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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Damn that was an awesome chapter.
Seeing Arya turn into a ruthless assassin is so much fun.

Btw, since
was never cast or featured on the show, which character do you guys think will take his part once the tv series adapts that chapter in a few years?

It's a big presumption that they'd even adapt this scene.


Damn that was an awesome chapter.
Seeing Arya turn into a ruthless assassin is so much fun.

Btw, since
was never cast or featured on the show, which character do you guys think will take his part once the tv series adapts that chapter in a few years?

Probably a random
Lannister guard, the 'carry me' won't have the same impact but the rest would


Wasn't there a situation where a member of Arya's group (Wiki tells me Lommy Greenhands) couldn't walk anymore and Rafford killed him instead of carrying him?

I had to look it up as well though. It's been a long time since I read that book.


In the book Raff killed Lommy.

Ahhhhh okay. Yeah, it's been so long since I read that book, and the show stuff ends up blending together in my head that I can't recall specific details like that haha. My mind did wander for a second to that scene though when I was trying to recall what it could be referencing.
Damn that was an awesome chapter.
Seeing Arya turn into a ruthless assassin is so much fun.

Btw, since
was never cast or featured on the show, which character do you guys think will take his part once the tv series adapts that chapter in a few years?

Wasn't he? I specifically remember him in season two. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else though, I'm not sure.


I see Arya as basically giving up her family in the end. Maybe not going so far as killing one of them as someone said, but I can see the final chapter of the entire thing being Arya looks west toward Winterfell as she stands on the prow of a ship that just heads east into the sunset, never to return to the family that means nothing to her anymore.


I see Arya as basically giving up her family in the end. Maybe not going so far as killing one of them as someone said, but I can see the final chapter of the entire thing being Arya looks west toward Winterfell as she stands on the prow of a ship that just heads east into the sunset, never to return to the family that means nothing to her anymore.

I always felt Arya was going to die saving/protecting Jon
I see Arya as basically giving up her family in the end. Maybe not going so far as killing one of them as someone said, but I can see the final chapter of the entire thing being Arya looks west toward Winterfell as she stands on the prow of a ship that just heads east into the sunset, never to return to the family that means nothing to her anymore.

Yeah. I think the prophecy about her being found dead once winter thaws is metaphorical and is referring to her old self. I can see her maybe having a reunion with Sansa before heading off somewhere.


Yeah. I think the prophecy about her being found dead once winter thaws is metaphorical and is referring to her old self. I can see her maybe having a reunion with Sansa before heading off somewhere.

I do hope she sees either Sansa or Jon before the end. Sansa to basically move on from their petty fighting and Jon because he meant the most to her next to her dad. There has to be some kind of symbolic meaning with him giving her Needle, outside of some twisted fan fic.
I do hope she sees either Sansa or Jon before the end. Sansa to basically move on from their petty fighting and Jon because he meant the most to her next to her dad. There has to be some kind of symbolic meaning with him giving her Needle, outside of some twisted fan fic.

I think a reunion with Sansa is more likely and would mean more. She's always talking about missing Sansa despite how stupid she was, and Sansa seems to think about Arya quite a bit. It would be so heartwarming to at least have them say goodbye.


^ It would also be pretty ironic imo if at the end Arya ends up leaving the Stark name behind, while Sansa is the one who had helped rebuild and hold it.

I was thinking [new chapter]
with this chapter, among with the others we've seen, it seems to be a common theme that despite the fact that Arya is being trained to forget her past, she can't/doesn't want to. So ... she comes back to Westeros when everything's basically all coming together there in the finale for some final killings, etc. and then chooses to go back to east when she's finally happy with how everything's settled?


Anyone else think this could chapter could have a major effect on the plot later on?
An envoy from Westeros has his bodyguard murdered in the city that is secretly willing to back a rival king and is demanding to be repaid for past debts. Arya might have accidentally started something big.
Anyone else think this could chapter could have a major effect on the plot later on?
An envoy from Westeros has his bodyguard murdered in the city that is secretly willing to back a rival king and is demanding to be repaid for past debts. Arya might have accidentally started something big.

It'll probably be another step in the continuing escalation, but I doubt this event itself will have major consequences.


That was the first teaser chapter I've read for Winds of Winter, thought it was awesome.

Makes me miss ASOIF so much. The book is probably still a long ways away =[
That was the first teaser chapter I've read for Winds of Winter, thought it was awesome.

Makes me miss ASOIF so much. The book is probably still a long ways away =[

I'd like to still stick by the Summer 2015 prediction I made when ADWD was finished, but we haven't had any real information in so long.


I'd like to still stick by the Summer 2015 prediction I made when ADWD was finished, but we haven't had any real information in so long.
That's what I've been thinking also. Third quarter of 2015 maybe. But as you said, tough to get a read on it without much info.

I had almost forgot how much I enjoy GRRM's writing. Just that chapter alone makes me want to re-read the first five books.


From a marketing stand point, wouldn't releasing the next book in conjunction with the start or end of a season of the series be best?

For ADWD didn't they announce it just before Season 1 premièred and release it just after the finale? That seems like a good way to do it to build hype.

Doesn't look like that's happening this year, unless GRRM has pulled off the longest conspiracy in book release history.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Read the sample chapter. Am I right in thinking it felt a lot longer than the average ASOIAF chapter? Maybe it was the pacing, but it kinda dragged on. But I guess that's what editing is for.
Read the sample chapter. Am I right in thinking it felt a lot longer than the average ASOIAF chapter? Maybe it was the pacing, but it kinda dragged on. But I guess that's what editing is for.

GRRM's chaptera have gotten increasingly longer as the series has progressed. Compared to his ADWD chapters, this wasn't particularly long or bloated.


I felt this chapter had a great mix of everything that makes GRRM...well, GRMM.

wait did it have any food-porn?


I felt this chapter had a great mix of everything that makes GRRM...well, GRMM.

wait did it have any food-porn?

The only specific food mentioned I could think of was
Raff the Sweetling becoming a feast for eels.
There, food porn. ;)
Couple GRRM comments about TWOW's:

Re: Writing Process
I do rewrite quite a bit... well, after 1982, anyway... but I must admit, I did a lot more on FEAST and DANCE than anything before them. And not just polishes, but major restructings, like getting rid of the five-year gap, and my endless attempts to make that one Tyrion chapter work... (it never did). Those two books were bears.

So far, I have not done anywhere near as much rewriting on WINDS... but of course, it is not done yet.
Question: I'm so tempted to read this, but part of me wants to wait until the book is completed so I can get the "full experience." Either way, thank you for sharing pieces of your work!

How do you decide which chapters to share and which to hold on to until publication? Do you ever worry about revealing too much too soon?

Martin: Yes. I worry about that all the time.

And I think I may be at the limit with WINDS.

Though I do intend to offer you all a little taste from THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE soon.

Martin famously rewrote hundreds of pages of AFFC/ADWD multiple times, specifically with respect to Dany. He has said the writing process was tough from the very beginning in 2000/2001, and it only got harder until he scrapped the 5 year gap and "fixed" the Meereenese Knot (in part by adding Barristan as a POV). The fact that TWOW has thus far required less re-writes suggests he's having an easier time with the writing process.

Also it sounds like he is close to reaching the limit of chapters he can release without spoiling stuff. Even the Mercy chapter seems like it gives too much away, as it TWOW
seems to suggest Cersei won her trial and is still a force in King's Landing.
Likewise Arianne's second chapter also reveals a rather big spoiler (TWOW
Aegon has taken Storm's End and a Tyrell force is on its way to attack the castle; it also notes the castle was taken in a particularly bloody manner, so perhaps there were heavy casualties.

So many stories are on the edge of the "big shit about to go down" mountain. For instance we've gotten two chapters for Barristan, Tyrion, and Arriane...and it seems pretty clear their third chapters are all going to be pretty damn climatic; Barristan II and Tyrion II are pretty stunning as is, what comes next has to be big. Also Victarion's first chapter is basically a "eve of the battle" type setting.

Martin released multiple Jon and Dany chapters during the wait for AFFC/ADWD in part because they don't really spoil much; Jon executes Slynt and Qarth declares war on Meeren, but that's about it. Whereas Dany's first TWOW chapter will presumably be pretty damn climatic; I really can't imagine that scenario ending without a few people being burned to death or eaten. Likewise consider all these characters who were left on cliffhangers or situations where they're about to see/learn something big.

-Jon/Melisandre (I'm combining them since Melisandre's POV will presumably be the way we see Jon for the first time in TWOW)
As for Dany, I agree with you that it's going to start of climatic and I'm so happy about that. After the slump that was Dance in regards to her arc, it's going to be so great to see her kick ass with Drogon again.


It's a big presumption that they'd even adapt this scene.

I think it'd be a given they adapt it in some form to show Arya's progress.

Wasn't he? I specifically remember him in season two. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else though, I'm not sure.

I think you are thinking of Polliver. He's the one who stabbed Lommy in season 2.

Read the sample chapter. Am I right in thinking it felt a lot longer than the average ASOIAF chapter? Maybe it was the pacing, but it kinda dragged on. But I guess that's what editing is for.

It was a 6000+ word chapter, which is alot for a chapter, even in ASOIAF. Average chapter length is around 3-4k words.


^oh that could be it. The show does a piss poor job of differentiating between them, except for the Tickler.

Yeah, even knowing who characters are supposed to be, a lot of the minor characters in the show are lost on me since they often show up so infrequently, often aren't very distinguishable, and their roles are often changed from the books.


Also it sounds like he is close to reaching the limit of chapters he can release without spoiling stuff. Even the Mercy chapter seems like it gives too much away, as it TWOW
seems to suggest Cersei won her trial and is still a force in King's Landing.

Not necessarily. That envoy would've left before those events took place.
Kevan tells Ser Harys to go to Braavos before he's killed.


Not necessarily. That envoy would've left before those events took place.
Kevan tells Ser Harys to go to Braavos before he's killed.

Yep I doubt ravens transverse the sea,
so I'm guessing Ser Harys would know as much as he did when he left for Braavos, even if the trial was over by the time of these events.


Not necessarily. That envoy would've left before those events took place.
Kevan tells Ser Harys to go to Braavos before he's killed.

Well I think he's referring to
a comment one of the bodyguards made. "If he goes back without the gold the queen will have his head." She wouldn't have the power to "have his head" if she hadn't won the trial and Kevan was still running the show.


The real reason I wish GRR wouldn't release these chapters is they're filling all my internet spots up with spoiler tags.

Is there some secrete settinge somewhere where I can turn off spoiler tags on GAF?
Not necessarily. That envoy would've left before those events took place.
Kevan tells Ser Harys to go to Braavos before he's killed.

There's no way Swyft went to the docks to board a ship seconds after talking to Kevan. Considering Cersei's trial was five days away on the night of Kevan's death, it's very likely Swyft left after the trial.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
do we have any idea when this excerpt was actually written? might not make much sense trying to fit it into the timeline before it has been edited.
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