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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Speaking of the traveling exhibit, after seeing the fan art (which represents how GRRM always envisioned the Iron Throne) I can't look at the HBO version. Its insulting.

its not a fan art though, this is one of the official calendars
and the throne in the new art book looks somehow similiar

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Grey gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until I'm banned. I shall not make offensive posts, start no dumb threads, insult no member. I shall wear no tag and win no praise from the mods. I shall post and be banned on NeoGAF. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher of the threads. I am the shield that guards the realms of users. I pledge my account and honor to the Grey's Watch, for this day and all the days to come.
I chuckled at this more loudly than I should have.
This June, GRRM will release "The Rogue Prince, or, the King's Brother" in the crossover anthology ROGUES.

Twenty stories not enough for you?

Okay, okay, we've decided to add a twenty-first, for all you fans of fake history.

"The Princess and the Queen," Archmaester Gyldayn's somewhat abbreviated account of the Dance of the Dragons, got a great response from all the folks who read it in DANGEROUS WOMEN, so we've dipped back into the archmaester's somewhat disorganized piles of scrolls and crumbling manuscripts, and brought forth another piece of his unpublished history. "The Rogue Prince, or, the King's Brother," will tell the story of the years leading up to the calamitious events of "The Princess and the Queen" during the reign of King Viserys I Targaryen, with particular attention to the role played by the king's brother, Prince Daemon, a rogue if there ever was one. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as you did "The Princess and the Queen."

(And yes, sadly, "The Rogue Prince" is an abridged account as well. For the full version, you will all need to wait some years, until we publish the complete history of House Targaryen in the GRRMarillion... which, by the way, I've decided I am going to call FIRE AND BLOOD, since the GRRMarillion joke has grown somewhat stale by now).

We're got something for everyone in ROGUES -- SF, mystery, historical fiction, epic fantasy, sword and sorcery, comedy, tragedy, crime stories, mainstream. And rogues, cads, scalawags, con men, thieves, and scoundrels of all descriptions. If you love Harry Flashman and Cugel the Clever, as I do, this is the book for you.


/r/asoiaf is by far the best thing on Reddit.

It's like watching a load of people slowly go insane... while also slowly going insane yourself. I've managed to convince myself into thinking that Jorah is Azor Ahai, Ned is possibly still alive, and the High Septon is Howland Reed in disguise. And of course that "Aegon" is a Blackfyre but that's pretty much solid fact by now, second only to R+L=J.

More worryingly I've started to slightly believe TWOW is coming soon. If he had finished it in the last month or so he'd surely be tying up the announcement and the release with the publicity for the show. He suddenly seems to have time to finish writing his part of TWOIAF, and to start writing this new novellette on the events before TP&TQ.

When the Season 4 Premier comes and he's like "Yeah I guess I've written like, at least a quarter!" I'll give up and cry, but until then I'm going to be outrageously optimistic and naive.

EDIT: I take back what I said. Clearly Edmure is Azor Ahai, not Jorah.

El Daniel

/r/asoiaf is by far the best thing on Reddit.

It's like watching a load of people slowly go insane... while also slowly going insane yourself. I've managed to convince myself into thinking that Jorah is Azor Ahai, Ned is possibly still alive, and the High Septon is Howland Reed in disguise. And of course that "Aegon" is a Blackfyre but that's pretty much solid fact by now, second only to R+L=J.

More worryingly I've started to slightly believe TWOW is coming soon. If he had finished it in the last month or so he'd surely be tying up the announcement and the release with the publicity for the show. He suddenly seems to have time to finish writing his part of TWOIAF, and to start writing this new novellette on the events before TP&TQ.

When the Season 4 Premier comes and he's like "Yeah I guess I've written like, at least a quarter!" I'll give up and cry, but until then I'm going to be outrageously optimistic and naive.

EDIT: I take back what I said. Clearly Edmure is Azor Ahai, not Jorah.

things are always interesting on r/asoiaf.



/r/asoiaf is by far the best thing on Reddit.

It's like watching a load of people slowly go insane... while also slowly going insane yourself. I've managed to convince myself into thinking that Jorah is Azor Ahai, Ned is possibly still alive, and the High Septon is Howland Reed in disguise. And of course that "Aegon" is a Blackfyre but that's pretty much solid fact by now, second only to R+L=J.

More worryingly I've started to slightly believe TWOW is coming soon. If he had finished it in the last month or so he'd surely be tying up the announcement and the release with the publicity for the show. He suddenly seems to have time to finish writing his part of TWOIAF, and to start writing this new novellette on the events before TP&TQ.

When the Season 4 Premier comes and he's like "Yeah I guess I've written like, at least a quarter!" I'll give up and cry, but until then I'm going to be outrageously optimistic and naive.

EDIT: I take back what I said. Clearly Edmure is Azor Ahai, not Jorah.

Yup I've been saying that on reddit too. If he's STILL at 25%, after saying he was at 25% last year (at the S3 premier), something is very wrong. Like AFFC/ADWD wrong, which is what we all assumed wouldn't happen since he resolved the 5 year gap/Meerenese Knot issues.

A few months ago I calculated that Martin would be past the 50% mark before his first major event of 2014 (May 30th in North Carolina). If he's not within that ballpark...yeah. We're fucked. He'll be gone all summer in Europe. He returns in late August, and I'd imagine he'll be tired as hell. So assuming he takes September off, counting October 2014 through March 2015...that's six months of no events/cons. Hopefully he can finish in March as he did with ADWD, which would result in another summer release date (shortly after S5's finale). If not...it takes about 4 months to produce a finished book, so as long as he finishes before late summer he'll be able to make a 2015 release date.


I am thinking Brienne is Azor Ahai. Nissa means test and the test Brienne has to undergo is killing zombie Catelyn Stark. When she sticks the sword in Catelyn's heart, the life force that brought Catelyn back from the dead will enter the sword. She may also kill Jaime, but I doubt it.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
It's been so long since I have read the books that reading this page was a struggle for me to remember all the references.

Fuck you George!

George pls

Herr K

It's clear Dany is Azor Ahai. Why are you even trying other theories? She'll show up with Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion at the Wall by the time it's being breached the Others.

She'll sit the Iron Throne by the end. If not, I'll hate GRRM for ever.
It's clear Dany is Azor Ahai. Why are you even trying other theories? She'll show up with Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion at the Wall by the time it's being breached the Others.

She'll sit the Iron Throne by the end. If not, I'll hate GRRM for ever.

Wrong! The Answer is Hodor. He's going to end the story in some long-winded explanation about how he's been manipulating all of it from the very beginning.


The real question is, what will it come down to? Even if Jon somehow finds out, in what I have to imagine would be the most cringe-worthy scene in the series - "Jon, your father was actually Rhaegar," ( I hope Martin doesn't pull that one in any form ), what then? I just can't imagine Jon as a contender to the Iron Throne on that basis, nor do I think he or anyone else would. The only proof that could possibly exist at this point are words ( spoken or written ) and you know what they say about them: Words are wind.


its gonna be howland reed sending jon a letter but then it wont mean shit. i wonder how it could be proven legally.

It can't. Well, not in the common sense anyway. It would be sort of akin to Stannis claiming that Joffrey/Tommen/Myrcella are children born of incest. He doesn't actually have anything we would consider solid proof, but goes mostly by their appearance. But if he wins the war it will become the legal truth insofar he enforces it.

The best we could get as confirmation on Jon is either, as you said, a word from Howland or better yet, Bran taking a peak on the past. But as to proving it to everyone, there is no other way than doing it by force, which is why I feel Jon's case will always be somewhat irrelevant, at least as far as the 'game of thrones' is concerned.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
It's clear Dany is Azor Ahai. Why are you even trying other theories? She'll show up with Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion at the Wall by the time it's being breached the Others.

She'll sit the Iron Throne by the end. If not, I'll hate GRRM for ever.

if dany is alive at the end of the series grrm can choke on a football.
I think Jon will learn of his parentage similarly to how Bran first met the Three Eyed Crow during his coma. In his dreams Jon constantly wakes up before he can enter the Winterfell crypts, whereas now I think he'll be able to venture down there and see whatever is waiting for him. Perhaps a clue buried with Lyanna; some folks on reddit have theorized Rhaegar's harp is down there, or that Lyanna was buried in a Targaryen wedding cloak.

Basically I don't think we'll get some type of "you're a wizard, Harry " scene between Jon and anyone. Perhaps Stannis' men will sneak into Winterfell through the crypts and see the evidence for themselves; maybe that's why the ravens want Theon to be taken to the heart tree, so he can learn how to secretly enter the castle.

Even if everyone learns...does it matter? He'd no longer be a son of Ned, and I doubt the north will plan on proclaiming him king. As Lyanna's son he'd have a claim to the north I guess, but behind Rickon's claim. So what changes?
I think Jon will learn of his parentage similarly to how Bran first met the Three Eyed Crow during his coma. In his dreams Jon constantly wakes up before he can enter the Winterfell crypts, whereas now I think he'll be able to venture down there and see whatever is waiting for him. Perhaps a clue buried with Lyanna; some folks on reddit have theorized Rhaegar's harp is down there, or that Lyanna was buried in a Targaryen wedding cloak.

Basically I don't think we'll get some type of "you're a wizard, Harry " scene between Jon and anyone. Perhaps Stannis' men will sneak into Winterfell through the crypts and see the evidence for themselves; maybe that's why the ravens want Theon to be taken to the heart tree, so he can learn how to secretly enter the castle.

Even if everyone learns...does it matter? He'd no longer be a son of Ned, and I doubt the north will plan on proclaiming him king. As Lyanna's son he'd have a claim to the north I guess, but behind Rickon's claim. So what changes?

I think if everyone (or even just Dany) found out, it would shift Jon Snow from the North/Stark part of the story to the Targ/Dany. The two of them would now be on the same team.


Once the others invade in earnest and Jon is leading the defense against them he will be the defacto king of the realm anyways.


Even if everyone learns...does it matter? He'd no longer be a son of Ned, and I doubt the north will plan on proclaiming him king. As Lyanna's son he'd have a claim to the north I guess, but behind Rickon's claim. So what changes?

thats my main problem witht the whole R+L=J mystery, what difference does it make? I dont see how it could be important for the story.
The real question is, what will it come down to? Even if Jon somehow finds out, in what I have to imagine would be the most cringe-worthy scene in the series - "Jon, your father was actually Rhaegar," ( I hope Martin doesn't pull that one in any form ), what then? I just can't imagine Jon as a contender to the Iron Throne on that basis, nor do I think he or anyone else would. The only proof that could possibly exist at this point are words ( spoken or written ) and you know what they say about them: Words are wind.

It would be interesting if GRRM just drops a few more hints (maybe even very obvious ones) without coming out and saying it explicitly. It would be worth it just to see how annoyed the nerds get.
I wonder what role Howland Reed will play, he's been hinted at this whole time as the only one who knows the whole story and hasn't declared allegiance...I'm curious to see his role expanded as the books continue.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I wonder what role Howland Reed will play, he's been hinted at this whole time as the only one who knows the whole story and hasn't declared allegiance...I'm curious to see his role expanded as the books continue.
What if Howland is a warg and has been inside Jojen all this time?
I think if everyone (or even just Dany) found out, it would shift Jon Snow from the North/Stark part of the story to the Targ/Dany. The two of them would now be on the same team.

Is that even really guaranteed? Jon has been raised a Stark and has shown nothing but love and loyalty for his father and his half-siblings. Someone tells him that one of his parents is still a Stark, but it's not Ned and his father is Rhaeger and he's just going to go and say fuck the North and the Starks, I'm doing whatever's in the interest of what's left of the Targ's now? I doubt it.

I guess if someone tells Dany about it, that might be more impactful (the dragon has three heads).

I always thought the more interesting thing regarding Jon's future was the potential heir naming from Robb. Although I admit because it wasn't in the TV show, that I kind of doubt it's relevant going forward (still possibly of course).
Is that even really guaranteed? Jon has been raised a Stark and has shown nothing but love and loyalty for his father and his half-siblings. Someone tells him that one of his parents is still a Stark, but it's not Ned and his father is Rhaeger and he's just going to go and say fuck the North and the Starks, I'm doing whatever's in the interest of what's left of the Targ's now? I doubt it.

I guess if someone tells Dany about it, that might be more impactful (the dragon has three heads).

I always thought the more interesting thing regarding Jon's future was the potential heir naming from Robb. Although I admit because it wasn't in the TV show, that I kind of doubt it's relevant going forward (still possibly of course).

Jon having one parent a Stark is his motivation for overthrowing the Lannisters. Dany has her own motivations. The two of them could combine in their common interest (and blood.)


A lot of fan predictions regarding what Jon will do after finding out about his parentage and what Dany's gonna do coming into Westeros are some Mickey Mouse shit. I'm sure GRRM has something more interesting up his sleeve than Dany and Jon saving the world and becoming King and Queen or whatever.


Jon having one parent a Stark is his motivation for overthrowing the Lannisters. Dany has her own motivations. The two of them could combine in their common interest (and blood.)

I think one of the things we're overlooking is how paranoid and psychotic Dany seems to have become. If she found out that Jon Snow, who if he really is Rhaegar's son, has a stronger claim to the throne than she does - I don't think she's going to be OK with that. Wouldn't be surprised if she either would refuse to believe it despite any evidence that may be presented to her or she would attempt to remove him/marginalize him. In my mind, she would just view Jon Snow as another obstacle on her way to the Iron Throne. She's so set on being Queen I don't think she's going to let anything like a possible nephew get in her way.
These Conversations have made reinstall Crusader Kings + The GoT mod. I'm playing as House Reed, have had my heir marry a Dornish Princess and am looking at taking over part of the Frey's lands.


I think one of the things we're overlooking is how paranoid and psychotic Dany seems to have become. If she found out that Jon Snow, who if he really is Rhaegar's son, has a stronger claim to the throne than she does - I don't think she's going to be OK with that. Wouldn't be surprised if she either would refuse to believe it despite any evidence that may be presented to her or she would attempt to remove him/marginalize him. In my mind, she would just view Jon Snow as another obstacle on her way to the Iron Throne. She's so set on being Queen I don't think she's going to let anything like a possible nephew get in her way.

Which is why she will probably start by making an example of Aegon VI. Poor guy never stood a chance.


Which is why she will probably start by making an example of Aegon VI. Poor guy never stood a chance.

Despite the absurd amount of plot armor, I'm really hoping that he pulls the rug out from under her and takes her dragons and offs her. I liked her in the beginning, but she's become so annoying and self-righteous these days. Granted, that's just not going to happen, but...*shrug*. Would definitely be a good way of taking us all by surprise like he did with Ned. Every other main character that's been killed on screen (other than Robb) has come back to life (assuming Jon is actually dead).
A lot of fan predictions regarding what Jon will do after finding out about his parentage and what Dany's gonna do coming into Westeros are some Mickey Mouse shit. I'm sure GRRM has something more interesting up his sleeve than Dany and Jon saving the world and becoming King and Queen or whatever.

While I agree that I don't believe Martin is writing a fantasy series where two of his main characters marry and save the world, there is the HOTU prophesy to consider.

Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright on his dead face, gray lips smiling sadly. A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness...mother of dragons...bride of death...

Drogo is the first. The corpse...not sure, might be a Greyjoy. The third is almost certainly Jon. The only question I have is where does Hizdar play into this; perhaps she wasn't "supposed" to marry him hence his absence. Similar to how the earlier visions show things that might have happened if not for interference (Rhaego's death).
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