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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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tokkun said:
So is this thread going to have unmarked spoilers from these sample chapters of the next book?

I regretted reading the sample ADWD spoiler chapters years ago.
I think the policy should be that any TWOW spoilers in the future should be marked. This is unmarked for all currently released books.


Regarding the Arianne chapter,
not much of a surprise Aegon was supposed to take Storm's End before the end of ADwD. It was never explained how Kevan knew there was a rebel king calling himself Aegon, after all.


The thread title should specify unmarked spoilers for all PUBLISHED ASOIAF books. That'd solve all the issues around sample chapters, early leaks of Dunk and Egg books.

It'd even work if the thread is still around (assuming the internet is even still around in this far-flung future) during the lead-up to the next book, so there won't be any issues when cyber-Amazon accidentally does early in-brain delivery of that book.


What do you guys think about Patchface? Melisandre said "That creature is dangerous. Many a time I have glimpsed him in my flames. Sometimes there are skulls about him, and his lips are red with blood". I was actually kind of surprised by that since I saw him as just some harmless fool but now I kind of see how people can find him creepy. I could see him viciously killing Princess Shireen and maybe finding some way to hurt The Night's Watch.


Just finished ADWD. I was reading on Tower of the Hand, and I missed a few things.

I never connected Abel with Mance, even after the letter. Duh.

I didn't realize that the pork pies were Freys. I just thought Manderly killed them. Didn't understand why he was so happy about the pies. Also, gross.

I'm still a little confused about the Stannis/Bolton thing.

There's a Theon chapter where the war drums start outside Winterfell, but then later on in the book Stannis' host hasn't moved yet. Who was banging the drums? Also, who was doing all the killing in Winterfell? Was it the old Reek, still around?

Bolton's letter to Jon says that Stannis is dead, but that's a lie, right? Otherwise Theon and Jayne would be back. Some of the letter is true, that's why I'm confused.

Also, when do we get a Rickon chapter damn it?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Interesting.... there's got to be some significance to the drowning and his under the sea rants.

I get a Farseer trilogy vibe from him so who know, could be a pretty big character in the next few books.

neoemonk said:
I'm still a little confused about the Stannis/Bolton thing.

There's a Theon chapter where the war drums start outside Winterfell, but then later on in the book Stannis' host hasn't moved yet. Who was banging the drums? Also, who was doing all the killing in Winterfell? Was it the old Reek, still around?

Bolton's letter to Jon says that Stannis is dead, but that's a lie, right? Otherwise Theon and Jayne would be back. Some of the letter is true, that's why I'm confused.

Also, when do we get a Rickon chapter damn it?

Dunno bout the drums. I forger who it was.

Mance and the Spearwives where killing everyone, they admit it in the book to Theon.

No one is sure about Stannis, have to wait for the next book.


neoemonk said:
There's a Theon chapter where the war drums start outside Winterfell, but then later on in the book Stannis' host hasn't moved yet. Who was banging the drums? Also, who was doing all the killing in Winterfell? Was it the old Reek, still around?

Bolton's letter to Jon says that Stannis is dead, but that's a lie, right? Otherwise Theon and Jayne would be back. Some of the letter is true, that's why I'm confused.
the way i think i read it is that it is stannis' force they can hear, because theyre only like two miles away or something, but snowed in as fuck and unable to move.

i dont know if this is even right come to think of it

i remember the drums annoying me as i read it because they didnt lead anywhere


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Mance and the Spearwives where killing everyone, they admit it in the book to Theon.

This makes more sense now that I know that Abel is Mance actually. I seem to remember the spearwives denying that they are doing the killing to Theon for some reason though, particularly in the scene in the Godswood when the drums are pounding and they snatch up Theon.
They denied killing Little Walder but they killed everyone else it looks like. There's lots of theories on who killed him and who was the guy in the cloak that Theon talked to. Also there seems to be an extra sword missing in crypts. All fascinating stuff.
Maester Luwin is alive. Maybe. Probably not.


neoemonk said:
This makes more sense now that I know that Abel is Mance actually. I seem to remember the spearwives denying that they are doing the killing to Theon for some reason though, particularly in the scene in the Godswood when the drums are pounding and they snatch up Theon.

I think all they said was they didn't kill one of the Walders.

It was Big Walder that got killed, right?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
The drums were the other Umber (the one not with the Boltons), who the Iron banker tells Asha he came across when looking for Stannis. He says he was camped out in front of winterfell banging the drums waiting for Stannis.

So I jsut finished ADWD. After watching the show on HBO, I bought all 5 books and read them back to back like they were crack. I loved it, and I am in withdrawals now. If I have to wait 5 years for the next book I will lose my fucking mind.

I enjoyed the second book the most, and the 4th the least, but all of them were vastly entertaining. I did have some issues with the books though. I disliked George's tendency to go on and on and on and on and on and fucking on about the food people are eating. Sometimes it felt like half the book was just lists of ridiculous meals being consumed. And I thought some of the big deaths could have been handled better. Robb Starks for instance felt "shocking for the sake of shocking" to me. As if he decided he didn't know where to take the character and just wanted to kill him off in a way that would make the reader gasp (which I admit I did). I'm not 100% sold on where he took Brandon's story, and I got really tired of Tyrion's story being so all over the damn place. And if Jon Snow is really dead...fucking bullshit. To me he is the "hero" and in my mind I saw him being the central character when all is said and done, the man who saves the realm when everyone else stops fucking around and realizes the others are the real threat to the realm. If George really did jsut kill him off, I find myself struggling to think of another likable character to get behind and support. Dany still has potential if she stops fucking around, gets on her goddamn dragon, and starts fucking shit up. Her story in ADWD pissed me off. The beginnings made it seem like shit was about to go down. Her nephew was going to show up with Golden company, Quentyn with Dorne's support, Tyrion to be an adviser and teach her about dragons and advise her on war, the Maester Sam talked to would show up to offer council as well...it seemed like shit was going to get interesting...instead we got half a book revolving around obnoxious and unlikable characters whom I couldn't even keep straight half the time while Dany got whinier and whinier. And the Daario thing was ridiculous.
Still...I liked it, and I am dying for more.
I was doing my re-read and noticed that one translation of Tyrion's ship out of Volantis is "the flowery steward" which also could be a perfumed seneschal that Dany was warned about. Reznak is the obvious perfumed seneschal, maybe to throw people off? TWOW also needs chapters of Barristan, Skahaz, and Grey Worm kicking ass and taking names.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Advance_Alarm said:
I was doing my re-read and noticed that one translation of Tyrion's ship out of Volantis is "the flowery steward" which also could be a perfumed seneschal that Dany was warned about. Reznak is the obvious perfumed seneschal, maybe to throw people off? TWOW also needs chapters of Barristan, Skahaz, and Grey Worm kicking ass and taking names.

Damn, nice catch.


neoemonk said:
There's a Theon chapter where the war drums start outside Winterfell, but then later on in the book Stannis' host hasn't moved yet. Who was banging the drums? Also, who was doing all the killing in Winterfell? Was it the old Reek, still around?

Bolton's letter to Jon says that Stannis is dead, but that's a lie, right? Otherwise Theon and Jayne would be back. Some of the letter is true, that's why I'm confused.

Chapter: The Sacrifice, Page 825:

"Friends," a half-familiar voice replied. "We looked for you at Winterfell, but found only Crowfood Umber beating drums and blowing horns. It took some time to find you."

I barely remember there being a first Reek heh. Don't know what became of him. I'm thinking that Stannis is indeed still alive. Probably requesting everyone he did to ensure a formidable upper hand over Stannis since the garrison at Winterfell seems on the verge of turning against each other and want to have a sure way to claim victory. Thereby also quelling much of the dissent/rough edges of the handful of lords and their men.


siddx said:
The drums were the other Umber (the one not with the Boltons), who the Iron banker tells Asha he came across when looking for Stannis. He says he was camped out in front of winterfell banging the drums waiting for Stannis.

So I jsut finished ADWD. After watching the show on HBO, I bought all 5 books and read them back to back like they were crack. I loved it, and I am in withdrawals now. If I have to wait 5 years for the next book I will lose my fucking mind.

I enjoyed the second book the most, and the 4th the least, but all of them were vastly entertaining. I did have some issues with the books though. I disliked George's tendency to go on and on and on and on and on and fucking on about the food people are eating. Sometimes it felt like half the book was just lists of ridiculous meals being consumed. And I thought some of the big deaths could have been handled better. Robb Starks for instance felt "shocking for the sake of shocking" to me. As if he decided he didn't know where to take the character and just wanted to kill him off in a way that would make the reader gasp (which I admit I did). I'm not 100% sold on where he took Brandon's story, and I got really tired of Tyrion's story being so all over the damn place. And if Jon Snow is really dead...fucking bullshit. To me he is the "hero" and in my mind I saw him being the central character when all is said and done, the man who saves the realm when everyone else stops fucking around and realizes the others are the real threat to the realm. If George really did jsut kill him off, I find myself struggling to think of another likable character to get behind and support. Dany still has potential if she stops fucking around, gets on her goddamn dragon, and starts fucking shit up. Her story in ADWD pissed me off. The beginnings made it seem like shit was about to go down. Her nephew was going to show up with Golden company, Quentyn with Dorne's support, Tyrion to be an adviser and teach her about dragons and advise her on war, the Maester Sam talked to would show up to offer council as well...it seemed like shit was going to get interesting...instead we got half a book revolving around obnoxious and unlikable characters whom I couldn't even keep straight half the time while Dany got whinier and whinier. And the Daario thing was ridiculous.
Still...I liked it, and I am dying for more.

Yay! Someone other than me who has Clash of Kings as their favorite.
VsRobot said:
The thread title should specify unmarked spoilers for all PUBLISHED ASOIAF books. That'd solve all the issues around sample chapters, early leaks of Dunk and Egg books.

It'd even work if the thread is still around (assuming the internet is even still around in this far-flung future) during the lead-up to the next book, so there won't be any issues when cyber-Amazon accidentally does early in-brain delivery of that book.
If you can't understand that the topic title implies PUBLISHED books, then I dunno what to tell you.


Lactose_Intolerant said:
They denied killing Little Walder but they killed everyone else it looks like. There's lots of theories on who killed him and who was the guy in the cloak that Theon talked to. Also there seems to be an extra sword missing in crypts. All fascinating stuff.
Maester Luwin is alive. Maybe. Probably not.

I believe the missing sword in the crypts was taken by Bran and Rickon in A Clash of Kings.


Neo Member
Due to his behavior in the epilogue there is alot of speculation that Randyll Tarly will betray Highgarden and support Aegon. As the most able military commander in the Reach, and most likely the best in remaining in Westeros as well, that would deal a huge blow to Tyrell power.

But the Tarly's switching sides is not something that I would have originally considered. Instead, I expected House Hightower to finally enter the story by declaring for Aegon, or maybe waiting for Daenerys. For the second richest house in all of Westeros they certainly seem to have been bidding their time in the story thus far. Their interest in mysticism, connections to the Citadel and Lys, the abundance of family members, the "aloofness" of Lord Leyton; these are all things that could give them a significant role in the Winds of Winter.
neoemonk said:
This makes more sense now that I know that Abel is Mance actually. I seem to remember the spearwives denying that they are doing the killing to Theon for some reason though, particularly in the scene in the Godswood when the drums are pounding and they snatch up Theon.
They denied killing the walder. It was big walder though who killed little walder.
Blackheim said:
Chapter: The Sacrifice, Page 825:

"Friends," a half-familiar voice replied. "We looked for you at Winterfell, but found only Crowfood Umber beating drums and blowing horns. It took some time to find you."

I barely remember there being a first Reek heh. Don't know what became of him. I'm thinking that Stannis is indeed still alive. Probably requesting everyone he did to ensure a formidable upper hand over Stannis since the garrison at Winterfell seems on the verge of turning against each other and want to have a sure way to claim victory. Thereby also quelling much of the dissent/rough edges of the handful of lords and their men.
First real reek was killed by ser rodrik's men, having thought he was actually ramsay. Ramsay having disguised himself as reek, taken captive to winterfell, etc.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
elrechazao said:
They denied killing the walder. It was big walder though who killed little walder.

First real reek was killed by ser rodrik's men, having thought he was actually ramsay. Ramsay having disguised himself as reek, taken captive to winterfell, etc.

Was it "confirmed" as Walder on Walder? I think Ramsay may have been involved somehow.
So Bran is going to become like this guy eventually?



it's 4th of July in my asshole
Hope not, he needs to be like Arya. Gain all the knowledge he can and then bail out. I could believe it if any of the other families completely disregarded each other but the Stark's and The North don't forget and will FUCK THE SHIT out of anyone who messes with them.


apana said:
What do you guys think about Patchface? Melisandre said "That creature is dangerous. Many a time I have glimpsed him in my flames. Sometimes there are skulls about him, and his lips are red with blood". I was actually kind of surprised by that since I saw him as just some harmless fool but now I kind of see how people can find him creepy. I could see him viciously killing Princess Shireen and maybe finding some way to hurt The Night's Watch.

"I will lead it!" His bells rang merrily. "We will march into the sea and out again. Under the waves we will ride seahorses, and mermaids will blow seashells to announce our coming, oh, oh, oh."

I get a "Land of the Dead" vibe from this passage. Bowen Marsh seals the Wall and the Others bypass it by crossing the sea, either literally marching under the water or perhaps freezing the water to create a bridge or commandeering Cotter Pyke's ships.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Was it "confirmed" as Walder on Walder? I think Ramsay may have been involved somehow.
Not confirmed, just my theory. The obsession the two walders have with the succession of the the twins, plus the references to big walder being crueler, and them hanging with ramsay makes me believe this.
elrechazao said:
Not confirmed, just my theory. The obsession the two walders have with the succession of the the twins, plus the references to big walder being crueler, and them hanging with ramsay makes me believe this.

Isn't Big Walder the actual smaller and crueler one that was killed?


siddx said:
The drums were the other Umber (the one not with the Boltons), who the Iron banker tells Asha he came across when looking for Stannis. He says he was camped out in front of winterfell banging the drums waiting for Stannis.

So I jsut finished ADWD. After watching the show on HBO, I bought all 5 books and read them back to back like they were crack. I loved it, and I am in withdrawals now. If I have to wait 5 years for the next book I will lose my fucking mind.

I enjoyed the second book the most, and the 4th the least, but all of them were vastly entertaining. I did have some issues with the books though. I disliked George's tendency to go on and on and on and on and on and fucking on about the food people are eating. Sometimes it felt like half the book was just lists of ridiculous meals being consumed. And I thought some of the big deaths could have been handled better. Robb Starks for instance felt "shocking for the sake of shocking" to me. As if he decided he didn't know where to take the character and just wanted to kill him off in a way that would make the reader gasp (which I admit I did). I'm not 100% sold on where he took Brandon's story, and I got really tired of Tyrion's story being so all over the damn place. And if Jon Snow is really dead...fucking bullshit. To me he is the "hero" and in my mind I saw him being the central character when all is said and done, the man who saves the realm when everyone else stops fucking around and realizes the others are the real threat to the realm. If George really did jsut kill him off, I find myself struggling to think of another likable character to get behind and support. Dany still has potential if she stops fucking around, gets on her goddamn dragon, and starts fucking shit up. Her story in ADWD pissed me off. The beginnings made it seem like shit was about to go down. Her nephew was going to show up with Golden company, Quentyn with Dorne's support, Tyrion to be an adviser and teach her about dragons and advise her on war, the Maester Sam talked to would show up to offer council as well...it seemed like shit was going to get interesting...instead we got half a book revolving around obnoxious and unlikable characters whom I couldn't even keep straight half the time while Dany got whinier and whinier. And the Daario thing was ridiculous.
Still...I liked it, and I am dying for more.

The Red Wedding was planned from the beginning, I read somewhere it was originally supposed to be the end of the first book.


ZephyrFate said:
If you can't understand that the topic title implies PUBLISHED books, then I dunno what to tell you.
Then why the unending stream of posts in the lead-up to ADWD, "oh noes Imma be all spoiled up if I read this thread!", and the posts asking if sample chapters need to be spoilered? Thread title could be clearer, stop all these questions, but hey, why admit that when you could be a dick to a stranger instead?


LocoMrPollock said:
Isn't Big Walder the actual smaller and crueler one that was killed?
Little walder was killed, big walder is the smaller nicer one who was starting to get creeped out/ sick of his brothers shit in the earlier reek chapters


Read all five published books this summer just finished the latest yesterday.

I really hope Millisandre can pull some Beric zombie ish on Jon.

This series has taught me to expect every character I like to suffer horribly, but when Jon was announcing his plans I was pumped but in the back of my head I knew he was fucked since ghost was so angry (like Grey Wind before Red wedding etc). So so so bummed. The only characters left alive I root for are all disfigured in some horrible way.
Pkaz01 said:
Little walder was killed, big walder is the smaller nicer one who was starting to get creeped out/ sick of his brothers shit in the earlier reek chapters

Nah, I think it's the other way around. It's a bit confusing because of their names. But Big Walder is actually the smaller cruel one, while Little Walder is physically bigger, but somewhat kinder.

EDIT: NVM, you're right.

Anyone know if the full chapter from Winds that George read has been posted anywhere?


LocoMrPollock said:
Nah, I think it's the other way around. It's a bit confusing because of their names. But Big Walder is actually the smaller cruel one, while Little Walder is physically bigger, but somewhat kinder.

I believe Big Walder is the dead one.

Anyone know if the full chapter from Winds that George read has been posted anywhere?

Sorry, but it's the other way around. Big Walder is the smaller one, but the nicer one. Little Walder is younger, but larger and more evil.

Little Walder died: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Walder_Frey_(Little)


rando14 said:
Assuming Jon is dead, I wonder who the new Lord Commander will be.

Assuming Jon is dead there will be no Crow vs. Free Folk peace and Tormund/Torregg/etc will rampage over the remnants of the black cloaks.

Just realized I may have to wait 3-5 years to find out if Jon is alive....FUUUUU wish I didn't read all 5 in like 9 weeks. Oftentimes losing a night of sleep accidentally reading from 11 to 5 am.


LuchaShaq said:
Assuming Jon is dead there will be no Crow vs. Free Folk peace and Tormund/Torregg/etc will rampage over the remnants of the black cloaks.

Just realized I may have to wait 3-5 years to find out if Jon is alive....FUUUUU wish I didn't read all 5 in like 9 weeks. Oftentimes losing a night of sleep accidentally reading from 11 to 5 am.

Ah that's a good point. Aren't there some Free Folk-only castles? Kinda like a civil war within the Black. Interesting, though heartbreaking.

Of course, Melisandre is still at the Wall, who knows what she'll do.
I can't wait for Martin to start building momentum for the Starks, assuming he ever will. He's been shitting on them this whole series.

Why the hate George, why?!?!
rando14 said:
Ah that's a good point. Aren't there some Free Folk-only castles? Kinda like a civil war within the Black. Interesting, though heartbreaking.

Of course, Melisandre is still at the Wall, who knows what she'll do.
tormund has command of one iirc, but he's still at castle black.


wiggins022 said:
I can't wait for Martin to start building momentum for the Starks, assuming he ever will. He's been shitting on them this whole series.

Why the hate George, why?!?!

I don't think he has been shitting on them, just showing that the "good guys" don't have some kind of magical protection. Think of the kind of stuff the "bad" characters have had to go through: Tywin is dead and killed by his own son, Jaime got his hand cut off, Theon was tortured and driven crazy, Cersei faced horrible humiliation. In real life people who are good and are trying to change some kind of bad status quo routinely have to go through much worse than the Starks ever went through.
Azrael said:
I believe the missing sword in the crypts was taken by Bran and Rickon in A Clash of Kings.

Hodor, Osha, and Meera all took swords. Granted its been a long time.

There were 4 swords missing from the crypts.

One theory is that someone had been living in the crypts. There's the man in the cloak that knows Theon when they pass each other by. Where did this man come from. Possibly could be a split personality of theon too. Guy is messed up mentally now.


Lactose_Intolerant said:
Hodor, Osha, and Meera all took swords. Granted its been a long time.

There were 4 swords missing from the crypts.

One theory is that someone had been living in the crypts. There's the man in the cloak that knows Theon when they pass each other by. Where did this man come from.

Whoever took the sword did not bring a sword to Winterfell him/herself and knew about the crypts and might hide there (sometimes). Could be Mance Rayder, but probably not.

This is all assuming the missing sword is relevant. It could also have been a random looter (hah!)

Maester Luwin is most likely dead, but Wex didn't mention him and there's no mention of his body being found, which is a bit odd, but not very much so.

The man in the cloak is another enigma. It's probably not the Blackfish, Theon would recognise him for sure. We don't have many other named contenders. Again, it could have been some random dude from the past, but then, why bother?

And don't even get me started on the pink letter.

The whole Winterfell situation is total mess, I'm sure Martin dropped some clues we haven't even picked up yet, but it seems to me like most stuff is simply unknowable. He certainly gave us enough to chew on.
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