his Hand. However, Robert realizes that he's really a lousy king and abdicates his throne in favor of Eddard. Eddard sends Cersei to the Wall (they accept women now!) and appoints Tyrion as Hand of the King.

Meanwhile, he hears about Daenarys and Viserys. Feeling empathy for their situation, he invites them to King's Landing. Viserys falls overboard and dies on the journey.

Eddard agrees that Daenarys has a stronger claim to the throne then he does, but they both decide she's not mature or experienced enough yet to rule. She decides to go back and live in Essos for a time, with the agreement that if she ever returns Eddard will peacefully return to be King in the North, and she will rule in King's Landing.

Back on the Wall, Jon Snow becomes part of Benjen Stark's ranging party. They have many adventures together beyond the Wall. They make a truce with the Wildlings, and become fast friends with Mance Ryder, the King Beyond the Wall. The three of them go on a journey to discover the truth behind the White Walkers. They are about to be captured and killed by the Others at one point, but instead Jon joins them in an effort to save his friends. He comes to know and love the Others, and begins to understand their true purpose. He falls in love with a female Other, and together they begin the steps of forging a peaceful alliance between Winterfell and the White Walkers.

While visiting a neighboring House, Walder Frey is brutally murdered. House Frey does not enact any sort of retribution, and merely thanks the House for putting a miserable old man out of his misery.

Arya Stark spends the next few years training with Syrio Forel, and becomes the greatest swordfighter in the kingdom. Sansa Stark finds King's Landing to be everything she ever dreamed of, and spends her days being romantic with knights and heroes. She eventually finds the love of her life there, and they marry and are happy.

Around this time Brienne comes to King's Landing, where she falls deeply in love with Renly Baratheon. Her feelings are unrequited, which leads her into a deep depression, until she meets Jaime Lannister (a man affectionately called the "Kingslayer" when he slew the Mad King to save the kingdom) -- the two of them seek permission from Eddard to marry, and the king is Totally Cool with Jaime leaving the kingsguard to marry the woman he loves.

During this time, Stannis is thoroughly upset that Robert appointed Eddard king and not himself (who is the rightful heir). Eddard broods over how to solve this dilemma and avoid war when they get a letter from their pal Daenarys! She's peacefully been appointed queen in her beloved city of Meereen, and plans to stay there until the end of her days ruling that people. Realizing that this neatly solves the problem, Eddard gives the throne to Stannis, who returns to become King in the North. A happy alliance exists between the North and South for the remainder of their days.

Well, that's all the synopsis I have time for now. Perhaps somebody else can pick up with what happens next.
While visiting a neighboring House, Walder Frey is brutally murdered. House Frey does not enact any sort of retribution, and merely thanks the House for putting a miserable old man out of his misery.

I just fucking lost it oh my god LOL

In the epilogue:

Years later, King Stannis dies. He was much loved by his people, and they all mourn his death. However, his heir, Shireen, becomes queen. She is beautiful, having been cured of her greyscale years before. The people love her and worship her as they did her father. One day, Eddard's heir, Robb, visits King's Landing. He brings his two younger brothers, who are dashing and handsome. Bran, who is the same age as Shireen, notices her beauty and the two fall deeply in love. They marry soon after.

Far to the north, Jon has started a family! He has two children with his Other wife, and he has successfully forged an alliance between what lies beyond the wall and the people of the North. All are loved an accepted. As a symbol of this everlasting alliance, the Wall was melted using the powers of Melisandre, who was totally not Stannis' mistress. She is just as young as she was during the reign of her king, and has married Samwell Tarly. She used her magic to make him immortal as well. All is peaceful and well.

Brienne and Jaime live happily in King's Landing with their five children (wow!) Jaime has taken Arya under his wing in order to further strengthen her sword techniques, and now spends his days baking pies.

Arya is the first ever woman member of the Kingsguard. She and Shireen are best friends forever.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Since there was a request for shipping... Arya and Gendry hook up, but don't marry, because marriage is "stupid". Gendry spends his days at the forge, creating beautiful weapons for the KingQueensguard. Balerion hooks up with a beautiful female cat, and they have a nice litter that gets adopted by Arya and Gendry. Arya teaches new recruits by having them chase the litter across the Red Keep.
Haha, thanks guys. We should all be grateful to GRRM for crafting such a heartwarming story. In a world with so much pain and suffering, it sure is nice to be able to escape to the beautiful fairy tale world of AOIAF.

As a symbol of this everlasting alliance, the Wall was melted using the powers of Melisandre, who was totally not Stannis' mistress. She is just as young as she was during the reign of her king, and has married Samwell Tarly. She used her magic to make him immortal as well. All is peaceful and well.

Awesome, how could I forget the best part of the book! Immortal Sam the Slayer joined for eternity with the Red Priestess. Ah, what a romantic GRRM is. =D

Could use some more 'shipping though.

Excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by shipping?

Arya and Gendry hook up, but don't marry, because marriage is "stupid".

Hahah, perfect, this is exactly how Arya would describe it.

pizza dog

Since there was a request for shipping... Arya and Gendry hook up, but don't marry, because marriage is "stupid". Gendry spends his days at the forge, creating beautiful weapons for the KingQueensguard. Balerion hooks up with a beautiful female cat, and they have a nice litter that gets adopted by Arya and Gendry. Arya teaches new recruits by having them chase the litter across the Red Keep.

Awwwwww yisss this is what I want need. The Jon/Other 'ship is a good one too.

I wonder wassup with Gendry. Especially on the show they play him up a bit but his path to Big Picture Relevance is still kind of unclear to me.
Wait when was this confirmed? I thought this was an unproved rumor. People thought Jon was a warg because Ghost fought close to him, but they were tecnically wrong because Jon was not actively warging. I assume the whole Robb = warg thing got started because of his closeness with his wolf, rather than active warging.

All the Stark children can warg their direwolves to one degree or another. Grey Wind discovered a goat path which led to the Golden Tooth, allowing a northern army to invade the west for the first time in centuries. Catelyn notes that Robb's men said Greywind showed him the way, late one night. It's generally believed he warged to find it.

Also Robb's last word was Grey Wind just as Jon's (alleged) last word was Ghost. Robb most likely warged into Grey Wind after being stabbed.

Amazing. But what happened to Littlefinger?

All the Stark children can warg their direwolves to one degree or another. Grey Wind discovered a goat path which led to the Golden Tooth, allowing a northern army to invade the west for the first time in centuries. Catelyn notes that Robb's men said Greywind showed him the way, late one night. It's generally believed he warged to find it.

Also Robb's last word was Grey Wind just as Jon's (alleged) last word was Ghost. Robb most likely warged into Grey Wind after being stabbed.


I see. Too bad Grey Wind was decapitated. :(

Since there was a request for shipping... Arya and Gendry hook up, but don't marry, because marriage is "stupid". Gendry spends his days at the forge, creating beautiful weapons for the KingQueensguard. Balerion hooks up with a beautiful female cat, and they have a nice litter that gets adopted by Arya and Gendry. Arya teaches new recruits by having them chase the litter across the Red Keep.

Back when I was new to the series I thought Arya and Gendry would wind up married by the end of the books. :(
Amazing. But what happened to Littlefinger?

Plagued for years by his love for Catelyn Stark, he had schemed and worked his way to power for years. When Eddard is crowned, he secretly harbors resentment towards Eddard, with grandiose plans to play the game of thrones.

However, over time he truly comes to respect and love Eddard, and realizes he was the best man for Catelyn. He finally finds peace when he meets Shae, the first woman since Catelyn that he could truly love. She teaches the master of coin that although hands of gold are always cold, a woman's hands are warm.
Plagued for years by his love for Catelyn Stark, he had schemed and worked his way to power for years. When Eddard is crowned, he secretly harbors resentment towards Eddard, with grandiose plans to play the game of thrones.

However, over time he truly comes to respect and love Eddard, and realizes he was the best man for Catelyn. He finally finds peace when he meets Shae, the first woman since Catelyn that he could truly love. She teaches the master of coin that although hands of gold are always cold, a woman's hands are warm.

Let's not forget Varys! He goes to Qarth and has the warlocks use their magic to grow him a new member. He then finds love with Cersei.


As a dude I ship early and often.

Well, not really. Only from hanging out in the fandom did I find out about such things. Hot Pie and Lommy 5eva.
Woah there big burly man guy. I'll go keep it to my lady's knitting club circle then. We'll drink our white wine and giggle to ourselves.

Now see here, whippersnapper! As a lady myself, I take pride that I don't ship!

Often, that is...

Errr fuck off? xD

Wow, is that really offensive? Maybe "preoccupied" is the wrong word. Maybe "interested in?"

I thought it was well known that the vast majority of fanfic authors are women. I don't have a problem with it. More than a couple of women in my life take part themselves.
Wow, is that really offensive? Maybe "preoccupied" is the wrong word. Maybe "interested in?"

I thought it was well known that the vast majority of fanfic authors are women. I don't have a problem with it. More than a couple of women in my life take part themselves.

It's quite a big generalization. Plus your response just sounded really negative and condescending. I don't have a problem with what you said but the tone made it sound rude.
I was talking to some dude about the series today, and it became apparent to me that he was talking about the show version. I asked him if he read the series, and he said "No, because I don't want to read hundreds of shitty pages of filler about nothing but food." His better-than-thou tone made me so fucking tempted to spoil everything for him. The fucker didn't even bother trying to read the books, but just assumed they were about nothing but food because of some third hand internet source.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I was talking to some dude about the series today, and it became apparent to me that he was talking about the show version. I asked him if he read the series, and he said "No, because I don't want to read hundreds of shitty pages of filler about nothing but food." His better-than-thou tone made me so fucking tempted to spoil everything for him. The fucker didn't even bother trying to read the books, but just assumed they were about nothing but food because of some third hand internet source.
A co-worker who's a big fan of the show was being an ass one day so I told him I'd spoil the next 2-3 seasons of it for him if he didn't stop. He stopped right away. :lol
A co-worker who's a big fan of the show was being an ass one day so I told him I'd spoil the next 2-3 seasons of it for him if he didn't stop. He stopped right away. :lol

I did this to a friend and he chose to push his limits and test me but then backed down when he realized I was serious. Ha.
When the show is actually airing, I like to start sentence to people like this, "Hey, I haven't been keeping up with the show, did they get to the part where Arya..."

I usually don't get past the word "part" before SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP


I would bang a hot farmer!
When the show is actually airing, I like to start sentence to people like this, "Hey, I haven't been keeping up with the show, did they get to the part where Arya..."

I usually don't get past the word "part" before SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
That's just mean. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Haha, thanks guys. We should all be grateful to GRRM for crafting such a heartwarming story. In a world with so much pain and suffering, it sure is nice to be able to escape to the beautiful fairy tale world of AOIAF.

Awesome, how could I forget the best part of the book! Immortal Sam the Slayer joined for eternity with the Red Priestess. Ah, what a romantic GRRM is. =D

Excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by shipping?

Hahah, perfect, this is exactly how Arya would describe it.

"Shippers" are people who are concerned most of all with putting characters together, vocally and often without any textual support for the pairing. An example of that would be someone who ships Jon Snow-Daenerys, despite the fact they've never met, or Arya-Gendry, despite the fact that Arya is supposed to be, what, 10? 12?
One of the things that made me must angry, RE: spoilers was a friend who essentially spoiled the Red Wedding for me before I read it. He thought he was being clever in talking about it and covering up the real spoilers, but his little hints ended up basically telling the same thing. First of all, he kept talking about the wedding, and how it was only called "the Red Wedding" AFTERWARDS. (Which obviously meant blood was spilled.) And then he said "Walder Frey kills spoiler with a spoiler!" and it was all over. Obviously that meant that either Catelyn or Robb was going to die (although I didn't see it coming that they were both going to be killed).

I hate the smug superiority that some people exude when they know what's going to happen in a story that you haven't experienced yet.


"Shippers" are people who are concerned most of all with putting characters together, vocally and often without any textual support for the pairing. An example of that would be someone who ships Jon Snow-Daenerys, despite the fact they've never met, or Arya-Gendry, despite the fact that Arya is supposed to be, what, 10? 12?

So, like...Sam-Asha? Am I doing it right? =P
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