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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wait guys, didn't Chett died at the fist in the battle? That means he died right after his chapter ended and not on Samwell's chapter because he was just remembering the events at the fist IIRC


They still all died quickly, even if it's not in the prologue itself. And again, only Chett didn't die in his prologue, he died in a Sam chapter not that long after.

Yeah I'm agreeing with you. Just poking fun at his comment, since the author himself noted this was a trend.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Wait guys, didn't Chett died at the fist in the battle? That means he died right after his chapter ended and not on Samwell's chapter because he was just remembering the events at the fist IIRC
Good point. Sam's chapter begins with him walking away, the battle occurs in the prologue and he recalls it.
I can't find it online, but I seen to recall the number 200. I think it was fairly large, but I may be off.

Jaime doubled it to 400 apparently. Hmmm.

That post argues that there are 600 northern men in the area but I'm not sure I buy that. Groups of northernmen are in the area for sure, plus the BWB, but I doubt it's more than the 400 Lannister force...


Jaime doubled it to 400 apparently. Hmmm.

That post argues that there are 600 northern men in the area but I'm not sure I buy that. Groups of northernmen are in the area for sure, plus the BWB, but I doubt it's more than the 400 Lannister force...

Ok, this is kind of crackpot, but what if the Brotherhood is confident enough in their resurrection abilities at this point that they think they can attack, let the Lannisters kill Jeyne and Edmure, then snatch the bodies and resurrect them? Then they only need enough men to do a quick hit and run, probably not even a hundred. Sounds kind of ridiculous, but it would explain at least why they're attacking despite the kill-order.

I always figured that the Brotherhood would attempt a Jeyne/Edmure rescue, but I figured it wouldn't be until after they had Jaime. That way they could use Brienne as hostage to force Jaime to order his men to stand down. Having it in the prologue changes all that.
Ok, this is kind of crackpot, but what if the Brotherhood is confident enough in their resurrection abilities at this point that they think they can attack, let the Lannisters kill Jeyne and Edmure, then snatch the bodies and resurrect them? Then they only need enough men to do a quick hit and run, probably not even a hundred. Sounds kind of ridiculous, but it would explain at least why they're attacking despite the kill-order.

I always figured that the Brotherhood would attempt a Jeyne/Edmure rescue, but I figured it wouldn't be until after they had Jaime. That way they could use Brienne as hostage to force Jaime to order his men to stand down. Having it in the prologue changes all that.

That sounds rather dangerous, as they would need to confiscate the bodies and somehow drag them through the woods.

What if the prologue isn't the full attack? Perhaps the BWB will instead systematically infiltrate the convoy, or attack it with a small ambush that does major damage. Killing Ser Forley seems like it would be a very good idea, for instance; he sounds rather competent, and there's no telling who the second in command is.

Slowing the convoy down would give the Brotherhood time to put Jaime into play. For instance, perhaps Jaime won't be attacked or killed by LSH, and instead will be given a mission to return to the convoy and lead them into a BWB trap.
The killing off of prologue and epilogue narrators has gotten old, I hope he changes it. The ADWD epilogue felt like GRRM recycling his greatest hits with diminishing returns.
The killing off of prologue and epilogue narrators has gotten old, I hope he changes it. The ADWD epilogue felt like GRRM recycling his greatest hits with diminishing returns.

I thought that prologue was great. It definitely checked off all the stuff I wanted to see beyond the wall, from warging attacks to white walkers. And it's a good preview of Jon's fate...although I recently stumbled across an article that suggests it might relate to Bran as much as Jon. Specifically on cannibalism and how powerful of a warg Bran is. Varamyr is a powerful warg and skinchanger, he has eaten the flesh of men (which allegedly gives a warg more power) yet he couldn't steal the wildling woman's body. Whereas Bran can skinchange into Hodor effortlessly.


I thought that prologue was great. It definitely checked off all the stuff I wanted to see beyond the wall, from warging attacks to white walkers. And it's a good preview of Jon's fate...although I recently stumbled across an article that suggests it might relate to Bran as much as Jon. Specifically on cannibalism and how powerful of a warg Bran is. Varamyr is a powerful warg and skinchanger, he has eaten the flesh of men (which allegedly gives a warg more power) yet he couldn't steal the wildling woman's body. Whereas Bran can skinchange into Hodor effortlessly.

Wasn't it implied, though, that Hodor is not as difficult to warg into because he is so "simple-minded." Can't remember but I thought something like that was mentioned.

I've also been reading up on the Daario/Euron theories and as crazy as it sounds, a lot of the circumstantial evidence seems to make sense, if only GRRM would give us a way he could sail half way around the world in like a week...
Wasn't it implied, though, that Hodor is not as difficult to warg into because he is so "simple-minded." Can't remember but I thought something like that was mentioned.

I've also been reading up on the Daario/Euron theories and as crazy as it sounds, a lot of the circumstantial evidence seems to make sense, if only GRRM would give us a way he could sail half way around the world in like a week...

A week wouldn't be quick enough as he's got to be back in the Iron Islands before the Red Wedding and remain there while also being in Slaver's Bay at the same time.
Another TWOW tidbit from GRRM at Comic Con (confirmed by multiple people):
I was leaving Comic-con today around 2:00 and surprisingly walked into an outdoor area where Martin was doing a question and answer panel across the street from the convention center. There were about 150 people crowded around a small stage. Most questions were about the TV show and writing philosophies, but at the end he dropped a small nugget. The moderator asked him if he could give us any tiny hint about the next season of the TV show. He responded by saying the Martell family will have a larger role and we will learn about the Sand Snakes. He then said we will also see a lot of the Sand Snakes in TWOW. I don't think this is a major surprise, but I thought it was noteworthy that he confirmed this.

Nothing particularly shocking but news is news I guess.

We'll see Obara through Hotah's POV, as they (alongside Balon Swann) hunt Darkstar. Can't help but think there's some type of twist or major plot point here. Plus we might see Dawn.

Nymeria will get her spotlight through Cersei. Dunno if we'll see Tyene, but she could play a role in either Cersei or Maergery's trial. Cersei's trial was less than a week away during the ADWD epilogue, but I'd imagine it will be delayed due to Kevan's death. The chronology is fuzzy but it's possible that the Sands could arrive in the city before the trial, and Tyene could thus put herself in position to impact it. They won't be happy when they see Robert Strong lol.

Then there's Sarella, ie Alleras the Sphinx at the Citadel, who we'll see through Sam's POV. I have no idea what she's doing there, or what "game" she is playing (as Doran said).
Considering they're casting the Sand Snakes already, this seems to confirm S5 will delve heavily into TWoW material. Spoilers are coming.

To be fair they have AFFC/ADWD content to go through, which should be enough for the 5-7 episodes I assume they'll have. At this point it seems like they'll replace Arianne's role in AFFC.

It would be interesting if the show has one get imprisoned, and the rest break her out before beginning the Myrcella plot.


Considering they're casting the Sand Snakes already, this seems to confirm S5 will delve heavily into TWoW material. Spoilers are coming.

They'll also start to diverge more and more. You won't even know if show stuff is a spoiler until you get your hands on The Winds of Winter in like 2017, by which point you'll have forgotten what happened on the show anyway.


George RR Martin ‏@GRRMspeaking 17h

Preview of the new WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE book w/ my wonderful editor Anne Groell #ComicCon2014


beautiful. but it's going to be expensive.
I'm a sucker and will gladly buy the hardcover. Hope there's enough new info in there though and not just stuff we already know from the books.
I'm a sucker and will gladly buy the hardcover. Hope there's enough new info in there though and not just stuff we already know from the books.

Elio has said it'll shitcan some theories, bolster some, and includes some very interesting info about Azor Ahai. Plus some minor Summerhall stuff but not the actual reveal.


Elio has said it'll shitcan some theories, bolster some, and includes some very interesting info about Azor Ahai. Plus some minor Summerhall stuff but not the actual reveal.

I did like how one of the first things they released from the book was that Stark family tree, just to destroy all of the theories about Ned's mom.

Book is actually way bigger and nicer looking than I expected, and $30 is super reasonable for it.



Man that image makes me cream my pants for a "Roberts Rebellion" Prequel, Miniseries, or film trilogy at some point.

I'd love to see HBO produce a spinoff ASOIF anthology series after the main series is done where each season is a specific portion of history. Roberts Rebellions, Aegon's Conquest, etc


just preordered it as well. new ASOIAF material guys :DD

when we get closer to release I think a seperate thread is warranted to inform more people and maybe make the unsullied read some damn books :p
Cross-posting from the tv thread since this is book related:
It appears unlikely that GRRM will be headed to the Belfast set of the HBO show any time soon. He's chosen to skip out on writing another big "GoT" episode to concentrate on completing the next novel in his "A Song of Ice and Fire" series – "The Winds of Winter."

"I'm not gonna do one this season. You may have heard this rumor, I'm working on this book and people are anxious to read it, so, you know, usually it takes me about a month to produce the episode and I decided I just couldn't spare a month this year so David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] did the episode," George told Access. "And you know, I'll do one for Season 6, maybe [if] the book is finished and delivered and out, but I gotta press everything into finishing the book."

The best-selling author explained that sometimes he knows when he's close to completion on a novel, and other times, things just flow.

"When I'm close to finishing, then I have the idea that I'm close to finishing, although sometimes not even then. A couple of books, I've like overshot the mark," he told Access. "Originally, this was a trilogy. I remember writing the first book and when I got to like 1600 pages, with no end in sight, I said, 'I have to, you know, like cut off 1100 pages of this and publish it, because otherwise I'm going to have a 3,000 page book and it's gonna be unpublishable.' So sometimes you don't know when you're close to finishing, especially when you're juggling so many different plotlines. ... Essentially, I'm writing like 10 separate novels that weave together into a mega-novel and that's a daunting task sometimes."
Man that image makes me cream my pants for a "Roberts Rebellion" Prequel, Miniseries, or film trilogy at some point.

I'd love to see HBO produce a spinoff ASOIF anthology series after the main series is done where each season is a specific portion of history. Roberts Rebellions, Aegon's Conquest, etc

The Dance of the Dragons? That story would be fantastic to see.


Yup, there are room for lots of stories to tell. Most of which would be ideal for like an 8 episode season every year.
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