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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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You could definitely be Kingsguard and a Warden.

Suppose you could retcon Ned and Robert talking about Jaime as an indication of their assessment of his oathkeeping ability. Definitely weird though, seems Robert would take personal pleasure in denying Tywin an heir, doesn't seem like something Robert would lose track of.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
no? he talks specifically about agot, where tywin was still alive.
but I'd like to see those passages, too. thats really odd.
East. Jaime got it after Jon Arryn died because his son was too young for the role and Robert was incapable of giving it to someone else from the Vale, or rather someone who wasn't a Lannister.

So does being a Warden mean you get the military power of that region as well?
I think it's more of a General position whereas full control/loyalty goes to the Lord in charge (Stark, Arryn etc...). Obviously Jaime wouldn't have been able to rally the Vale to him after he attacked Ned, but if none of that happened and Robert was still King and the Dothraki attacked (for example) Jaime would be put in military command of any forces the Vale raised.
So does being a Warden mean you get the military power of that region as well?

Ned and Robert make that assumption, the rest of the series doesn't support it being more than an honorary title. GRRM probably originally intended for the wardenships to be more important.

You could definitely be Kingsguard and a Warden.

Suppose you could retcon Ned and Robert talking about Jaime as an indication of their assessment of his oathkeeping ability. Definitely weird though, seems Robert would take personal pleasure in denying Tywin an heir, doesn't seem like something Robert would lose track of.
I'm trying to remember if the Kingsguard being taken out of the line of succession was in AGOT. GRRM might just not have thought of that yet.


Ned and Robert make that assumption, the rest of the series doesn't support it being more than an honorary title. GRRM probably originally intended for the wardenships to be more important.
It seems quite important. Warden of the North is the title Bolton got for eradicating the Starks. It is just that the Warden title usually belongs to the strongest house in the region anyway, which is the house that would be followed during a war.

Warden of the North = Stark
Warden of the East = Arryn
Warden of the West = Lannister
Warden of the South = Tyrell

The title was also enough to appease Lysa and keep her aligned to the throne. Both Tyrion and Tywin held it in high importance during their tenures as hand of the king. It is supposed to be the ultimate power for a region so the high lords don't fight amongst each other in an invasion.
It seems quite important. Warden of the North is the title Bolton got for eradicating the Starks. It is just that the Warden title usually belongs to the strongest house in the region anyway, which is the house that would be followed during a war.

Warden of the North = Stark
Warden of the East = Arryn
Warden of the West = Lannister
Warden of the South = Tyrell

The title was also enough to appease Lysa and keep her aligned to the throne. Both Tyrion and Tywin held it in high importance during their tenures as hand of the king.

Warden of the North is used interchangeably with Lord Paramount of the North for the Boltons/Starks, but as we see with the Arryns, the wardenships aren't necessarily tied to a specific lordship. The important title that the Boltons got was lordship of Winterfell, it's why Fake Arya is important.

The wardenships are supposedly an empty title in peace that in war gives one command of the military of a certain region, but we never see the titles actually used this way. The Wardens only command their own vassals, and Jaime certainly never has any practical authority over the Vale or Stormlands.

Edit: The Blackfish might actually be the best example. Robb names him Warden of the Southern Marches when he heads North, but Edmure is obviously still the political leader of the Riverlands, the Blackfish's wardenship is just a military title. Same with Daven Lannister being named Warden of the West, but not Lord of Casterly Rock. But even they only command their own families direct vassals. Daven certainly isn't expected to fight off the Ironborn invasion of the Reach.


Warden of the North is used interchangeably with Lord Paramount of the North for the Boltons/Starks, but as we see with the Arryns, the wardenships aren't necessarily tied to a specific lordship. The important title that the Boltons got was lordship of Winterfell, it's why Fake Arya is important.
It is just that. The title doesn't have to be tied to any political claim; so in a serious military situation there would be no need for political struggles when someone needs to take control of the troops.

The wardenships are supposedly an empty title in peace that in war gives one command of the military of a certain region, but we never see the titles actually used this way. The Wardens only command their own vassals, and Jaime certainly never has any practical authority over the Vale or Stormlands.
That is true, but on the other hand we never saw an actual war situation with an outside source. The only big war we have seen so far was an internal revolution, which is probably why he never took control. But even there we saw Tywin take control of his troops, Robb of his and Tyrell of his parts. Three wardens lead their troops.

Edit: The Blackfish might actually be the best example. Robb names him Warden of the Southern Marches when he heads North, but Edmure is obviously still the political leader of the Riverlands, the Blackfish's wardenship is just a military title. Same with Daven Lannister being named Warden of the West, but not Lord of Casterly Rock. But even they only command their own families direct vassals. Daven certainly isn't expected to fight off the Ironborn invasion of the Reach.
The Reach = Tyrell/Tarly who are actually leading the military. Same for the Blackfish who had control over the troops despite Edmure's political power. It is a military title so it is not strange for it to only have political implications. Robert Arynn was still Lord of the Vale when Jaimie was the warden.
It is just that. The title doesn't have to be tied to any political claim; so in a serious military situation there would be no need for political struggles when someone needs to take control of the troops.

That is true, but on the other hand we never saw an actual war situation with an outside source. The only big war we have seen so far was an internal revolution, which is probably why he never took control. But even there we saw Tywin take control of his troops, Robb of his and Tyrell of his parts. Three wardens lead their troops.

The Reach = Tyrell/Tarly who are actually leading the military. Same for the Blackfish who had control over the troops despite Edmure's political power. It is a military title so it is not strange for it to only have political implications. Robert Arynn was still Lord of the Vale when Jaimie was the warden.

I think we're actually mostly in agreement. It would be interesting to see more of how the wardenships were used during the Targ days, because as you said, with a divided realm there aren't so many practical uses for these titles. In the current times, they are mostly honorary, especially since they already belong to the overlord of a region.
I think the Wardens have the authority to call the banners in the name of the King apart from the various Lord Paramounts.

This doesn't really matter for someone like Ned since he is both. But for the West I'd assume you have to power to call the banners of both the Riverlands and the Westerlands, and for the East the Vale and the Stormlands, and in the South both the Reach and Dorne.


If it was that simple I doubt Tywin would be that pissed about Aerys naming Jaime into Kingsguard.
Aerys is crazy. He wouldn't be likely to let Jaimie get out of the Kingsguard because he has a terrible relation with the Lannisters. The Baratheon dynasty has tighter ties to the Lannister family; and both Ned and Robert are wary of the kingslayer. They would be easier to convince, especially once Tywin dies and they want a strong leader on the rock instead of Tyrion.


Aerys is crazy. He wouldn't be likely to let Jaimie get out of the Kingsguard because he has a terrible relation with the Lannisters. The Baratheon dynasty has tighter ties to the Lannister family; and both Ned and Robert are wary of the kingslayer. They would be easier to convince, especially once Tywin dies and they want a strong leader on the rock instead of Tyrion.

I assumed that Aerys would die anyway and Rhaegar was his heir, but I see Aerys was much younger than I remembered. Only 40 at the time of his death.

Edit: Oh hell, Jaime was 17 when he killed Aerys? That's ridiculous @_@
Lord Tywin glanced at Jaime’s stump again. “You cannot serve in the Kingsguard without a sword hand—”
“I can,” he interrupted. “And I will. There’s precedent. I’ll look in the White Book and find it, if you like. Crippled or whole, a knight of the Kingsguard serves for life.”
“Cersei ended that when she replaced Ser Barristan on grounds of age. A suitable gift to the Faith will persuade the High Septon to release you from your vows. Your sister was foolish to dismiss Selmy, admittedly, but now that she has opened the gates—”

It seems pretty clear cut. It was probably just an early series mistake from GRRM.
A Song of Ice and Fire Male Character Generator:

Hair Color:
__ Black
__ Grey
__ Brown
__ Golden curls (Lannister only!)
__ Beaten gold and strands of silver (Targ only!)

Hair Style:
__ Shock of hair
__ Mop of hair
__ Balding
__ Bald

Facial Hair:
__ Salt and pepper beard
__ Clean-shaven

Chest Shape:
__ Barrel
__ Keg

__ Broad


A Song of Ice and Fire Male Character Generator:

Hair Color:
__ Black
__ Grey
__ Brown
__ Golden curls (Lannister only!)
__ Beaten gold and strands of silver (Targ only!)

Hair Style:
__ Shock of hair
__ Mop of hair
__ Balding
__ Bald

Facial Hair:
__ Salt and pepper beard
__ Clean-shaven

Chest Shape:
__ Barrel
__ Keg

__ Broad

__ Grease dribbling down


I assumed that Aerys would die anyway and Rhaegar was his heir, but I see Aerys was much younger than I remembered. Only 40 at the time of his death.

Edit: Oh hell, Jaime was 17 when he killed Aerys? That's ridiculous @_@

The Mountain was only 17 when he went after Elia as well, it's pretty crazy how young some of the characters are across ASOIAF.


So not worth it
I don't care what he says, I'll eat a horse heart if Dany gets to Westeros by the end of TWOW, or even ADOS.

That hint of more weddings pretty much confirms Red Wedding 2.0 at Riverrun for me though.

A third murder people at a wedding storyline? Doubtful. It made sense to kill Joffrey there for some revenge porn for the reader, but I don't see GRRM going there again.


A third murder people at a wedding storyline? Doubtful. It made sense to kill Joffrey there for some revenge porn for the reader, but I don't see GRRM going there again.
It makes sense if it's in retaliation for the Red Wedding though. A lot of people believe that LS and BWB will be responsible for the carnage.


So not worth it
I saw Joffrey's dead and the fallout from that that ended Tywin as GRRM's way of giving us that revenge moment for the RW.


I saw Joffrey's dead and the fallout from that that ended Tywin as GRRM's way of giving us that revenge moment for the RW.
From a readers standpoint yes. But from a character standpoint the crimes of the RW have gone largely unpunished.


A third murder people at a wedding storyline? Doubtful. It made sense to kill Joffrey there for some revenge porn for the reader, but I don't see GRRM going there again.

I will cry and throw my book out the window if he retreads this ground again.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Who would be getting married, I wonder? I hope it's not an insignificant wedding no one cares about like Alys Karstark. But I don't know who it could be. Sansa to Harry the Heir? Asha Greyjoy?


I wonder if the Faith are going to play a big role in this book GRRM is obviously cooking up something big with High Sparrow. Jesus I only started reading the book series this spring an already the wait is killing me. I'm never gonna survive the wait for ADOS.
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