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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I just realized that when Bran comes back, he's going to be like 7' 11' the way he's growing.

He'll be dunking on Hodor.
Just wait for the drowned god to be Cthulhu and wreck shit all over the world on his return and be revealed as what was responsible for the Doom of Valyria.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I've heard GRRM acknowledge in an interview that making it one word was a mistake on his part.
There should've been a hyphen in there. I can't think of any word off the top of my head in the English language that has ph in the middle where it doesn't sound like an F.


There should've been a hyphen in there. I can't think of any word off the top of my head in the English language that has ph in the middle where it doesn't sound like an F.

I've always read it as damp-hair instead of damfair, but I think reason for that is that I am Dutch and we usually don't use hyphens to connect two words. So it's like I am used to instantly split the damp and the hair. But from an English point of view I can totally understand you guys read damfair.

(His name in Dutch would Damphaar, not Damp-haar)


I've always read it as damp-hair instead of damfair, but I think reason for that is that I am Dutch and we usually don't use hyphens to connect two words. So it's like I am used to instantly split the damp and the hair. But from an English point of view I can totally understand you guys read damfair.

(His name in Dutch would Damphaar, not Damp-haar)

I'm Dutch too and I read it as Damfair.


So, just pre-ordered this


just because it has the words Ice & Fire in the cover. It's just 300 something pages long so I'll finish it in a couple of days :(


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Anyone here cosplay? I want to dress up as Jaime for Halloween. Last year I was a pretty good Walter White and finished second at the work contest, I recouped my cost of putting together the costume.

I'm stumped (heh) regarding the armor. The hair, golden pimp hand of justice, and sword won't be a problem but I don't know what to do regarding the armor.
So, just pre-ordered this


just because it has the words Ice & Fire in the cover. It's just 300 something pages long so I'll finish it in a couple of days :(

I shouldn't be in this thread because I'm only halfway through Dance, but I really want this. Especially because it's ' lavishly illustrated with full-color artwork and maps, with more than 170 original pieces'. €37 though...
Anyone here cosplay? I want to dress up as Jaime for Halloween. Last year I was a pretty good Walter White and finished second at the work contest, I recouped my cost of putting together the costume.

I'm stumped (heh) regarding the armor. The hair, golden pimp hand of justice, and sword won't be a problem but I don't know what to do regarding the armor.

A lot of cosplayer's use craft foam or EVA foam to shape things. There are tutorials online if you're interested, just google those terms.

You can always go with cardboard, duck tape and paint if you're just looking for something quick and temporary.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone here cosplay? I want to dress up as Jaime for Halloween. Last year I was a pretty good Walter White and finished second at the work contest, I recouped my cost of putting together the costume.

I'm stumped (heh) regarding the armor. The hair, golden pimp hand of justice, and sword won't be a problem but I don't know what to do regarding the armor.
If you don't want to do armor you could try and find something that resembles that white/tan leather jacket he wears.


Finished all books after Season 1 and Dance with Dragons came out.
Reread SoS, FfC and DwD earlier this year before Season 4 came out.

Did the combined reading of FfC and DwD from boiled leather http://boiledleather.com/post/25902554148/a-new-reader-friendly-combined-reading-order-for-a
Must say, that it was a better experience since the original reading.
But also partly because I paid more attention in the second read-through.
When I was first reading it, I paid less attention to the "boring" POV chapters because I wanted to know whats going to happen to my beloved Characters.

In the end I had the same soulshattering experience with the End of DwD. it was building the suspense up and up and up.... and then its over. No Climax.
I changed a lot of my opinions for characters and storylines after the second read-through but the Opinion, that DwD should have ended 5 to 10 chapters earlier remained the same :(


We should play a game, how about you post a character's name and then someone has to post a recurring single sentence motif that usually accompanies the character,of course the funier the better.

Jon Snow
He opened and closed his sword hand.

Let's start with Tyrion.
Stumbled across a pretty interesting theory on Lightbringer, Azor Ahai, and Jon. Specifically the idea that Lightbringer is a person, not a sword (or dragon), and that person is Jon. With Rhaegar being Azor Ahai.

Part 1: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/103266-r-l-lightbringer-updated-with-part-ii/
Part 2: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.ph...nger-updated-with-part-ii/page-7#entry5468583
Continued: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/103266-r-l-lightbringer-updated-with-part-ii/?p=5468588
Reddit on the Corn King: http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/2ghexk/spoilers_all_corn_king_confirmation_of_azor_ahai/

Lots of stuff there so I'll just point out some of the most interesting stuff. As he points out with links, Martin has stated that Catherism was one of his influences for the R’hllor religion. Martin has also mentioned Hadrian's Wall many times as an influence for the Wall. One of the most popular tourist areas of Hadrian's Wall is the Roman Temple, or Mithraeum. The post goes on to argue many aspects of Jon's arc mirror that of the Roman cult god Mithras.

Personally I tend to take all ASOIAF theories like a buffet: some things I buy/take, others I don't. I don't believe Martin is so meticulous that every little thing is a reference to some convoluted historical item, however there are more than a few things here that make me take pause.

Religious practices:
There were seven ascending “ranks” (scroll down to “Degrees of Initiation”) for cultists to obtain. The first level was “Crow” or “raven” (variously recorded as corax, corux or corvex). Jon, of course, becomes a “crow” when he joins the Watch. The second level was “Bridesman.” A “bridesman” is a male friend who accompanies a bride down the aisle at her wedding. Jon was literally a “Bridesman” in the wedding of Alys Karstark and Sigorn of Thenn.

I always felt like the entire Karstark marriage stuff in ADWD was odd, and divorced from what the Wall arc seemed to be going at the start of the book. Is it a case of Martin using it specifically to reference Mithras? Seems possible. It would be quite a coincidence for the first two steps of initiation to reference Jon. Some of the following steps also seem like they could fit into whatever his arc will be, specifically: soldier, and sun-runner or mediator. There are plenty of theories about Jon ending up as a mediator between man and the Others.

With respect to Lightbringer, the theory notes how often Ghost is associated with blacksmith items. Jon living in an armory seems almost like blatant symbolism. Recalling Melisandre's vision about him being a man then wolf then man again, it would suggest Jon will be tempered within Ghost, as a sword is tempered within a forge.

When he went to close the door, Jon saw that Ghost was stretched out beneath the anvil, gnawing on the bone of an ox to get at the marrow.
ADwD, Jon II.
The big white direwolf would not lie still. He paced from one end of the armory to the other, past the cold forge and back again.

Finally, the corn king:
For those unfamiliar, a Corn King is a catchall term for a king or god who is sacrificed for the greater good of his people. The term is often associated with Sir James Frazer’s thesis of a sacred, sacrificial god-king, which he explored in his famous work The Golden Bough. Commonly, the Corn King’s sacrifice is intended to usher in a fruitful harvest before the winter comes. As already noted, the slaying of the white bull results in the first grain and grapes – the first harvest. Jon is directly tied to the “corn king” mythos in the text:

He rose and dressed in darkness, as Mormont’s raven muttered across the room. “Corn,” the bird said, and, “King,” and, “Snow, Jon Snow, Jon Snow.” That was queer. The bird had never said his full name before, as best Jon could recall.
ADwD, Jon XII.

The fact that the corn king is referenced one chapter before Jon's death seems like it can't be a coincidence to me.

My question out of all of this: how will Martin subvert fantasy tropes. I don't believe Jon is a strict corn king, ie that Westeros won't starve or face annihilation because of Jon's sacrifice or fight. I'm much more apt to believe Jon will take a turn for a darker role in things.
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